Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 214: alluring

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Moon Holy Lake, where is that?

It's not easy to hear, there are aliens who leave the customs and enter the sea of ​​stars, the world refines their hearts, and still wants to find a Taoist companion? The news was a complete mess. !

Even Wang Xuan was shocked!

That is an alien, and can only be seen from a distance, but must not be seen.

In the new transcendent central universe, most of the aliens come from the outer world, and a few are born in the mainland.

How old is that?

How many years? It must be more than that. How can it be in units of ten thousand years, it is estimated that it is not a creature of this era, and it is unpredictable.

Of course, where there are true saints, if they can teach them personally, they may have a slight advantage in age, but they are only small enough.

At that level, who has not experienced the changes of the world, the rise and fall of honor and disgrace, and the vision and state of mind are fundamentally different from ordinary people.

Are cell phone oddities serious? Actually want him to go immediately!

Wang Xuan felt that he was trying to sacrifice him, right?

"Did you think I ran into Jing Qi and thought my head was tough, and asked me to provoke the aliens of the Moon Holy Lake?!"

Wang Yan was so angry that he wanted to stab it with the imperial spear again. Does this strange thing think he is easy to deceive, and it would jump into the pit so easily?

"The aliens have a special stage, re-entering the world, emptying their minds, and not having so many calculations. This entry into the WTO is because of some kind of big chance."

The strange object of the mobile phone is also a text, a voice, and a spiritual imprint, a triple reminder.

But Wang Xuan felt that it was particularly unreliable.

"Fate gathers and dissipates, it's amazing, let go of the hand in order to hold it tighter." It has a fateful tone, and it has become dusty.

Wang Xuan was much more realistic, and with the fire and fire of red dust, he asked: "What is the big chance, can I go ahead and cut off the Hu?"

"I'm sorry, your level is not enough, and your identity is not bound." The strange thing on the mobile phone suggested in turn, be less wary, be more proactive, and get your identity recognized as soon as possible.

Wang Xuan didn't answer this question and said, "The next surprise."

"In the mechanical star field, in the cold cosmic void, a mysterious mecha is suspended."

A long time ago, when Wang was in the mother universe, he heard about the rise of the mechanical clan, killing the former co-owner, and now there is news.

"Yes, the next one." Wang Xuan said calmly.

"Wu Tian, ​​make a new face, go deep into the mansion of the foreigner Menglong, meet his new concubine at night, take away a mysterious and strange object, Mengtian returns to anger, and offers a reward for the wanted."

It actually involves Wutian, and there is news about him again. He can really toss and offend an alien named Menglong. How many wanted orders does he carry?

Wu Tianye will meet Menglong's new concubine, this is all a mess, what kind of surprise? Wang Xuan was puzzled.

"You may get a reward." The mobile phone responded.

Let him go catch Wutian? Or save it!


"Yege, the true immortals of the six major star regions have no rivals, and they are known as the first immortals in the six regions. The golden book and jade book keep their name."

"Does it have anything to do with me?" Wang Xuan asked.

"In the vast universe, in one star field after another, there are only a hundred true immortals who can be named in the golden book and jade album. If they can be replaced, there will be a great opportunity."

"Go!" Wang Heihu doesn't want to go to "register and record" now.

On the strange object on the mobile phone, the icon representing **** glowed, telling Wang Pao that the latest discovery was that there was a mysterious medicine field with no owner somewhere in hell.

"How much do you want to send me to hell? Yes!" Wang Xuan exclaimed, 11 years ago, when he first got this strange object, he was tempted.

However, the previous holders were eaten alive by something after entering hell, and even blood splashed from the icon into reality.

"One lost cat in Jiuling Cave. The mountain owner offers a reward. If you provide clues, you can get a drop of the true liquid. This liquid can help people create a texture of imperialism."

Wang Xuan was shocked, what is Jiulingdong? After losing a civet cat, it is a bit scary to have such a big hand.

He asked directly and learned that Jiulingdong was extremely ancient and unfathomable.

"The kind of wine you secretly brewed that suits that cat's taste, or has a chance."

"Medicinal wine, I don't have enough to drink myself!" Wang Xun was surprised, he was still a drunk cat, but his appetite was too cunning.

Jiulingshan's rejuvenating liquid is not suitable for everyone, mainly because it has already walked on this road. After it "returns true", it may activate its own potential exclusive texture.

Wang Xuan felt that this was useful to him, so he should write this down first, in case he encountered that civet cat in the future.

"What you said is a little far from me. Is there any surprise that can be sent directly to me? The bowl of medicinal food last time was good."

Wang Yan reminded it that this time it was not affordable enough, and he needed to toss it out by himself, which was a great risk.

