Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 209: To protect you

"Five masters, just died like this?" No one of the long-armed ape clan ended up recklessly this time, and they couldn't believe it.

In the sky, Wang Pao was holding a black mace in one hand and a long knife made of Daluo's copper mother in the other. Blood was dripping from the mace and the blade.

Controlled by himself, there is no blood on his body, and the surrounding is full of black demon clouds, such as the surging tides, covering the sky and the sun.

"Hehe." Wolverine grinned, and under the emotion, with a slap, the five-colored tail feathers spread out, and a peacock opened its screen at the scene.

He told people that this is the spirit of the Five Elements Mountain, no matter who the enemy is, just rush to kill it.

Heng Cheng, Yuan Zhao, and the Sword Immortals of the Long-mouthed Yinhe Clan were all speechless for a while. Aren't you in charge of the colorful and radiant body? What are you excited about.

The Gibbon Clan was silent for a short time, and then exploded. How long did it take? The death of five clansmen was too tragic.

The population of this clan is large, and the experts are like clouds. The disciples who can come out, enter the starry sky, and compete with various religions are all gifted.

Previously, they had visited four well-known strong clans in the starry sky, and they won all the way, and they didn't want to kick a big iron plate here today.

"I knew it would be like this." Super Peerless Clear Sky said, because, 11 years ago, she had seen it in the Meteorite Sea.

The Great Elder of the Black Peacock Sacred Mountain did not speak, and was a little speechless. He had made a judgment before, so he stopped Kong Xuan from ending.

However, the second elder unblocked him.

"Letting him off is equivalent to helping him open the lock, and he has to create conditions to be aggressive." The second elder of the Black Peacock Holy Mountain said, but she was not unhappy,

On the contrary, he felt extremely comfortable, and let out a bad breath.

She knew very well that the blond woman from the Gibbon God Clan earlier dared to expose the scars of the Black Peacock Clan.

The generation of the Gibbon Clan is very powerful, and they are confident that they can sweep the Black Peacock Holy Mountain. After provocation in words, they also want to seriously damage their opponents in actions and add obstacles to the Black Peacock Clan. The second elder sees it thoroughly.

In fact, Wang really didn't want to make a serious move this time, mainly because when he clicked it, the woman actually used the strange treasure in the spiritual realm and wanted to kill him with the Yuanshen arrow.

Otherwise, it would not be in line with the usual charm of the second king of the Five Elements Mountains. He had been the demon king for 11 years, how could he let that spirit be destroyed in one fell swoop?

"I'll kill him!" The Gibbon God Clan, as a first-class powerhouse in the universe, is notoriously strong, and naturally there is no shortage of rebellious geniuses. People dare to end, thinking they can kill him.

Even Yuan Sheng, the descendant of the alien old ape, the famous wizard, had to get up, but was stopped by the super peerless voice transmission in the clan, so he waited and looked at Kong Yan's methods.

In an instant, three great masters came out. No doubt, they were all very famous characters of the clan. Some of them had a wonderful sight when they broke the time limit, and some of them won great records when they fought against the geniuses of other clans.

However, this time they did not end at the same time, and they were discussing who to send over.

The three of them are all extraordinary people, and they can't besiege them with a face, and they all feel that they can't afford to lose that person.

Wang Yan didn't care, shook the mace and the copper knife, threw off all the blood, and prepared to meet the next opponent. …

However, Super Peerless Clear Sky spoke up and said, "Kong Xuan, come back."

The first elder also nodded, feeling that it was almost done, and if the duel continued, he was afraid that Kong Yan would be fierce and bloody.

And according to the temperamental and vengeful character of those monkeys, they would have to fight with the Black Peacock Sacred Mountain every day in the future, blocking endless duels here.

"No!" shouted the people of the Gibbon God Ape Clan, how could he be allowed to leave the venue if his revenge has not been avenged?

