Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 197: opposition of civilizations

Wang Xuan wanted to take the initiative to become a fugitive, he wanted to raise the flag to commit murder, and then go far away into the depths of the sea of ​​​​stars.

He doesn't believe that the universe is so big that there is no place for him.

Being pressed down by a big hand, he was about to be killed immediately. This situation was unbearable. He looked up at the sky in the Wuxingshan Dojo, his eyes blazing fiercely.

At this moment, he was rebellious, he really looked like a big demon king, not a fake or inferior product, and he was murderous from head to toe.

Suddenly, outside the Wuxingshan Dojo, a white palm was also huge, coming first, blocking the blond old man's big hand, which was enough to easily kill a heavenly creature.

Starlight splashed between the two, chaotic fog shrouded, the starry sky was shaken and collapsed, and many large meteorites exploded and turned into powder.

If it weren't for the Hell Black Ant, the Qingyang Sword Immortal, and the elders of the Paper Temple and the Tattoo Palace, all of them had successively shot to stabilize the void, the destructive power would be unimaginable.

If the two of them are allowed to play, it is estimated that many nearby dojos, places similar to the Five Elements Mountains, will turn into cosmic dust.

The blond old man is tall and oppressive. Even his eyebrows and pupils are golden. He is unquestionably peerless. Now his big hands are dripping with red blood.

The **** water glowed and snaked in the void of the universe, like red-hot molten iron flowing through the snow, melting the void of the universe and instantly heading towards the Five Elements Mountain, insisting on killing Wang Xuan.

"Hong Jinshan, don't force me to kill you!" The clear sky from the Black Peacock Sacred Mountain appeared, with a white robe, cold eyes, and a monstrous black light behind him, turning into a sword as tall as a mountain, clanging loudly. Ring, cut off the void, and all the so-called super peerless blood in front was evaporated to dryness.

Naturally, it was she who made the move earlier, and blocked the blond old man with her palm.

"Hong Jinshan, the elder of the top great sect and the Taoist sect, is a peerless person. He is very murderous in the sea of ​​​​stars. It is difficult for him to think about the master." Wolverine opened his mouth and said this mighty identity of the elderly.

After Wang Xuan heard this, his face was cold and he stared at the starry sky. This was a little different from what he expected. He thought it was because the people from the Jinque Palace were dissatisfied, and some Chao Peiji attacked him. 7

Unexpectedly, it was Yuan Hong's teacher and Daoist sect, and there was a powerful person who would kill him in public.

Wang Xuan looked at Hong Jinshan, who was standing on a meteorite. As long as he met this old guy in the starry sky, he was alone, and he was guaranteed to attack.

This person has golden eyebrows and golden eyes, and is highly recognizable. He has seen it once, and he cannot forget it.

Hong Jinshan stopped and said: "Fellow Daoist Clear Sky, let's not hide it, let's be happy. He has nothing to do with you Black Peacock Holy Mountain, there may be Holy Eggs in God's Nest, let's sit down and talk about it. Talking about it, it is impossible for you to take it away. As for this little fairy, it is blocking the road here and looking at the eyes, right, fellow Daoist He of the Golden Palace?

He Kun, the elder of the Super Dao Lineage Jinque Palace, is naturally also a peerless person. Hearing this, he smiled slightly and said, "Since you are not a disciple of the Black Peacock Clan, what are you publicizing here? If you dare to despise the various sects, just kill it."

Wang Xuan looked at him, and also wrote down an account of Jinque Palace's extraordinary achievement, so as to avoid strangeness and alienation when they meet in the future.

Qingkong said, "Whether it's Chen Yu or Luo Ying, both of them are direct descendants of our clan. Both of them mentioned that Wuxingshan has another courtyard under the jurisdiction of my holy mountain, that's all. Wu Xingtian and Kong Xuan are both me. People from the Black Peacock Holy Mountain, if you dare to do something, I will dare to kill your core disciples.

Her face was flat, and her tone was not very serious, but after her eyes swept over, all the disciples of all sects stood on end.

Hong Jinshan is ruthless, those who offend him will not live long and will be killed in secret. On the other hand, the black peacock clear sky is strong, and she must practice what she says. She really dares to start clearly.

The tall Hong Jinshan said, "Fellow Daoist Clear Sky, have you seen it? This little fairy shows a fierce look in my eyes, wild and untamed, and dares to show hostility to a super peerless person, I have to endure it. It's not worth the face."

