Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 248: Facing the super peerless real fairy who is very excited

People suspect that Super Peerless is very likely to end! 2 The main reason is that the candle dragons are too unbearable today, and they were crushed in terms of strength. The six heaven-level masters were completely suppressed by a young true immortal.

At the same time, the candle dragon clan also had stains on their character, and two people fled in fear of the battle. If it wasn't for the last Zhuzheng to fight to the death, the Zhulong clan would be despised today and go under the soles of their feet.

Now that the rebellious Kong Xuan has set his sights on Zhuhai again, he doesn't hide his wild eyes, can the Zhulong clan be able to endure the super peerless world?

The originally noisy ninth-level sky-level arena gradually became quiet, and many people looked at the two. Sometimes silence is also a language.

The beast girl feels that she doesn't even know how to explain it. Do you want to announce the end of the show, or wait for an unusually serious accident to happen?

"There is an 'emergency room', right?" Zhuhai spoke, very calm, with a very calm expression, and asked the people in the Bronze Giant Palace.

With a bang, the entire arena on the ninth floor was boiling. Is Super Peerless really going to end?

Everyone knows that the "rush field" is a temporary arrangement for the duel of life and death, which is more attractive due to emergencies.

"Yes... yes!\" The articulate and articulate beast girls are a little bit inarticulate and extremely nervous. In the end, they really attract Chao Peer to take action?

She looked at Wang Xuan, who smiled at her and nodded slightly.

"I knew that Zhuhai was going to end, and finally he couldn't sit still."

"That's right, the candle dragon clan performed badly. This is the ninth-level heaven-level arena, not the third-level true immortal-level \'fair arena'. As a result, after the clan's heaven-level master ended, he was killed by a real immortal. It's embarrassing to be wiped out."

Some people shook their heads and said, "Old Zhu is not wise, but he ended up in the field himself. If you win, you won't be able to fight, and if you lose, you will be embarrassed.


For a while, all parties were discussing.

Ninety percent of them are excited. They are spectators. They don't think it's a big deal, but they're not fierce enough. Now that there is a super peerless person who wants to enter the iron cage, they are all excited.

Who cares whether the identity of the players is suitable or not, the more disparity the comparison, the more people in the stands look forward to it, hoping that the true immortal will overturn the peerless.

"Are you alright, can you play again?" Zhuhai asked, his words were still calm, his face was calm, it seemed that he was not the one who was about to end.

"A real man will always do!" Wang Xuan said. He could see that the other party really wanted to slap him to death. If they met in the sea of ​​​​stars, the two of them would have to live.

The next one, if there is a chance to kill the other party today, Wang Xuan will never be soft-hearted.

Therefore, he is actually a little excited now, even excited, and wants to use the rules of the ring to kill a super peerless person here.

"You guys get ready for the 'emergency field'." Zhuhai said. "Brother Zhu, you are the VIP of the arena. Are you going to end in person? It's a really big event." Yi Zhao, the director of the ninth floor of the Bronze Giant Palace, appeared, and the folds on his face stretched out with laughter.

Because this is his achievement, the extraordinary shot of the candle dragon clan is bound to explode in popularity. The key is the explosive news effect, which is incalculable.

"Come here, arrange, arrange!" Director Yi went down as instructed, and asked people to act immediately.

"Let's make arrangements first, I'll get in touch and have people come over quickly." Zhuhai said.

"Huh?\" The supervisor of the Giant Bronze Palace was startled, and he reacted instantly. Zhuhai didn't end up by himself, but called someone to come? 1

Director Yi Zhao's expression on his face was a little stiff. He would never come over to entertain him if he was a peerless person. This is a misrepresentation and a waste!

"What's the matter, it's not Zhuhai who will end up in person, Bai makes me excited!"

Many people in the stands were dissatisfied, the misunderstanding was huge, and they were looking forward to it in vain.

Someone in the VIP seat nodded and said: "I knew that Lao Zhu would not lose his mind. After all, he is a peerless person, and he has to rely on his own identity. If he really wants to end, he will lose the battle in terms of reputation. "

Wang Xuan's face was indifferent, he was dissatisfied, who did he think he was? I wanted to fight him if I found anyone, the demon king Kong Xuan was not so cheap.

Immediately, he turned his face and said, "If it's not your words, I won't accompany you!"

Zhu Hai turned around. At this time, the communicator had not been dialed out. He looked at Wang Xuan and said coldly, "What are you, even a small true immortal is worthy of letting me take action? I called. The descendants will naturally be able to match you, and even if you say something rude, they should be able to crush you."

People were in an uproar.

Everyone could see it, and Zhuhai was emotional. Otherwise, it is impossible to say such words in his capacity.

Zhuhai looked at the crowd and said, "What's wrong? Super Peerless is also a human being, and I feel uncomfortable in my heart. Naturally, I have to express my heart directly, and there is no need to laugh hypocritically for anyone to see." 1

Then, he sighed again, looked at the true immortals and the heavenly masters of the candle dragon clan, and said, "A bunch of useless things!"

