Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 146: 5 body cast

Wang Xuan is really hot, he didn't provoke anyone, he was always in low-key retreat, and as a result, some people still wanted to "educate" him.

He scribbled down his name on the flying paper, challenged him, and he would not refuse anyone who came. Seeing him in the **** arena, he would not be held responsible for killing him.

"Put your nose on your face, right? How can I have time to accompany you to toss." With this time, he might as well study the general direction of Yu Dao Hua.

Alas, he has never left the gate of the academy until now. As for the city where the academy is located, the futuristic fairy city, he has never gone out for a stroll.

"You agreed so soon?" A woman was surprised, her eyebrows were very light, her red lips were sexy, and she was trimming her crystal clear nails.

Originally, she thought that she would have to shoot Su Tong and Ling Xuan a few more times before she could force the freshman who couldn't stand it and fight back.

"Good thing, teach him how to behave early, but he can't think of it, he wants to go to the Scarlet Arena? He wants to die." Meng Zelin said.

His entire face had collapsed, his bones were full of cracks, and it was only repaired by the pain of death, he said solemnly: "Sister Kou, arrange a few ruthless characters, it is best not to kill him, otherwise it will be easily criticized and disabled. That's it!"

Kou Ping was young and beautiful, glanced at him, and said, "Don't worry, I'm measured, I know his mind and behavior better than you, let's go."

She waved her white, slender hands, a little disgusted, and said, "It's not easy to do things, and someone has broken the bridge of the nose and collapsed the eye sockets. Don't be an eyesore here."

Meng Zelin was in a dull mood: "I was suddenly attacked by him, and then he called people quickly. I was afraid of attracting onlookers, so I didn't kill him."

He bowed slightly and backed away. Although he also worked for the man with an amazing background, he knew that Kou Ping was the direct descendant of the ordinary-looking young man.

"What, the black-faced **** is also going to end, and I don't know how to move forward?" Wang Xuan received the news again, this time it was an online projection of the academy, and the words appeared in front of him, accompanied by voices.

"That's right!" he said murderously.

Seeing each other again, the black-faced **** is very puzzled. The stinging temper of this freshman is really stinky and hard. He hasn't gotten over it yet, and the other party shows him his face, and it's murderous.

He was a little suspicious, if he came at the wrong time, shouldn't he hit a gun?

"Junior, please, I won't bully you. Fighting and killing is the behavior of a vulgar savage. Let's go to the study to talk about the scriptures, and wander in the vast scrolls to prove what we have learned."

The black-faced **** looks like a ferocious god, but he wants to have a quiet look. Using this style to learn from each other, Wang Xuan... wants to beat him even more!

Wang Xuan didn't say anything, and walked directly to the study room, but he stopped quickly and said, "If you go to the study room to read the scriptures, I have nothing to contribute, and you are responsible for it."

"No problem." The black-faced **** nodded with a smile, no matter how soft his face was, he still looked like a villain, even with a gentle smile, it was a bit hideous.

In the past few days, he has been a little worried, afraid that Wang Xuan will really survive the sixth calamity, causing An Hong, who he followed, to go bankrupt, and his contribution value will also be lost.

After thinking about it, he was going to learn from the scriptures and break through Wang Xuan's state of mind, so that he did not have the confidence to face the last calamity of the Thunder and Fire Six Tribulations.

"Look, the grandson of the black-faced **** is going to bully the newcomer again, so no one will take care of it?" Someone whispered, but did not dare to go forward.

"This new student is also a thorn and can't be stimulated. Is this going to fight with the black-faced **** in the scroll?"

Hula a group of people gathered around and followed into the study.

This is a special place in Pingtian Academy. There are scriptures, chess, calligraphy and painting, and some strong family's Yuanshen genealogy map. This is a peaceful and peaceful area.

Here, there are bookshelves, special scriptures placed on the high platform, and secret scriptures hanging in the air, all combined to give people a sense of tranquility.

The environment is naturally good. There are fairy orchids growing in the flowerpots on the bookshelf, and the fragrance is wafting out. A red-gold vine swaying across the high platform with the scrolls swaying, and the vine flowers are sprinkled with a little light.

Some students are reading quietly here, without any noise, they are very absorbed, and their thoughts and feelings seem to resonate with each other. It is a place for enlightenment.

