Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 189: People are sitting in a nest at home and come from the sky

In fact, Jiang Shengyi was already mentally prepared.

In other words, when she learned the story of the Queen Mother of the West, she was already prepared.

She is willing to give her everything to help you overcome the catastrophe in front of you.

"No, I just broke through. The realm is not stable and needs to settle down." Wang Yan still declined. Inside, there are forbidden items from other civilizations such as holy temples and jade cones. Outsiders and co-owners came with the treasures of the town education. For the sake of safety, he wanted to observe them and not mix them in for the time being. It is best for him to hibernate now and wait for the medicinal wine to ferment. After the year comes up, it will not be so difficult to take the road of imperialization. "Second King, brother, earlier, you dared to risk your life to find an opportunity in order to break the barrier. Now that you have the Breaker Talisman in hand, it is relatively safe. Why have you lost your aggressiveness?" Wolverine asked. Wang Xuan said: "I'm restless, my eyelids are twitching, and I always feel like a calamity is just around the corner. After I came back last time, I was afraid for a while. Just imagine, Hongdao has people smashed their heads, and Mo Qing has been killed by life. kill me

When you go in, you might have an accident. "

Wolverine attaches great importance to them. True immortals like them have always been very accurate in their intuition. Since the second king feels uneasy in his heart, it is really difficult for him to persuade him.

"Then I'll go on my own, representing my Five Elements Mountains, and join the team led by Luo Ying, the first young master of the Black Peacock Clan." Wu Xingtian said.

At this moment, Wang Xuan felt that he was very wretched, and he became a big Tengu again.

Wolverine was very interesting. Before leaving, he handed over the core formation of the Five Elements Mountain to Wang Xuan and told him that this place is now solid, so he can rest assured to consolidate his realm.

"The formation plate given by the well-known Transcendent Clear Sky Elder of my clan, once the Five Elements Great Array is activated, it is enough to kill all kinds of gods and demons." The Black Peacock Clan all live here, and naturally have high security requirements, so they will help the wolverine to arrange it again. The big formation here is quite extraordinary.

The next day, the secret realm of time and space opened again.

The Yang Palace, Hedao Sect, Black Peacock Mountain, Longevity Dynasty and other sects have big figures coming and guarding them here.

"Once you go in..." Luo Ying told the people present, talking about various precautions. She had been there last time to impart experience to the new clansmen.

"Fight for the Holy Maiden!" Wu Xingtian expressed his loyalty.

The Black Peacock Clan were all young geniuses, and when they heard the words, they all looked at him and felt inexplicable. There was no so-called saintess in the clan. Wolverine quickly changed his words: "I'm fighting for Luo Ying, the first pearl of the clan!"

A group of young black peacock geniuses curled their lips when they heard the words, realizing that this was a shameless follower, even Luo Ying glared at him fiercely.

But Wolverine didn't take it seriously, and was even more majestic afterward, because Luo Ying still took care of him and let him walk with a few cronies. Who doesn't like to hear good things these days? This is Wolverine's experience and understanding.

Jinque Palace and his group are all very strong, and the leader is one

A man and a woman, Gu Cheng, the second senior brother of the Taoism, and Yu Jin, a very famous female disciple, went out together.

Obviously, these two people came here specifically to be the disciples of this place, to make a name for themselves and wash away the humiliating and negative news earlier.

"I'm going, the second senior brother of Jinque Palace, Gu Cheng, has come out. This guy should be a heavenly master, right? He was very famous when he walked across the starry sky. After being quiet for hundreds of years, it must be even more terrifying."

"Did you see that? Yu Jin, the white-haired girl beside him, according to the knowledge of Tianzong, defeated many of her brothers and sisters."

On that day, there was a disciple in the Jinque Palace who spoke ruthlessly and waited for the King of the Golden Horn to attack and kill him. If he dared to appear, he would be beaten into a dog's head by a human head. When Wang Xuan was seeing off the Wolverine, he naturally saw the pedestrians in the Jinque Palace. A group of sheep clan sword immortals in Qingyang Palace are all born with long wavy hair.

Another group of people also came, and they communicated in spirit in secret.

"Everyone, it was a pity last time. We are only a few miles away from Kunpeng's Nest. We have already seen the golden textured eggs in the giant nest on the sea cliff. It is suspected to be the eggs laid by the super-peerless ominous birds, which can make up for the extraordinary. the innate origin of the person.”

Every time Yuan Hong thinks of it, he sighs with embarrassment. The last time he was only a little short, he was not far from the silent lair, but an accident happened, and the living corpses and monsters suddenly filled the mountains and fields.

He was very worried that those mutated living dead destroyed Kunpeng's nest and devoured those divine eggs.

The companion comforted: "It's okay, the nests of super-peerless ominous birds must be arranged, and those mutated living dead may not be able to smash this place."

