Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 135: Reality

The Longevity Sect is located at the intersection of the earth's veins, and the mythological factors are particularly strong. There are not only the mighty Great Mountain in the mountain gate, but also the giant lake dotted with islands, and the colorful Shensha mines.

"The earth dragon turned over, the movement was still very big, the city was split open, the house fell down, and ordinary people would suffer a lot of casualties." The real immortal of the Longevity Sect mentioned the consequences of the situation, and he was still trying to dissuade these people.

"So, if you want to stop it, then I can only ask the old senior who is in charge of this matter for help, and his real body will come to preside over." A middle-aged man with dark hair said, his eyes were as deep as the stars .

He himself is a true immortal stranded in the world, and the material of immortality is permeated, and the old senior in his mouth can imagine what level of life it is.

While speaking, he took out a golden conch, which immediately gave people a strong sense of oppression, making the real immortals tremble with fear and anxiety.

The faces of the people of the Longevity Sect have changed, and the extraordinary who can bestow this kind of conch is absolutely terrifying, and it is not something they can deal with at all.

"Mu Chuan, there's no need for that. This large cavern is a rare and extraordinary pure land, and there shouldn't be too much innocent blood flowing." The roots are snow-white and crystal clear, with a kind of detachment, blocking the black-haired real fairy Muchan holding the conch.

"Thank you, fellow Daoist, for your understanding." The people from the Longevity Sect immediately handed over their hands and expressed their gratitude to the old man who released his goodwill.

Muchuan's black hair was loose, his eyes were open and closed, like a golden lamp shining, and he said, "you and I are both low-level people, and we are not qualified to make such a decision."

"Try to fight for it. After all, there are hundreds of millions of creatures living in this cave. We should mainly read the text on the fragments of the decree, or... give up extracting the source." The true immortal Huo Meng said.

In the clouds, Wang Xuan looked down with his spiritual eyes, and at the same time applied the invisibility technique to himself, and used a pattern to cover up the qi.

"This..." The leader of the Longevity Sect is still a little embarrassed, no matter what, touching the origin of the cave will have a certain impact on this extraordinary world.

Seeing this, the black-haired real immortal Muchan, with a cold face, said directly: "There's nothing to say, we'll just respond truthfully upwards."

He held the golden conch and started to activate it. The object suddenly sent out a heart-pounding wave, and the brilliant masterpiece went straight to Xiao Han.

In the sky, some of the clouds have been washed away, and its terribleness can be seen.

Wang Xuandu had to sink into the clouds farther away, frowned, and looked at the gate of the Longevity Sect.

"Slow, allow me to wait...consider." A true immortal who was stranded in the world of Changsheng Sect said, feeling helpless, and sighed there.

At the same time, Huo Meng, whose hair was white and crystal clear, also stopped Muchan, put his hand on the golden conch, and shook his head.

Muchan sneered, turned his head to look at Huo Meng, and said, "What are you stopping me from doing? Just report it truthfully."

Then, he looked at the people of the Longevity Sect and sneered again and again. When his face was not good, there were some cyan textures appearing on his face, like scriptures and strange scenes.

Seeing this, the old leader of the Longevity Sect who had already abdicated, immediately felt terrified and his heart was trembling. He thought of a very terrifying legend.

He went to check the identities of these people and determined that they were not co-owners.

In the deep space, an acquaintance revealed to him that this group of people is not easy to mess with, and the behemoth behind them should not be afraid of the co-owners.

Now, the Supreme Leader of the Longevity Sect has a chill in his heart after seeing the "scriptures" that appeared on Muchan's skin because of his emotions.

That kind of texture, he has seen a little record in an ancient book, must not be messed with, otherwise there will be boundless catastrophe.

In the clouds, Wang Xuan was expressionless, staring at these people indifferently, but he didn't do anything out of the ordinary and was silent.

"I'll wait... I agreed." The real immortal of the Longevity Sect nodded in agreement, and after guessing the identity of this group of people, it was already cold from head to toe.

Not to mention them, even some overlords in the depths of the star field, in the long past, because of conflicts with "tattooers", they were destroyed overnight.

In the face of the **** terror, any words seem pale and powerless, even if they report it to the co-owner of this sea of ​​stars, they probably won't be able to wait for rescue.

After making a decision, the Longevity Sect immediately presented the "Forbidden First Chapter". They never thought of monopolizing this kind of classics involving the highest level of practice.

After obtaining several pages of scriptures, they will enter deep space for the first time and send them to the co-lord.

This is the reality of the transcendent world. On weekdays, everything is calm, but it is cold and warm.

At present, this situation is considered good. In some star fields, blood and chaos are everywhere. When traveling in the icy universe, the bodies of mysterious powerhouses can often be seen floating.

Muchuan took the scriptures, turned them page by page, and studied them carefully, as if he was judging the truth.

In the depths of the clouds, the runes flowed in Wang Xuan's eyes, and he was also watching, even if they were far away, the scriptures still clearly caught his eyes.

"Please enter the mountain gate, let me serve tea..."

"No, we have to go to Zixiao Palace and Wanlingjiao." Muchan refused, and the group disappeared after a while.

Next, the group immediately rushed to the next place.

Zixiao Palace, from a distance, the extraordinary factors are entwined and steamed up, and one mountain after another has the atmosphere of the ancestral land of the fairy family, which is indescribably expensive.

The sect got the latest news of the Longevity Sect right away. The two have a close relationship, and there are secret channels to communicate with each other.

