Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 242: Panda Diplomacy

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Yuan Sheng asked, "Is Lu Renjia very powerful? I've heard people say it more than once, and it seems that there is a lot of noise in the different sea. Could it really have something to do with Zhuo Yanran?"

"It's really amazing, but some rumors can't be taken seriously. A pair of black girlfriends just performed a story that is more exciting than the novel, oh, won't they be heard? I still don't say anything." Xuan Tian immediately stopped, Not a great experience last night.

For the relationship between the two fairies, he was not surprised and used to it. After every accident, the pair of best friends who have a good relationship on weekdays will always think of each other at the first time.

Jing Qi is here, dressed in a long blue dress, her seductive temperament is fully restrained, and the rest is just a quiet, deep, white melon seed face, full of classical beauty, extremely stunning.

How could the people of the Black Peacock Holy Mountain be unfamiliar with her? I didn't know that day, but I found out later that she was a genius who was named in the Golden Book and Jade Book.

Moreover, it is said that there is a foreigner behind her, and the accumulation is deep enough. In this era, it is very likely that she will hit the real holy field.

At that level, Ren Fangquan has Yun Sheng and a mountain that can't be seen. You can imagine how shocking it is to be able to reach the Kairen who is going to impact the world.

It is possible that Jing Jing Qi was a disciple or descendant of an extremely different person. The relationship between the two is extremely close, which is naturally moving.

At this time, Wang Xuan picked up the smallest national treasure, Xiong Pang, and he was familiar with it.

Facing Jing Jing Qi, he was not at all frightened, he could do whatever he wanted.

Of course, this kind of thought must not be shown, otherwise, Fairy An opposite will definitely "explode" on the spot.

"Kong Xuan?" Jing Qi was tall and slender, with white shoes and socks under her feet.

"Fairy An, long time no see, how have you been?" Wang Xuan greeted him with a smile. He hugged the chubby little panda, rubbed its dark circles under its eyes, and reverted to its almost invisible round neck.

This scene made Jing Qi look different. If possible, she really wanted to take over and feel how soft the red panda with clear black and white flesh was.

"Would you like to give me a hug?\" Wang Xuan asked kindly.

"No, black and white bears are dignified, how can they be held by unfamiliar women at will!" The little panda grinned and retorted with wide eyes.

Wang Xuan secretly transmitted a voice and told Jing Jing Qi to give it a ginseng plant, and he used pandas to ease the relationship between them.

He believed that Xuan Tian and Jin Yu had a point. There was so much fighting and killing among the extraordinary, and now he borrowed Mao Xianqi.

Jing Qi took out a huge fresh peach on the spot, bright red and splendid, like a red agate skillfully carved, and exuding a strong peach fragrance.

Everyone present was shocked. This is not an ordinary thing. Although the mature peach from the Gibbon clan is not as good as the Zifu peach, it is still amazing.

Wang Xuan wanted to say, as for what? Isn't it just a black

The round clothes in the exhibition circle thickly) Zheng Xing can completely wear the clothes

do my best!

than a woman

Aren't they all a hundred times more handsome than this little fat guy? It has the style of a generation of demon kings.

However, this white heart is full of tender hope. If so, it is estimated that Fairy An will turn her face immediately.

Just now, he was shouting that the black and white bear is the most dignified bear, and he broke free from Wang Xuan's arm in one fell swoop.

The one that came over was red and glowing, and then it went out.

At the same time, it naturally twisted its fat waist and bowed slightly, letting Jing Qi carry it over.

Moreover, it also had a fat head, rubbed the dark circles under his eyes, and said, "If there is Zifu Tao, let me live in your house for ten years!"

Even a group of black and white bears couldn't stand it anymore, Xiong Shan coughed, reminding it to pay attention to its image and not to embarrass the clan.

Wolverine looked at the young wolf sky and said, "Actually, you were very popular when you were young. Now that you have grown up, you are not so fleshy and less popular."

Wolf Heaven's belly slanders, no matter how mellow he is, in terms of attracting attention, he can't compare to that kind of born stupid.

