Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 176: I wanted to be quiet

"That's right, Sparrow, when I met you, you were so tall, below my ass." The young man Yuan Hong smiled, and then put his hand on Sparrow's head, quite casually.

The expressions of Hong Teng and Chengtian have changed. This master is too conceited. You also touch the head of a man. Just go and pat it. Who do you think you are? !

Facing this kind of slow and presumptuous behavior of slapping the face and the head, Yan Que at first endured it, then suddenly broke out and slammed into the youth with a bang.

Yan Que's right hand was grasped, but his head swung, directly approaching the young man's face, wanting to hit him with flowers all over his face.

It's a pity that it was a little short, this affectionate man in casual clothes with short blond hair is really not simple, he turned slightly sideways, put his other hand against the head of the chaffinch, and said coldly: "Sparrow, it's a bit wild outside. , How did the docile and well-behaved child in the past become like this?"

"What did you say?!" An Hong, Chengtian, and Hong Teng all rushed over, ready to help Yan Que. This short-haired man from the Hedao Sect had outstanding strength.

The main reason is that his realm is quite high, and he is approaching the late stage of True Immortal.

"What are you doing, do you want to bully the less? You guys are still young, and the way of doing things is far from good." Someone spoke from behind, and four or five men approached, blocking An Hong and the others.

"This is a mess. It was good to meet each other. If you turn around so easily, you will have no friends." Liuguang's senior brother, the short-haired blond young man opened his mouth and said: "You have been away from home for all these years, and you are alone, and you are not good. If people are together, they will be spoiled by friends."

If Yan Que can restrain herself, but when it comes to friends around her who are implicated and insulted, her face suddenly becomes sullen.

"Fuck your good girl, Yuan Hong, I have endured you for a long time, isn't it just because you are older than me and have a higher level than me? If you wait a few more years, I will stab you to death!"

While speaking, he took out a piece of talisman paper and slashed directly at Yuan Hong. Today, he doesn't plan to be kind, and his Taoism is not as deep as the other party's, so he will use the rule paper.

Yuan Hong's complexion changed slightly, and his reaction was quick. He also took out a piece of talisman paper with a regular texture inscribed on it, activated it directly, and said, "You still rebelled, the cowardly little Que Que and I were blown up, you should be educated as a senior brother. Just a moment."

In an instant, in this vast white world, heavy snow danced upside down into the sky, and thunder broke out in the cold winter, making a loud bang, and the thunder burst into the goose feather snow.

In the distance, avalanches occurred directly on some mountain peaks, rumbling.

This is a precious rune paper that can kill heaven-level creatures. The two of them each released one and collided in the snowy sky, and the rules of immortality ripped apart the void.

But in the end, the two divine papers were shattered and burned to ashes.

This is also one of the cards in Yanque's hands.

After all, he was not welcome at home back then, so he left

Afterwards, wandering outside alone, there is no overly intimidating treasure on his body.

"Everyone, this is an elegant place, with beautiful scenery and boundless beauty. It's just for people to enjoy, not to destroy. Please stop." Yan Xue dissuaded. to this kind of thing.

"It's alright, the child is just throwing his temper. I will take care of him." Yuan Hong waved his hand, and his short blond hair actually glowed dazzlingly.

The casual clothes on his body also had runes lit up, and he looked like a modern youth, but in an instant, his whole body was dazzling, with golden light all over his body, as if he was wearing divine armor, very powerful.

He is a creature who has broken the limit more than once, and since he is close to the realm of the late stage of the true immortal, he is undoubtedly equivalent to a heavenly master at this time.

Yuan Hong was so condescending and acting like this, Yan Que couldn't bear it, and also made Qi Miao, An Hong, Cheng Tian and others show their anger, and went forward together.

Wang Yan also felt that this Yuan was too bullying. He relied on Daoxing Gao to knead Yan Que, and regarded him as the cowardly young man in the past.

"This is to ride on the necks of the swallows and kill them!" Hong Teng said coldly, behind which appeared the hazy figure of a huge black ominous bird, and opened his icy eyes.

"Senior brother, what are you doing? Stop it." Liu Guang said, with an unhappy expression on her face, standing in the wind and snow, her silver long hair fluttering, her long dress hunting, bright and immortal.