"Really." The strange thing on the phone responded.

Wang Xuan suddenly regained his spirits, saying that it was useless to say so much, but the surprise of being able to get it was the most real.

"Heavenly Court Dining Hall, never closes, and there are times when things go wrong. Last time there was a rare herbal meal at the foreign level, and some ingredients and seasonings were misplaced. Would you like to try it?"

When Wang Xuan heard this, he looked bad. Is this asking him to eat the medicated diet in question?

However, it doesn't seem to be anything. You can send it here. There is a squirrel outside the yard. Why don't you feed it first?

"You misunderstood. In fact, the old master in the pharmacy room is mainly looking for a gifted person to test the medicine. Ordinary creatures are not considered."

"Are you giving me a surprise, or do you want to poison me? Yes!" Wang Yan looked at it displeased.

"Don't think about it? Maybe it's an unexpected surprise. Inhuman-level ingredients, maybe a pot of rare medicine can be boiled, which can greatly improve your Taoism."

Wang Xuanyi moved and said, "Just let me feed the squirrels first."

"Ordinary creatures have tried it and they will die suddenly, but the master thinks that the medicated food is ok, and wants to find someone with a tough life to try it."

Wang Xuan stared at the strange object on the phone with his white eyes and said, "Are you provoking me? Don't want to live! Next!"

Then, the strange thing on the phone was silent.

"Why didn't you report it?" Wang Xuan asked.

"This surprise is too big. I'm worried that you are too excited." Three-dimensional text appeared on the strange object on the mobile phone, like flowing off the screen.

Wang Xun was surprised and said, "Tell me."

"There is a cup of tea, which is suspected to be brewed by the true sage."

Wang Xun was indeed stunned. It was the first time he had faced the strange things in this field on his mobile phone, which really shocked him.

After a brief silence, after Wang Xuan's urging, the phone responded, "I'm afraid you will be even more angry, I really want you to die violently."

Wang Xuan said blankly, "Speak!"

"This is a cup of old tea, left over from the previous century."

Wang Xuan was quiet and clenched his fists. The tea would taste sour overnight. After an era, how many thousands of years have passed, what has it turned out to be?

Has he evaporated yet?

"Do you think that I'm too kind?" Wang Xuan's parietal bones glowed, mysterious textures intertwined, and he stared at the strange object on the phone very evilly.

If it were flesh and blood, it would definitely have been hit with a headbutt.

"I thought about it, the holy tea is not easy to deteriorate. Of course, if it deteriorates, it is estimated that it can be poisoned to death. This... pass!" It took the initiative to skip this.

"It's so toxic, it's useless anyway, you can give it to me, can I keep it?" Wang Yan asked while suppressing his anger.

The mobile phone strange object refused: "No, I just want to try the tea. After a century has passed, I want to know whether it still contains the rhythm of Taoism, or has already mutated."

Wang Xuan couldn't stand it, all the surprises were mirrored in the mirror, far less than expected, it really was a pit.

"Useless news, you can filter it out for me. You know my style, so you don't have to read it out to me, just be practical!"

The strange objects on the mobile phone are briefly quiet, as if they are screening,

After a while it started again.

"This surprise is very practical. The Zifu Peach in the back mountain of the Gibbon God Clan is about to mature, and the magic circle there will stop once the dry year, although it is only a short three-breath period, but if you go with that fierce spear, 80% of the time. It can be picked." It introduced that Zifu Peach is famous for moving Xinghai, and eating one can prolong life for thousands of years, even in the era of extraordinary decay, it can also last for 20 years.

As soon as he finished fighting the monkeys, he went to steal their peaches. Why did Wang Pao think it was wrong, and even his Imperial Dao flag was counted in the combat power range?

He knows that the old apes of that family are all close to the real holy realm. They are holding a big silver bow. If they sense the breath of Yudao flag, give him a shot. The flag is fine.

But he can't take it.

"Your previous masters were all killed by you like this, right?" Wang Xuan asked in a dark voice, the light of the Royal Dao gushing out of his head.

"Forget it if you don't want to, skip this one. Next, in the backyard of the alien black and white bear's house, the mutated bamboo shoots, after the transformation of the transcendent center, were nourished by the rhythm of the two universes, and the medicinal effect was maximized. eaten."

Wang Xuan gave up completely, so he just listened to the anecdote. Those places, the names of those aliens, those creations, were too far away from him, and Quan Dang had a long experience.

At the very least, he knew some aliens, learned a lot of valuable information, and the power structure.

"Actually, there are some surprises you can pick up,

You're just being too cautious. ' said the cellphone wonder.

"Shut up you!"

"After my final screening, I chose a surprise that was without danger and only required a little luck." In the end, it still gave some unexpected compensation.

