Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 191: I am lucky to have a son

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In the nest, Wang Xuan sat quietly, the parietal bone was illuminated by a round of "big sun", and the divine light hung down, condensing texture on his white skull.

"Shouldn't I really want to make the parietal bones fully control the Tao?" He was suspicious for a while, and his peaceful state of mind seemed to be blown away by the wind.

Right now, he is "painting" on the bone at a speed visible to the naked eye, outlining the texture, and a mysterious rhythm condenses here.

Soon, he calmed down. At this stage, the parietal bone was completely transformed into the Dao, which is impossible. The texture is very light, and it can only be said that it is on the road.

It is actually extremely difficult for a true immortal to take this path. It is not easy for him to reveal it now. It is a lot stronger than the "virtual texture" he visualized in the past!

Wang Xuan seriously doubted that now, if he hit him head on, he could break the bones and tendons of the heaven-level creature.

He was silent for a while, knowing this earlier, he really should have been the first to transform the hand bones. After all, who has nothing to do in the battle, shaking his head and rushing to hit the opponent?

He also didn't expect that he would encounter such a mysterious object today, which could actually make the parietal bone appear with a shallow texture of imperialism.

Normally, at the level of true immortals, the so-called path of taking the road of imperial Taoism stays at the level of visualization, which can show a half-truth and half-truth Dao rhyme.

It is precisely because of this that this group of light is consumed at a visible speed and fades. The parietal bone is a big "eaten up", which is better than flesh and blood and primordial spirit.

A bang, this kind of light sound, exists in the spiritual level, not in the outside world, as if a door was pushed open, Wang Xuan broke through.

Previously, his Taoism was in the third heaven of the true immortal, but now, when he was in a peaceful state, he naturally came to the fourth heaven. That light sound reverberated in the spiritual realm, like a spring thunder, everything recovered, letting him know that he was stronger.

Moreover, it is not over yet, and Daoxing is still slowly improving.

"What kind of light group is this?" He was puzzled, this thing is too rare, there is no side effect, and there is no overbearing energy factor impact.

His five internal organs are now in harmony, as if the robbery is released in his body, and the divine light is one after another. In fact, it is the vigorous vitality resonating, not the real thunder.

On the surface of his body, some impurities were excreted, but the amount was not very large. After all, he was already a true immortal, and his body was clean, mainly the product of metabolism, with some blood stains and a small amount of bone, which were directly replaced.

"The effect is decreasing sharply, and the speed of improvement is slowing down." Wang Xuan sighed, the light source was thin, but he did not stop and continued to absorb.

The parietal bone glows, like a mirror of the avenue that can pierce the universe, and the texture of those imperial patterns emerges, like many tiny galaxies flowing.

At this time, there are several kinds of reference objects for Wang Xuan. When he entered the fairyland from the Pingtian Academy and entered the fairyland to attend the wedding of the daughter of the old Suzaku Zhuchuan, he accidentally got hold of a strange bone, which is one of them. In addition, there is a parietal bone that Wu Tian showed him. In addition, the scriptures left by the ancestors of Bai Hong, Jin Yao and others on the floating boat pure land outside the chaos of time and space are also revealing the road of imperialization.

What surprised Wang Xuan was that, as he reflected on the slate scriptures and the golden bamboo slips, there was also such a true meaning in them!

Referring to many parties, he condensed texture on the white parietal bone, and doing so can actually be considered to resolve a potential murder.

If it is exactly the same as that of the ancestors of Bai Hong, and there is no change, they will definitely be hunted down by the true sage who killed the owner of the fishing net and the soul-calling banner in the future.

With the passage of time, Wang Xuan's parietal bone became more and more crystal clear, and the texture of the royal road, which was unique to him, officially showed a vague shape today.

Even if he no longer visualizes, this bone will not degenerate, and the accumulated Dao rhythm can be preserved. "It's over, this ball of light is useless to the parietal bone." He sighed, most of his divine and holy spirit flowed into his skull.

He became more and more suspicious that this was a mysterious substance left by an extremely powerful alien from an extraterrestrial civilization.

There was a soft sound of "bang", and at the last moment, the dim "big sun" attached to his parietal bone still provided a foundation for his flesh and spirit, allowing him to break through again.

He came to the Fifth Heaven of True Immortals!

Wang Xuan was stunned, not to mention the changes in his parietal bones, just two consecutive upgrades were enough to equal his forty years of hard work, which was amazing.

At this moment, this group of gradually thinning light has no obvious effect on him.