He Kun, the elder of the Jinque Palace, nodded and said, "Indeed, a little demon king has no reverence for Chao Peerless."

In the starry sky, the disciples of all sects showed strange expressions, and they felt that this second king was indeed bold and daring to be disrespectful to the elders of the top sects. It was a bit fierce.

Qingkong didn't care what the two said, but praised Wang Xuan, saying: "I just like his momentum, my Black Peacock Clan has really lacked such a rebellious disciple for hundreds of years. How can you become a peerless junior, or even stronger in the future? You have to be so confident, otherwise how will you suppress competitors from all walks of life in the future, there will be a shortage of such people on the road."

Spicy skin! Even if Hong Jinshan couldn't beat her, he would have to spit on her face, be disrespectful to him, and wanted to kill him.

"Forget it, for the sake of a little demon, it's not worth talking about. Let's turn this matter over." He Kun, the elder of the Jinque Palace, opened his mouth and mentioned the matter of the holy egg in the god's nest again.

It is impossible for the various religions to let the Black Peacock Sacred Mountain swallow these bloodlines, and they must be redistributed.

The black peacock smiled in a clear sky: "Since you are all willing to bear the karma, then let's all start the game. All the sects will share it equally, and they should all be egg guardians. Oh, they are Taoist guardians."

Everyone's heart skipped a beat, and the elder of the Time Sect immediately asked, "Daoist Qingkong, what do you mean?"

"I think some of the daoists here should get the news before they come. Even if they come with super prohibited items, they can't make a move. Don't interfere in the battle at the Holy Temple, and wait for the result after many years."

After the clear sky finished speaking, he looked at the super peerless who was present. Not many people knew about this news, but some immortal Dao Lineages must know about it.

Sure enough, some people's faces changed slightly, and some people were surprised.

"This is the word passed down by our ancestors." Clear sky added.

Everyone knew who the ancestor she was referring to was the first master of the Black Peacock Sacred Mountain, the oldest peacock, a creature from outside. Moreover, a few people also know that this family is related to an extremely mysterious and powerful "Five Tribulations Mountain", which is a terrifying civilization that transcends the world.

At that level, the so-called Taoism is often related to the opposition of civilizations.

"Could it be the news from the Five Tribulations Mountain?" - Wei Chao Pei Shi asked cautiously. All the people present were stunned.

Even the elders of the Paper Temple are no exception. Unless the Paper Saint comes out alive, they will not be afraid of the Five Tribulations Mountain. Otherwise, they will be hairy in the face of the possible existence of a real immortal mountain outside the world.

"Not only Wujie Mountain, but also other families have opened their mouths to prevent me from being involved in the struggle to enter the Holy Temple." Black Peacock Clear Sky said.

All the old guys present felt goosebumps. Is the conflict and fight between extraterrestrial civilizations in the secret realm of time and space so complicated?

They were frightened and their hairs stood on They were all guessing. Could this involve the contradiction, confrontation, and battle between the real holy realms?

If you guessed like this, the confrontation at the holy temple has escalated, and there seems to be a terrible terror behind each of them, starting to pay attention and use it as a support.

Qingkong said: "Now, you all understand why Luofu Mountain's super peerless died and why the treasure was shattered? Because, I don't know how deep, I want to intervene in the battle at the Holy Temple."

This time, the scalps of the super peerless people present were all numb like an electric shock. Could it be that there was a true sage holding a big killing weapon, so the people and treasures of Luofu Mountain were solved so quickly, right?

Everyone is uneasy, this is not a place to stay for a long time!

"Since you are willing to share the cause and effect, then come on, you are all egg protectors, um, Taoist protectors." Qingkong smiled.

She told the elders of the various sects that she didn't know, which side of the alien civilization in the confrontation left behind.

"Are you lying to us, in order to swallow the holy egg for yourself?" Hong Jinshan had some doubts.

"That's all for you." Clear Sky said indifferently.

"This... The old man is willing to withdraw and no longer participate, okay? \" Qingyang Jianxian said, his face was bitter.

Although the black peacock clear sky is dressed in white clothes, he is very strong. He shook his head and said, "Everyone who sees it has a share.

Everyone's faces are not good-looking. What does the oldest black peacock mean? When it comes to him, it may involve the will of the Five Tribulations Mountain.

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