Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 169: full load

In front of the hut, after the man heard his words, his face was cold, how fresh, passing by? Entering a family's important secret realm, who are you deceiving!

Wang Xuan was very serious and said, "Whether you believe it or not, I'm really lost. I sat in the old hall and slept with alcohol in the afternoon. When I wake up again, this world has changed."

Speaking of which, chaotic currents flowed through his body, and the obscure fluctuations were a little squeamish. This was the first killing formation that was recovering, and he was not in the mood to accompany the other party.

This abnormal energy made the man awe-inspiring, and he took a few steps back. The runes were intertwined near the hut, the void around him collapsed, and his pupils shrank.

The aura of killing robbery flowing in the first killing array, even if it only overflows, is like the awakening of an ancient beast, making the man suspicious.

Could it really be that an old guy from the prehistoric era accidentally broke in and passed by here?

"Lady, what era is this? I just took a nap, the world has changed a lot, the transcendent light sea has changed, and the wasteland of the backyard has become someone else's secret realm. Who are you, how did you get here? , there is a boy shepherds the dragon gate, who did not play hard when he was young, and gave up his pen, ink and paper, the boss was saddened to make a net in front of the stream to fish for a living..."

The middle-aged man stepped back, his body tense, who is this, Hu Lielie? Or, it is really a revived old monster who broke free from the shackles of time and suddenly appeared in this era.

He is not a hairy boy, he is responsible for guarding this place, his identity is no trivial matter, and he naturally understands some of the more secret major events in the history of transcendence.

The other party vaguely mentioned several super-prohibited items, some of which have long since disappeared, and later generations have long known about them, which made him suspicious.

Then, he saw that the infinite divine light burst out and slashed towards him.

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When Wang Xuan activated the first killing formation, it was directly a piece of killing light, which turned into scriptures, suppressed from the sky, and wanted to strangle this person.

In fact, although this man had doubts, he also did not hesitate. He had just exercised his "authority" to activate the great formation in this area.

No matter who came, he had no sense of reverence. His ancestors were high above the ground, and they united with the true saints to kill the fishermen and others in the "Daohai".

The ancestors are murderous, and this man is also very decisive and wicked. He controls the space-time magic circle.

This is a super teleportation formation, he doesn't care who is coming, it is definitely not easy to get in, just leave it to the ancestors to kill.

Wang Xuanhan's hair stood upright, and the first killing formation broke out. He felt strongly uneasy, and the formation flew out, and the big formation here must not be activated.

His supernatural perception was triggered instantly, and his intuition told him that once he left this place, he would die immediately, and any means would be useless.

At this moment, Lian Yudaoqi was disturbed, and a golden texture flowed out, tearing apart a corner of the great formation, and then dormant again.

Instead of letting go, it began to move the flag, remove all traces, and cut off the causal threads of Wang Xuan and the various threads here.

There are creatures of the highest level who have stopped here. If they really come here to trace back in the future, they will be able to find it and Wang Xuan along the way.

The place where the true saints stand, carrying the avenues, is very terrifying and troublesome.

When it comes to creatures at this level, there is no trivial matter, and great cause and effect will be entangled.

After the array map flew out, it was very domineering, and its murderous aura was boiling, like the river and sea bursting, sweeping this super teleportation array, destroying the core area.

At this time, the black fishing net felt something, and it also killed it, directly covering the world, covering the man and the remaining magic circle together.

Wang Xuan resolutely withdrew, and the killing formation map was draped over his body, constantly flowing the chaotic energy, erasing the aura he was contaminated with.

The super **** senses warning, which is extremely rare. He communicated with Yudaoqi and knew that it had been awakened and was actively cutting off various traces.

This made him a little relieved. If he didn't have super prohibited items on his body, even if he succeeded temporarily, he would die miserably after coming to this kind of place.

The so-called true saints are too terrifying. All things in the world, all kinds of time and space, etc., can be traced by them, unless the top treasures cut off all kinds of lines in the first place.

The creatures at that level, at present, are detached and unpredictable, and now he absolutely cannot have any intersection with them.

"It seems that if you want to get something, you have to take the corresponding risks. You have gained a lot in this secret realm, but you were almost caught by the eyes of invincible creatures."

He is alert, at present, it is not a big problem, the Royal Road Flag has wiped out all the chains of confusion and confusion.

After he left there, he looked back again and found a pair of footprints in front of the hut, emitting a faint glow, with the circulation of the highest Taoist pattern, which he really hadn't seen before.

A pair of footprints is a mysterious scene, and it is a network of Taoism. Anyone who has been here, if they do not have extraordinary means, no matter where they go in the future, they can be detained in the network.

Now that I can see it, it also proves that Wang Xuan got rid of it.

"Hey man, many truths in this world are beyond what ordinary people can see. If you really want to be honest, even the co-owner of a star field will feel powerless."

He was too excited earlier, and only saw the benefits in this secret realm, but lacked the corresponding awe.

Of course, the true saints will not cast their gazes for no reason, walking in the world normally, and they will not feel it.

"That fishing net is very strong, it scraped the ground three feet, and the footprints also failed to mark it, so it just scoured it again?" Wang Xuan was surprised.