Wang Xuan didn't speak, and didn't look directly at it.

The strange thing on the mobile phone is very peaceful, and he explained carefully: "Fish in the different seas, if you are lucky, you can harvest a fortune that will make the super peers and other people jealous."

Wang Xuan still ignored it. Up to now, he already knew a few seas, the sea of ​​origin where he could change his life with a golden shell, the Dao sea on the mobile phone icon, and now there is another inexplicable sea.

All the icons on the phone screen dimmed, and then, a vortex appeared, showing in the real world, gradually revealing the scene inside.

Through the real vortex, Wang Pao saw a black sea inside, silent, the sea was calm, and there was a faint mist.

A large reef emerges from the water, with five fishing rods on it, corresponding to the five colors of blue, yellow, red, black and white.

"Choose a fishing rod. You can get the chance purely by luck. You may not catch anything, or it may make you tremble with excitement."

Wang Xuan looked and looked, but he didn't hold out any hope, he just felt that it was novel, where is this different sea, he naturally wouldn't touch the whirlpool.

In the end, he chose the red fishing rod in the middle indifferently.

The red fishing slowly rose, left the small island reef, came out of the whirlpool, and entered the real world, like a red bamboo refining, with a warm luster.

"Hey, you're lucky, look!" The strange object on the phone reminded him.

"Huh?" Wang Pao found that the lower part of the fishing line was still above the black sea of ​​alienation, and there was half a dragon's tail on the hook.

"Is this a chance I got by luck, the tail of a pure-blooded dragon?" He was indeed surprised.

The strange thing on the phone was very calm and said, "The pattern is small, it's just bait."

"I... go, is it true or false?" Wang was in a daze, fishing in a different sea with a piece of real dragon's flesh and blood, this is a bit outrageous, what exactly are you fishing for?

At the same time, he became more and more curious about Yihai. What was the origin, he couldn't help but ask.

The screen of the strange objects on the mobile phone is still dim, and near the whirlpool in reality, there are three-dimensional texts that appear: "There are so many good things in the sea, anything can be caught, and after you touch it, you will know who can Haunted near the sea, seize this opportunity,

Good luck. "

"Let's start." Wang Xuan really wanted to know what he could catch with real dragon flesh.

The waves rose, the fishing rod automatically cast the line, and the hook was sent to the distant sea.

"Don't worry, that's the hook of the rules, within a certain range, you can catch the good fortune." The mobile phone strange object informed.

Wang Xuan did not speak, and waited patiently.

After a while, the black sea surface suddenly churned with waves, and there was no small movement. A prey appeared and was caught by the hook of the rules, and the fishing line was suddenly tightened.

Outside the whirlpool, the red fishing rod automatically dragged outwards, trying to fish out the creatures in the sea, which seemed to be a living creature.

"The water is out!" The strange object on the mobile phone reminded.

It was a big fiery red fish, with brilliant scales, glowing in the sea, red clouds, and with the light of rules. After it approached the bait, it was directly caught by the hook of rules.

Wang Xuan doubts, is a fish worth a real dragon's flesh and blood? If you fish like this, it will be a waste!

"The luck is overwhelming, it's really good, this is a real fish', which is a rare and rare thing. Do you know how the real liquid in Jiulingshan is made? Use this fish as the main medicine!"

Is the real liquid that can induce the texture of imperial Taoism related to this kind of fish? Wang Xuan's spirit was lifted, and his heart was up and down.

"Eating this fish directly without refining it is equivalent to getting a lot of drops, it's really bad!" The reminder of the strange object on the mobile phone stopped abruptly.

Under the black sea surface, a huge monster appeared, and the waves suddenly rolled into the sky. I didn't see its whole body, just a big mouth, silver-white, emitting a dazzling light, and swallowed the fiery red real fish in one bite. , heading towards the sea.

"I actually took my good fortune and caught you too!"

Wang Yan was furious, the real liquid was a priceless treasure, and it was all over his mouth. How could he tolerate cutting his beard and was forced to spit it out.

However, the fishing rod made a creaking noise, was pulled and deformed, and sank into the vortex. Is this about to be pulled away by the creatures under the sea?

Wang Pao didn't dare to get started.

Under the black sea, the behemoth bloomed with dazzling silver light, violently tossing, and the sea was turbulent.

Then, Wang Xuan was horrified. Even though he didn't use it himself, under the silver light, his powerful mana still resonated inexplicably with his own flesh and blood. Even if they were one, he wanted to disconnect or cut off the connection.

He urged the first killing formation map, and also went to carry the Imperial Dao flag, but he himself was already floating, and with a swoosh, he plunged into the small swimming vortex.

"I...was caught by a fish?

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