For a time, there was a lot of anger, and a group of senior experts who had challenged all races in the starry sky followed to stand up, and a group of senior experts who had challenged all races in the starry sky followed.

This group of monkeys, not to mention other things, just talking about fighting intent and great energy, it is really scary, even if Wang Xuan showed a terrible strength, a group of gibbons are also calling out.

It was nothing at first, but someone behind him became irritable, and his words were not good, and the words were not so wonderful.

Wang Xuan ignored them and glanced at them, preparing to leave this extremely open gladiatorial place.

"Actually, we asked Kong to come back because of your protection." The second elder said, his voice was light, but it really hurt the two peerless Gibbons, and it was a tribute to the two of them earlier. The needles are hidden in the cotton.

Opposite the three elders, the two super peerless smiles on their faces, a man and a woman, were a little stiff.

In recent years, the masters of the Gibbons have emerged one after another, putting a lot of pressure on the opposing camps. In the next-generation competition, they have the upper hand.

Especially in recent years, they have had few defeats, but today they are regarded as the weak side, and the key is not to pick out the fault, the "external demon" of the Black Peacock Sacred Mountain is indeed extremely fierce.

"After all, you are a guest from afar. There is really no need to face each other in life and death. I think those juniors are too emotional and need to cool down. Let's let the direct line of the two groups of you and me discuss it later."

The big elder spoke up.

In fact, in the Black Peacock Sacred Mountain, it would be unreasonable if his own clan did not end. No matter what the outcome was, he wanted to make the clan,

Take a shot, really try it.

The female super-peerless Yi Yin of the Gibbon clan nodded with a calm face,

Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is another page to go.

"No, go back for me! After entering the arena, do you still want to retreat?" Someone in the Gibbon Ape camp burst out and had already exited the stage, directly blocking Wang Yan's way.

"I can bear it or can't bear it, who do you want to go back? Cut you to death!" Wolverine, the king of the Five Elements Mountains, was the first to freak out.

On his head, three feathers swayed, emitting a dazzling light, majestic, he scolded his opponent, and said: "Have you heard that, it is to protect you, you dare to speak rudely if you don't appreciate it, it is purely a way to kill! "

In fact, the Wolverine knows the character of the second king very well, and knows that he will definitely take action. In that case, he will definitely see blood again, so he first helps to "lay the groundwork", and if he kills his opponent like this, no one will say anything. .

In fact, Wang Yan didn't say a word, put away the pitch-black mace, dragged the knife with one hand and passed by. Since the other party is irritable and dissatisfied with him, he will kill him until he is satisfied.

This violent **** ape, very domineering, and indeed sturdy, appeared in the form of a real body, covered with long golden hair, and was very tall. …

Across the sky, he directly displayed the Dharma body, constructed with extraordinary factors, woven with orderly textures, and gave Wang Xuan a kick when he came up.

The golden ape with a height of several hundred meters, the main body was embodied by the rules, and with a bang, it fell with one foot.

This divine ape is indeed fierce and tyrannical, but the two kings of the Five Elements Mountain are even more fierce, one knife after another, starting from the soles of his feet, they are just chopped up and shortened, all the way up, in the great destruction of the extraordinary factors and the rules of the fragment. , that leg is gone!

Of course, this is not the real body of the other party. Even so, he wounded the fierce ape, let out a loud roar, and staggered backwards in the air, and then kept bending the bow and shooting arrows. He realized that he might be worse than the other party. Get closer.

In this campaign, Wang Xuan demonstrated the black peacock holy mountain's exercises, and visualized a black peacock. The screen opened here, and the black light suddenly rose, blocking the opponent's arrow feathers, all the way up.

In the end, the black peacock collided with a golden ferocious ape, and there seemed to be thunders blasting one after another in the sky, intertwined with terrifying beams.

The process was intense, but it made the black peacock family feel very comfortable. The peacock that was visualized bloomed with black light, suppressed the golden ape throughout the whole process, and kept diving. The sharp claws tore off a large piece of golden fur, accompanied by a rain of blood.

