Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 185: Holy blood outside the world

"I sensed it." Yu Daoqi responded to him. After climbing this magnificent mountain, it sensed the residual rules left by a treasure in the void crack.


"I also feel it, is it still there?" Wang Xuan's expression was extremely solemn. It has been more than a hundred years since the war. This place has the ability to repair itself, but it still leaves a mark, which shows how tragic this battle is.


"I didn't find its true body, either it died or fled." Yudaoqi sound transmission, for it, prohibited items are also special life forms.


"I hope it's dead." Wang Xuan said.


At this time, the tens of thousands of feet high mountain was relatively calm, and he came up from the other side of the mountain.


Otherwise, in the earlier position, the mountains and plains were full of living corpses, with a wide variety of species, all monsters above the true immortal level, rushing down the mountain.


"It's a bit dangling, it's life is very hard, after encountering murders,


All of them are the holders of death penalty, and they pass through it safely. ' Yudaoqi informed calmly.


Wang Xuan was speechless. He had personally witnessed, and even experienced, entanglement with that ominous prohibited item.


Feather Huafan disappeared for a long time, but it left a deep impression on him.


Not to mention the bitter masters in history, even the recent owners, none of them have a good end, such as Hengjun, Qi Tian, ​​and Shang Yi.


Even Wang Yan himself, after the decisive battle with Qi Tian possessed by the big rash spirit, took it as a trophy for a short time, and he also exploded.


In that battle, his interior scene was destroyed, and his body was split into four or five parts.


Of course, Shang Yi didn't have a good end. After he took the feathering banner, he was chased and killed by several old monsters who were guarding the fire of the extraordinary civilization.


The appearance of the feathering banner here is indeed beyond Wang's expectations. Shang Yi's luck is really not ordinary, he is taking the path of the highest spiritual world.


There are strange people who all died there, leaving behind the real bones of Yu Dao Hua.


Whether you can cross the boundless chaotic thunder sea depends on luck, not pure strength.


There is a very small chance that you can avoid the countless killings in the sea of ​​thunder


, along a relatively safe path, traversing through the past.


Wang Yan wondered, since Shang Yi was able to come here, in that distant history, has anyone else succeeded?


But Shang Yi was also unfortunate. He just came from outside and entered this terrifying battlefield. I don't know if Yuhuafan followed the "good old tradition" and beat him to death.


"When I meet the feathering flag again, I don't need to touch it at all, just smash it, dismantle it into treasure materials, and melt it into the first killing array." One after another, one tragedy, Wang Yi has a psychological sense of it. shaded.


The mountain was quiet, and those living corpses, led by two "super peerless" monsters, all rushed into the fog.


Wang Yan was carefully exploring the cracks in the space, but did not find the imprint of the rules left by the health furnace, the curtain of the sky bracelet, and the Shenming Palace.


This made him show a strange look and let out a sigh of relief. Could it be that the old friend who crossed the sea never appeared here?


"Have you entered the mural?" He couldn't help but stare at that place, and in an instant he felt that his primordial spirit was about to leave the body!


This terrible symptom is almost irreversible, and his body is immediately blurred and foggy, and he wants to float out to become the person in the painting.


The Chaos Qi flowed from the killing array map, imprisoning his body, after all, it was wrapped around him.


On the body.


At the same time, the Imperial Dao flag in his hand was screeching, and the flag skyrocketed, covering the sky and blocking the sun, blocking the majestic golden holy temple, which was too terrifying.


Even with the blessings of the double Royal Dao level, Wang Yan's body is weakening and will be squeezed into a picture to appear in the mural!


The magnificent holy temple stands in the void, and the sky is filled with radiance in the gaps between the tiles. On the wall pictures, the stories seem to be actually being played out.


The magnificent building looks sacred to the extreme, and the golden light illuminates everything, but it is also distorting time and space, truly changing the world.


For those who watch it, it is too unfriendly. It transforms all things in the universe and all living beings in the world, and it has become a scene in the mottled murals, which is extremely terrifying.


