Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 179: First visit to your land

The universe is vast, silent, time goes by, everything is boundless, with no beginning and no end.

Dozens or hundreds of golden cracks suddenly appeared in the deep space, breaking the tranquility, as if a door had been knocked open, and a figure rushed out.

Wang Xuan stopped and looked at the surrounding environment.

He was the only one standing here, looking up, there were stars everywhere, like silver magic lamps one after another, illuminating the dark deep space.

Although all sounds are silent and far away from the world, this is different from the feeling he felt when he traveled far away in the mother universe.

Back then, when the supernatural was exhausted, he searched alone in the icy deep space, looking for the last traces of myths in all parts of the universe. What he felt was loneliness, lifelessness, and no hope in sight.

Here, although it is equally empty and silent, it has a strong transcendent factor, which contains vigorous vitality, and the mind can capture that active and hopeful feeling.

He is very clear that, still in the Pingtian Star Region, although the super teleportation array in the Ascension Star Academy is strong, it probably cannot transfer him to other star regions in an instant.

The establishment of the teleportation array in the academy was originally prepared for escaping in an emergency, sending people to a distance at random.

"A new beginning, a new journey." Wang Xuan strode forward and set off on his own, without the enemy chasing him.

The vast universe, the splendid galaxy, flowing with pure white light like thin smoke.

"If there is an immortal boat, it would be nice if it were accompanied by a few side dishes and a pot of fine wine." He hurried on his way, treating travel as a kind of enjoyment.

The main thing is that the stars are like water, the universe is like a quiet lake, now it is quiet and beautiful, and the scenery is so beautiful that he can't help but want to stop.

Soon, he was surprised. In the depths of the starry sky, there seemed to be a flying sword passing by, like a meteor, and it seemed that someone was on the road like him?

He opened his spiritual eyes and was sure that he was not mistaken, and that there were indeed creatures.

Then, he discovered again, a huge ferocious bird, flapping its wings, flying over a shattered star corpse area, passing through it at high speed.

Obviously, there are no living planets in this area, but there are extraordinary people crossing the universe physically, and this star road is not desolate.

This is interesting. In the deep space where there should be no one, you can see extraordinary people hurrying from time to time, which makes Wang Xuan sigh with emotion. It is worthy of the extraordinary central big world.

I think there was a period of time when he drove a spacecraft to seek the Tao in the parent universe alone, and he could not see a ghost for several years, which caused him to keep his mouth shut all year round, and no one could speak. <1

swoosh swish...

Ahead, the number of creatures gradually increased, and within half an hour, he saw dozens of extraordinary people, passing by in the light of the gods, each rushing on the road.

In this area, there are still no new stars of life appearing.

But there are more and more extraordinary people.

Even Wang Xuan saw several large spaceships, some of which were technological ships and some pure mythical spaceships, mixed together. He speculated that there should be a cultivator stronghold nearby.

The head was a wolverine-like vicious beast, and it ran over with a swoosh. He turned around and glanced at Wang Pao, and said, "Brother, if you are so slow, if you go late, the soup will be gone."

Of course, in the sea of ​​​​cosmos, the communication between different planets and different races, all openings are actually voice transmissions.

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Wang Yan immediately followed and ran with it under the starry sky, saying, "Brother Dao, is there any big meat this time?

Although he didn't know the situation, his words were broad, so there should be no problem in asking for news and clichés like this.

"A lot of good things were unearthed this time, if it's late

It is estimated that no one has picked it up, so hurry up. "Wu Xingtian said, it looked like a wolverine, but said that its own bloodline

It's a black peacock.

Wang Xuan looked at it speechless and wanted to ask, are you serious? It's a wolverine anyway.

"My main bloodline is being purified. Didn't you see the two bulges on my back? The bloodline is about to change, and the black peacock wings will be exhibited." The back is indeed slightly bulging, but it is estimated that it will take some years to grow wings.

Wu Xingtian, who looks like a wolverine but calls himself a black peacock, has extraordinary strength and is an immortal creature, chatting with Wang Xuan one after another.

In this starry sky, there is a large area of ​​meteorites. Various loose cultivators, wild cultivators, creatures whose origins are not clear, and even murderers who have apparently escaped, are all exchanging strange things here.

Over time, this place has become a very famous black market, where various characters, three religions and nine classes, will come here every month after the day comes.

This is the junction of the Pingtian Star Field, the Golden Horn Star Field and the Black Sea Star Field.

Song, so there are stowaways, interstellar wanderers, creatures who don't want to enter the fairyland, fugitives, wild immortals, all kinds of people.

Wang Xuan was speechless. It turns out that the starry sky is not monotonous, but it is so colorful. He really likes it!

This kind of place is the most suitable for him. If he had known before, he would have come a long time ago. The black households here are completely legalized, and everyone is the same as each other.

At the same time, he was also surprised that the super teleportation array of Pingtian Academy was quite powerful, and it almost sent him out of bounds.

On the way, I saw more and more black households, all kinds of wild immortals, fugitives, and fairies who looked extremely holy, all on their way.