The Candle Dragon Clan all bowed their heads in shame, and they did behave extremely badly today.

Then, Zhulong looked at Wang Xuan with an incomparably strong look, and said, "If I change the place of the tenant, my little finger will directly poke the price!"

"This old guy is crazy!" Wolverine whispered, extremely dissatisfied: "I really want to be in the same realm, the second king of the Five Elements Mountains, I can definitely kill him directly!"

"The situation has changed, who is Zhuhai looking for?\" Even Xuan Tian and others were suspicious, and they even guessed Lu Renjia.

In the iron cage, Wang Xuan's face was cold and he said: "Since you want to stab me to death and express your feelings, then come in and be happy to the end, don't care about those false names, just end. I also

I don't ask you to go to the third and third floor to fight in the True Immortal-level fair arena. Right here on the ninth floor, you can keep the Dao Xing in the early days of the Heaven-level, dare you? To be honest, I want to blow you up! "1

A group of people marveled, and then there was a commotion.

This demon king is also angry, and he dares to challenge Chao Peer in person like this. He is quite violent, and he unabashedly said that he wants to blow up the sea of ​​candles.

The elder Qingtian of the Black Peacock tribe was very calm and did not speak, but she has been paying attention to the scene. If necessary, she is ready to go off to deal with the candle sea! 1

"You are not worthy of me to end in person, your identity is not enough." Zhuhai looked at Wang Xuan and said, then he turned to look at the director of the Bronze Giant Palace, and said, "Arrange a real immortal-level arena, the person I am looking for is Nie Qing. , Now that he has defeated the Four Realms True Immortal without a single defeat, if he challenges another star or two, he will be able to leave his name on the golden book and jade book." 1

"It's him?" Yi Zhao showed a smile, and his face suddenly looked much better, and his earlier dissatisfaction completely disappeared.

As one of several directors of the arena, he naturally has been paying attention to the top wizards in the starry sky. He knows Nie Qing and also understands his supreme combat power in the field of true immortals.

He is very clear that Nie Qing is indeed qualified to be taken seriously. This person has the dominant strength among the true immortals in the five or six star regions.

Yi Zhao smiled and said, "Are you sure? I'll ask someone to arrange it, and it must be received with high standards, waiting for Nie Qing to arrive."

He thought for a while, then added: "Let's stay here, since both of them are true immortals, there is no need for a fair arena, so let's do it in the ninth-level sky-level arena."

"Have you asked me?" Wang Xuan said coldly, ready to lift the table. Whether it was the giant bronze palace or the extraordinary peerless candle dragon clan, he really thought he could just listen to their arrangements.

Little Demon King?

"Little friend, I'm sorry, I was rude just now, of course I respect your own opinion." The director of the Bronze Giant Palace apologized, with a smile, said: "That is an undefeated true immortal, according to our bronze giant According to the rules of the palace, if you agree to fight against him, you will have an extremely high appearance fee, and a large percentage of the profits from this war will be distributed."

Then, he secretly transmitted his voice and said: "We have a lot of classics here, there are many supreme chapters that extraordinary people dream of, and there are even isolated manuscripts related to true saints. My Bronze Giant Palace really spares no effort in cultivating talents, as long as If you play often and continue to win big, you can exchange for those legendary things."

Wang Xuan's complexion changed slightly. Although he knew that the other party was tempting him, he was really tempted. If he killed the undefeated true immortal Nie Qing that Zhuhai valued, he would be able to read those mysterious chapters, so it was not impossible to consider.

During this period, Wang Xuan was invited out of the iron cage because someone was cleaning the bronze platform for the next "expedited field" that might be even more sensational.

When those people removed the traces of blood, they were quite extravagant. They even washed it with fairy flower juice, which made the air on the scene become fresh and fragrant.

"Zhuyan, you are all in the city of the sky, please invite Nie Qing to the Bronze Giant Palace and let him do it for me once. Um, what?"

In the VIP box, Zhuhai contacted his niece and found out that there was an accident, and his face changed slightly.

His niece Zhu Yan is the woman of the undefeated true immortal Nie Qing, so the relationship between the candle dragon clan and each other is quite close.

But Zhuyan just told him that Nie Qing was going to the battlefield of Jinshu and Yushu, ready to fight against the top ten true immortals in the next star field.

Quickly, if Nie Qing wins this round, he will be able to leave his name on the golden book and jade book and become a true undefeated immortal!

Zhu Hai put down the transcendent communicator, and was a little dazed. Things went beyond his expectations. The person he was looking for couldn't come at the moment, which made him a little embarrassed.

Originally, he was very calm, because he knew Nie Qing's dominance in the realm of immortals. Whether it was breaking the limit or the road to becoming a Taoist, Nie Qing had extraordinary achievements.

