Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 114: Time is ruthless life 0 years

Some people in the Sun family were panicked and angry, desperate and cold, especially some people were afraid, the last incident was related to them.


"Call the Fourth Fleet to attack the old land!" There was an old man in the Sun family whose eyes were splitting and angry. He was splattered with blood.


No one responded to him, and he couldn't be contacted at all. Then he floated up by himself, and turned into broken bones and blood rain with a bang in mid-air.


"There is something to say, Wang Dixian, maybe there is some misunderstanding between us. In this era, there is nothing that can't be discussed. Fighting and killing was the way to settle disputes in the old era more than a hundred years ago. It is very inhumane..."


As soon as a middle-aged man said this, he disintegrated and turned into a rain of blood.


The people of the Sun family called secretly. However, all the fleets that could attack the old land lost contact on the same day, and there was no way to pose a threat.


Right now, a mechanical bear is happily taking people to receive various types of ships. The companions include Lele, as well as members of the secret road organization of Chen Yongjie and Aoki.


Not only that, the Sun family found that the battleships cruising in the outer space of Nova could not be contacted, and everyone was pale.


Wang Xuan stood in the sky, and the sky was filled with divine light. This time, when a big hand reached down, the powerful light of the primordial spirit had already swept across, to determine who had strong hostility.


Regarding women and children, those ignorant children, and those who only have fear but no malice, no matter what their status, he let them go.


Some people's bodies flew upside down, crackling, "playing back" like dumplings, flying towards the big hand in mid-air, and then being grabbed violently, with a puff, all of their bodies and spirits were destroyed.


The Sun family occupies a very wide area. Some small and medium-sized warships opened fire, but they were all caught in the air and turned into scraps of copper and iron.


This kind of unmanageable scene shocked all Nova camps, and the top of the various organizations were stunned. In recent years, Wang Xuan has not been holy, and he has not shot at ordinary people, which does not mean that he can always tolerate and restraint.


At the moment, many people have numbness in their scalps.


Then, Wang Xuan grabbed the mother ship of the secret base outside of Corning City from the ground, shook out Robot No. 5 and shattered it in mid-air.


As for the mother ship, it was confiscated, and he was going to hand it over to the mechanical bear.


He disappeared from the spot, and in an instant, he came to Pingyuan City hundreds of miles away, where the super chaebol Qin family was located.


At this time, Qin Hong's right hand shaking the crystal glass was trembling. Years later, the old middle-aged man, the important member of the Qin family who had been ordered to bombard Li Xian in the big screen, has become a gray-haired old man.


When he saw the huge body in the sky and looked down at the Qin family below, he sat down on the jade chair dug out from the Liexian Cave Mansion.


He was scared, and knew exactly what was going on. For so many years, he was still hostile to practitioners. He had conspired with Sun Yichen's uncle and others to form a secret fleet in the deep space, ready to wait for the supernatural to disintegrate and take some action.


However, after waiting for so many years, there are still people who can practice.


The battleship that killed Wang Xuan last time was the "Death" that the fleet secretly patrolled near Nova.


At that time, after seeing the result, he immediately regretted it, and ordered silence through a special channel, destroying the battleship.


In the sky, the big hand with fog and rays of light reached down, and the first one took Qin Hong, who was slumped on the seat, to the sky.


"Back then, your son died on the new moon. On the surface, you were righteous. In fact, you wanted people who practiced the old technique to take their lives to fill the moon pit. Later, although I hated you, you were very forbearing and did not make any obvious hostility. When you get old, you can't help it? Want to hunt me? It's ridiculous." Wang Xuan's words echoed between heaven and earth.


"Wang Xuan..." Qin Hong wanted to say more, but his body was shaking, but with a puff, his whole body disintegrated.


Then, a total of five people from the Qin family flew up and exploded in mid-air, turning into a blood mist. Not many people participated.


But then more than a dozen people shot up to the sky and exploded one after another. This was someone who didn't act, but was obviously hostile, and he dealt with them together.


The Qin family's mother ship was also deprived and lost forever.


The five super chaebols rose up because they dug out five motherships from the moon and mastered the black technology ahead of the times.


