Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 211: Duel the whole clan

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The magnificent palaces, thick stone pillars, and reliefs have accumulated the vicissitudes of the years, telling the tragic old events of the last century when various races competed and the war between the stars and sea in the universe.

The woman is tall and long, with long blue hair, a melon-seeded face, long eyelashes, and very deep black pupils.

She is dressed in a blue dress, has a clearly curvy figure, her skin is as white as ivory, and her face is very beautiful, with a slightly pointed chin, big eyes, and bright red lips.

Although it was just that sentence, she successfully mobilized everyone's emotions, and the geniuses of the black peacock tribe were extremely angry.

Just one person, looking down on a generation of Black Peacocks, looking down on a powerful group in the sea of ​​​​stars?

A group of people is restless, this is really unbearable.

The Gibbon Clan also fluctuated violently, but they were joyful. The woman stood up and singled out all the people of the Black Peacock generation. Many people were looking forward to it with fiery eyes. Even the severely injured Yuan Sheng sat up and waited for the woman to show her extremely extraordinary means.

"What is she talking about, this is the ancestral land of our clan, the highest holy mountain, she dares to let us all go up together as an outsider?!" A black peacock demon immortal was indignant.

Above the main hall, the elder Qing Cang looked down, doubting the identity of the blue-clothed woman.

"This girl, could it be the lost sister of the second king, or a cousin?" Wolverine couldn't help but opened his mouth, looked and looked, the woman's face was not turbulent, but she was very confident, with a kind of restrained strength.

The young wolf Tian was also observing. He had extraordinary roots and a very keen sense of spirit. He felt an inexplicable charm and pressure on the woman, and said, "Maybe he is of the same kind, but he can be one of the candidates for Erniang. Remember the website m.luoqiuxzw. .com

Of course, he is very reliable. He only communicates in secret, and he does not dare to speak out in public, for fear that he will be targeted by such a strongman, and he will be killed by extraordinary means.

Wolverine warned: "Don't talk nonsense, if she hears it, the trouble will be big. This woman must have a great background, and there is probably a more powerful Taoism behind her than the first-class powers in the universe."

He is very keen, and his ability to seek good luck and avoid evil is a must.

However, the father and son were still awe-inspiring, the girl in the blue dress even glanced over lightly and looked at them both a few times. Did you hear that?

At the same time, the woman also glanced at the demons of the Black Peacock Sacred Mountain and the powerful people of the mountain lineage, and said, "Including you."

Six-eyed Jinchan is very angry, and now his eyebrows stand up immediately, this rough man is very impatient, and he will end immediately.

Heng Cheng, who was recovering from his injuries, was quite quiet.

Yuan Zhao, who planted the seed of the third primordial spirit, as well as the Long-mouthed Silver Crane Sword Immortal, and the Lightning Giant, all stood up, their hearts burning.

Wang Xuan was staring at her, this woman gave him a very dangerous feeling, even he felt it was a threat, showing how strong she was.

"Daoxing is very high, shouldn't it be the road of imperialization ahead of time?" He had such doubts.

In the universe, under the vast starry sky, some extremely detached Dao lineages and powerful families must have mastered the law that they can "get on the road" in advance when they are true immortals.

In fact, after the birth of some extraterrestrial relics, occasionally there are such mysterious methods. Of course, it is very rare. Each one will lead to the end of all parties, **** fighting, and scriptures can sometimes flow out.

For example, when Wang Xuan was in the Pingtian Star Territory, he and the wanted criminal, Wu Tian, ​​obtained the secret articles related to fifty-four pieces together.

In addition, Yan Que, a friend of Pingtian Academy, once mentioned that when his brother and others explored the ruins, they also obtained a rare book, which allowed the extraordinary to try the road of imperialization in the period of true immortals.

Speaking of which, Wang Xuan hadn't seen Yanque for 11 years. Although they made an appointment and could secretly communicate in the special space of the higher spiritual world, Wang Xuan was too busy in recent years and never went there.

When he left Pingtian Academy, he passed the scriptures contained in the fifty-four pieces to Yan Que, Hong Teng, Qi Miao, Cai Wei and others.

Yan Que once said that he would exchange for Wang Xuan the rare secret book in the hands of his eldest brother!

Just when Wang Xuan was distracted, a black peacock flew out, and Jin Ming, who was a little impatient, also came on the court, and wanted to fight that woman.

"Come together!" The woman said very loudly, her blue hair was shining, her long skirt was fluttering, she was quite dusty and quiet, but this kind of words were too strong.

"Don't argue, let me come first." The heaven-level expert of the Black Peacock Clan said. He and Jin Ming were very familiar and grew up together in the holy mountain. A huge black shadow rushed up, covering the sky and covering the sky, and his big peacock appeared, standing in the sky, huge and boundless, with the sun and the moon in his mouth, and the stars hanging on his feathers.

However, although this black peacock is very ferocious, it does not reflect the power that the clan should have. Perhaps it can only be said that this woman is too aloof and powerful.

With a bang, she raised her hand, pointed out, and the brilliant beam flew out, piercing the huge black peacock with a puff, causing it to explode in mid-air on the spot, and the transcendent factor collapsed, as if covering the sky. The black cloud exploded violently.

At the same time, the corner of the mouth of the black peacock man who shot was bleeding, and his real body was also injured.

But he did not retreat, a light wheel appeared outside his body, whistling, ignoring the distance in space, driving him to disappear, and then blasting towards the woman.

The woman snapped her fingers, and a splendid transcendent flower flew out, containing strange textures. It seemed weak, but it broke the halo, and the master who pierced through the black peacock tribe, making his chest transparent from front to back, and the wound appeared there. Terrifying cracks spread all over the body.

