Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 205: 3 flowers gather top 5 Qi Chaoyuan

Latest website: The key is that the wolverine is not aware of any special abilities brought about by this change in itself. At present, it is growing more feathers. "It's a sin, it's a big loss!"

The Wolverine looked at itself, and there was no improvement in its current strength.

He opened the peacock in public like this, like spring is coming, all things are reviving, and it is the season of ethnic growth, why does he put aside this competition? Even the little wolf lamb looked confused, looked at him in confusion, couldn't help but stretched out his claws and tugged at his bright tail feathers.

The three elders had already left, and an old peacock walked over solemnly to investigate the situation in person, and found that he did not have the most terrifying mutation or degeneration.

"It's very special to mutate so early. It's very likely that you have just broken through to the heaven level. The bloodline was originally in the process of transformation and was extremely active. Now it has been triggered by the high secrets and changed. Don't worry, as long as it's not degenerate. , it may be a good thing, and we will look at it after a while.”

With a flutter, the wolverine quickly put away the peacock's tail feathers, which looked like five-color halo, which were so gorgeous and bloomed with gorgeous divine light. The three very long crown feathers on his head stand upright, which cannot be put away, and are eye-catching. They are divided into three colors and are extremely brilliant.

Wang Xuan comforted him and said: Although it is a little more gorgeous, but in the competition of all things, most of the males are like this. "

"It's not what I wanted." Wolverine looked low-key, saying that he is a big demon king who relies on his strength to eat. What's the use of being so handsome? A group of people stared sideways, all slandering,

Are you humble?

Wang Xuan's eyes flowed with the regular runes, and when he observed his tail feathers and crown feathers, he really felt something unusual and said, "Cultivation well, maybe amazing changes will occur."

"How do you say it?" Wolverine felt that the second king was very insightful!

Wang Xuan said: "Look, three crown feathers, like three Dao flowers growing, may be a life-saver in the future. Five-color tail feathers, with a misty mist, cultivate to the extreme, maybe they can lead to chaos. Well, in your state , maybe it's moving closer to some kind of saying about my hometown."

"What do you say?" Wolverine came to the spirit. "Three flowers gathered on the top, five energies are in full swing. Wang Xuan didn't care and chatted with him casually, but Wolverine was serious and listened carefully. He nodded frequently and said: "I also think that we need to go in this direction. Continue to comprehend, and this scripture of commanding heights will produce the best mutation. "

The old men of the Black Peacock tribe, although the realm, Daoxing, etc. are not as good as the three clear sky, but they have rich experience and vicious vision.

Several people gave him a profound scripture on the Five Elements, and gave him a scripture on spirituality, so that he could cooperate with his practice.

"Practice well, in history, there were some mutants in my family, with beautiful wings, especially suitable for practicing the Five Elements Divine Art." An old peacock encouraged him. On the fifth day, Wang Xuan finally took action and began to practice this amazing scripture.

At this time, Heng Cheng, whom the second elder valued, stood up, and in his body there were strange fragments of Dao rhyme running through the flesh and blood, shining, and creating a wonderful scene in the body. He was a little dissatisfied, although the gains were not small, but after half a month, he still did not completely practice all the first chapters and achieve a complete cycle. He has mastered 90% of the scriptures, and he is still short of a fake tail, but he feels sleepy and tired. This miracle is too exhausting.

Not far away, Yuan Zhao, a genius valued by the Great Elder, also let out a sigh of relief and stood up. He couldn't hold it any longer. If it wasn't for comparing with Heng Cheng, he would have wanted to rest yesterday. As for the few people who came in with them, they had already left to cultivate their vitality.

Once Wang Xuan started, he really threw himself into it, sitting on a mountain, immersed in this strange scripture, and running this method. Indeed, it consumes a lot of money. He mobilizes the silent potential in his body, emitting light everywhere, and all cells are resonating. This is just a small cycle. Soon after, he began to try to circulate, and even the primordial spirit was involved, and his spirit was extremely active, like melting into the blood of the whole body.

At first, he did not deliberately prefer a certain field for enlightenment, but just wanted to see if the scriptures would automatically select a direction for him to change after the scriptures ran. Everything was stable, so smooth that the waves were not disturbed. His spirit, physical body, Taoism, etc., were like a bright lake reflecting the moon, and there were no ripples.

Two days later, he is still as stable as an old god, with no changes in all indicators, and his source is abundant enough to support him to continue.

On the third day, he began to take the initiative, trying to comprehend in the direction of the physical body, looking inside himself to see if he could activate any blood containing fragments of Taoism. After a day and a night, he found that the flesh and blood were crystal clear, the five internal organs were covered with light and mist, and the bones were white and unchanged.

He was not discouraged and tried again.

On the fifth day, he temporarily gave up this direction and said, "Well, I didn't intend to mutate my body and add any more organs."

He began to try "divine transformation" and work hard in the spiritual realm. His Primordial Spirit is extremely strong, flowing with majestic power, and in an instant, he can break into the higher spiritual world. Everything remains the same, his Primordial Spirit power is strong and stable, and there is no sign of mutation.

On the sixth day, Wang Xuan Jingsi, from the beginning to the present, this scripture has no effect on him at all, and there is no change.

Running scriptures consumes a lot of money and is very difficult to practice. After many days of practice, others will generally have some signs, either benign mutations or signs of degeneration, whether they can practice or not,

There will be results. On the eighth day, he was still as steady as an old Buddha.

"I'm so good!" he consoled himself, it wasn't his fault, the scriptures weren't enough to make him change. To this end, he ran the scriptures, not caring about the huge consumption, and began to try the great cycle route.