On that day, Wang Xuan secretly disposed of the dormant robots in several motherships in Xinxing. These are all the former members of the experiencer, and it is not safe to keep them.


Then, the mechanical bear came and secretly went to inspect the five motherships, cleaned up their intelligent systems, and carried out various mine clearances.


As for the secret fleet in the deep space, someone saw a huge figure, and those battleships were shattered with bare hands, becoming the dust of history.


Not only the new stars, but also the great forces in the depths of the universe, no matter how powerful the organization, the mysterious camp, etc., the upper echelons are stunned.


Many of the core characters are frightened, and the awe of their souls comes from them. They don't want to mess with that person in this life. What are you kidding about obtaining the blood of the living Earth Immortal for research? That is to die.


"I was so wise back then. I stopped the loss immediately, and I never entangled with him again, and didn't take any tasks about him." The leader of the gray blood organization, after more than 20 years, is still rejoicing, wiped it off. In a cold sweat, he raised his glass and drank happily.


Initially it was the perverted Xiao Song who entrusted them, and then the Sun family and others. Wang Xuan, who had just become an extraordinary person, made them suffer a lot. Fortunately, he was very decisive, and later traded with Wang Xuan, selling him a small warship at a low price, and there was no conflict anymore.


After the Thunder attack this time, Wang Xuan didn't stay in Xinxing for a long time. After briefly visiting Zhao Zejun and Su Xuan, he returned to the old land.


After he left, this invisible storm still continued, whether it was the technology camp or the mortal Li Xian, etc., they all had a layer of goosebumps.


In the era of exhaustion, it is no longer possible for someone to demonstrate this method.


Lie Xian was eager, seeing Wang Xuan becoming more and more powerful, like a congenital **** traveling, they contacted him in various ways to find a way out.


A few months later, it has been 25 years since Chaofan came to an end, and Chen Yongjie's pair of twins are already twenty-five years old.


One day, when Lao Chen's daughter Chen Fei told him that he wanted to marry the person he liked, Lao Chen didn't recover for a long time.


"My daughter is getting married." Chen Yongjie took Wang Xuan to drink. He didn't know if he was happy or disappointed. The old father's mood was too complicated.


"It's a big joy." Wang Xuan and Lao Zhong congratulated him, and Liu Huai'an and Aoki also laughed.


Then, they went to Huang Ming's Ban Xian Tea House again, and had a small gathering with Ghost Seng, Kong Yun, Qi Lian Dao, Qin Cheng, Gu Mingxi and other people, lamenting that time passed by too quickly.


Three years later, Chen Yongjie's eldest son, Chen Rui, also told him that there was a girl he liked and that he was going to get married.


Married twice in three years, Chen Yongjie looked at himself in the mirror, that is, in his early thirties. He still has more than 100 years to live. Now that he has a grandson and his eldest son is getting married, he is speechless. to the mood of the old clock.


Wang Xuan once baptized the bodies of Chen Rui and Chen Fei when they were young, and he likes them very much. As an uncle for the two weddings, he naturally helps with the front and back.


It is a pity that although Chen Rui and Chen Fei are also practicing, they are not very devoted.


In fact, Wang Xuan's own three children also had such signs. Born in this era, the overall atmosphere of contact is not conducive to cultivation. Some of the immortals became health coaches, Zhou Yaosheng and Li Tianxian became "famous mouths", Huang Ming opened the tea fasting, and Gu Mingxi and Zhou Qinghuang changed careers to become stars.


When they saw that Li Xian's final destination was like this, it was really difficult for the new generation to raise their enthusiasm for cultivation. As they grew older, they already knew that Wang Xuan was just a special case in this era.


It was also on the occasion of the wedding that people from all sides came to contact Wang Xuan. Some people thought that he was the most unstable factor, and they were afraid that if he slid down with a big hand, some big organizations would be captured.


Wang Xuan calmed their hearts and told these people directly that he liked to live a quiet life.


Lie Xian naturally came for the new mythology road and sent it to him, but unfortunately, there is no way to promote his road so far.


"Master, congratulations." Aoki said with a smile, he is only in his thirties now, and his eldest son is in his early twenties.


"In a few more years, when it's your turn to get married, you will be able to understand my feelings." Chen Yongjie smiled.


