Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 152: tempted

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Chapter 152 of the New Chapter 152 of the Text Volume Beyond Deep Space The tempted black-haired young man walked over. He was dressed in azure clothes, with long hair like black ink with crystal light. His appearance was quite outstanding, and he was elegant and confident.

However, the way he casually waved to several limit breakers in Pingtian Academy and let them disperse, directly annoyed Hong Teng.

"This is the head, the daffodils are fine, what kind of garlic cloves. When you wave your sleeves, the world will roll back to your own star field because of you.

He is an activist. Seeing that the man in Tsing Yi was not pleasing to the eye, he immediately took action. The whole person slanted up and stepped on the other side.

Yan Que hurriedly followed up, he knew the man on the opposite side was powerful, this was his business, he couldn't let Hong Teng directly swear to the other side for his success.

Sure enough, the black-haired man was not a simple person, he still strode with a smile, volleyed into the sky, at an abnormal speed, and the power of time revolved around his body.

As soon as he pointed at Hong Teng, he clicked over, and around him, the grass and trees outside the mountain gate skyrocketed wildly, and then aged, withered to death, and instantly seemed to have experienced

Countless years, the delicate flower buds fade away and become fly ash.

Yan Que rushed out together with Hong Teng, put his left hand on Hong Teng's shoulder, and forcefully pulled him back, using his own strength to get to the front.

This scene fell in Wang Xuan's eyes, and he felt that the sparrow was okay. When I first met, I didn't have a good impression of him.

Chinchilla's right hand affects the stability of the space. One-handed seals, grains of sand, like small worlds after another, are raised from his right hand.

Then came the roar of the void,

The sand flowing with strange power blocked the erosion of the years, and Yan Que's right hand slammed out, colliding with the opponent's fingers that flowed the power of time.

There was no sound, and there was no big explosion between the two, but there was an inexplicable white mist, and there were terrifying textures that were intensely intertwined.

In the end, between the two, grains of crystal sand filled the years and returned to peace, while the void seemed to be missing a large piece in silence, and it took a long time to

It is useless to doubt, the simple confrontation just now is actually extremely dangerous, and it contains unpredictable power of rules.

Even Wang Xuan was staring at it, the textures reflected in his eyes, while researching and pondering, the background and inheritance of these two people are absolutely amazing.

"Okay, sparrow, all these years, you have been wandering outside alone, finding a different way and living your own life." The most useless poor creature in the family, weak and powerless

The quality sparrow, there are actually some ways, you can raise your head and go home.

The black-haired man said with a strange expression, looking at the chaffinch.

He said the name of a group just now, but before he spoke, a large number of crystal grains of sand flowed out from the fingertips of the bird, resonating with the void, roaring, and obliterating the

The name of the ethnic group, I don't want him to say it.

"Nian Mo, shut up, if you want to fight, do it right away. If you want to talk about the get out of here!" Yan Que said with a sullen face, obviously she knew this man, but

But not in harmony.

The black-haired young man named Nian Mo has an outstanding temperament and a strong immortal aura. He smiled and said, "Okay, it's much tougher than before."

"It's an eyesore, just kill him!" The dark-faced, strong-bodied Hong Teng stood up again. He was always an activist, and he was about to start again.

"Black thief, shut up and show some respect!" Behind Nian Mo, a man bathed in the sun's fire essence came over.

There is a distance away, the void here has been burned and collapsed. His long golden hair is very bright. This person is very strong. He came forward for Nian Mo and scolded Hong Hong.

mandarin duck.

Hong Teng's temper is indeed hard and explosive. At the beginning, not only was the **** Qi Sheng slapped with a slap on the back of his head, but it was rumored that even the dean's ninth grandson gave him one more look because he said

He was dark-skinned, and he gave him two big slaps.

Now, he naturally couldn't bear it, he rushed over with a swoosh, and he was at two extremes with the other party.

He seemed to be standing in the black scorching sun, with black flames all over his body.

"Under the Nine Serenities, the Black Fire Crow, I didn't expect that there are aliens like you in this era. I thought they were all extinct." The blond man said, not at all.

With a thud, the two of them collided directly with a monstrous immortal fire, without any fancy tricks.

The sun's fire essence is grand and magnificent, with billions of golden rays, surging, with endless golden flames, drowning Hong Teng in it.

But Hong Teng didn't care much. The pores all over his body were open from head to toe. He stood in the black sun, and behind him was a terrifying black magic bird.

