Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 109: Pursue Central World No. 3

Yu Daoqi mentioned again that he did it himself, and took off one of the opponent's legs. This is not only a mouth spray, but also a strong action.

"Okay, although it is very ugly after transformation, different paths are worth learning from." In the killing array, the life pool assists.

It is still firing indefinitely, like the supreme treasure bottle, perfect and crystal clear, and the regular light that spews out is the most divine, the most holy, and incomparably bright.

"Tear it down!" Xiaoyaozhou sent out a strong wave of consciousness.

A treasure that doesn't like to talk on weekdays, today he talks a little too much. He has a common enemy and wants to destroy the third prohibited item and smelt it in turn.

"The material is good, it's on par with me, Xiaoyao, go back and take apart a few pieces and repair your body!" Yu Dao gun said in a big way.

"The world's situation is beyond my generation. Today, I will kill the lame-legged rat generation. Let's also give the bear a piece and make up for the bear's feet." The mechanical little bear hugged his two fleshy bear paws together, and bowed with his fists there.

It stood beside Wang Xuan and couldn't help here, it could only be responsible for blinking its big eyes and showing cuteness.

Wang Xuan controlled the killing formation and kept quiet. The big red sword with the highest texture, walked on the road, and slashed towards the blurry figure frantically.

Since one is broken, let's see if you can stop breaking a leg, or just head straight!

The pattern fluctuated, like a sea of ​​stars swirling, suppressing it towards the heart of the dark sky.

"For many years, no one has dared to face me like this. To insult me ​​is to deceive the sky. I have already left a name in the sea of ​​the transcendent central world, and I control part of the authority of the central world. If you enter there in the future, you will all be destroyed. Disappear."

Dark Sky opened his mouth, and his body was gradually blurred, somewhat blurred, like a mist, avoiding all attacks.

"You're all broken, what are you arrogant about? What can I do if I beat you, bully the sky, you really dare to say it, do you deserve it? I'll let you explode in place in a while!"

"It's just a loser. You were all removed from the Transcendent Central World. What banned items ranked third, were you replaced back then?"

"This black big seal with missing corners is still alive in the world of the past. It is recorded in the database of the experiencer. You have been defeated and gone to another country!"

In this universe, whether it is Yudao Banner, Life Pond, or Xiaoyaozhou, there will never be any reverence for him.

What is the glory of the ages, even if the central world changes, he will never change. In this remote place, there is no such thing. In their eyes, the dark heart has only two states: complete and broken!

Obviously, it is impossible for them to make him complete. Since they have become mortal enemies, they will kill him!

The blurry figure and the big seal disappeared from their eyes, inexplicably, and then all the starlight dimmed and faded away, and only darkness remained in the universe, and the five fingers could not be seen.

"This thing is called Dark Sky Heart, I guess there is something to say." Wang Xuan said, he used the five-color mythological factor to motivate the first killing formation map, and kept it in a state of strong recovery at all times, with a murderous aura.

At this time, this cosmic starry sky, especially this area, had inexplicable vibrations, and the large universe that had been corrected seemed to be up and down, and there was a sound of Taoism.

The dark heart is really strong, eroding the universe, and wants to master some of the authority of the Dao in this sea of ​​stars, so as to stand at the highest place, looking down and attacking opponents.

"Well, this thing is invading the consciousness of the universe? However, he thinks too much. Today's environment of heaven and earth has changed, and it is still changing between the old and the new."

Yudao Banner is very sensitive. It was named after it. Naturally, there is a certain saying that it has discovered the secret changes in Qi.

"However, can't it be allowed to be arrogant and want to reduce our dimension? Wishful thinking. Don't even look at whose territory is here, knock him out with pure power and kill it!"

The Dark Sky Heart is indeed amazingly powerful. If he resonates with Dao in a large universe for a long time, at a critical moment, he can briefly invade and control part of the Dao consciousness of the universe.

Of course, that so-called consciousness is very hazy and vague. It is not the embodied consciousness of living beings, but the pure will of the main body of the Dao.

Normally, such a method is indeed somewhat incomprehensible. He can directly climb to the top of the pyramid and look down on the opponent below.

Now, it's doing just that!


The killing array map glows and is extremely splendid, as if there are ten thousand rules burning, illuminating the dark universe and reappearing the starlight in the distance.

Murderous aura swept across the battlefield, chaotic fire emerged, the wind of annihilation blew through, and various orders shone into the void of the universe.

No matter how the vague figure and the big seal hide, as long as they are still on the battlefield and still fighting, they cannot avoid it.

At the same moment, the Imperial Dao Banner merged with the power of the array map, soared into the sky, and hit a void.

"A small part of your domain and mine overlap." Dark Tianxin showed a figure, his expression was extremely solemn, and he said such a thing.

This means that there is a Taoism dispute between him and Yudao Banner!

Sure enough, the names of the treasures are somewhat particular, and the origin of the Royal Road Flag has a special meaning.

Yudaoqi said: "It's really unfortunate, my name is Yudaoqi, and the first killing formation is called Yudao formation. You are fighting with us this time, and you will be disabled if you don't die. It is destined to be broken today!"