"Oh, haha, it's nothing, doesn't it mean that you are disrespected by them? Back then, you were just a follower, a little house sparrow. Today, he was cold to you, and at the same time he dared to speak rudely to me, I think Educate him."

Yuan Hong said, but he still restrained his breath, the golden runes gushing out of his pores disappeared, and he returned to his smiling face.

He ignored Yan Que and walked up to Liu Guang, very enthusiastic, and said, "Junior sister, it's been a long time since I saw you, how are you still?

Ok? The master misses you so much, it's time to go back and have a look. "

"It's really good. He's trying to pry at the broken corner of Yanque's wall." Hong Teng's dark face showed disgust. He was very rigid and hard, regardless of time and occasion. Just pierce the hypocrisy of those people.

Yuan Hong turned his head to look at him, the black-faced youth didn't like what he said.

Liuguang is young and beautiful, but now his face is dark. What kind of nonsense is that? It's just a corner of the wall. Why do you add so many words?

Chinchilla was also hurt.

"Black boy, shut up if you don't know what to say." Yuan Hong looked over lightly, then smiled again, and said, "Junior sister, come back and go with me, there is a pile of good fortune waiting for us, and we will meet someone along the way. A very good friend.

"This grandson has a cold face for a while, laughs there for a while, watching people serve dishes." Hong Teng said.

"This is a big tengu." Qi Miao said directly.

"You're wrong, Tian Gou." Cai Wei corrected.

"Do you guys think I'm good-tempered?" Yuan Hong turned around, showing a faint chill.

Behind him, several other people also sank their faces, and a few real immortals who are lower than their realm, dare to be so unscrupulous, they are too fat.

These people are going to start here.

But Yuan Hong waved to them and told them secretly that this kind of petty trouble was boring. In this immortal city, the famous land of romance, fighting and slaughter would inevitably be stopped.

"I'll treat a guest, sit down with a glass of wine, and let go of grievances. Don't be unnerved like a little boy." Yuan Hong changed his attitude and called to Yan Xue to ask him to prepare some fine wine and a palace. Shiting can't be crowded here. A lot of people.

Some of his companions teased secretly, saying that his temper had changed.

Yuan Hong replied, after all, this trip is to seek good fortune, try not to make too much noise on the way, and when you come back, take care of the swallows on the way, etc. See you if you should see blood.

Blood, the one who should be crippled is crippled.

Then, he shook his head and said: "Alas, unfortunately, it can't be killed. In the past, sparrows were not welcomed by their family, but now, this kid is different from the past. His leg bones were edged out.


However, whether it was Yan Que, Qi Miao, An Hong and the others, they didn't give Yuan Hong and others face, and would leave immediately. How could they be willing to drink with them, without that friendship!

Yuan Hong waved his hand to stop the angry companions beside him. His face is worthless here, and he doesn't want to force it. After finishing his work, he will come back and teach a few hairy boys to behave.

"Yanque, wait a minute." Liu Guang spoke, secretly transmitting a voice, and clearly told him that she wanted to chat with "Qin Cheng", but she seriously doubted his identity.

Liuguang said: "If you refuse, I will tell the guess directly. He is a four-time limit breaker and has killed many people. In fact, I have no malicious intentions. I really just want to chat with him and ask him by the way. And what kind of orchid is Jiuyou Pingzao, whose alias is Wutian,

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Yan Que looked unhappy and secretly warned: "He is Qin Cheng, you have to kill yourself to find that legendary black crow, don't implicate my friend!"

"Intuition tells me that he is the four-time limiter who hit me hard and killed Nian Mo, and he is also the one who walked with Wutian. I have no hostility to him, I really just want to find Jiuyou Black Crow through him. If you don't agree, I'll call someone right away."

Liu Guang, with silver hair reaching his waist, looks outstanding in appearance, but now he looks like a rogue and is about to deceive people.

Staying here means acknowledging Wang Xuan's identity, Yan Que naturally didn't want to give in, and quickly told Wang Xuan the specific situation.

Wang Xuan frowned and replied secretly, "Stay and have a couple of drinks. You are ready to help me exchange "Nine Changes of Ascension" and "Map of the Yuanshen" for me. I will leave today."