He Yi, the grandson of the black ants of hell, Xia Qing, the noble daughter of the Longevity Dynasty, the most powerful fugitive disciple in the Meteorite Sea, and others also took their teams to the road.

Each team is extremely powerful, and it can be regarded as a very talented team in any starry sky.

The true Hongdao of the Tattoo Palace came, with restrained suffocation and very strong strength. What left Wang Xuan speechless was that this person wore an abyss black-gold helmet and covered it very tightly.

Wang Yan secretly estimated that if he was given that one meter long black iron rod, it would be enough to give him a headshot on the spot.

The real Mohan of the Paper Temple has also arrived, with outstanding graceful appearance, fluttering hair, and a large curve of the figure, with a graceful and graceful appearance.

Wang Xuan pouted, they were all tricked into a Jedi somewhere, why are they swaying? If this was in his hometown, the old land hundreds of years ago, after she was sealed, she would be abducted by traffickers and sold in the mountains.

He decided to give her a black iron stick to try next time, to see if she could still keep her hair flowing and her fairy spirit fluttering. The Tattoo Palace and the Paper Sanctuary are truly behemoths. It is suspected that there has been a true saint. Although their respective ancestors have disappeared or may have perished, no one dares to provoke them.

Everyone is afraid of extreme situations. What if the paper saint jumps out? It is not certain that he is dead. Even if he knows that this Taoist line is a big piece of fat, no one dares to act rashly.

The two major organizations have a lot of geniuses coming, led by core disciples and escorted by heaven-level masters, the two teams are quite powerful.

The Time Sect and the Hedao Sect have come one after another, and the local black households are not far behind. Those explorers and those big businessmen have organized people, such as the black-hearted old man, and they all followed.

Eight-color strange bamboos, real medicines that transform into shapes, prohibited materials, and lost scriptures from extraterrestrial civilizations have all appeared in the secret realm of time and space. "The meeting between the wind and the clouds, it's rare for geniuses to compete for hegemony. But I advise you to try not to confront each other, explore more ruins, dig more caves, and deal more with living corpses and monsters." Some seniors said.

Hell's Black Ant, Yan Sheng from the Tattoo Palace, Qingyang Sword Immortal... Chao Peerless also entered some people and went to stare at the leader of the living dead in person.

It is reported that there are also big people carrying the sacred relics of the town and going in to monitor the majestic golden holy temple.

The Meteorite Sea is quiet, and the turbulent situation is staged in the secret realm.

"Second King, do you want to patrol the mountain?" Some demons from the Five Elements Mountain came to greet him.

Wang Xuan waved his hand and asked them what to do. There was nothing to do here. He returned to his cave, poured himself a drink, and drank a jug of wine.

Immediately, his skull shone slightly and lit up, with fine textures intertwined, he was contemplating and embodying the true meaning of imperial Taoism.

Although medicinal wine has just been brewed and the age is still too short, it has some effects and can assist in cultivation.

Mainly, he and Wu Tian "purchased" in Zhensheng's backyard, and obtained a lot of brewing wonders, enough for him to use for many years, so he doesn't need to be too frugal to live a hard life.

He felt that the parietal bone became stronger and stronger.

The texture is also getting more and more complicated, and now his skull is not much worse than the one wearing the abyss black-gold helmet.

"Continue to make wine, accumulate and ferment." After practicing, he began to prepare strange things.

Suddenly, the void trembled violently, the Five Elements Mountain was shaking, this huge dojo actually roared, and the magic circle recovered automatically.

"Who dares to attack the Five Elements Mountain, don't you know that this is a courtyard under the jurisdiction of the Black Peacock Holy Mountain?" A little demon shouted.

After following the Wolverine for a long time, the dozen or so little demons also habitually pulled their banners into tiger skins, and when they came up, they would first shock and intimidate others.

When Wang Yan walked out, he didn't see the enemy, but he soon discovered something unusual. The void gradually cracked open, emitting dazzling rays of light. "Oh, it's not good, the sky is leaking, the second king is running away!" A little demon shouted, in fact, they ran away first, afraid of being blamed, so they shouted like that.

"Well, run away first!" Wang waved his hand, but he didn't make it difficult for them.

Soon, the void broke open, split in four or five, immortal mountains emerged, frozen soil was visible, and sea cliffs approached.

In the distance, a little demon waved the flag and shouted: "Ah, I fell to the Immortal Mountain, a mysterious space-time scene appeared, and another good thing fell out. The second king quickly captures the creation and strengthens the Wuxing Mountain." Wang Yan held the formation plate and looked at the starry sky. The wonders in , this is the scene in the secret realm of time and space, and some areas are becoming clearer, and they are about to fall into the world.

Just above his head, there was a dry coast, and there was no sea water. All that was there was a huge cliff and a huge bird's nest on it.