"Without them... let's go!" Wang Pao shouted, but he didn't find his old friend. He wasn't extraordinary, but he stayed in this place longer than the five people and was completely atomized.


The first killing formation diagram erupted, and a piece of killing light swept out and penetrated into the wall of the golden holy temple.


This is more dazzling than the dazzling sun laying in front of you, turning tens of thousands of feet


The high mountains are dimmed, and the golden light radiating out melts all things.


"Your heart is really big, you want to swallow me too?" Yu Daoqi sent out a wave of consciousness and told Wang Xuan that it was going to rush over to give it a try.


"Let's go quickly, there is no old friend here, there is no need for us to expose and fight." Wang said, he really disappeared.


"If I don't rush over, you won't be able to leave. It locks us. This thing can contain prohibited items. It's really outrageous."


Mainly, they "faced the wall" for too long.


"Don't worry, I won't fall there, I will clean up and finish." Yudao Banner is confident, because it hangs in the holy temple in the sky on the top of the mountain, and there are prohibited items inside it. At this time, it is revived, fighting and fighting.


The banner soared, obscuring the golden holy temple, and blasted forward, saying, "Aren't you going to **** me into the wall, here I am!"


At the same time, Wang Yan got rid of that terrifying state, his body solidified, no longer atomized, and he immediately fled along the mountain in a killing formation.


There are some prohibited items in the void that are marked by the rules, which are not suitable for traversing, otherwise, a violent attack will be triggered.


Suddenly, in the building near the Holy Temple, in a jade tower, an awl appeared, the whole body was jade, and it was very holy, but after the rune erupted, it was so terrifying, piercing time and space.


Wang Yan evaded quickly, not wanting to have a meaningless battle with this unowned thing.


At the last moment, the first killing formation map appeared, blocking a cone of light, the sky was bright and dim, the fog was surging, and the void collapsed.


"It's said that it's an unowned thing, it feels like it's protecting the holy temple." Wang Yan walked away, and at the last moment, the awl burst out five beams.

Dressed in a formation, he avoided four strikes and fought one blow, but luckily he had already rushed out.


The old friend is not there, if he fights there and rescues Shang Yi and Yu Huafan, it will be a big injustice.


"No." After the fog, he frowned. When he watched the mural with an epic feel of the years, he didn't see Shang Yi and Yuhua Fan.


Could it be that the sword madman was killed?


In the back, the sky was falling apart, and the Imperial Dao Banner was killed. It didn't fight, it was very strong, and it was so majestic and mighty that the tall runes covered the sky, but it ran away at the last moment.


The golden holy temple revived and soared in the void, bigger than the tens of thousands of mountains below it, squeezing the sky and the earth.


This does not include the disappearance of Shang Yi and Yu Hua Fan, otherwise, four civilizations would be involved in the war.


The Holy Temple side was also forced to help, and at the last minute, they accepted the opponent as the middle scene in the painting. In fact, they were also forced to enter the scene.


"This is a bit scary. There have been old saints or new saints. Such a great universe with a profound background brought a holy temple, but they are somewhat invincible. What are the origins of other civilizations outside the universe, and where did they come from?


In the fierce battle, some prohibited items were destroyed, and more than one, but the people of the world did not know that this super civilization collided with blood here.


"Is this kind of battle a rehearsal of the battle in the field of imperialization? It can even be said that this kind of battle has always existed at the highest level of the transcendent central great world, detached from the world?"


From this, Wang Xuan had many associations.


"The forbidden item like the Holy Temple is indeed shocking to the world. After approaching the Transcendent Center, is its original owner, the old or new saint, still in this big universe? There is no sense, and I did not come here to receive guidance. Does it mean that he died long ago? down?"


This is a very serious problem.


There is no clear record about the battle of that series, and it has never manifested in this world.


However, some rumored creatures seemed to have an accident.


For example, the paper saint of the Paper Temple has not appeared for a long time, and there is evidence that the ancestors of the group of people on the floating boat in the chaos of time and space have died long ago, leaving only fishing nets and soul-calling banners.