"Brother Zhu, what's the matter?" Yi Zhao, the director of the Bronze Giant Palace, asked. In fact, he had already heard it, but he wanted to take a look. Everything was ready, but he was told that people couldn't be there.

"Nie Qing has gone to the battlefield of Jinshu and Yushu, and is about to leave his name there. There is some conflict at the moment, and he can't come." Zhuhai said.

Yi Zhao frowned and said, "This is not good? Brother Zhu, although you are our VIP, you must also consider it for us. Just now, we have released the news, and the banners have been hung on the bronze giant Outside the palace. It is said that there will be a mysterious powerhouse coming soon, and his identity is prominent, and he will fight against Kong Xuan, which belongs to an evenly matched battle between dragons and tigers. Your temporary change of mind will make us lose our trust in others, and we cannot do it. The loss will be extremely heavy. "

Zhuhai's expression was indifferent. He felt that the other party was deliberately acting up and arguing, but he also didn't want to owe a debt to the Bronze Giant Palace, so he quietly went to investigate.

At this moment, he wanted to say something, Yi Zhao was shameless and his heart was black. Someone actually hung up a banner outside, but those actions were done synchronously with Yi Zhao talking.

Yi Zhao said, "Otherwise, Brother Zhu and Nie Qing agreed to let him come quickly after the battle, and it's okay to be a little later."

"No need, this battle is very important to him. There is also an extremely powerful character in that star field. It's not good to tell him that these are easily distracted." Zhuhai refused.

In the end, he sneered again and again, and said, "In this case, I will end up by myself. I am calm, and I have nothing to care about."

It can be said that the twists and turns are quite twists and turns, and in the end, it still has to surpass the peerless end, which made Yi Zhao even stunned, and then overjoyed.

As for the extraordinary people in the stands, I was even more surprised. What is Nie Qing, who is very famous in the distance, but here is even more shocking.

Elder Qingkong left the VIP seat, went straight off the stage, came to a few people, looked at Zhuhai and said, "I'll fight you!" 2

She had a calm face and a cold temperament. She said it was a fight, but everyone could see that she wanted to kill.

"It can be arranged in the next match." Yi Zhao, the director of the Bronze Giant Palace, smiled all over his face.

Wang Xuan hurriedly stopped Elder Qingkong and secretly transmitted the sound, so he could do it himself.

In fact, his spirit head came up all of a sudden, looked at Zhuhai, and said: "Okay, let's stop talking nonsense, just in this iron cage, I will fight with the body of a true immortal, you will fight with the sky level. You can go to the end of the road in the early stage.”

"I'm fighting with you, but you're still a level higher than you? Are you slaughtering me, or humiliating me?!" Zhulong said indifferently, turning around and telling Yi Zhao to prepare for the "fair arena" at the true immortal level. 2

"Okay, if you don't want to, I can save some energy, of course it's no problem!" Wang Xuan said, this kind of strength, and the appearance of not being frightened in the face of super peerless, shocked many people.

Yi Zhao said, "Let's fight here. The giant arena on the ninth floor can be adjusted and suppressed to a fair arena of the true immortal level. There is no problem."

The place has been cleaned up, and Yi Zhao went to adjust it himself. Immediately, the entire arena was filled with runes, and some great formations were revived.

The people from the Bronze Giant Palace informed the people present and said, "Everyone, I'm sorry, this is another \'emergency will open on time in an hour, please re-purchase tickets to enter the venue."

"#, it's really dark, the expedited venue has reopened again, and you have to buy more tickets?\" Suddenly, some people were dissatisfied.

"Understandable, after all, this is a duel between the undefeated True Immortal Kong Ten Fist and the Transcendent World. It would be strange if the Bronze Giant Palace didn't make a lot of money from it."

The elder Qingtian told Wang Xuan, don't be careless, Zhuhai is a very strong person, and he was very good at breaking the limit back then. Although he only started to contact the runes of imperial Taoism after he became super peerless, he has extraordinary attainments.

"He won't become an alien, right?" Wang Xuan was taken aback, and it was not easy to study the texture of the Imperial Dao.

Elder Qingkong shook his head and said, "No, it takes a certain degree of imperial transformation to have the opportunity to become a foreigner. He should be able to succeed in this era."

Wang Xuan became serious, even if this opponent was suppressed to the realm of real immortals, his breaking the limit and the texture of the imperial Taoism on his body would not disappear.

Moreover, becoming a peerless person will inevitably make up for the shortcomings on the previous road, etc. After reappearing behind the true fairy, he will be extremely powerful in this field.

When the time came, Wang Xuan also entered the iron cage.

Then, people saw the expression of Kong Xuan, the demon king who entered the hall, that expression, that look, was quite unusual.

Facing the super peerless, he seemed to be excited, his eyebrows raised, as if an old hunter with superior strength was going to hunt, and he was going to enter the mountains!

People don't know what to say. I've never seen such a wild real fairy. When faced with a super peerless world, I'm not afraid, and I'm actually a little excited! 14

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