Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 234: I hope the next epoch will have this scene

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"It's not even a heavenly creature, it's so weak, it's like hitting a

Little kid, do you have a sense of accomplishment?" Zhuo Yanran responded with her snow-white chin raised.

At this moment, her innocent face was very calm, with no fighting intentions, as if she didn't want to bully the small.

Xuantian looked back at her and said in his heart, that's not what you said just now, and threatened to let Lu Renjia eat two heavy punches from your heaven-level domain, and cry first!

Jin Yu also looked at her, showing a strange look, thinking, this is not your character! Cang

"What do you two look like?" Zhuo Yanran was dissatisfied.

The three of them clearly misjudged Wang Xuan's combat power, and they were really startled to see that he easily gave Liu Ming a "touch the head".

They didn't understand that Liu Ming had been severely wounded before, and his foundation was damaged. After fleeing for several days, how could he still carry out the most intense fight.

Therefore, even Zhuo Yanran, who wanted to beat Wang Xuan the most, immediately persuaded after seeing Wang Xuan's ferocity at the end of the sea.

She was afraid of being beaten, but she was beaten instead. Now one of her "black girlfriends" in the starry sky has been making up her rumors, saying that she was beaten and cried twice.

In the past few days, there have been quite a few people in Yihai. Today, she is really going to be beaten by Lu Renjia.

"Three, it's really fate, we meet again so soon." Wang Xuan saw them very early, and greeted them across the sky.

In fact, he is ready to fight Zhuo Yanran for a sturdy and ferocious "second battle"!

Since they met on a narrow road, and inevitably met, then he also gave up, who is afraid of who? A shopping spree!

Therefore, although he was saying hello, his eyes were very fierce, staring at Zhuo Yanran, not only raised his head, but even raised his eyebrows, with a sullen look!

Xuan Tian and Jin Yu shuddered in their hearts, and they were secretly startled, this Lu Renjia was indeed fierce and belligerent, and only then did they meet Zhuo Yanran, who was about to challenge her name on the Golden Book and Jade Book.

They sighed, fierce people are fierce people, they have never seen such a ferocious real fairy!

Zhuo Yanran's heart skipped a beat, feeling too hateful, so she softened, changed her mind, and didn't want to have a conflict with him in Yihai. As a result, the other party provoked her nakedly as soon as they met.

She really wanted to punch him in the face, educate him to be a docile real fairy, and extinguish his fierce arrogance, but she finally "restrained".

Because she really didn't know what to do, she completely misjudged, and was worried that she would be beaten.

Xuantian smoothed things out and said: "Brother Lu, relax, didn't you say last time, meet again, drink together, and have a good time. After the **** battle between you and Liuming, the fighting status has not been lifted yet, and the suffocation is a bit heavy."

Jin Yu nodded even more, followed with a smile: "Yeah, how can there be so much fighting in the supernatural world, there is no problem that can't be solved at the wine table."

The situation doesn't seem to be right, and the other side doesn't mean to die? Wang Xuan looked and looked, and then stared at Zhuo Yanran, and found that she didn't mean to shoot, she was very peaceful.

This did not match the information he knew. He looked at Lu Wu, and heard from the half-student that Zhuo Yanran had been very busy in the past two months, sitting on the battleship to fight around with girlfriends.

Even the best friend who was suspected of hacking her was beaten all the way by her. Wang Xuan felt that as the master, she had no reason not to take revenge.

Wang Xuan confirmed that the opposite party was really not trying to find fault, they were very peaceful, and immediately gave a positive response: "Okay, let's find a place and let's have a few drinks."

Xuan Tian and Jin Yu kept saying yes, mentioning that there is a huge land-like island in the distance, where you can go there to fish for fresh seafood, have a barbecue, add a few jars of immortal brew, drink freely against the galaxy, and listen to the deep sea fog. The poignant singing voice of the Kraken has a different artistic conception.

"Okay, I won't go home tonight if I don't get drunk."

"Sing about wine, return to the true self, there are many twists and turns on the extraordinary road, cherish the good time of three or five friends gathering together, on this starry night, you and I are too imaginary, and we will talk about the next era together."