Wang Xuan looked at it and went straight to find a place where no one was there to sit down.

The black-faced **** sat opposite, identified by the light of the primordial spirit, and automatically paid the contribution value, and the two were ready to enter the scroll to talk about the scriptures.

"Let's talk about the path of Yuanshen's mutation, and the relationship with the catastrophe." The black-faced **** said with a smile.

"This dog has a bad heart. Knowing that the other party is going to save the calamity, he still wants to start in this area, so as to ruin the other party's state of mind." Someone whispered.

"Yes." Wang Xuan didn't care.

On a high platform, an ancient book with a soft glow was opened, and with two swoops, they took their spirits in, and the two entered the world of scriptures.

"The extraordinary change originated from the mutation of the primordial spirit. Everything is mortal, and only the spirit can last forever. When it accumulates to interfere with the real world..." In the world of the book, the black-faced **** said.

"There is so much nonsense, the starting point is wrong, the physical body affects consciousness, and the spirit without flesh and blood is a ghost, and it is scary after mutation. In the end, you will not be yourself."

Wang Xuan was rude, he came up with Dafa of the spiritual coffin, and he wanted to parasitize in his primordial spirit in the spiritual realm and play with him well.

What theories? It is to embody the meaning of the scriptures in the book, and then discuss it, saying that it is a matter of sitting and discussing the Tao, but it is actually a kind of competition, and it is barely a literary fight.

"The way of demons, the way of parasitic possession!" The black-faced **** screamed, retreating extremely quickly, like avoiding snakes and scorpions, with rune light blooming all over his body, preventing the other party from entrusting his spirit into the spiritual realm.

He's a little lost, does this new student change three times a day? When I first met, the strength seemed to be not very good, but now it is actually so strong.

He is quite exhausted now, and he is secretly shocked. The Thunder Fire Six Tribulations Method is worthy of being one of the few scriptures that can improve the aptitude of the root bone and the primordial spirit.

The next moment, Wang Xuan's spiritual body glowed and was submerged by the golden ocean. His mouth was full of lotus flowers, and he ran the "Sakyamuni Sutra", which was the most suitable for saving opponents.

However, he changed his face and replaced it with his own image, becoming a **** statue standing in the heaven and earth, huge and boundless, flowing with golden light, as if looking down on ants and insects, constantly chanting scriptures, and the sky was chaotic for a while, and the ground was overflowing with sweet springs.

One after another, huge golden lotuses smashed towards the black-faced god.

Although Wang Xuan is a sacred dharma, he is murderous, and the lotus flowers flying out of his mouth are endless, all of which are the embodiment of rules and supernatural powers.

For a time, the black-faced **** was smashed and smashed, and the spells were constantly broken. The various scriptures that he displayed, all kinds of manifested magical techniques, etc., were all melted by the petals falling violently from the opponent's mouth. Total suppression.

Later, his whole body was smashed and shuddered by the various petals of scriptures that emerged from the other's mouth, and then cracked, and the primordial spirit was penetrated.

Then, he was suppressed. Not only was he unable to move, but he was in awe from the bottom of his heart.

Wang Xuan found that when he incarnated into the god-like Qin Cheng, after reciting the scriptures, it was really easy to use, and at the same time suppressing his opponent, he actually made him convert.

"World Honored Qin Cheng, I was wrong, I shouldn't be angry, I shouldn't have delusional thoughts, I shouldn't have malicious intentions..."

The black-faced **** was suppressed and crawled on the ground to kowtow, his eyes changed, and when he kept vomiting blood, he actually had a little pious devotion.

The reaction in the outside world is also very terrifying. Wang Xuan's whole body glows with golden light, which is sacred and peaceful, his body is sacred and flawless, and his precious appearance is solemn. The black-faced **** was vomiting blood, and his spirit was fed back to his body. He was about to split, and his body shook violently.

With a swoosh, their spirits returned, and the black-faced **** who was in a dazed state didn't know where he was. He looked up and saw Wang Xuanhou, coughing up blood and bowing his head down.

His state has not yet escaped from the world of scrolls, and he is in a state of being suppressed, repenting: "World Honored One, I was wrong..."

The real body of the black-faced **** was trembling, the primordial spirit was injured, and the mental shock was disorderly, causing problems with the physical body, bleeding from the seven orifices, and kowtowing there.