Dark Tianxin was shocked. He just failed to erode the "Tianxin", and now looking at this treasure and the map, he felt particularly annoying.

Back then, when Wang Xuan first came into contact with the killing formation map in Nova's Haitian Wonderland, he knew that this type of formation was called Yudao Formation, and he had some associations at that time.

Now he understands why Yudaoqi wants to integrate the killing array map, or absorb the supreme texture of the array map. This is not a simple improvement. If it succeeds one day, there will be an amazing qualitative change.

All of this is a flash in the pan, and the battle continues.

In fact, it was very thrilling just now. If it was really successfully invaded by the dark heart of the universe, it would stand in an extremely terrifying field.

The dark heart changed again, the world was dark again, and the endless abyss engulfed the map and several treasures.

He takes on the form of an abyss, devours all races and all things, and everything can be covered by darkness, engulfed, absorbed, and integrated with it.

However, in this terrifying environment, there is a force to descend ten times, Wang Xuan controls the killing formation map, making the mythical factors boil, the light of killing robbery, and the runes of ten thousand paths, all of which are released, endlessly, never Exhausted, a gap is torn open in the dark.

In particular, there are several treasures, together with force, splitting a larger gap in the black abyss.

The Yudao flag was very fierce, and flew out alone, shaking itself with its own strength, involving the Dao struggle, it was not afraid at all, it shot a bright light in the abyss and penetrated a gap.

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The first killing array map is infinitely enlarged, and the rules of ten thousand runes are like the expansion of the universe star sea. The Imperial Dao Spear, the Life Pool, the Xiaoyaozhou, and the Great Chitian Sword all charge at the same time, and they are all invincible. There is no more terrifying attack than this.

The entire black abyss was destroyed!

A vague figure appeared in the distance, and his body was actually cut off, and the corresponding big seal on his head was also broken in two.

Following the failure of its Tianxin Domain, its Dark Avenue Domain was also broken open!

"If this is defeated, I will smash it myself." Even Xiao Yaozhou, who was seriously injured, had a strong wave of consciousness and murderous aura.

This is a fact. They are united together, with several treasures, a map, and an inexhaustible "granary". If this standard is defeated again, it is really unreasonable.

"The self-proclaimed unstoppable hand in the world, but now it's broken, beaten the drowning dog!" The mechanical bear was in charge of clapping his hands, shouting slogans in the array.

Darkness was frightened, he never thought that the appearance of Yudao Spear and Yudao Flag would be a little counter-intuitive to him. Although he was not afraid when facing him alone, but now he has encountered a nest of treasures, and he has no problems with himself. Resolved, not complete, with old cracks.


One person, one bear, and three treasures shouted together, dashed over with the formation map, and took out a big scarlet sword that couldn't speak.

A fierce battle broke out. Wang Xuan and Yu Daoqi wanted to dismantle this threatening black seal and prevent it from remaining intact. Whether it is now or in the future, it is impossible for it to become a threat.

The terrifying roar, this cosmic void is ups and downs, they have already killed into the deep space, an asteroid zone has exploded, the cosmic dust is all over, and it has been completely destroyed.

At the same time, the dark heart and the blurry shadow exploded. This was the result of the killing array map and a few treasures swooping down together, and it was firmly attached to it.

"What I said, I must do it, I will blow you up, no discussion!" Yu Daoqi said, chasing him at a high speed, he has already left the formation map, and went to catch the fragments The life pool sent out a wave of consciousness , said: "What transcendent central world has no opponent, it was broken back then, and you are still going to be defeated here."

The pursuit of the treasure is high, and the life pool and Xiaoyaozhou naturally want to take revenge, and they will not miss the opportunity to dismantle one of the strongest forbidden items.

The killing array map glowed, like a stream of stars pouring down. Wang Xuan drove the array map and chased forward. Now that the treasure hunter was crazy, he also followed the big chase, not wanting to let go of the enemy.

The dark sky was frightened and angry, and he never thought that the situation in this remote place would be worse than before.

He flew away quickly and reshaped his body in the process. However, the cracks were obvious and he could not return to normal immediately. The last time he reorganized, it took more than half a month.


Headed by Yudao Banner, Xiaoyaozhou and Life Pool followed closely, followed by Da Chitian Dao, and there was a killing formation chart, rushing past, blasting Dark Sky Heart again.

At this point, the third-ranked prohibited item, his heart is cold, he has capsized, and he can't care about reorganizing his body. All the fragments are shot at an extreme speed, scattered and submerged in the vortex of time and space, trying to escape from this place.

Today is the day when he crosses the border. He has already made an appointment. If he misses it, the problem will be very serious, and he will inevitably be swallowed alive by the few treasures behind him.

The Yudao Flag shook the time and space vortex, and the first one succeeded, a piece of debris was wrapped around the flag, and he laughed: "Disassembled!"

In the back, Life Pond and Xiaoyaozhou also came, and they were also capturing the third-ranked pieces of prohibited items, in order to obtain the method of transforming the treasure. Wang Xuan controlled the first killing formation map, and brought the big scarlet sword to the formation. (To be continued) Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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