They came to this huge island that could not be seen, and before they prepared the ingredients, they had a cup of coffee in the empty space, and the atmosphere was gradually getting better.

Zhuo Yanran also raised her glass reservedly, facing the starlight, looking at the fine wine in the jade cup, and drank it.

Under the splendid starry sky, she was wearing a long black dress, which set off her beautiful figure, and her graceful curves were exceptionally beautiful, but her face was delicate and fair.

"Fairy Zhuo, past misunderstandings, like the wind under the starry sky that swept through the fog in the sea, were all blown away with a squeak." Wang Xuan came over, dinged, and took the initiative to have a real cup with her.

Moreover, when he opened his mouth and blew, all the remaining mist on the sea surface dispersed, the sea and the sky were the same color, and the starry sky was reflected, which was extraordinarily splendid.

Zhuo Yanran was very entangled in her heart. She actually wanted to beat this person, but she clinked glasses and had to drink wine together in this night, which she never expected.

When she drank the fine wine in the jade cup, she thought that those black girlfriends knew that she was drinking with Lu Renjia tonight, and she didn't know how to pass it on.

"Come here, there are sea **** shells, the taste is very delicious, after eating one, I want to stay in the sea of ​​​​otherness, and do not want to leave. Although the efficacy is not high, but it is the best delicacy in the world, even beyond peerless and strange. Everyone likes to eat."

Xuan Tian shouted, he stood on the cliff at the edge of the island, and directly caught a glowing seashell, the size of the grinding plate, flowing with a soft light like a bright moon.

"In this sea area, there are also rare species of dragon crabs. The crab yellow is incomparably plump, and it is the most suitable for drinking. Come, look, I will catch one."

Jin Yu brought up a golden crab the size of a round table. It actually had dragon scales. After cleaning, it was roasted on the spot with real fire. human appetite.

Soon, the wine was fragrant here, they continued to fish, process food, and drank Xianjia liquor to the fullest.

Even Lu Wu, who is not very talkative, this pure practitioner also took the initiative to raise his glass, let go of his heart tonight, and took a big gulp.

Today, Zhuo Yanran restrained her impulse and did not dare to fight against Wang Xuan, but she was a little depressed after all, so she could only dance under the night sky by drinking alcohol

The sword, in an instant, the light of the sword was thirty thousand feet, she did not exert any strength, she competed with Xingyue for brilliance, and a veritable fairy danced.

She stabbed a fairy sword at the distant stars, assuming it was Lu Renjia, and secretly let out a sigh.

Immediately, people in the nearby sea area were paying attention, applauding and applauding, the sword light here was gorgeous, and the dancing was too moving.

In the deep sea, the siren sings, which is pleasant to the ear, and of course there is also a little sadness, which easily evokes people's emotions and worries, which is quite extraordinary.

"Come, come, come, the wine and delicacies are in front, and there are even beauties dancing, the sea monster singing, how can you not get drunk at this moment?" Clinking glasses, he said: "I hope that in the next era, after the Transcendent Center is changed, we can still drink together in another big universe, and we can have the present and present scene."

Zhuo Yanran's pure face suddenly turned black. She just stabbed the stars with the sword light, thinking that Lu Renjia was stabbing, how did she become dancing for him?

"Okay, in the next era, I want to become an alien in that new transcendent central great world!" Xuan Tian directly held the wine jar and drank, laughing loudly, exclaiming with joy.

"Drink a few more jars, and I wish we all become strangers in the next era!" Jin Yu drank with high spirits, and took out a bunch of wine jars from the fragments of the blessed land in the storage, all of which were aged from the Xianjia.

"One day, the real holy realm will have my name!" Zhuo Yanran said to herself, she also took the wine jar and drank three sips in a row.

Intention, a little proud, raised his snow-white chin, and gave Wang Xuan a sideways glance.

"Yes, we need to be more arrogant, we want Yusheng!" Wang Xuan nodded and said, he really didn't think much, because there was a man named Wang Yusheng in their family, so he also expressed his pride.