What is the situation, people are sitting at home, and the nest comes from the sky? He looked odd.

The giant nest radiated rays of light, interwoven with mysterious textures, and fell from the cliff.

"Come on, rush over, we struggled to break through Kunpeng's nest, we spent 18 arrays and a lot of gods.

Things, if you can't get in this time, the loss will be too great. "Someone yelled in the distance, killing red eyes, there are many living corpses in that area.

In addition, on the coast, those cliffs were glowing, and some terrifying textures had just been extinguished, and they were indeed conquered by those people's formations. Wang Xuan turned his head to look, and was immediately amused. Isn't this Yuan Hong, an old acquaintance? He had helped him open his head, and the two of them could be regarded as a good-for-nothing friendship.

Encountered again this time, wouldn't the other party want to break into his dojo? He would definitely not agree, he should protect his sacred property and not allow this generation to offend him.

"That's Kunpeng's Nest. It's not just as simple as a divine egg produced by a peerless world. It seems that there are sacred things, flowing chaotic light, kill it!"

High in the permafrost, another person shouted loudly and swooped over here. It was the second senior brother of Jinque Palace. His eyes were vicious and he saw the situation here.

In the distance, there are Xia Qing, the noble daughter of the Longevity Dynasty, a group of sword immortals from Qingyang Palace, and others.

In addition, the people in the tattoo palace and the paper temple at the end of the horizon also sensed the abnormality here, and when they looked here, someone flew over. "Come on, enter my house!" Wang Xuan shouted.

Holding the formation plate, he controlled the five-element formation that the Black Peacock Clan elder Qing Sky helped arrange, and opened the air space to let the huge Kunpeng Nest fall in.

Then, before he could completely fall to the ground, he rushed up and stood on the treasure nest completely woven by divine wood and fairy vines.

Wang Xuan's pupils shrank, who said this was Kunpeng's Nest? Nonsense! However, he is convinced that it is more valuable, and there are strange things created. This time, the king and Laozi are here, and he will not let him. He must stay!

"Where did the little monster come from? Let go of the big formation and let me wait in. This is the Kunpeng's nest that I captured!" In the sky, Yuan Hong was the first to be anxious and shouted from there.

Wang Yan raised his head and saw that there were still many people flying from afar. Those geniuses sensed the unusual chaotic light here, and several teams were approaching.

"I opened this mountain, and I own this dojo..." Wang Xuan didn't say a word, but he was very polite. After he revealed whose territory, he rushed to the nest.

Just donate your twelve orifices of immortal heart.

It can help Jun Xiaoyao to completely transform into a perfect congenital holy body.

In that case, the strength of his spiritual body will also skyrocket, and he will have a chance to win the game.

It will also bring unlimited potential to Jun Xiaoyao, and it will become an important part of his journey to the peak in the future.

As for what happens to him, Jiang Shengyi doesn't care at all.

"Sister Shengyi, don't be impulsive, we can survive this disaster." Jun Xiaoyao said word by word. .

Rarely, the Endless Emperor even spoke up.

"Tragedies should not be repeated, and there should be no such reincarnation in the world!"

The scene in front of him made Emperor Wuji recall the infinite sorrow and pain in his heart.

That is his eternal pain and regret!

And the Emperor Changsheng actually paused for a while.

He murmured, "Oh, do you want to repeat that reincarnation?"

"Humans are really interesting beings."

The state of mind of Emperor Changsheng is as indifferent as a god.

It is completely incomprehensible why a person is willing to give everything, even his life, for another person unconditionally.

In his view, this is simply unreasonable existence.

Jiang Shengyi was speechless.

And just when she wanted to make a move.

Suddenly, a force enveloped her, suppressing the power of her Twelve Apertures Immortal Heart.

Jiang Shengyi paused and looked around.

Taking action, it is the Emperor of Dreams!

"Senior Mengdi." Jun Xiaoyao also breathed a sigh of relief.

"You don't have to."

Emperor Meng looked at Jiang Shengyi with a faint gaze.

It was as if she saw a shadow of a ghost-faced empress on her body.

They, for one person, are so persistent and do everything they can.

The ghost-faced empress is a life-long search.

And Jiang Shengyi is a desperate dedication.

This feeling touched Emperor Meng, and a certain emotion poured out in his heart.

"He needs your company, you shouldn't just die like this."

Emperor Meng's face that has remained unchanged for all eternity shows a very shallow smile at this moment.

"But..." Jiang Shengyi was stunned.

"I'm here to help him get through this calamity, or rather..."

"The meaning of my existence is to help him survive this disaster."

Emperor Meng's voice fell, and he turned to look at Jun Xiaoyao.

"Senior Dream Emperor..."

Jun Xiaoyao was in a trance for a while, as if he knew what Mengdi was going to do.