"Well, do you see it? That girl just now seems to be

A princess from the Longevity Star Territory, isn't this coming too. Today, the black market near the meteorites is becoming more and more prosperous, especially there are too many good things unearthed recently, all kinds of official figures, all kinds of top teachers with serious origins.

With the extraordinary dynasty, there are people who come here to exchange treasures.

Wu Xingtian, the black wolverine, found that the more he chatted with Wang Yi, the more speculative he became, and then he simply reported his roots. It lived nearby and was the black peacock demon king on the Five Elements Mountain.

Wang Xuan found that it was really introducing itself formally, so let's just assume that this big wolverine is a black peacock.

"Brother, where are you staying? Do you want to come over and stand on the top of the mountain with me?" Wu Xingtian asked, very enthusiastic, seeing that Wang Xian was not weak, and asked him to be the second king.

On the way, Wang Pao finally figured out that this area is very special. There are many floating islands and huge mountains floating in this starry sky.

It is reported that it was caused by the "miracle" that fell from the vortex of time and space more than a hundred years ago, scattered in the nearby deep space.

Therefore, it is not surprising to meet the island owner, cave owner, mountain owner, etc. here. There are many sacred mountains and giant veins that are full of spirituality, which is an amazing sacred and pure land.

That's why many big demons, immortals, etc. choose

Set foot in this area, occupy the mountain as the king.

Especially in recent years, from time to time, Shenshan, Xiandao, etc. broke free from the trap of time and space and fell into the universe of the world. This place has become a paradise for underground black households.

Wang Pao finally understood what the black peacock with the wolf-headed badger's brain was referring to was unearthed. It turned out to be a foreign object that fell from the void.

Wu Xingtian said: "Brother, there are more fetishes here than you can imagine. This time, the space traveler, the black ants of hell, came with a group of descendants in person. This is a great master of the thief world, and he comes in and out of all kinds of things. The ruins are like walking on the ground, and recently I dug through the vague space-time scene, which really brought out a lot of good things."

Wang Xuan was stunned when he heard it. What kind of "talents" are there? Even creatures in the world of thieves who can travel through space at will have been designated as great masters?

"The Great Grandmaster has a very good reputation. As long as the things he dug up, he would sell them at a price, save his family for himself, and keep them in exchange for strange bones, scriptures, etc. related to the imperial transformation.

The conscience of thieves never hides personal belongings. "Wu Xingtian praised.

Can this work? Wang Xuan was fascinated. In this gray area, in the underground black market, it is rare that there are people who are respected and become role models in the industry.

"Hey, look over there, the Heavenly Fairy of the Demon Clan is here, isn't she beautiful?! That is the first young master of my Black Peacock Clan - Luo Ying." Wu Xingtian was a little excited.

Not far away, more than a dozen people stood on a large boat and flew over at high speed. There were men and women. One of the black-haired women glanced here, it was the so-called black peacock fairy Luo Ying.

"Let me tell you, although she is still in the real fairyland, she has killed some heaven-level creatures. She combines beauty and strength in one person, and she has the wealth of the sky."

"Okay." Wang Xuan nodded, seeing that the wolf-headed badger-brained Wu Xingtian insisted that it had the divine blood of the Black Peacock Clan, and it was probably related to "chasing stars".

Then, Wu Xingtian urged, hurry up, otherwise some good things will be caught before it's time to appreciate them.

Picked and sold.

There were more and more people on the road, the sword light flashed, and a huge demon was gone. It was a sheep demon, driving a flying sword with sheep The speed was super fast, and a wavy white hair was raised, There is no wind and automatic, quite a bit like a demon clan expert.

Wang Xuan's face was moved, that was indeed the top figure in the heaven-level field, could it be that he was beyond peerless?

Finally, they arrived. There are many different creatures in this meteorite group. Of course, most of them are humanoid. Even if they are not human, they are all transformed into human beings, which is convenient for trading.

Otherwise, some species are too huge, like giant mountains.

"Fortunately, I wasn't late, and all kinds of things were put out." Wu Xingtian said.

There are too many booths here. Naturally, it is not only a special event for the great master of the thief world, Hell Black Ant. Before it came, this place was also a famous black market of Xianjia, and the officials of several nearby star fields clearly came to buy things.

There are people on every piece of meteorite, small businesses such as street stalls, big businesses have cave houses, and there are many buildings. It is indeed very lively and quite prosperous.

Here, after Wu Xingtian's introduction, Wang Xuan was surprised that only among the young true immortals, there were no less than six or seven extraordinary people who were not weaker than the black peacock Luo Ying background, and they were all the core disciples of the top sects.

Wang Xuan didn't plan to exchange strange objects for the time being, but he was already dazzled and dazzled. There were really good things, and some damaged picture scrolls actually contained the charm of the Great Dao.

There is also the material that emits Chaos Qi, which can probably be used to make the most top-notch treasures.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Wang Xuan's pupils shrank. He kept himself calm and could not lose his temper, but there was a real earthquake in his mind.

Because, on a huge meteorite in the distance, he saw that some strange things were being sold, and there were things that were very familiar to him, from the mother universe!

How could he not be surprised? Accidentally got clues from acquaintances

, he has a certain judgment, this may be an "expensive land", and he has to look for it.

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