Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 222: The real holy realm in the future has its name

What kind of immortality is it? It's a human being, Shan Qi has emotions, and there is snow in Zhuo Changran's eyes.

Huo, Duanyunfapai, and even morning sickness came out?

The chest tightness can be tolerated, and Jian Bai is going to be so angry that he is going to flatten Xin Feixian! Especially when she saw her own Randi, she tried her best to manage her facial expressions.

The fire got bigger, and with a loud bang, she punched her Landi first! Zhuo Feifei regretted it, why? He was beaten almost to death, his eyes turned black, and he was constantly breastfeeding, he could not bear it.

off, how

Or Poe?

\"Are you still laughing?!" Zhuo Haoran fluttered, and with a note of five tops, he solved his cousin who had hung up on him first, and let him softly

Fall to the ground, out of breath.

At the same time, he noticed that his good girlfriend, An Lin, also

in restraint,

Ye Lin's face was sullen, the corners of her beautiful mouth were slightly upturned, she was light and fast.

no longer,

Zhuo Ran suddenly shouted, the promises are not good recently.

so g?

She seriously suspects that someone is cheating on her, otherwise how could it be spread like this

Like, who is the enemy?

Wang Fuhong came down to An, and watched the light and blue feathers beat the wall of thousands of nets. This should be a kind of high blood cell.


He was hesitating, should he take another shift, or break a fleshy wing, it wasn't that he wanted to give a tooth sacrifice,

Instead, I think fishing at the bottom of the sea might be

can be used,

After all, the pure-blooded real tail used for the true color effect is extraordinary, and it coughed instantly. Should this alien descendant also use Yang well? "What are you doing?" Mengpu woke up, startled

Surprised, on weekdays he served himself with high standards, looked down on the immortals, and always felt that he could

Push all the opponents,

But today he found out that when the Ye Xian in the foreign consultation stared at him, it would be a little minzi who Ren Pu was looking at weak, that kind of silver **** too special.

Sound people.

His love hair has been unable to stand upright, and he only benefits from a cloud of chicken skin and Fang Rong, and the express is transformed into a human form, and the Jiazi who is on the three levels. He is very poor. Today, he was beaten in the hole net, and he didn't get a hair.

face cut


The famous genius of his family has not been able to make a profit for a long time. In this battle, he has fully displayed and is destined to be spread for a long time.


Wang Li waved his hand and asked him to retreat. It was not a life-and-death confrontation. He was not relieved in the end. Many people are moved, this genius is actually very stern,

Daoxing is high and deep, and it is rare among true immortals, but it is very defeated.

Che family

"Get up, Zhuo Fan, vent my anger for my cousin!" Zhuo Ran will

Her cousin was patted and avoided,

Why is it clear? Zhuo Feifei got up and woke up a little and felt that Mao was dead. If his strength allowed, he would beat his cousin first.

first class

The kid in the clan is all happy. I have about 15 of them, and the Zhurenjia in that game is about 2.5 of them. If I go up, I will also be educated. This is only superficial.

It's hard to say how strong you are, hitting me is equal to hitting you, I don't want you to be beaten so badly by him, it will damage the image of the attached fairy! "Excellent

Explanation, life and death can't go up.

"Will you speak? It's all excuses and reasons,"

Zhuo Feifei found out that he was in the building again, and hurriedly proposed to relieve Fang Bin, telling him that there was a love change in the real immortal leading power in Yihai, but...

to call this person over

"Don't you mean Lu Wu?" Zhuo Xian was surprised. That is a very famous true immortal. It should have been reduced to the heaven level. However, he has been hesitant, and he is investigating what

The way is unfathomable,

Zhuo Feifei nodded: "That's right, it's him. Lu can't practice the exercises, and all the books he reads on weekdays are legends related to Pingren." He turned and left, and quickly chose to invite people.

hold, delight

Huanzi drills the horns, but the reading is very strong,

I come to fight with you! "At this time, someone else came off,

This is a creature that pulls its head and bears a western white tortoise shell. It is the famous Xuanwu Jin, and the racial blood cell makes many people jealous of Su. His production is as big as a mountain, and his suffocation is comprehensive. He is very fierce, and his strength is extremely fearful.


It is extremely rare in the real mountain dominance,

In the world, he stood like a white body, and his two rears were super common, dragging a long

The tail of a turtle and snake, and a long knife on his back, forming a shadow

"Xuantian, what are you doing?

Are you in? "Zuo Haoran stopped, that is an acquaintance, a tyrannical heaven-level creature, who has a lot of people in the whole Xizi.

Big bad name.

After I meditated, I communicated with Jinshu Yushu and asked him to reduce my Taoism to the real immortals, so I was allowed to enter the venue," said Basalt Yanwei.