"We didn't fight, and we hugged a little black and white bear together. What's the situation?" Xuan Tian was puzzled.

Yuan Sheng was naturally even more unwilling. Why did Fairy An go to the opposite camp? Wouldn't she be bribed because of a "fat cat"?

He is very tasty. When his palm is big, Sister An seems to like to tease him very much, and once directly gave him a peach bigger than him.

It's a pity that he grew up a little bit, especially after he improved his skills, so he had to change the name of Sister An to Fairy An. She replaced the other little monkeys in the clan to tease and generously gave peaches and food.

While eating the peaches, Xiong Pang muttered: "This is the Xiantao from the monkey family. It's really delicious. It's just that those monkeys are too stingy. In the past, Brother Xiongshan bought a basket of peaches from them, and there were actually astringent peaches hidden in them. If you have the opportunity, you must go to their back mountain and pick all their Zifu peaches.

A bunch of stingy monkeys!"

"Are the black and white bears that powerful? I want to fight!" Yuan Sheng asked Xuantian.

Xuantian reminded him, "Don't watch it eat peaches,

- Gu Xiongzi, this group of fat people is very fierce, with natural black and white fur, inner yin and yang, and extremely powerful

powerful. "

Jing Qi was satisfied, she liked furry animals the most, and even the cat that was lost in Jiulingdong, she wanted to look for it, cut off her beard, and raise it for a while.

"Would you like to discuss again?\" She turned around and asked Wang Xuan, her attitude was not bad, not as resentful as when she left the scene last time.

Wang Xuan's "Panda Diplomacy" is still very effective.

But he was too casual, so he opened his mouth without thinking much, and said, "It's the same as last time, you stand still and let me fight?"

After he finished speaking, he realized that he had made a fool of himself. Sure enough, Jingjing Qi's face turned slightly dark, and it really was a pot that couldn't be opened and raised.

Her face is delicate and flawless, her eyebrows are lightly raised, her temperament is calm and slightly demonic, and she said, "This is a fair battle at the level of a true immortal. Do you want to have a fight?"

"Me and you? Forget it, we're so familiar with each other, it's not appropriate to do it again. We don't know each other even if we don't fight. We will become friends in the future." Wang Xuan said.

He really wanted to say that it would be really difficult to resolve the festival, and it would be more appropriate to be good at cats together. Bag

Jingjing Qi nodded and said, "Well, I'm not fighting you. I'm talking about someone else, a female fairy who has lost morality, who is dark and vile, how about you fight her for me? I'm hiring at a high price. ."

"Who?" Wang Xuan felt bad.

"Zhuo Yanran." Jing Qi replied.

Wang Xuan secretly said, sure enough, these two are the pair of black girlfriends who are fighting against each other, fighting with each other, fighting with martial arts, and mixing doubles.

He declined: "Well, I don't know her. Besides, I'm not very good at fighting, so forget it."

"Yes, Brother Kong Xuan doesn't like to kill." Zhongxiao said quickly, but he knew who Zhuo Yanran was, and he was named in the golden book and jade book, and his strength was explosive in the sky-level masters.

Wolverine also hurriedly said, "Yes, my brother usually doesn't kill, and every time he makes a move, he is forced to do it. He is not good at dueling with people, and he is usually quiet like falling flowers."

Even Luo Ying, who was very attractive, did not change her face, and said a lie in a serious manner, saying, "Kong Xuan is not good at fighting."

"That's right, Brother Kong doesn't usually discuss with us." Six-eyed Jinchan also nodded, he also knew how powerful Zhuo Yanran was.

Jing Qi looked in a daze, feeling incredible, and said: "Did you think I was the air last time? I went to the Black Peacock Sacred Mountain in person, and it's not that I didn't see it. It looks like a mace knocks people out, yet you tell me that he is not good at fighting, doesn't like killing, and is as quiet as a flower?!"

