Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 265: Alien's Capital

The Xingyue River hangs out of the sky. Under the deep night, the vast smoke waves ripple, and the scenery is beautiful.

Standing on the bow of the boat, Wang Xuan looked at the shimmering river. He was quite surprised. It was obviously the light of the stars and the moon that came together. It really looked like a magnificent river in the world.

Of course, it's even more beautiful here.

The night scene is soft and dreamlike. It is indeed an extraordinary scenery. Many people who come to the city in the sky will come here to watch and enjoy the scenery by boating.

With a thud, a large carp with bright scales and fiery red jumped out of the water in the distance, splashing silver-white waves, which was extraordinarily vivid.

Wang Xuan was stunned. The boundless silver river just looked like a river and sea. How come there are still fish underwater?

\"You are a carp spirit, and you practice here?\" Wang Xuan asked it.

To be honest, even he was tempted. This place is full of stars, and it is clearly an excellent place to practice the "Xinghe Body Washing Sutra".

\"My lord is here for the first time. The little demon is indeed practicing. As part of the scenery in the Xingyue River, my reward is that I can borrow the star power here to practice.\"

The big fiery red carp opened his mouth to inform the situation. While speaking, it huffed out white light, waving its tail on the river, red scales slicing across a stream of light.

The extraordinary person who appreciates the scenery cannot cultivate here. Only the aliens who come here by special permission and become part of the scenery can get star power as a reward.

Wang Xuan nodded, if he was allowed to retreat here, he might **** a section of the river into darkness. 2

The immortal boat floated forward and came to the relatively gentle silver river surface area, where all kinds of extraordinary and exotic species were dotted into the scene, which could be seen everywhere.

A group of golden Jiaoyu shone with divine beauty and swiftly swam over with a rich golden rain of light.

The fragrance is fragrant, and on the river, there are still large lotus growing, green leaves, blooming flowers, swaying among the smoky stars, adding a fresh and refined beauty to the river. 2. Heart 3 use half immortal

Don't think too much, this is a flower demon. There are quite a few species here. Duckweed and the swaying noctilucent grass are full of vitality and are all monsters.

Nearby, there are also clam girls dancing on the river, white clothes fluttering, and a pair of clam shells behind them glow like a fairy.

Farther away, there is a river demon singing a cappella, the song is beautiful and beautiful, baptizing people's spirit. Obviously, the heterogeneity of singing is not weak.

When the immortal boat entered the more magnificent river, the number of large boats suddenly increased. There were various immortal boats, driving slowly, and some extraordinary people sang wine.

In some painting boats, famous fairies are invited to play the guzheng and the bamboo flute. The silk and bamboo are melodious and attract people's minds.

\"It's really a good place.\"Wang Xuan praised.

Over the years, he has come all the way, fighting people in the Meteorite Sea, blood and skulls flying together at every turn, practicing in the Black Peacock Sacred Mountain, retreating for 11 years at a time, confronting people in the bronze arena, and seeing life and death.

Generally speaking, he rarely stops to appreciate these peaceful and splendid beauty. Now standing on the bow, he feels that he is relaxed, away from killing and fighting.

Stopping on the extraordinary road like this will give you a different feeling.

For a time, he was calm in body and mind, rafting on the Xingyue River, and there was an intriguing charm that blended with the world and the scenery, empty and natural.

At this time, the starlight was like water, and the moonlight was like smoke, falling on him, and his black hair became transparent against the background, and the whole body was even more crystal clear, flowing with rhythm.

He was in a calm state of mind, looking at the magnificent river, his whole person was out of the dust and aloof, and he directly attracted the deep starry sky to cast a sacred brilliance.

It was the favor of the stars in the sky, and it was a gift from the galaxy. A small sea of ​​stars condensed and formed, covering his body, enhancing his rhythm.

The exterior scene of the galaxy that Wang Xuan deprived appeared, in the form of separation, shining in the void, and then disintegrated into dense symbols, which corresponded to the stars in the sky and resonated.

Then, the decomposed exterior scenes were reorganized, interpreting his own scene, resonating with him, and finally reconstructing the exterior scene.

Nearby, there are some huge fairy boats, and there are some painting boats with beautiful songs. Many people look at them and are surprised.

\"It's really amazing. You can enjoy the scenery by boating, you can instantly calm down, blend into the starry night scene, and then realize the Tao.\" Someone sighed.

\"There is no chance for Zhuhai, his exterior scene of the galaxy was completely decomposed, turned into something of Kong Xuan, and became his own perception. \" There is also a super peerless here, and the essential problem can be seen at a glance.

Near Wang Xuan, some dragon carp, some flaming red and brilliant big carp, and some elves that took shape in the Xingyue River all floated up, separated from the river, and swam around Wang Xuan, feeling the kind of incomprehensible way Rhyme, even they get some good.

Soon, Wang Xuan restrained the rhythm of the Dao, and the exterior scene of the galaxy turned into a sacred rune, submerged in his flesh and blood, and blended into one.

He smiled, his hair and eyes were full of stars, fresh and refined, giving a very ethereal sense of birth.

Many people have recognized his identity and watched the battle of the iron cage in the giant bronze palace.

Not far away, someone on a big boat said: \"Little friend, I have gained a lot. Just now my body and mind were united with the starry sky, and I could have an epiphany when viewing the scenery, which is really admirable.

