Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 244: Killing Intent Is Difficult to Enter the Giant Bronze Palace

The city of the sky has its own rules. Extraordinary people are not allowed to go shopping in the city. Whoever shoots first will be unlucky first. The master who maintains the order has the right to directly kill it. 2

Therefore, Wang Xuan, Chongxiao, Six-eyed Jinchan and others couldn't believe it. These people were violent in public and wanted the Wolverine's life directly. It was too much and amazing.

- The group of big men didn't mean to stop at all, they were all heaven-level masters, with brilliant runes on their weapons and blooming spells on their bodies.

Let it go, everything slammed down.

The main thing is that things were too sudden, everything happened in a flash, even if Wang Xuan, Zhong Xiao and others responded quickly and teleported over, the second wave of attacks could not be stopped in time, and it had already happened.

There were a total of seven big men, working together to kill the wolverine, and three others to target Chen Yu. 3

Wolverine was furious, and the five-color tail feathers glowed behind him. The five-element divine light seemed to open up the world and interpret the five-color source world. At the same time, he jumped off two big men and joined the battle.

He also tried his best, but there was a late Heaven rank master on the opposite side, which was quite terrifying. He came to destroy him in a targeted manner, making it difficult for him to compete.

With a bang, the second big man exploded and died, resisting the techniques of the late-stage masters of the sky, and died for the wolverine,

As if there was real blood splashing out, and then returning to nothingness.

Wolverine's five-color divine light is very strong, blocking the sky one after another

The rare treasures of mid-term masters, as well as magic techniques, but the five-color world itself has also dimmed.

But this was enough. It bought enough time for the Wolverine. Wang Xuan, Zhongxiao, Six-eyed Jinchan, Heng Cheng, and the sword immortals of the Long-mouthed Silver Crane tribe all killed them, blocking these big men in an instant.

"Bold, the defenders of order in the city of the sky are trying to arrest the murderer, you dare to stop them, do you all want to die?" A big man shouted directly with a gloomy face.

This roar, like thunder, shocked many people in this area, and even the supernatural beings in the distance looked over here.

People are strange, the extraordinary law enforcers in the city are in action, chasing down the murderers?

After shouting this sentence, these big men in the Han world want to kill the wolverine directly on the spot, and they also want to capture Chen Yu alive.

Do it violently and quickly.

Wang Xuan started, how could he just watch Wu

The king of the mountain was killed, even if this is the city of the sky.

Immediately, a big man flew out backwards, spurting blood from his mouth, his body convulsed, fell to the ground and then staggered backwards, almost falling down there.

Although he is a heavenly expert, he has suffered a lot. If it wasn't for Wang Xuan's restraint, he wouldn't have figured out the incident.

Before, I don't want to cause blood and rain in the city, this person died suddenly just now, there will be no suspense.

"Okay, Kong Xuan dared to take the initiative to attack me, trampling on the rules of the city in the sky, no need to say anything, just kill him!" shouted the master at the late stage of the sky.

He named Kong Xuan's name in this way, inadvertently revealing some questions, obviously it was targeted.

After he transmitted his voice like this, he directly summoned the manpower and a group of strong men to take down Wang Xuan on the spot.

"You dare!" Chong Xiao shouted, blocking the front with the Six-eyed Jinchan and others.

At the same time, the black and white bear clan who were walking with Wang Xuan and the others also jumped out. They were all big and three thick and stood in front.

Xiong Shan shouted: "Wait a minute, make it clear before you start. Even if you are the extraordinary law enforcement officers in the city, you can't kill people indiscriminately."

"Yeah, I don't know what's going on in the end, so why did I do it?" Next to it, there was a real immortal who bought ore materials.

An extraordinary **** person said: "I just questioned them, that man and woman attacked me directly, and dared to make trouble in the city of the sky, too arrogant and domineering!" 1

"You don't need to say more, take it first, and let the rebels kill you!" The great master of the late Heaven Rank said coldly. At this time, more people came. 4

With a hula, it was only for a moment. They surrounded Wang Xuan, Wolverine and the others, and all kinds of exotic treasures flew out. Rune Cui wanted to kill again.

Xiong Shan shouted: "Wait a minute, don't you want to kill us all too? What's the problem? Can't you make it clear first? What are you doing in such a hurry, people can't run away?"

Black and white bears are indeed in the circle.

"You all leave the arena immediately!" The master of the late Heaven Rank ordered, suspending his actions, not wanting to offend this group from the Black and White Bamboo Garden.

"Stop!" A cold shout came, Jing Jing flew over, and Zhuo Yanran also appeared.