Besides, it's not like she hasn't investigated, when the two kings of the Five Elements Mountain were in the Meteorite Sea, even the core disciples of Jinque Palace, Hedao Sect, and Weiguang Sect even chopped and smashed them, and they actually pretended to be a little white flower? 1

However, the group of people were not embarrassed at all, they were all smiling reservedly, helping Wang Xuan to decline, and they were very united.

Jing Qi was really angry, and said: "Didn't he blow up the first real fairy candle of the candle dragon clan with ten punches yesterday?"

"Brother Kong Xuan was trying to protect himself yesterday, so he had no choice but to do it. I think he, like my clan, is a vegetarian and doesn't like to kill." Even Xiong Shan from the black and white bear clan helped.

Black and white bears don't eat meat? Who will be scared by cheating?

But for the sake of Xiantao in his hand, it bowed its head and endured it again, and continued to nibble.

"I hired him at a high price, not made him obligate

Hand, sure to make him tempted. " Jing Qi said dissatisfiedly.

She secretly communicated with Wang Xuan and told him that she would give him a chance to get close to a certain alien.

"Promise her." The strange thing on the phone said secretly, and came out silently.

Wang Xuan was taken aback, and he was really afraid that it would come directly to the opening remarks: The golden years...

In that case, it will appear and be identified, and another acquaintance Xuan Tian is not far away.

Fortunately, this time it didn't act as a demon, and it changed its form. It was a new type of communicator that I had never seen before.

n Ziyou, if not

Said: "I'll think about it. Let's add friends first. If we have the intention, we will communicate later."

In fact, the words of adding a friend are for the purpose of automatically floating out of the strange objects and picking up Wang Jie, the right to shoot people Erding.

The two became friends on the spot.

In the distance, Yuan Sheng's eyes spewed fire.

Xuantian admired it immensely, the two of them were too weak to get along, and their relationship with each other was non-existent.

Get good at cats!

At this moment, someone approached Xuan Tian and directly identified him. He came from the Bronze Giant Palace, asked him about Lu Renjia's information, and asked him to contact him for help.

"What do you want to do?\" Xuan Tian became vigilant, and he was wary of the arena of life and death, knowing that they had a very deep background.

The man in gray said: "It's nothing, we routinely collect information on masters for a fee, we want to organize a few duels, such as Jing Qi and Zhuo Yanran recently.... They are mixing doubles and they are very busy. If they want, they can come to the Bronze Giant Palace. Let's discuss, we provide free venues. And Lu Renjia..

Xuan Tian interrupted his words and said, "You guys made the wrong idea, don't think about the two of you."

The man in gray nodded and said: "Of course, we know that we probably don't want to invite the pair of good girlfriends who have a good relationship. However, we learned that the two true immortals related to them are also very amazing and amazing, and we want to invite them. Appear.\"

Then, he said the names of Lu Renjia and Kong Xuan, and wanted to give them a high appearance fee and arrange a great duel between the real immortals.

According to their assessment, after a little warm-up, they secretly mentioned that this is the two people who are related to the pair of black girlfriends. It is estimated that this fight will be very The seats are full.

Xuan Tian was stunned. It was no accident that the business of the Bronze Giant Palace was so big. He would not let go of any hot spots and took the initiative to lean forward.

"I guess he won't end, and I haven't been able to contact him recently, I guess it's very difficult for the two to fight." Xuan Tian shook his head. From the standpoint of a friend, he didn't want Lu Renjia to step into the arena of the Giant Bronze Palace.

The man in gray smiled and said, "There is nothing difficult in the world, only those who are willing to do so. As long as we are willing, there is no gladiatorial fight that cannot be arranged. Fellow Daoist Xuantian, please wait and watch. In this grand event, we will definitely invite Lu Renjia and Kong Xuan to the arena of life and death. Let's start a big showdown that will shake the city in the sky."

Xuan Tian didn't pay attention to him, his eyes were a little straight at the moment, looking to the other side, Zhuo Yanran also appeared, already standing with Kong Xuan and Jing Qi.

"Yo, you are the Kong Xuan who almost broke Jing Qi's thin waist. You really are extraordinary!" After Zhuo Yanran appeared, she came up and praised.

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