In the collision of spells, the black feathers in the sky, evolved the divine chain of order, locked to the ape, and turned him into a prisoner.


After some fierce fighting, the black peacock left a terrifying claw hole on the head of this heaven-level vicious ape, and the blood rushed out at that time.

In the end, the two kings of the Five Elements Mountain still made a deadly attack, slashing the ape with a knife, letting the blood spilled into the sky, ending the battle and killing a well-known and amazingly talented master of the gibbon **** ape.

"Is there anyone else who asked me to go back to the arena?" Wang Xuan asked.

Yuan Sheng stood up, his pale golden face showed coldness, his tall body exuded murderous aura, his thick long hair fluttered, and he was about to end.

But he was still stopped by the super peerless Yi Yin. She had already realized the seriousness of the problem. If most of the masters of Baishan fell into the hands of the "foreign demon" Kong this time, and did not fight against the black peacocks themselves, It would be really embarrassing to spread it out.

After her stern glance, the group of monkeys became quiet, no more noise, and the fierce light in their eyes was restrained.

Wang Yan walked out, but no one stopped him this time.

Although the Gibbon God Clan held vengeance and was very strong, after a few battles, they also knew that this monster was fierce and destructive. Except for Yuan Sheng and the other one, probably no one who went up was an opponent.

The death of six people in a row is a big blow to the newly-rising people of the first-class power family in the universe. They were originally wild, but now they are a lot more restrained.

A foreign demon interrupted their winning streak.

Next, the direct descendants of the Black Peacock Clan ended up in a real collision with the Gibbon God Ape Clan. In this fight, both sides showed amazing means.

After several battles, the two sides won and lost each other, leaving bloodstains on the ground. Some people died and some were seriously injured.

The Gibbon Clan believes that the newly-rising descendants are stronger than the Black Peacock Clan, but at the moment, they can't hold back.

There is no doubt that the six masters who were killed by Wang Pao in a row had a great impact, especially the fierce ape that was killed at the end was indeed very strong, and it died before he got out of school. …

The Black Peacock Clan is also very strong as a whole. Facing the rise of these powerful figures from the Gibbon Clan with high fighting spirit, they have blocked wave after wave of fierce attacks.

Until later, Yuan Sheng was about to end, and on the opposite side, a man from the Hei Kong tribe who had always been silent stood up, ready to attack.

People realized that this battle is almost at the final stage. Of course, the fierce monster Kong Xuan is a variable. He won the Black Peacock Clan. .

"Let me come!" Heng Cheng quickly got up and said, he is a descendant of foreigners, and he has been returning to his ancestors continuously in recent years. There is a mysterious Taoist rhythm in his body, and his strength is very strong.

Yuan Sheng is the descendant of the old **** ape, and he is also a direct descendant of aliens. Heng Cheng wants to have a duel to prove what he has Yuan Sheng is a little unhappy. Recently, in the starry sky During the fight, when he appeared, it was almost the end of the game. He was all trying to defeat the core disciple of the top sect. Now someone is actively blocking him?

Off the court, Wang Xuan is very peaceful, he has nothing to do right now, just watch the game, but he vaguely feels

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ It should be there, there seems to be a very powerful woman in the opposite camp, not like a person from the Gibbon clan, but a real master.

Yuan Sheng was a little unhappy. Recently, he was fighting in the starry sky. When he appeared on the stage, it was almost the end of the game. He was all shooting to defeat the core disciple of the top sect. Now someone is actively blocking him?

Off the field, Wang Yan was very peaceful. He didn't have anything to do at the moment, he just watched the game, but he vaguely sensed that there seemed to be a very powerful woman in the opposite camp, not like someone from the Gibbon clan, but a real Great master.

He didn't know if he still needed a shot. At this time, he was a little distracted, thinking of the strange things on the mobile phone, which had been accumulated for 11 years, and each message squeezed the screen, whether it would be a surprise or a shock!

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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