With their own thoughts, the group entered a palace in the icefield, and through the open doors and windows, they could enjoy the beautiful scenery composed of various cold-resistant plants and wind and snow on the icefield.

"Junior sister, why are you so enthusiastic about that Qin Cheng, what's the matter?" Yuan Hong asked, but he knew Liuguang somewhat.

Liu Guang didn't want to tell him, but the stakes were so important that she had to hesitate for a while, and finally mentioned it in secret, it was related to the Nine Serenity Black Crows.

Yuan Hong shivered and said, "What, it actually involved that murderous thing that stole my Hedao Sect's treasures and rare things. There is news about it, so we must pay great attention to it."

He became serious and said: "Whether it is Wutian or Jiuyou Black Crow, it may be the identity borrowed by the fierce thing. No one can tell exactly what it is, and there is absolutely no one who is related to it at the moment. To the effect, I will also participate in this matter.”

"Don't mess around, I just want to get in touch first, then understand." Liu Guang emphasized his tone.

"What kind of chaos is this? I'm going to be in a serious battle. Originally, I was going to join forces with some friends to steal Kunpeng's nest and get its immortal eggs to supplement the source of Taoism, further breaking the limit. After a while,

The big killing weapon and the array map I prepared on my body can only be used up first to prevent this person from getting away. Let me tell you, those who have something to do with that murderous thing must be extra careful and vigilant, the matter is very serious. "

Wang didn't intercept their conversation. He Taoism's subtle and mysterious method is very remarkable. Using this method to communicate with others can prevent outsiders from eavesdropping.

But Wang Yan also felt that Yuan Hong had malice towards him, and his senses were super sensitive.

Wang Xuan slandered, what kind of **** is this? How does this big dog catch whoever bites whoever, he is not a swallow bird, and he really has nothing to do with Liuguang.

He still doesn't know that the root of the problem lies in Wu Tian, ​​who once borrowed the identity of Jiuyou Black Crow to do many big cases that shook the starry sky.

"Brother, you don't need to look like you're guarding a food dog..." When Yuan Hong came over to clink glasses with a smile, Wang Yan wanted to spread out and talk, don't shoot in the air!

Next to her, Cai Wei screamed, her face flushed with anger, and poured the wine from the jade cup directly on a friend in Yuanhong.

's face.

"Can't you be kidding?" The man wiped the drink off his face, showing a coldness. Bag

"Cai Wei, what's wrong with you?" Qi Miao asked.

"He molested me, secretly rumored that he wanted to have a drink with me." Cai Wei said angrily, and then said coldly, "You can't get out of the Pingtian Star Territory, don't think that if you have a relationship with the Hedao Sect, you can be lawless."


"Too much!" 1

Yan Que was the first, Qi Miao was the second, and Hong Teng was the third. At the same time, he started to stick the stool, the jug, and the table on the person's head and face, venting his anger for Cai Wei.

Suddenly, the fight started, and there was an inexplicable An Hong and Chengtian were stunned for a moment, and they immediately started to fight, the broad sword and the bright silver spear flew out directly.

Wang Yan sighed. He originally wanted to leave quietly. What is this? At this juncture, he would not watch the people around him rush forward and back off.

He responded quickly, and slapped Yuan Hong in front of him directly and stuck it on his head. Although he has already held back his strength, he does not want to directly kill the disciples of the Hedao Sect in public and cause a big mess.

But his hand strength is still terrifying. For a person at the level of a true immortal, dropping those few fingers is no less than taking a few mace.

With a bang, Yuan Hong's skull jumped up and was lifted by Juli, the parietal bone was torn apart, and a gray-white liquid fell.

Yuan Hong lowered his head and looked at some of the substances that fell into the wine glass. He was a little stunned, and then the pain was boundless. He was shot in the head before he started? It's so wicked

Wang Xuan saw the fierce light in his eyes, and the runes on his body were intertwined. He didn't allow him to fight back. He pressed him again decisively. The heart exploded like a bright red ripe tomato.

Liu Guang was shocked, why did the two sides suddenly attack?

Then she saw that Wang Yan's hand touched the top of her head, and he couldn't dodge it, even changing his position.

With a bang, although she has an alluring appearance, her face is now wrinkled due to severe pain, and she has also experienced the disaster of "lifting up", her skull leaping away in a graceful arc.

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