At this time, even their Supreme Palace Master left the customs, and led the crowd to greet them in person.

The mighty Muchan didn't say a word, and the white-haired Huo Meng said in a down-to-earth manner, "Everyone, we have something to ask for, so please excuse me."

"We know what your distinguished guests are coming." The Supreme Palace Master of Zixiao Palace nodded, and soon asked someone to fetch the "Prohibition First Chapter" and send it out.

"The first chapter of the forbidden book you have obtained is exactly the same as the scriptures of the Longevity Sect." Muchuan raised his head, this time he was still reading the scriptures.

"Yes, the two of us have a close relationship and used to complement each other's scriptures. There is nothing missing on the whole. Only the last time, it was disturbed by a loose cultivator and missed a few pages. It's a pity."

In the night sky, Wang Xuan was blocked by the building and the magic circle, and he did not see the scriptures. However, he used the killing circle diagram to sneak into the mountain gate silently from the vortex of time and space, and heard their conversation in the distance.

He realized that he didn't have to follow it any longer. The "First Chapter of the Forbidden" that he had obtained from the Changsheng Sect, plus his unique last ten pages, the entire book was complete.

Wang Xuan left, out of sight and out of mind. From his heart, he wanted to kill this group of people, but his reason told him that now is not the time to be impulsive.

He is very serious. When he thinks about it carefully, the background behind this group of people is really terrible. It has existed for more than one era, and it has not died yet.

The tattoo artist has inherited some of the ancient books of the old saint period. If this power is maintained to the present, it is difficult to imagine how terrible it is.

The next day, there was a lot of movement, and the four major sects were dispatched together, and each took out the ancient treasures of inheritance.

On that day, the entire large-scale cave sky was humming softly, the rhythm was long, textures appeared in the sky, and immeasurable fairy lights were intertwined on the ground, which was too unusual.

At the end, some ancient characters appeared, traversing the sun and the moon, all of which were the tangible carriers of the Tao, shining brightly in the sky, like dozens of scorching suns, illuminating the past and the present.

Wang Xuan raised his head and stared with a solemn expression. The spiritual eyes were more real than others. It was not only the text, but also the embodiment of Taoism. There was also the reappearance of the dead Supreme Primordial Spirit, showing a very special fluctuation. .

"Everyone, this is not only the text we are looking for, but also the chance for you to wait. The fragments of the decree contain the blood-stained will of a certain 'sacred' in the old sage period, which may be said to be the remnants of spiritual energy."

According to Muchuan, in the past, there was a supreme creature who focused on writing the decree, which contained his consciousness. In addition, he was injured and blood splattered on the paper. Even if he had died after endless time, this decree fragment also contained special Information".

"You can get a glimpse of the primordial spirit and blood energy of a certain existence in the old era! Of course, this is very vague and can only be used as a guide for the general direction of the future."

While this group of people used memory crystals to imitate everything they saw, they generously reminded the people of the four major religions, but they did not eat alone too indifferently.

The people of the four major religions naturally imitated them at the first time, and at the same time, they suddenly realized that it is no wonder that many years ago, the co-host once came here to stare at the mountains and rivers.

Soon after, the world returned to quiet, all the ancient characters were blurred, the textures in the mountains and rivers dissipated, and the extraordinary cave world returned to normal.

This group of people did not stop, and took the "star ship" to go away and disappeared into the vast sky.

"Finally gone." Whether it is Zixiao Palace or Wanlingjiao, the high-level people let out a sigh of relief. Those people are definitely a disaster. As long as they are born, they usually do whatever they can.

"It's really humiliating!" Su Tong asked Wang Xuan for a drink and felt very humiliated. The Longevity Sect was considered to be one of the most powerful Taoists in Haichuan Xing and this extraordinary world.

However, other people came from Xinghai, just a word, let them present the supreme secret scriptures involving the Royal Dao level, and let them assist them to observe the origin of the entire cave world.

"It's nothing, it's just bowing your head to reality, there are many things in the **** Transcendent World that you haven't experienced yet!" A famous person from the Longevity Sect was also nearby, and he directly opened his mouth to educate him.

"Let's not talk about us, let's talk about Zixiao Palace, which is one of the best Taoists on this mythical planet. However, eight thousand years ago, one of their female head teachers was directly kidnapped while traveling in deep space. It is reported that she became someone else's concubine."

It seemed that it was a bit too much to mention a secret history of Zixiao Palace in front of the juniors, and the old man quickly added, "One of our ancestors was also very miserable back then. The second You haven't even won a game, can you feel the tragic situation that is suppressed to the extreme?"

Su Tong was speechless for a moment. These black blood history are really silent. He quickly looked at Wang Xuan and said, "You didn't hear anything, did you?"

In fact, that was what the elders of the sect said to him alone, using divine sense to transmit sound.

As a true immortal, Wang Xuan was right in front of his eyes, how could he not hear, but he could only "puzzle" and said, "What are you talking about?"

Next, within a small area, the disciples of the four major sects were very angry and felt humiliated. Qi Sheng, the imposing monkey of the Wanling Sect, even smashed a mountain where he was sitting.

Two days later, news came from deep space, stunned the senior management of the four major religions.

On this day, many people heard their angry roars. Within the four sects, the fairy light split the sky, and many figures appeared, riding the starship into the sky.

"Chase, don't let them go, it's too much to deceive the immortals!" In this large cave, the real immortal-level powerhouses who were stranded in the world were dispatched, and it was simply unbearable.

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