Luo Ying also arrived, and instantly came to Chen Yu's side and supported her.

"Fairy An, Fairy Zhuo, although you have extraordinary identities, you don't care about my city in the sky." said the master at the late stage of heaven. 3

"What about it?" Jing Qi took out a jade plaque, which glowed brightly, with a complicated symbol on it that circulated the rhythm of Taoism.

"The sky jade card in this city?" A group of extraordinary **** people are afraid. This is the jade card given to distinguished guests by the city of the sky. Generally speaking, it is for foreigners. 2

They didn't expect that Jing Qi actually had a piece in his hand.

Everyone stopped, and it was hard to do anything for the time being.

"What's going on?" Luo Ying asked.

Chen Yu spoke quickly: "Some of them deliberately bumped into me, but they scolded me in turn and wanted to do something to me. Wu Xingtian stood in front of me, and these people immediately killed me."6

It happened so suddenly, if it wasn't for the strange three feathers on Wolverine's head, one of them dimmed and died on his behalf, he might have been shot in the street.

Wang Xuan, Zhongxiao and others couldn't believe it. After such a simple and rude challenge, they were going to kill them casually in the street? These people are crazy. 4

This is too magical, this kind of thing can happen in the city of the sky. 9

"I suggest that you immediately watch the images captured by the Divine Mirror to avoid being destroyed in advance." The man in gray from the Bronze Giant Palace secretly transmitted a voice to Wang Xuan. 2

Wang Xuan nodded immediately and said it in public. He didn't know anything about this place. If the man in gray hadn't reminded him, he wouldn't know there was a divine mirror.

Sure enough, the expressions of some people on the opposite side changed, and some people directly and secretly transmitted their voices to the outside world.

"Who dares to move, do you want to cast the picture that S is too big to play?" Wang Xuan shouted.

Jing Jing Qi took the jade card and flew away, Zhuo Yanran

Following him, a group of people from Xuan Tian, ​​Hei He, and Jin Yu Yi Temple appeared, and they all followed.

They knew Jing Qi and Zhuo Yanran, and went together to avoid any accidents.

In an instant, the faces of the people who shot just now turned pale, a little panicked, and some even wanted to flee the scene.

"I advise you not to run away, so many people are watching, where can you go?" Chong Xiao said.

Wang Xuan swept through the crowd with his spiritual eyes and looked around. He found some people from the Torch Dragon Clan, and some of them looked extremely flustered. u

In an instant, his face turned cold, and he almost understood what was going on, but the extraordinary law enforcers in Sky City dared to cooperate so boldly, which was indeed beyond his expectations. 1

"Does it matter?" Wang Xuan asked while supporting the Wolverine. The two feathers on Wolverine's head were dimmed, which meant that he was killed twice.

"It doesn't matter, if you keep them for a while, the two very Iwas will grow out, but they will not be completely destroyed." Wolverine wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said, he endured his anger, and his heart was depressed.

It's really bullying. 1

The next moment, Wang Xuan's face was gloomy, and murderous aura surged up, because the young wolf sky had five bones broken in his chest, and was taken by him.

The man was kicked and collapsed.

Although the other party didn't kill him completely, he was also extremely vicious. This was an eleven-year-old boy. Kebi treated him like this, his chest sunk in a big chunk, and his mouth kept pounding.

bleeding out

The main thing is that the other party really can't put a hat on this kind of child, otherwise the person on the opposite side would just kick Wolf Sky directly.


"You don't even want to live!" Wang Xuanhan said.

In this world, the young wolf Tian affectionately called him the second father. After Wang Xuan was far away from the mother universe, he was a child he regarded as a nephew, and he entrusted some of his thoughts.

If Sky City doesn't give him an explanation, then he will do it himself and kill this group of people!

"The matter has been ascertained, and it is clearly recorded in the divine mirror. This group of extraordinary law enforcers took the initiative to pick up the matter, framed it, and wanted to kill Wu Xingtian."

In fact, the problem is more serious than this. This group of people probably wanted to target Kong Xuan and lure him into taking action, but Jing Qi didn't say it in public, saving face for Sky City.

But she will directly show Wang Xuan the scene she recorded.

Wang Xuan watched carefully, his face was cold. The other party is also a bit measured, and doesn't want Chen Yu's life, because she is the direct line of the Black Peacock Holy Mountain, but the Wolverine Wu Xingtian is going to be killed, he belongs to the mountain foreign line, those people probably think that killing him will not affect big. 8

Moreover, judging by the positions of these people, and the eyes of these people secretly looking at Wang Xuan's position from time to time, it means that they want to wait for Wang Xuan to enter the arena and kill them together.