In fact, when Aoki's daughter got married a few years later, he also had mixed feelings. As a father who did not show his age, he was both happy and disappointed.


"What does this mean?" Old Zhong, as a past person, told them that when he saw his great-grandchildren getting married, his heart would not be disturbed.


40 years after Chaofan ended, Wang Xuan's three children got married, some with girlfriends and some with girlfriends, all of them have grown up.


As he expected, whether it is Wang Ye, Wang Xin, or Wang Hui, they are not so concerned about cultivation, and only regard it as fitness.


Wang Hui likes scientific research and joined the laboratory led by Zhang Qifan. Over the years, they have produced some results, but helplessly discovered that the new drugs deciphered and researched according to the ancient recipes are mainly for Lie Xian.


These medicaments are useful to ordinary people after dilution, but they are far less effective than expected, and they need to be best taken on an extraordinary basis.


Wang Ye, Wang Xin and Wang Hui got married and had children one after another. After a long trip, Wang Zesheng and Jiang Yun never came back.


Wang Xuan searched for a long time, but couldn't find any trace of them. He was worried and helpless. In the past, he tried to communicate and roughly judged that they should be strange people.


In the 60 years since the end of the extraordinary, Zhao Zejun and Su Xuan, as well as Wu Yin's uncle Wu Chenglin, Ling Wei's father Ling Qiming, etc., have passed away one after another. If they are still alive, they range from more than a hundred years old to one hundred and ten years old. The handsome uncles and the outstanding ladies of the past, an entire generation has passed away.


In fact, the next generation, such as Zhou Yun, has also passed away. He is less than ninety years old. With such good medical conditions, it stands to reason that he will not be like this.


Mainly, when he was young, he lived a lot of fun, and he didn't exercise much.


Time is ruthless, like a knife and a sword, slashing at ordinary people.


When Zhao Zejun and Su Xuan passed away, Zhao Qinghan was very sad and kept crying. Although she had three children to persuade and comfort her, she was also sad for a long time.


"The years have also begun to leave marks on me, and I will have such a day in the near future." After calming down, Zhao Qinghan said softly.


Wang Xuan held her hand and said, "No."


80 years after Chaofan ended, Wang Xuan unexpectedly received bad news from a new star, and Wu Yin passed away.


He was disappointed, lost in thought, and then rushed to Xinxing to meet her after her old age ended.


Wang Xuan and her got acquainted very early, and in the end, the relationship between them was inseparable.


They met because of conflict, and then became friends and confidants. I never thought that she would die like this.


She never married, but she lived an elegant life. She took care of the little fox fairy and Grandmaster Ma, painted, raised flowers, lived in peace, and occasionally took the little fox fairy to see the old fox in See you again , She was covered in silver hair, with deep wrinkles around the corners of her eyes. She closed her eyes and made no sound. She lay quietly on the bed with an old ancient book in her heart.


Little Fox Immortal was lying beside the bed crying, and Grandmaster Ma was also crying silently.


"She once stepped into the supernatural and remodeled her body, so she shouldn't have left so early." Wang Xuan's nose was sore, seeing her passing away in such a silent manner that she had graced her whole life, her heart was blocked.


He picked up the book that Wu Yin said in his heart, looked at it carefully, his hand trembled suddenly, and his heart trembled.


Back then, when she first explored the secret place, Wu Yin was in danger there, thinking that she could not survive, so she left a last note. Apart from the words to her parents, the last one was to mention Wang Xuan and ask her family to send him a very important practice book. , this is the one in front of you.


Wang Xuan raised his head, even though his heart was as hard as a stone, his eyes were now sore, and he couldn't help but want to cry.


"Wu Yin, Da Wu, she may be hurt, she lives with a smile in front of everyone, but she is actually working very hard, cultivating, cultivating hardships, and wants to go on with us, but..." Little fox woo Woo crying, although it is animal language, but Wang Xuan's spiritual domain is so powerful that he can understand it. It swallowed softly, weeping continuously, and said, "She has always carefully kept this book by her side, and she often flips through it."


When Wang Xuan heard the words, he remained silent, and when he read the book, he couldn't make a sound.


Alas, post a picture of Wu Yin when she was young.

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