"This... the black-faced **** is crazy?"

"What's crazy, this is obviously because of being educated to the point of being mentally disordered, and actually throwing himself on the ground, calling for the master!"

World Honored One, it was misunderstood that it was called Master, and many people were stunned.

"Niuben, new students bully old students, teach the villains to be human in minutes!"


On that day, the news was extremely sensational. All parties were a little dazed and felt very dreamy. The evil-looking black-faced **** wept bitterly, knelt at the feet of a newcomer, and called out to the master. !

What script is this? Everyone thought it was outrageous.

However, some people filmed it and uploaded it to the academy website, which immediately caused students from the upper and lower academies to check in and watch, tsk tsk amazement.

After An Hong heard the news, he was stunned for a long time. The people around him were usually very tough, but how could his knees become soft today, so useless?

After the black-faced **** sobered up, he had the feeling of wanting to die. He stood up as soon as possible and said that his opponent had cultivated evil methods, but he could put his spirit in the opponent's spiritual realm. , he... was bullied.

That's right, he admitted it himself, and he was humiliated and oppressed by the freshman, which immediately caused a sensation.

"This is when the wicked met the devil, and they were cleaned up. The black-faced **** also has such a day, haha..." Many people gloat over the misfortune.

"Everyone, I think the newcomer is too outstanding. It is too much to humiliate the senior brothers in the academy at will, and it should be beaten."

"It's not easy for us. As a senior brother, if you are a little stronger, you are said to be bullying the newcomer, but in fact, it is the newcomer who is forcing the old student to kneel. Don't think the black-faced **** is ridiculous, and you and I have no light on your face."

"I decided to educate him to be a man, what kind of thing, where is the madman!"

There is no doubt that this is the person arranged by Kou Ping who is going to end the game. Originally, he was going to make a bad move, but now he just won't fall into the limelight. First, he will put a big hat on the opponent, and then he will challenge him, whether it is crippling or extreme. Killing him under circumstances doesn't seem to be too much.

Soon, news spread that the thorns among the newcomers were too much, causing "public anger", and some senior brothers wanted to educate him, and two days later, they would face off in the **** arena.

"This is a bit too much, do you want to divide life and death?"

"Many pairs of eyes are watching, even if it is a powerful person in the upper court, they don't want to cause too much trouble and leave a bad name, but it is estimated that the freshman will be disabled."

Some people have analyzed that the freshman is going to have bad luck, everything has been arranged, there is a high probability that he will become a disabled person, and it will end in gloom.

"Brother Qin, why did you agree? You should refuse. That's the **** arena, where life and death really don't matter." Su Tong, Ling Xuan and others from Haichuanxing were all surprised and found Wang Xuan, who just found out information.


Two days later, Wang Xuan came and boarded the Scarlet Arena.

This place is very empty. The high platform made of rare materials for refining the cave is wide enough and flowing with fairy energy. The place is very strong, so there is no need to worry about being broken.

A total of five people lined up, ready to end the game to pick up the thorny freshmen. They were all notorious characters in the academy, and they were not the masters of peace on weekdays.

"One of them... is actually a person from the upper court, ruthless!"

"Although none of these five people have become immortals, they are all ruthless characters with outstanding combat power, **** hands, and have killed many people in the hunting battlefield outside the academy."

A large number of people came to watch the battle, all wondering, who arranged this? It seems that this freshman has offended a powerful person, and some people don't want to let him go!

Not to mention other people, just the strongman in the upper court is not something he can fight against. It is a hurdle that cannot be overcome. This person in the upper court has long been able to become an immortal, but in order to polish the flawless perfection state, he has been suppressing it. The thing is to go further in the future.

However the development of things was a bit unexpected.

One of them had just come off the stage, driving the endless Sun Fire Essence, showing the Golden Crow Dharma, traversing the sky, and when he slaughtered Wang Xuan, there was a puff... it exploded.

The second person was also in the arena. Originally, he didn't care much and didn't follow the rules. He crossed the line. He sat on the blood-colored arena, his legs entered the limit, and he was dangling there.


A dazzling fairy light flew over, so huge that he couldn't even react, and his legs... shattered, blood and broken bones splattered.

The war is the end of the war, and everything is over? !


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