"Xiaoyao, my real name is Nan Kemeng."

Nan Kemeng.

Nan Ke Yi Meng.

This woman who is lonely forever, sitting alone on the moon and dreaming.

After seeing the person of her dream, she no longer has the slightest ties and nostalgia.

Dream Emperor, step by step, step towards the Emperor Longevity.

Every step you take, the Law of Emperor Dao is burning.

Her aura rose steadily, and she instantly reached a terrifying state.

"Huh? You want to sacrifice yourself?!"

The Emperor Changsheng also paused for a while.

He did not expect that Emperor Meng would actually choose to do this.

You must know that if you have cultivated to the level of Emperor Meng, you can say that you have already stood at the peak of the world.

And the more you stand at the top, the more you cherish your life, you won't easily hurt yourself, and you won't let yourself fall.

Emperor Changsheng is just like this, who is dedicated to seeking longevity.

But Emperor Meng did the opposite, and was willing to burn everything he owned at this moment.

"You... are you worth it!?"

At this moment, I felt the boundless power of the Emperor Meng.

Rao is the emperor of longevity who was originally in an ancient state of mind, but now there is a dignified look in his eyes.

His own strength was suppressed by more than 30% of the sins of the world.

Plus the previous trauma.

At this moment, Mengdi Ruo sacrificed everything and sacrificed himself.

Then the problem is really big.

Emperor Meng, although he did not reach the level of a mythical emperor, he was still near the **** level.

If such a figure explodes and burns, heaven and earth will be destroyed, and all things will perish.

The Mythical Emperor can also have problems.

"It's not worth it or not, only... I'm willing."

There was actually a smile on Mengdi's face.

Life after life, the loneliness of being alone on the nine-day moon.

Just to wait for someone, look at him, and then die.

I dreamed, and finally woke up.

And the moment Mengdi woke up, that was the moment she disappeared.

The so-called Nanke Yimeng is just like that.

This is the true meaning of dreams.

"No... Master!"

Suddenly, there was the sound of crying.

On the nine-day moon, two people ran out.

It was the Little Demon Empress and Yan Rumeng.

At this moment, the face of the Little Demon Empress was full of tears, and tears fell.

She, the ancient emperor butterfly that stayed at the fingertips of the Dream Emperor, accompanied her for many years.

At this moment, when she saw that her master was about to pass away, she burst into tears.

Mengdi still smiled.

"Senior Dream Emperor..."

Do not.

"Nan Kemeng!"

Jun Xiaoyao's heart was also trembling slightly.

Although he and Mengdi don't have much interaction.

But he knew how lonely this woman, as a ghost-faced empress, was left behind.

She seems to be standing at the top of the world, but she is actually a poor person.

Hearing Jun Xiaoyao calling out his real name, Nan Kemeng smiled sweetly.

The next moment, her whole body was wrapped in an incomparably splendid brilliance.

Countless laws are bursting out, flowing, and an unparalleled force is bursting, rushing towards the Emperor Longevity.

"Do you think this will end everything, dream!"

Emperor Longevity also showed boundless aura, and mythical laws emerged to fight against it.

But at this moment.

Nankemeng really turned into a splendid light, a splendid dream.

And in this splendor.

Vaguely, there seems to be an incomparably hazy figure, standing proudly in the center of the universe, transcending the three thousand worlds in the world!

Under a hazy ghost face, star eyes that were as cold as frost looked indifferently at the Emperor Longevity.

" are..."

Emperor Longevity showed a rare tremor.

Nan Kemeng burned himself and sacrificed everything.

But it just happened to be activated, and the ghost-faced empress left a mark in her body.

This hazy figure is exactly the imprint and power left behind by the Ghost-faced Empress.

Only when Nan Kemeng is completely sacrificed will it manifest.


A slender and flawless jade hand slapped out.


With one palm, the mythical law of the Emperor Longevity was broken!


The whole world trembled, the world shook!

Emperor Changsheng, his body collapsed, and he coughed out a large mouthful of blood.

"No... Could it be that you have taken that step, how is it possible!"

Emperor Changsheng lost his temper and let out an angry roar.

"I am the Emperor of Longevity, the eternal and immortal Heaven of Longevity!"

Emperor Longevity also burned some of the mythical laws, the universe was shaking, and the entire land of return to the ruins seemed to be destroyed!

That fluctuation is too terrifying!

And just after the imprint of the ghost-faced empress broke the mythical law of the Emperor Longevity with one palm.

Nan Kemeng sacrificed, and all the power that erupted was unreservedly vented on the divine body of Emperor Changsheng.


It was like 10,000 nuclear bombs exploded!

Longevity Emperor Zun's bones and blood were all blown up, splashing out, piercing the void.


An earth-shattering roar came from the mouth of Emperor Changsheng.

He was drowned in a light of destruction!

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