As a result, Zhuo Yanran's delicate and fair face instantly turned black, and she really wanted to fight him to the death immediately!

Fortunately, Xuan Tian responded quickly and shouted: "There are strange things under the sea, wait for me!"

With a thud, he jumped into the sea, distracting everyone, and then with a thud, the water splashed, he came up again, and shouted: "Look what I caught, this is a treasure among delicacies, very rare" Feather phoenix shrimp\', unparalleled deliciousness!"

It was a prawn with fiery red feathers. It was more than five meters long. It was bright and dazzling. It really looked like a fiery red phoenix.

"Come on, share this rare and delicious food!" He roasted half of it on the spot, and suddenly the rich and fragrant aroma wafted into the nostrils.

"The taste is really fresh, and the fragrance melts in your mouth. It is indeed a delicacy that is hard to see in the world!" Wang Xuan praised, taking a sip of delicious wine and delicious food. Under the stars, on the island, listening to the song of the siren, he was extremely relaxed.

It was also at this moment that his heart moved, and the realm was closed tonight.

The card is loose again, and if you forcefully break the level, you can immediately improve your realm.

But he chose to be peaceful and opposite, instead of directly rushing through the level, he decided to let the road overflow and break through the level just like the previous few times, and let it take its course.

"It's really the best among the delicacies..." Lu Wuwu was also nodding. He was surprised when he looked at the sea. A pair of strange eyes that had been transformed from the disease, saw the situation under the sea, and whispered in shock. Hu: "It's really a fish!"

In this sea area, this kind of priceless strange object is very rare, and it is rare to see it several times a year. Tonight, I unexpectedly found one.

"It's very big, it's more than ten meters long, it's too rare, chase it!" Jin Yu was in a daze, and then immediately transformed into a golden-winged Dapeng bird, and rushed into the sea.

"You are drunk, you are not so fast in the sea, take out the Roc bone chariot, only this kind of chariot with extreme speed can catch up with it." Xuan Tian shouted.

As for letting him chase, it would definitely fail. That kind of fish is too fast and has its own time and space rule attributes.

He threw off the hook and started catfishing. What if he wanted to hit it?

"Yes, everyone, come up and chase together!" Jin Yu shouted, taking out the battle that was made by the former sage of the clan with a piece of his own true bones containing Dao rhyme.


Even Zhuo Yanran was moved, she didn't get in the car, the texture of the Taoist pattern on her back was intertwined, and a pair of crystal clear butterfly wings appeared, and she went directly to chase.

Wang Xuan didn't say a word, and went straight into the sea. The robe he was wearing was transformed into a killing formation map, and he secretly urged it a little, without chaotic energy and killing intent, and directly broke through the water to chase.

He is very experienced. When he was on the bottom of the sea, he always abandoned the fishing rod and went directly into the water to chase the fish. Sure enough, he took the lead and got close to the real fish.

"The speed is so fast, it's really ferocious!" Jin Yu and Xuan Tian were shocked, the real immortal was actually faster than them?!

Lu Wu couldn't figure it out. Knowing that Master Lu had a mysterious map on his body, it was estimated that he could use this to break through the different seas and lead the way.

In fact, it is really difficult to catch fish, it is constantly changing its position, as if traveling through time and space.

Wang Xuan naturally used his own imperial texture, the dragon on his back glowed, and the runes rose into the air, not toward the head. This was a display of strength, the use of methods, and cultivation.

This kind of operation manifested the golden chrysalis in his body, and the dragons and snakes rose together, which made his Taoism gradually improve.

Because, he himself was before the break, and now he has a Chixia

further feeling.

He - Lu chased, and finally - jumped up and came to the public school) on the dazzling Jin Zhenyu, grabbed it, and indeed there were ten

Five or six meters long, very huge, belonging to this category of treasures.

Wang Xuan sat on the top, sensing his own wonderful changes, his spine was gorgeous, the momentum of dragon soaring was unstoppable, the texture of imperial Taoism entered his head, and resonated with the core imprint that was exclusive to him.