He turned his head to look at the different types of eggs, and he was a little dazed, and he couldn't speak at all. He had a guess that when there was a three-way war in the holy temple, some strong people moved the eggs out of the battlefield, stayed here, and left behind " The light source" hatches these eggs.

In the lair, there are Chaos Stones, the main material of the forbidden grade, and other things, which should have been collected and sent in by the way.

"Anyway, you are about to be born, and it didn't delay your coming to the world. I will protect you and wait, and prevent Yuan Hong and others from swallowing it." Wang Xuan opened his mouth and looked at these **** eggs.

He got up and picked up strange objects in the depths of the giant nest. There was a pitch-black broken knife.

There are also broken treasures, the ingredients are unresolvable, the hardness is outrageous, and even Wang Xuan can't leave fingerprints on it with all his strength.

He put some of the rarest remnants into the killing array map, and adding the earlier Chaos Stone, it is estimated that this big killer can be repaired.

The ingredients can be found out, not counting rare treasures and materials.


He pulled out a mace from the crevice of the lair woven by Shenmu and fairy vines. It was quite heavy. The top part was broken, and most of the sharp mace fell off.

However, as a substitute for the black iron rod, this thing is very convenient, and its hardness and lethality seem to be even more amazing.

Wang Xuan shook it gently, and the pitch-black broken mace suddenly collapsed, twisted, and made a terrible sound, a real howl of ghosts.

He weighed it, looked and looked, this thing must have been a big killer before, but the internal regular texture core was destroyed.

"It's you, keep yourself in self-defense, a group of robbers outside wants to enter my house." Wang Xuan said, he could naturally sense that there was a roar in the sky, and a group of people were breaking through.

"Huh?" He looked slightly cold, someone came in so quickly, he sensed the fluctuations in the great formation, and walked out with the big stick with the missing iron nails.

Soon, his expression calmed down again. Although the Five Elements Mountain was large, after walking out of the giant nest, he could instantly cover the whole area and know who came in.

"Brother Wu, are you back?" He saw the real owner of the Five Elements Mountain.

Wolverine came back, obviously in a dazed state, he used the air-breaking talisman to escape back, and the location was his own mountain gate. The Five Elements Great Array will not stop him, and he has long been marked with his Yuanshen mark. Looking at this huge Kunpeng Nest, he is directly dizzy.

"Did I escape?" There were falling sea cliffs, some frozen soil, and a majestic giant nest, laying in front of him, making him suspect that he was still in a secret realm.

"Let go of me!" a woman shouted, furious.

The Wolverine came back with the waist of a black-haired woman in a white dress, and took her out of the secret realm of time and space.

"I saved you." Wolverine let go.

"What are you saving, isn't it just a group of mutated living dead, you haven't surrounded us yet, you're a deserter, you can run away by yourself, why hug me and bring me out too?!"

The woman from the Black Peacock tribe was very indignant. She was Luo Ying's close confidant and followed her around.

Wolverine was stunned. After realizing the danger, he habitually ran away directly. In the mentality of repaying his gratitude and saving people, he took one away by the way.

"I want to advance and retreat with Miss, and then enter the secret realm!" The woman had a dark face, pushed the Wolverine away, and was about to turn around and leave.

"Don't go, the chance is right in front of you, this is Kunpeng's nest, what are you doing in the secret realm? That piece of permafrost is really dangerous!" Wolverine advised.

"Wu Na wolf demon, quickly open the big formation, this Kunpeng nest is not yours, it is the spoils of war we conquered." Someone shouted in the sky.

A group of people in the sky are tired and are resting. I have to say that the magic formation arranged by the elders of the Black Peacock Clan is too powerful.

"Wo Tao, bullying came to my house?" Wolverine looked up, saw the wonders in the sky, and corrected: "I am the Black Peacock King!"

It was originally a splendid starry sky, but it cracked open, and the scenery in the secret realm of time and space fell into the present world. Some mountains, as well as extraordinary people, were just outside the Five Elements Mountain.

"Second King, what's the situation, a group of people came to our dojo?" Wolverine asked.

Wang Xuan briefly informed the situation, Wu Xingtian's eyes suddenly turned green, and he shouted: "Go, go and see, you are sitting at home, and good fortune comes flying automatically from the sky. If I knew this, I would still go and fight. What are you doing, just wait at home."

Luo Ying's cronie, the white-clothed woman Chen Yu was indignant and said, "When did you beat yourself to death? You escaped six times, and finally came out!"