Wang Yan wondered if the true saint-level creatures in this universe faced off in a place beyond the world, in a place that ordinary people don't know about? Even in the battle of life and death, there is holy blood flowing.


Before he knew it, he completely stayed away from the foggy area, fled to the outside and brought it with him, putting away the imperial road flag and the killing formation map.


"Ah..." The screams, as well as the roars of monsters, rang out in this vast permafrost, there were figures everywhere, and there were too many living corpses.


Not two super peerless monsters lead the army, but three, with a dense army, not only dealing with a few super peers, but also strangling other supernatural beings.


Wang Yan was startled, the road to return was blocked, and the front was tragic.


Those living corpses come in all shapes and sizes, and most of them are extraterritorial species that have never been seen before.


This is an outer universe civilization that was destroyed, and all the supernatural beings mutated after death?


Or are they just like that, this civilization is a zombie-like monster who was guarding the holy temple just now?


Wang Xuan felt that he couldn't follow behind, so he had to find a way to get around.


Or pierce the bloodshed and go out as soon as possible, or wait for a few peerless people to get out of trouble, these monsters turn around to encircle and suppress the people who are left behind, then there is really no way to survive.


Along the way, all the true immortals are running for their lives, and the heaven-level creatures have no intention of confronting them. They submerged into the dense forest and leaped under the frozen river, all avoiding battle and running away.


"Stop it, I've got a sense of it, don't miss it." In the dense forest ahead, someone was extremely eager, shouting at the people around.


"Huh?" Wang Xuan sounded familiar. He had already taken a detour to escape, but he ran back and saw the young master Hongdao from the Tattoo Palace.


He held the five-colored bamboo in both hands, and was casting some kind of secret method, which resonated with the strange bamboo in his hand. There was a five-color mist flowing, guided by sacred runes, and he was heading in one direction, but he was not walking fast, and he was searching for something.


Hongdao uses special means to find eight-colored bamboos?


Wang Xuan turned his head and came over. Since it is fate to meet again, it is impossible to miss it.


Mo Han, the descendant of the Paper Temple, is also nearby, only a few hundred meters away, and farther away, there are many people in the jungle, all fighting monsters.


The master is blocking the corpse monsters and preventing them from approaching this forest.


"Damn, the Bamboo Bamboo of Eight Colors is nearby, but I was frightened and escaped into the depths of the permafrost, and my senses became more and more blurred." Hong Dao was anxious.


In particular, there were screams in the distance, and the people who came with him were torn apart by living corpses. Not only the true immortals died, but even the heaven-level masters lost three Probably failed! "Hong Dao was disappointed and heartache. This time, he was well prepared, but such an accident happened. There were ghosts all over the mountains and fields, which ruined the operation.


Since you can't find the eight-colored bamboo, you are deeply disappointed, you are really incompetent! Wang Yan was very dissatisfied, and was thinking of cutting off a big beard!


He restrained all his breath and stepped out from the void. He was more sophisticated and skilled than the so-called professional killer, silent and without a trace of fluctuation.


He smashed a stick at the back of the man's head.


He didn't use the killing array map, because there were too many people in this area, and it was impossible to silence them all. With his true strength, he attacked the disciples of the Tattoo Palace.


If there are no eight-colored bamboos, then take away the five-colored bamboos.


"How courageous!"


In the distance, someone on the frozen high ground uttered a loud shout with Yuanshen.


Wang Xuan's face was slightly cold, that was not a person from the Tattoo Palace, nor a master of their ally Paper Temple, but Mo Qing, a disciple of Jinque Palace.


This is like a dog... Grandpa, mind your own business, Mo Qing is showing his favor to the tattoo palace and doesn't care about the other person's life.


Wang Yan is not afraid, since he makes a move, he will not stop. The five-colored bamboo with the innate five elements, let's bring it! Even if the core disciples of several behemoths are here, it is nothing. If they really fight, they will kill them if they can.


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