At the same time, due to the fully activated texture of Yu Dao Hua, he also had a strange feeling. The runes on the spine longed for the nourishment of the mysterious substances contained in the real fish.

His heart moved, and he sat cross-legged on the fish, directly refining a piece of red and glowing flesh, absorbing mysterious substances and replenishing what he needed.

He knew very well that the real fish had a very special and magical effect on those who took the road of imperialization, and now he let it go.

Sure enough, the vertebral dragon was further activated, and all the textures were extremely clear and very "upper", resonating with the parietal bone, extremely bright.

Wang Xuan immediately covered himself with the array map, covering up the texture of Yu Dao, and didn't want to cause others to pry.

Really, the fish was naturally killed by Wang Xuan and had already stopped in this sea area.

Jin Yu, Xuan Tian, ​​and Lu were unable to catch up with the Peng bone car,

are quite surprised.

"Who told me that you can eat the freshest seafood on the coast, I feel that it is still a notch behind, only chasing fish bites in the sea, this is the freshest way to eat." Xuan Tian sighed.

"Makes sense!" Jin Yu nodded, agreeing deeply.

Zhuo Yanran ignored them, but showed a strange expression, and said: "He has passed the level, and he has taken a higher level. I guess that he is in Yu Dao Hua at this time, so he started to use the real fish to make up for his needs on the way. ."

With a swipe, Wang Xuan opened his eyes, and the mysterious rune of the Royal Dao flashed away in the depths of his eyes. He stood up and officially entered the 8th level of the True Immortal. His Taoism improved a bit, both physically and mentally. transformed.

"Everyone, let's have a really fish feast together!" Wang Xuan carried the big fish, he absorbed some mysterious substances, but at least 80% of the rare flesh and blood remained.

Jin Yu shouted: "Okay, I'm really lucky tonight, Sea God Shellfish, Dragon Crab, Feather Phoenix Shrimp, and now even a priceless fish is caught. Lucky, let's go drink again."

Soon, they were back on the sprawling island.

Xuantian found that Lu Renjia's promotion this time was not in the realm of heaven, but in the realm of real immortals, and he was suddenly shocked. The other party has not reached the end of real immortals, how could he be so "fierce"?!

Zhuo Yanran's expression changed for the first time, she was quite shocked.

Only Lu couldn't be calm, he knew that this Master Lu's

Yu Daohua is different from others, he is attached to his bones when he is in the realm of immortals.

rather than on the surface.

"Brother Lu, how deep is your Taoism now?

Go try it out, blast the turtle head on the edge of the island in the real fairy field

Peak? \"Xuan Tian shuddered.

According to him, that majestic and huge mountain has never been

No real immortal can shake it, not even a heavenly master.

Many people use this mountain to test their combat power, and they all want to bomb

crack it.

Xuan Tian Yao pointed, on the coast in the distance, there is an incomparably huge building.

The peaks of the mountains are like the heads of dragon turtles emerging from the water.

\"It's really like it.\" Wang Xuan said, with the texture of imperialism in his eyes

Circling, staring at the huge mountain.

Suddenly, a rumbling sound came out, the sky shook, the

The majestic \"mountain\" turned around, it seems that it is really alive

Turtle head.

The huge head, separated by a long distance, opened his eyelids, and suddenly there was

Rocks rolled down. It glanced at Xuan Tian and said, "Back then, you were too

Grandpa also found someone to beat me on the head like this, the great ancestor of your great grandfather

I found someone to do this too, and you...

The sound of those words was like thunder shaking the different ocean waves.

Xuan Tian was stunned at the time. The head of this gigantic mountain turtle said a series of names. Some of them died long ago, and some even died in the previous era.

"Do you know those elders in my family?" Xuan Tian swallowed wildly, panicked in his heart and wanted to run away.

"Yeah, your great-grandfather, your great-grandfather's Xuanzu, you..." followed by a long list of names, all of which were famous figures in the history of the Xuangui clan.

The incomparably huge head then said: "When they were the same age as you, they came here too, sigh, I watched them grow older and older, and many turtles died."

"I...!" Xuan Tian was stunned.

good morning~

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