Boundless, opened his eyes, cold and ruthless, the moment the fierce bird opened his mouth, the spring eats the sun and fire essence.

"Blind your dead fish eyes, is the lord a bird? I just found a crow's egg from Jiuyou to practice. And you soft egg, come here for me!'

Hong Teng is really stinky and hard, with a vicious face, behind him,

The fluctuation is extremely amazing, like the starry sky is breathing, like the ocean is rising and falling, and the black firelight turns into a wave, backlashing against the sun fire essence and the blond man.

In an instant, the two flew at high speed and kept colliding, some devoured the fire essence, and some erupted immeasurable immortal fire.

In their fierce confrontation, the immortal fire burned, melted the sky, and destroyed the ground. Outside this immortal mountain, a large area of ​​land and mountain peaks melted away, and the **** opened to the door, lava

A sea-like scene.


Hong Teng retreated, blood dripping from the corners of his mouth, but he was laughing. Behind him, the huge black demon was manifested, and the real image was as high as the sky.

The beak opened and swallowed - a bright golden sun!

He smiled arrogantly, frivolously, the black light in the flesh contained golden light, and its firelight was mutating.

In the distance, the blond man staggered back, his chest was torn open, and his heart was missing 60%. There, the sun immortal fire raged and attacked him.

"Thank you, your immortal fire source is still alive and can support me for a while." Hong Teng grinned happily, and his face became more and more vicious.

He rushed over directly, and was about to completely tear the blond man on the opposite side.

The man stepped back, and then, the people behind Nian Mo forced them over to meet the murderous Hong Teng.

At the same time, An Hong, Chengtian, Cai Wei and others stepped forward to express their solidarity to the outside world.

The black-haired young man's eyes were slightly cold, and he said, "It's a bit too much, I don't want to embarrass you, but your people have taken away most of the origins of the people on my side, making me embarrassed.

"If there's anything to worry about, let's kill it." Yan Que's fingertips -- grains and grains of sand are flowing, ready to shoot. Hong Teng is shooting for him, and he can't do it himself.

Can step back.

--The picturesque woman who has been watching the play, now finally speaks, grinning at the chaffinch, her long silver hair is radiant, her face is extremely beautiful,

The Yingbai face that is about to be broken is particularly bright.

"Liuguang, it's been so many years, it seems that you went to practice the double cultivation practice, and the holy power came out to show off your splendid name?" Yan Que said, not polite, straight

Picking up the name of the exercises she has mastered is not a good reputation for a woman.

The silver-haired woman named Liuguang was not angry, and she had a very high-spirited nature and said, "Yo, it's really heartless, I still remember that the pure little sparrow gave me the Heavenly Tribulation Grass back then.

In one scene, that strange thing is still planted by me in the medicine garden, bathing in thunder and growing.

She smiled and said: "In the beginning, I refused for your own good, you are too young, you see, through the tempering of time, the weak little sparrow did not have its wings gradually hardened.

Did you kill my two capable generals quietly a few years ago, it's time to fight.

From the words of Liu Guang and the black-haired youth Nian Mo, it is not difficult to guess that the situation of the former swallow bird was not very good, and was pinched to death.

Yan Que himself once said that he has no talent and no roots, even his appearance is very ordinary, he has a weak personality since childhood, and he is not welcome in his own family.

Drifting outside.

"Bitch bitch, who are you showing here?" Qi Miao said, her whole body was covered with mechanical armor, very cool, she also glanced at Yan Que and said, "Men

Ah, they are all virtuous, this kind of demonic spirit, a woman who practices double cultivation, will be moved even if she is the most beautiful woman in the world, how can you have any vision?

A red lotus imprint on the center of her eyebrows glowed, and she looked cold and disdainful, which made Yan Que a little embarrassed, and even others were criticized.

"I was young and ignorant in the past." Yan Que sighed.

Liu Guang was not angry, looked at Qi Miao, and said: "Opening your mouth is a holy merit, you are innocent and I am innocent, and I cannot be forgiven. There are red lotuses between the eyebrows, the reincarnated great master will not turn back to me.

Teach you to practice the holy power, and we will enlighten together.”

Then she looked at Nian Mo and asked him if he wanted to expel the irrelevant people first and join forces to enter Xianshan.

"You, me, and sparrows are all old acquaintances. It's not good to end the game in person, tear your face, and spread it to the circle later. How bad is it." Nian Mo said.