A lot of people stopped, and they all sounded different.

This kid Xuan Tian, ​​who smiled for the beauty, also gave it his life.

He did not hesitate to surrender himself to Taoism and identity, to confront a true immortal in person

"The famous big murderer who has been reduced from the sky to the middle, and some people have seen it now, he still can't beat a wild immortal? Xuantian really is


Time to come! "

Xuanwulan entered the venue, and he was so angry that he couldn't talk about Mo at all.

Wu, looks very scary.


Dear, this chapter is not over, there is a next page ^0^ Erjia, admit defeat! "He stood with his sword behind his back,

This Yilan is too tall, like a mountain standing in front, Wang Kaihe said: "For a woman, is it worth it? Do you have any?

Have you ever thought about what would happen if you got married? "

"It makes sense." Xuan Tian nodded, secretly transmitting his voice, and said, "Otherwise, the little brothers will discuss with themselves, a fake fight, and you will finally give me the

what? ·

Wang Yan: "!"

It's really unbelievable, I thought it was a reckless man, go straight for nothing

The big murderer, in the end, Shang Tezhong told him to fight

Xuantian said: "There is no way, it is too difficult for the Xuan family to change shape at the heaven level, and it is very troublesome to find a Taoist companion, especially Wenxian with a scholar's name, who doesn't like my appearance. But my own vision is different. high, little brother

Discuss, how many materials can be matched, I really think the price is very socks


Wang Zhidao: I think, just to cooperate with you, you will eventually become taller,

That angry literati may not be fond of you

Xuanwulan nodded and said, "To be honest, I'm helpless, I'm going to stimulate the Internet cafes first, and this time I'll show my heart, I'm not going out for Fairy Zhuo.

what, think

Everyone here knows that it's time for me to close

Will live, maybe there will be a female immortal Qing stepping on it

Wang Lan has some records, this fierce sales competition has a careful mind, I really can't see it, and said: "In your identity, find a female fairy to become a Taoist partner.

Are you ready? "

Xuan Tian sighed: "Guan Kuo is, I want to find a famous immortal, even the hard-to-find and old-fashioned goods from the Hui family, who both love a second daughter of the swan, the super-world hall Xuansi family's intentions Descendants, never...

worse than him

Bar? ·

"Well, make an offer, and see what strange things are given to me,

I'll promise you if it suits me. "Wang Dao said,

As soon as I have a flag for catching the real fish,” Xuantian said.


The two were looking at each other and talking about business in the sound.

I have an article on Xuanwu Qianshu, but

Holy hard as **** on your back

Yes, practice to the highest realm, can block all dharmas, and nothing can break,”

I won't grow tortoise shells, will I? ·

\"Probably not? I still have

However, in the next moment, the golden book Wang Shifu's battleground glowed, and he made a stern and bitter complaint to the two men: "Fairly to the husband's land, no fake beatings are allowed, and one will be given.

Stern report! "

Is this still being monitored? Xuan Tianbin broke into a cold sweat and looked back, fortunately, he didn't hear what other people's reaction was.

It was for him and Lu Renjia,

I'm sorry, Brother Xuantian, it's not that I don't help," Wang Wa said very sadly.

Wait, this order didn't come through

"It's alright, there is no righteousness in buying and selling. Another day, my brother Qing, you will carry wine." Xuan Shilan said, and then, suddenly he added something. Although he is warm on weekdays, his speed is too fast at closing time.

When he opened it, Bai Jie pulled the long knife he was carrying, and stabbed it towards Wang Jie.

Asian War

The field is even more expansive to the air.

The sword-drawing style, a new sword, a sword that breaks the time and space, the rules of immortality are innumerable, all of them, the sword's light is unparalleled, and the tangible things are destroyed. He was still calling him brother and brother just now, but when he turned silver, he became a big murderer

horn. Wangdian is moving, this basalt orchid is very fierce, and his wife's time and space avoid it.


The main thing is that the opponent is as big as a mountain, and the knife is like a mountain of swords.


Xuanwulan doesn't like to move very much on weekdays, but now it can be called a lightning turtle. The speed of the knife is too fast, and the knife is so powerful that he must not be replaced.

The brothers I know immediately hang up

Wang Yan counterattacked, pinching the sword in his left hand, and his right hand turning into a fist, all green.

Unlimited light.

The sword scriptures he got are really not rare, and, with a huge sound, the sword in his left hand leaped, and the thick and dazzling cut through the void.

empty, unstoppable

The filial head on his right hand is small compared to the basalt, but that

This kind of artistic conception is incomparable, and the pounds are like mountains and seas.