There was a fire-scorching field in front of it, and the ground was covered with real phoenix feathers, charred bones, etc., as well as some spar, which was the result of the flesh and blood of the phoenix.

"This is the phoenix body that was smashed by a punch, and died here tragically." Wang Xuan observed.

A very high-level phoenix was killed, and some of the broken flesh and blood was used to cultivate great medicine. I don't know what the medicinal herbs here are used for, but I only feel that there are rules inside, and the spirituality is extremely strong.

"There is a high probability that it will be good for body refining, no matter what, take it!"

There is no need to hesitate, he dug up more than a dozen herbs of different shapes, and even took away some of the bones and so on.

In an instant, the **** net fell, which was really scraping the ground, and the soil layer of the medicine field was hung away.

Wang Xuan hurriedly took action, and in the red soil, he found the crystallized phoenix marrow, which was a piece of brilliant crystal, which he put in his pocket.

"The fishing net seems to be untainted by cause and effect, but it is so unscrupulous that it is difficult to figure out in the end, but those two clans are opposed to each other, so I won't worry about you."

Next, he parted ways with the black fishing net again, and wanted to find some legendary sacred objects. When he was in the pure land of the floating boat, he had seen the ten-colored bamboo and the heavenly nest. Those were all creations, but It has not been found yet.

Not long after, he saw Wu Tian again, and the two felt that it would be no problem if they could reproduce one or two of the prescriptions left by Bai Hong, Jin Yao, and others with the strange things they had accumulated.

Similarly, Wu Tian did not find the ten-colored bamboo or an ancient magnetite that was suspected to be bred to treasure. "Forget it, be content, the harvest is not small." Wang Xuan said.

Wu Tian sighed: "The strange bamboo contains treasure liquid, there is only one drop in one section, and it takes tens of thousands of years to grow a section and one more color. It is regarded as a sacred thing by the master-level powerhouses. Unfortunately, it is probably not there. in this secret place."

The scenery they saw in the pure land pool was a collection of various secret realms, not the production of one place.

The two harvested another wave and felt that it was almost the same. Ordinary herbs had long been disliked. They watched the fishing net dig three feet into the ground, and they followed along.

Taking this opportunity, they began to exchange their gains.

Wu Tian got half of the real keel, and Wang Xuan exchanged part of the phoenix bone.

Then came the first three pages of scriptures found flying out of the volcano.

Every kind of strange object has a valuation. The two were satisfied and exchanged the excess. Wang Xuan successfully obtained the Void Golden Lotus, which is half a hill high. This thing is priceless. .

Perhaps, only the backyard of the true saint can produce such a strange thing.

"Ask Bai Hong and the others if they want to go to the next secret realm."

"Forget it, the harvest this time, it is estimated that they will be overwhelmed, and they will be frightened for a long time, and they will not dare to act rashly."

The fishing net slowed down, and there were no magical creatures left. It also collected ordinary elixir, etc., and began to turn around and fly out of the secret.

"Let's go!" The two followed up, using their own means, and rushing to the exit very quickly.

The secret realm was abnormal, and the gap healed a lot automatically, and it was about to grow back. At this time, the copper pillar that was horizontally here, like something that supports the sky, banged and penetrated it again.

At the same time, in the outside world, a huge broken axe suddenly fell, and the light was dazzling violently broke the door. The next moment, Wang Xuan and Wu Tian followed the fishing net and returned to the canoe.

At this time, the melodious flute sounded, very abruptly and softly, which surprised Wang Xuan and Wu Tian for a while. The rusted and mutilated axe vibrated, and then the chaos of time in the sea expanded, causing a terrifying explosion. .

"Come back soon!" Bai Hong's voice sounded from the canoe, telling them to hurry up. They were far away, and the return journey of the flying boat this time was very fast and extremely smooth.

But at the last moment, Wang Xuan and Wu Tian were horrified. The giant axe didn't leave. When it shook in place, a vague shadow of a creature appeared in the rust spots.

Then, a young man walked out of the vortex of time and space.

The return was very smooth. They entered the floating boat pure land and found an old man playing the flute. The flute was bone and shiny.

This was consistent with the flute they had heard earlier, and the flute became softer and more intense.

Bai Hong and Jin Yao greeted them warmly and brought them into the garden. When they stood in front of the mysterious pool that could reflect everywhere, they saw a terrible scene at the exit of the secret realm.

A young man with disheveled hair, covered in blood, a silent prowler, with a final roar, Yiba Xue slammed towards the secret realm, and with a bang, it was directly smashed and destroyed!

"I...!" Wu Tian was shocked, the boy was summoned from the whirlpool of time by the sound of the flute, and he had no idea what age it was.

However, he was absolutely terrifying. With just one blow, he destroyed the secret realm that left the footprints of the true saints, turned it into a streamer, and completely collapsed there.

The skinny camel is bigger than the horse, shouldn't this young man be a divine being? It's just that there is a serious problem with the body, and it may even be dead.

The young man was summoned from the time vortex like this, clearly destroying the corpse and destroying the traces, and carrying out the final finishing work.

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