He looked at Yan Que and said, "We don't use power to oppress people, and we don't rely on people to join forces to bully you, so let's get two people out of your side and make a quick decision.

Although he was calm, he was actually cold. The origin of someone on his side was dug up, so naturally he had to be ruthless and ask for an explanation.

In all three games, he was ready to let powerful people go, and at worst, he had to tear the opponent's foundation. As for the swallow itself, he was not good at doing it in public.

"Daffodils, come here, I'll kill you directly this time!" Hong Teng was indeed the wildest and fiercest, and the first one who couldn't help but couldn't stand his arrogance and detachment.

Nian Mo's face suddenly darkened, he had a high status, and was provoked by that black boy again and again, but it was not easy to end the game in person, so he ordered the general and said, "Mingdao, you

go and collect him!,

A man came out, dressed in black robe, the power of immortality was restrained, he was like a black hole, as if he could devour all laws.

"Don't go there." Wonderfully opened his mouth, stopped Hong Teng, and said, "His body is like an abyss, and he has top-notch treasures on him, which is suitable for me to shoot.

A pair of metal wings spread out on her body, gracefully and swiftly, swooping towards the black-robed man.

The black-robed man stood there, and instantly turned into a black hole, and a black bottle appeared, hanging in place of him, swallowing everything.

What firelight, rules, time and space, etc., seem to be the objects it swallows, quite terrifying, like a prototype of a "Dao bottle".

-In an instant, Qi Miao swooped forward, a crimson lotus flower flew out from the center of her eyebrows, submerged into the black hole, and put the black bottle into the lotus flower.

The petals closed in an instant, and the red clouds were billions of strands, tearing the black hole, with a thud, the man in black robe was full of blood, and his body was full of cracks, reappeared, and fell down with his head up.

On the ground, the light of the primordial spirit is quickly extinguishing.

With a click, a crisp sound came from the red lotus, the black bottle seemed to be broken, and the lotus was shining brightly, directly extracting the regular texture of the aquarium, the moment the petals opened.

Black debris rustled.

The red mark returned to Qi Miao's eyebrows, and she retreated.

The man on the ground died, and his Yuanshen collapsed. The Qibao who wanted to develop a "Dao Bottle" was related to his life, and the core of his Yuanshen was actually placed in it.

This scene moved everyone, Nian Mo, Liu Guang and others were all looking at the scarlet lotus mark on Qi Miao's eyebrows.

"Those who prevent me from entering the mountains to search for opportunities are like murdering my parents." An Hong, the bankrupt, stood up. He walked forward with a silver spear in his hand.

"They are all limit-breakers who have practiced for many years. If they fight like this, anyone who dies is a loss. It is too late for powerful characters to fight against each other. Is there any new

People who have become immortals, if something goes wrong, we can also help resolve it.

Streamer opening, slender,

With silver hair like waterfalls and a flawless face, she suggested that the newcomers should face off.

Beside her, a woman suddenly stood up, with long dark green hair, a beautiful face, peaceful and quiet, and said, "The newcomer, it's less than three years before he has become an immortal.

"An Hong, come on, see what I do." Wang Xuan, who was standing behind, found that An Hong, Chengtian, Jiwei and others were all looking at him.

"She said that it will be three years for three years to become an immortal, maybe three hundred years!" Wang Xuan said.

"I swear to Dao that I became an immortal in less than three years, and I am less than three hundred years old." The dark green long-haired woman, surrounded by immortal energy, walked over lightly.

"She stood up like must have something special, but, you broke the limit three times, at this time, you can't justify it without showing your fangs." Cai Wei said.

Nian Mo said: "Come on, someone is approaching, this immortal mountain is not easy, maybe there is a way for people to start taking the road of imperialization in the realm of real immortals.

The mysterious inheritance of , in the past, our acquaintances were people, but some people had obtained this kind of supreme secret book.

"There is actually an inheritance in the world that allows the level of the ascension to become an immortal to be able to embark on the path of imperialization." Wang Xuan was heartbroken.

Yes, if you can start to accumulate in the stage of ascension to the immortal, you will naturally be far superior to your peers, and the future of the imperial path may not be vague!"

"Then what are you waiting for, that woman, come on, let's talk about life and death in one move!" Wang Xuan said, and quickly added: "I, Qin Cheng, have less than fifteen days to become an immortal!"

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