He fell headfirst from the air and fell to the ground. His primordial spirit was dim, and he fainted on the spot, covered in blood.

Just lost? Too simple and straightforward.

This has just begun, and the battle is over. Everyone realizes that the danger level of this woman is beyond their expectations, and it is too tyrannical.

Even though she doesn't speak much, some things can already be guessed, and their origins are probably astonishing, the scriptures she cultivates are very terrifying, and the Taoism is extremely profound.

Jin Ming was also on the field, and suddenly felt a little stiff, do you still want to shoot?

The next moment, he rushed over, grabbed the black peacock man, helped him stop the injury, and then threw him out of the arena.

Jin Ming looked at the woman, all came, how could he retreat?

"You can't do it alone, join forces with them!" The woman looked at the straight line of the Black Peacock Clan, and the line outside the mountain, her eyes swept over everyone.

The masters of the Black Peacock Clan felt embarrassed, competing with their peers, and being singled out by one person for the entire clan. If this spread out, it would be too shameless.

The people of the Gibbon Clan were all happy and felt the same way, as if they were looking down on their opponents, and many people cheered directly.

The rough man Jin Ming couldn't bear it any longer. Near his eyes, four more eyes appeared. In an instant, six golden lights flew out, pierced through the void, and headed towards the woman.

This is the innate magical power of the six-eyed golden cicada, a top monster race alien, far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

However, what is surprising is that with a flick of the woman's hand, a mysterious texture appeared, blocking these six terrifying lights with her bare hands.

Even the void was cut, but the six beams of light fell on her snow-white palm, but it was clanging and was wiped away by the mysterious texture, and her slender hand was not damaged at all.

Jin Ming flies into the sky, the texture of the six eyes is intertwined, and the scene of the sun and the moon in the sky, the birth and death of galaxies, and the passage of time, the wonder is amazing.

The reason why the six-eyed golden cicada is regarded as the top demon is because the talent is too strong, the six-eyed contains the power of time and space, and when his bloodline evolves to the extreme, he will definitely become a famous demon that moves the stars!

Now, he has not reached that level, but he has also drawn out part of the secret power of space and the power of time.

The six-path rule divine light flew out, imprisoning the space, like a cage, to immobilize the woman, and sometimes time was like a knife, silently slashing at the woman's forehead.

Even the Gibbon God Ape Clan was moved. The potential of this alien monster is terrifying. In the future, it must be a famous monster, and it will reach a very amazing height.

With a bang, the woman's right hand clenched a fist, with a hazy light, one punch blew up the fixed void, unable to bind her at all.

At the same time, wherever her fist light passed, the blazing time knife light was dispersed by a strong earthquake.

"A woman is so fierce!" Jin Ming rushed to the sky, clearly facing a beautiful woman, but he had the illusion that he was facing a prehistoric beast and was about to be swallowed.

Out of instinct, he fled to the sky, and six wings appeared behind him, which were transparent cicada wings, constantly releasing sword energy and lashing down.

The blue-clothed woman looked into the air, raised a hand, and grabbed a hand towards the sky, as if to imprison the sky.

Even though he didn't touch it, the Six-Eyed Jinchan still felt strongly uneasy. He quickly moved his body sideways, constantly changing his position, but in the end, his speed was still slow.

"You're not weak, but you still can't." The woman said, her pure white right hand grabbed violently against the void.

With a puff, Jin Ming coughed up blood, and his body was twisted and deformed.

What the **** is this woman? Outrageously strong!

The bones in his body crackled, at least eight were broken, and the whole person flew out, one of which pierced the heart. With blood all over his mouth, he turned around and left, escaping the battlefield, because he knew that he was really not this woman's opponent.

The direct descendants of the Black Peacock Clan, these rising stars present are like falling into an ice cellar, how can this be fought? Chongxiao couldn't get off the field, and the Six-Eyed Jinchan was defeated, and they were definitely not opponents when they went up.

Do you really want to join forces and attack together? However, it is too embarrassing to spread the word.

Some people looked at the most ferocious monster, Kong Xuan, the second king from the Five Elements Mountains, and some people were preparing the formation flag, trying to win this woman by setting up the formation.

"You brought a younger generation with a lot of background and pressure to us, do you want to send a message?" Qingkong looked at the peerless Yin Yin of the Gibbon God Clan.

"You think too much." Yi Yin smiled.

"How long do you have to wait?" the woman in the field said.

She has a slender figure, blue hair, a melon-seeded face, long eyelashes, and divine eyes. She has a very protruding appearance and a slightly demonic appearance. If she smiles, she should be very charming, but now she is calm as water.

This woman has always been very calm, and at this time she also swept over Wang Xuan and said, "Including you, let's go together, the famous monster from the Meteorite Sea."

Named Wang Xuan stared at her.

"Kong Xuan, you're off!" This time, the second elder of the Black Peacock Sacred Mountain ordered Wang Xuan again. She couldn't help it. There's no face.

Of course, she guessed that Kong Xuan couldn't stop it either. She was thinking about what kind of balancing measures there was. There was no need to hurt him, and she wanted to calm down this matter quickly.

Wang Xuan was sure that this woman should be of the same kind, and she took the road of becoming a Taoist in the period of true immortals. Now she has reached the level of heaven and is very dangerous.

Now that he has been double-named, he is definitely going to end. How to deal with this woman, just click directly and slam into it? Rough does not matter, the key is, can you hit it, and can you handle all kinds of sequelae and troubles? is a problem.

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