"Don't talk too much, I share the good fortune with you in the Five Elements Mountains, come on!" Wolverine waved his hand in an air.

He asked what state Wang Xuan was in now, because he felt that his breath had become stronger again, and then he was shocked and lost his voice: "True immortal Jiuzhongtian?!"

Last time, Wang Xuan told him that after practicing for 800 years in the True Immortal Sixth Heaven, after retreating to a higher level, when he reached the Seventh Heaven, Wolverine felt that it was very fast.

Not long after he left, when he came back, the second king was about to catch up with him!

"Is this the mysterious light source? I'll try it too!" He was rude, fixed the light remaining in Wang Xuan in front of him, and quickly refined it.

"Good thing, I...may be able to break into the sky!" Wolverine was shocked, and then he stared at the broken treasures and the most dazzling **** eggs, all glowing. , which shocked him.

The black peacock Chen Yu was also shocked. These eggs with runes are definitely not weaker than the purest black peacock royal family. They are all powerful aliens.

"What kind of monsters are these, shouldn't it be a collection of the top races?" Chen Yu was able to follow Luo Ying's side, and she was naturally extraordinary and belonged to the top bloodline among the pure-blooded black peacocks.

Now she looked solemn and said: "Protect these **** eggs, they must not fall into the hands of those outside."

Wang Xuan reminded her that there are people from Jinque Palace, Hedao Sect, and even the Tattoo Palace and the Paper Temple are approaching.

"Don't be afraid, this is something that fell on your dojo, and it stands up to me, and I, the people from the Black Peacock Holy Mountain, are not afraid of them, the elder Qingtian will be back in a while, let her take a look and see if there is my peacock in it. The holy egg of the clan."

Even Wang Xuan was shocked, there is still the saying of the holy egg?

"It's a bit exaggerated, it's probably the heir left by the foreigners." Wolverine told him.

As he spoke, he checked these **** eggs, but with a slap, a pitch-black egg shattered, and a small creature was born, ignorant and ignorant. When he opened his eyes, he was very dazed.

"According to the records of ancient books, the Sirius hatched from the egg belongs to the atavistic xenogeneic species, and at least it is the descendant left by the super peers!" Chen Yu's expression was solemn, and she was particularly sensitive to the bloodline domain.

The spotted wolf puppy, who looked like a dog, saw Wu Xingtian, who had a wolf-headed badger's brain, and immediately rushed forward, sticking out his little tongue to lick his face, showing his admiration.

"Wolf, I'm a peacock, not your father!" The badger was also caught off guard. "What is the peacock, with such a son, you have made a lot of money!" Chen Yu voice transmission. "Hurry up and recognize your relatives!" Wang Xuan also said quickly.

Wolverine was in a daze and said, "For 1,600 years, I have always kept myself clean, and I don't even have a Taoist companion."

Then, he bared his big white teeth and laughed, picked up the wolf lamb, and said, "I will be your father in the future!"

Then, he introduced Wang Xuan and said, "See, this is your second father!" Dong!

People from the outside world are shaking the Five Elements Great Array, and a group of people are knocking on the gate, trying to get in. Wang Xuan didn't go out easily, just stayed on the edge of the giant nest and watched them.

After a long time, Chen Yu showed a happy expression and said: "My clan's peerless clear sky elder is back, and it is on the nearby meteorite. She knows the situation here and told us that if someone grabs it hard, I will wait and make a big formation. Strangulation. The strange things that fall into this dojo, outsiders are not qualified to snatch, she will watch, and shock those people at the critical moment."

"Really? Then I'm going to meet the enemy." Wang Xuan saw that a group of people shot in a row, cracks appeared in the airspace of Wuxingshan, and the defensive light curtain of the great formation was damaged.

After a while the first creature fell in, and it was aggressive. It strode towards the shrine and rushed over, carrying a broad sword, and it was far away, and it directly slashed Wang Xuan.

Xueliang's sword light broke through the sky, extremely gorgeous, and accompanied by his hooting voice: "One side is just a wild monster, and he dares to grab food from the tiger's mouth, grab good fortune from the hands of the top disciples, and die for me!"

Wang Xuan didn't say anything, blocked him, and smashed it with a mace, and with a bang, the sharp long knife... cracked.

When he saw this situation, he hurriedly put on a pretense, and slammed the person with the technique dozens of times, but in the end he was decisive, and with a bang, he smashed the person's head with a bang!

"I...!" High in the sky, in the splendid starry sky, outside the Five Elements Great Array, a group of people did not expect such a result.

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