On the tenth day, he had already completed it. The great circulation route caused the activity of the cells in the whole body to increase sharply, and the bone marrow was dancing with it. The average superhuman is expected to explode the bones and explode the internal organs.

But he didn't have a big problem, and went through this path thoroughly.

"Well, my flesh, my spirit, don't need so-called mutation, I have reached the forefront, my state is perfect, and I don't need to change anymore." He said to himself solemnly, making an evaluation.

Because, this scripture has no effect on him at all, and the bloodline mutation and divine transformation are all slippery and do not appear.

The wolverine came with the little wolf cub, tired like a dog, sticking out his tongue and gasping for breath, wishing to lie on the ground, not wanting to move. He came up to repair recklessly, five days earlier than Wang Xuan, and if you count the time, it has been half a month.

He insisted on it for so long, and he was really startled by a few old peacocks, because, in their analysis, the wolf irrigation should be inferior to the atavistic Heng Cheng and Yuan Zhao, who had two primordial spirits. I really did not expect that he also insisted on the same time for 15 days.

"Brother, that bowl of medicated food Niu Yi! He secretly transmitted his voice and told Wang Xuan that when he was about to die, the vitality accumulated in the medicated food came into play. The original sword fairy, the silver sword of the Long-mouthed Silver Crane Clan , and the Dapeng bird, both of them did not show signs of him, and wanted to persevere to the end, but the result was that he was physically weak and mentally weak, and the two of them had no temper, so they went to cultivate." Find a place for yourself to recover. "Wang Xuan said. "I know, it's not a big problem, just go back to sleep for a long time." "Wu Xingtian nodded.

Then, he was dragged away by several old men of the Black Peacock Clan. From the original observation, he was very optimistic about him, and he gave him two books of the Five Elements, as well as the scriptures on spirituality. During this period, several old men also "consulted" for Wang Xuan, and they were all surprised and puzzled. Did this scripture make waves in him? No good or bad changes.

They can only leave the eyebrows and let him continue to practice, under observation.

From this day on, Wang Xuan officially began to "advance" to his own parietal bone, leading the field of mutation in this direction.

On the same day, Heng Cheng and Yuan Zhao came back. The two rested for ten days and started to forge ahead again, preparing to thoroughly practice the first part and carry out a complete cycle. They learned that Wang Xuan had persisted for ten days.

His face was calm, and when he learned that the Wolverine had endured for 15 days and tied their record, he was slightly startled.

"Well, is this a mutation?" On the fifteenth day, Wang Xuan discovered subtle changes in the parietal bone, and some textures became clearer. Although a very small part,

But it's also amazing, there is change and there is a trend, and eventually a scale.

You must know that in the realm of real immortals, it is too difficult to take the road of imperial Taoism. Generally, it is only "on the surface", which is the half-truth and half-empty texture of the imperial road.

The last time Wang borrowed that mysterious light in God's Nest to really shape the texture. After reaching this step, based on this, there are new changes today. How can he not be happy? "Sure, this is the direction!" He was satisfied that this verse was useful to him, and there may be unexpected results,

In fact, he guessed that the change of the parietal bone Yu Dao transformation may eventually lead to the improvement of Dao Xing, which is the legendary Dao Xing mutation.

On this day, Heng Cheng and Yuan Zhao both looked at Wang Xuan, because, like the wolverine, this guy matched their first sitting time. Next up is Day 16, Day 17...

This time, after Heng Cheng and Yuan Zhao came in and practiced for the first day, they were a little tired again, but the effect was very good, and they completed the big cycle. When they opened their eyes, they found that Wang Xuan was still there. Has he persisted for 2 days? The two were shocked.

Even the first elder and the second elder came to see Wang Xuan showing a strange look. Of course, they were not made for Wang Xuan this time. Heng Cheng and Yuan Zhao retreated twice, adding up to a total of 25 days of training. Got through the previous article. They are here to fulfill their promises. With such a fast cultivation speed and benign mutation, they are obviously ahead of others. They must be rewarded heavily and take them to see - to see the strange bones of Imperial Daohua.

"Wait a minute, I have also gone through the complete Great Heart Circulation route." Wang Xuan said, that strange bone was his biggest goal. He felt that this place was his blessed land, but it helped him to further improve the parietal bone and let him Road increase.

There is such a miracle and a reference object, a strange bone, the opportunity is really rare, he can't do it if he doesn't think about it. But how to tell the Black Peacock Clan, then tell him that his Taoism may change.

The first elder and the second elder were really surprised.

"When did you complete the great cycle route?" the second elder couldn't help asking. "A few days ago." Wang Xuan replied.

The second elder was in a daze. If he said that it was just today, he actually said that he had succeeded some time ago, which was earlier than the return to his ancestors, Heng Cheng, whom she valued. The first elder also asked, is he feeling sick?

"It's okay. Wang Xuan shook his head, this is not the time to be humble and low-key, he is going to watch the sacred skull of the Black Peacock Clan, and he can't be left behind. The elder is also speechless, looking at him, his energy is not sluggish. It looks like I can still hold on to it, and then run this scripture.

Soon, the super peerless clear sky was alerted and rushed here in person. "In what way do you feel that you might mutate?" Clear Sky asked him. "It's possible that it's about Taoism." Wang Xuan replied cautiously. "Okay, let's go to see the sacred bones of my family first!" Qingkong nodded, very happy and happy, she hoped that the two kings brought back from Wuxingshan could bring her new surprises.

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