His sword light is like the first line of extraordinary light drawn by the big universe, and his raised head is the arrogance that rises for the first time in the dark abyss


The king's body is much smaller than Xuantian's, but he is still feeling it. He has a level of control, unparalleled light, grand intentions, and longevity.

knives stand

At that time, the place was torn apart, and countless runes were sent out between the two, and they slammed together. They wanted to crack people's ears and attack Xin people's souls.

Tai 8 persimmon


The confrontation between the two was extremely intense.

Xuan Tianzai became smaller, adjusted the height, and finally reached the shape of two people.

At a similar point, his speed glass is getting faster and faster,

The two of them are like lightning together, and they kill the place where they belong to the world


A comment, the snow of the basalt beast

The bright long knife was blown to pieces, and it was actually killed by Wang...

Xuan's fist exploded, and all the shocked parties were shocked.


Xuan Tian's expression was solemn, he waved his fists, and all kinds of techniques came out, one after another of magical powers, matching his fist marks

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is a next page ^0^, that is the real chaos boxing secret

set, blast the void,

In Wang Xuan's view, this is a pure Wang Baquan, without rules and smashing, but the ability is really great, with dozens of magical powers, seal

The sky locks the earth, forming a cage to restrain him.

He secretly commented that this basalt beast was indeed too strong.

is rare.

"Turtle Saint Back Saber Style!" Xuan Tian shouted, his spirit fluctuated violently, as if he was cooperating with some kind of high-defense sword, his hands had no

knife, but

The momentum is like drawing a knife from the void behind.

Then, he held the empty knife in his hand and slashed towards Wang Xuan.

In fact, he just hacked the air and did nothing with fake beatings


His real killer move was to turn around in an instant and forcefully lean towards Wang Xuan.


Wang Xuansai felt the threat of death when he stood upright.

Is it an imperial texture?

Although the other party hid deeply, but he interfered with the countless runes on the turtle's back, hiding the lines of imperial Taoism, this is to give him

A few sudden kills.

However, Wang Xuan also has it, especially since he has been intensively researching this field recently, it is impossible to be confused. The inside of his parietal bone glowed, but it did not erupt. He was attracted by a dense light pattern, from the flesh and blood.

spread to


Let him hit the turtle shell with his head? That's impossible, that scene can't

Look, mainly not in a desperate situation.

Now, he is pulling the texture and duplicating his right hand. Although it is far less powerful than the direct attack of the skull, he also has a certain degree of confidence.

text, while

not flow to the surface.

The lore of the Xuanwu clan leaned against the mountain one by one and hit Wang Xuan's hand.

Palm, Xuan Tian smiled, thinking that the battle was over.

However, the next moment, his expression froze, and he shouted proudly and ran away.

out, faster than lightning.

Even so, he heard a click, a crack appeared on the white turtle's back, and it shattered into pieces.

Blood, dyed red and white turtle shell

"It's too fierce." He turned to look at Wang Xuan with a complicated expression, and sighed, "As strong as me, if I return to a true immortal state, I can't beat you. In this fairy-level domain under the starry sky, there are not many people. is your right

hand. "Although he failed, he did not feel ashamed at all but changed.

Xiang blew himself up and complimented him

The people watching the battle can't stand the basalt beast. Although they know that he is extremely strong and extremely fierce, he still praises himself so much.


In fact, Wang Xuan felt that this turtle was indeed very powerful. Although its words were exaggerated, it was not too exaggerated. Others didn't see the truth clearly, but he experienced it himself.

Taoist road,

The turtle text on the back is very strong!

However, the two have a tacit understanding, and neither of them has broken the secret.

It was not mentioned, and the matter of imperialization was not disclosed.

"Brother Turtle's future achievements are limitless." Wang Xuan nodded and said. "Brother, my name is Xuantian. You are amazing, you are the legendary realm that is incomparably ethereal, and it may appear in the future.

now your

name. "The basalt beast sighed.

In the eyes of outsiders, the two of them are blowing each other in business. partial face

They looked at each other, feeling speechless.

Of course, there are also very few people with solemn expressions, such as Ye Lin and Zhuo Yanran who both looked at each other silently, and the black crane standing in place,


" The road can't be reached. He has improved his Taoism again. It is not necessarily weaker than you were back then. He may write a new legend. At present, he must be the strongest true immortal among the anglers near Yihai. I think ,

He can leave his real name on the golden book and jade album. "Excellent


However, what surprised him was that Lu Wu didn't look at him and his cousin Zhuo Yanran, walked towards Lu Renjia, was very excited, and bowed. "Me!" Zhuo Feifei was dumbfounded, the strongest real person who had worked so hard to invite

fairy, out

What's the situation?

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It should recover in two days, all books are like this. I wish all book friends to see health on the Dragon Boat Festival, everything

Good luck!

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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