Wang Xuan looked at these people, and then looked at the candle dragon clan in the distance. Yesterday he killed the first true immortal of the candle dragon clan. Today, they retaliate and arrange it like this, simple and rude.

He didn't know what kind of benefits the Torch Dragon Clan gave those people, but it is too bad for the extraordinary law enforcers to directly mix this kind of thing, even more than those of the Torch Dragon Clan. 2

There is no doubt that this kind of thing has a very bad impact. All parties in the city of the sky were alerted, and the elders of the clear sky and the super peers of the candle dragon clan were all present at the first time.

City in the sky, the top of the extraordinary law enforcers

Now, an old man opened it up in public: one person can handle it as soon as he can, some people are arrogant, and some people have their arms chopped off. "

Wang Xuan frowned, the two leaders would die, and the others would survive? He was a little dissatisfied.

Gu Ming, the man in gray from the Bronze Giant Palace, told him secretly, "After all, you are only injured, not serious.

Loss, according to the 8 \' of the earlier bullish year, this can only be done. "3

Wang Xuan was dissatisfied, hugging the young wolf Tian, ​​his whole body glowed, and he healed his wounds. Afterwards, he spoke directly, saying that what should be done to get rid of evil, this kind of incident is too bad, if there is no thunder, who would dare to come to the city of the sky in the future? 5

"Are you dissatisfied and dissatisfied with this punishment?" On the opposite side, the old man looked over and asked. 2

"Yes, I'm not convinced, dissatisfied!" Wang Xuan looked at him directly. 5 "Young people are very aggressive!" The old man said flatly.

The clear sky elder also directly opened, how small 1"-W clan colluded with these people.

"It will be found out." The old man said.

"I've made it clear. Looking for Yueyou's two XP sons did something stupid. If you want to kill or cut them, please feel free to do anything.

gas. "Super Peerless Kai of the Candle Dragon Clan, 3T-Young Disciple. 3

Gu Ming, the man in gray, told Wang Juqing that if he was dissatisfied with the punishment of the sky, the people were controversial, and if such a thing happened, he would use this as a punishment for these offenders. 21 resolve all grievances. 5

Gu Ming also explained: "Of course, the district is fair to Yi Xiaoyue and has reason in his hands, but he has to end the game in person. But there is one advantage. If you are confident enough, you can be happy with your grievance and resolve it in the shortest possible time. All questions, and all.”1

"Most of them are heaven-level masters, and there are powerhouses in the late stage of heaven." Wang Xuan said, he didn't want to directly kill many heaven-level masters in front of everyone's eyes. 2

Gu Ming said: "At present, they have been convicted. You are the victim, so you can naturally ask to enter the 'fair battlefield', limited to life and death in the arena of the true immortal level."3

"Okay!\" Wang Xuan nodded and made this request directly in public, causing many people to look shocked.

"Yes.\" The senior of the transcendent law enforcer, the old man nodded Wang Xuan looked at the candle dragon clan again, and said: "Isn't there any one of you who wants to fight me, come on, bronze giant See you in the palace, does anyone dare to fight? I challenge your family!" 7

Immediately, someone from the candle dragon clan stood up and shouted loudly.

He reprimanded: "#! Who do you think you are? You are also worthy of shouting with my Yanlong clan! I will kill you later, but I will definitely not.

He will enter the so-called fair battlefield - the real immortal-level arena, and if you want a decisive battle, you will go to the heaven-level arena. ”6

Wang Xuan looked towards the candle dragon clan, nodded and said, "Are you in the early stage of the Heavenly Rank? Yes, there are as many people like you as there are, and I will take them all by myself!"

"Kill him, he is so arrogant, one person dares to provoke our whole family, and if we don't kill him today, what face do you and I have?!" 1

"Zhuhong, although you are too advanced, you have to find a way to enter the arena in line with the requirements and beat him up!" 1

A group of young masters from the Candle Dragon Clan were aroused with anger and killing intent.

At this time, Kong Xuan, the second king of the Five Elements Mountains, was full of demonic energy, and he looked at their entire clan by himself, and pointed at everyone with a mace. 3

"Brother Gu, please help us to register, I will sign a contract with them on the spot, so that no one will regret and retreat." Wang Xuan said, looking at the man in gray.

"No problem!" Gu Ming was in high spirits. Today, he not only brought in a new and outstanding real immortal, but also took over a super big list. 18

The news spread in an instant, causing a huge sensation in the city of the sky.

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