Wang Xuan humbly said: \"I'm just a layman, I was rafting, but I'm used to toil. I was thinking about the problem of practice, and I had some unexpected gains just now, which disturbed everyone's elegance.\"

\"If this is considered tacky, I would like to be tacky for the rest of my life, little friend, how about a few drinks on board?"

The other party invited him in good faith, and Wang Xuan immediately responded with a smile, telling him that he had an appointment today, and he could drink together another day.

He came to the late stage of the True Immortal Nine Heavens. After a short period of enlightenment, the Xinghe exterior scene was decomposed and reunited. After a brand-new analysis, he realized a deeper understanding.

Wang Xuan felt that it would not be difficult for the real immortal realm to break the limit for the first time. As long as he was willing, he might directly pierce it and step into it brazenly. 1

But there are too many people here, and he doesn't want to disturb all parties.

Regarding breaking the limit, it almost overlapped with Yu Daohua as he guessed earlier, so he actually broke a part of the limit ahead of time.

On the road ahead, some levels should not have much resistance.

\"Brother Kong, where are you?\" Han Qing contacted Wang Xuan.

After a while, they converged. Han Qing, Tian Cheng and others went to the Sky City to personally greet a distinguished guest, and now they are all back.

However, they failed to invite anyone.

Han Qing smiled helplessly, and said: \"He may come over when he turns around. That distinguished guest has just arrived at the Sky City, and it seems that he has something important to deal with.\"

The distinguished guests surnamed Wei had a solemn expression on their faces, and it could even be said that his face was rather ugly, and he had no intention of attending the meeting, so he politely declined them.

Soon, they boarded a huge fairy boat and invited many fairy snail girls in the river to dance, and the river demon boarded the boat to sing.

This is the Xianjia small gathering that Wang Xuan had never experienced in the mother universe. Back then, when he was able to fly to the sky and escape, the myth would come to an end, completely decayed, the fairyland was completely extinguished, and the Yaochi was empty. 1

\"Who are you going to invite? Are you very high-ranking?\" Wang Xuan asked.

\"Weibo, an extraordinary person with a long history, even his identity and background can be said to be very amazing.\" Han Qing whispered to him, but he didn't mean to hide it.

The smile on Wang Xuan's face was unnatural for a moment. Could it be that the master of the silver-haired youth who was killed by him has arrived?

\"He was born in an extremely powerful alien family. The most important thing is that this family seems to be related to the detached Taoism.\"Han Qing secretly told that it is not easy to say such things in public.

\"Related to the True Holy Family?\" Wang Xuan asked with a solemn expression.

\"Almost.\"Han Qing nodded and whispered: \"According to rumors, it should be a foreign relative.

Wang Xuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He was not someone who came out of the True Sacred Dao Lineage. It was much better than some of his earlier guesses.

Of course, the so-called relatives cannot be ignored either. Who knows, whether this kind of alien race can go to see them frequently, blow the wind and the like, or they will provoke a behemoth, a huge murderer spanning multiple epochs.

At the very least, up to now, he absolutely cannot have any intersection with the true saint, and cannot approach it. It is enough to look at it from a distance.

Han Qing is quite honest, telling everything he knows, the Wei family should have married a woman from the True Sage Dao Lineage a long time ago.

Wei Bo is the descendant of this woman. Although it has been many generations, Wei Bo's performance is amazing and strong. He is considered a descendant of the Wei family.

\"It's been a lot of generations, isn't this relative's identity a bit far apart?\" Wang Xuan felt that the so-called identity of Weibo was the same thing.

At the very least, he didn't care at all. If he really cared, he wouldn't kill one directly.

As far as origin is concerned, Wang Xuan's parents are both aliens, so there is nothing to mention.

Han Qingdao;\"It's not too far away. Although she has experienced an era of catastrophe, the woman who married the Wei family is probably still alive. The Wei family must have protected her when they changed the supercenter universe last time.\"

After all, that woman can be connected with the true sage Taoism that transcends the world.

\"Do you know who...the true saint?\" Wang Xuan asked secretly.

Han Qing's expression changed immediately, she shook her head and said: \"I don't know. Besides, Brother Kong, you must not inquire about this kind of thing, and no one of the true saints should go to investigate, otherwise there will be a catastrophe!\"

Wang Xuan was moved, nodded and said yes, he realized again how terrifying the creature of that series was, and even Han Qing, a heaven-level monster, was very frightened when he talked about it.

Next to him, a young man with brown hair came over, holding a glass of wine, and said with a smile: \"Brother Kong, you are really talented, amazing, and rare in the field of true immortals. Under the same realm, Lian Chao's peerless remodeling True immortal body, when you return to this realm, you are all suppressed, admire! Come on, I will give you a toast to Brother Kong, and I wish you an early rise to the sky and become an alien who can overlook the sea of ​​​​stars!"

Wang Xuan also immediately raised his glass with a smile and said: \"Thank you Brother Tian for your good wishes, I also respect you, I hope that one day you and I will stand in the realm of aliens, recalling the present and this scene, enjoying the wine, in the future starry sky Let's talk about old stories.

\"How can I reach that field, borrowing Brother Kong's auspicious words, haha...\" Tian Cheng laughed, everyone likes to hear nice words.

\"Brother Kong has the talent of a different person, I should also ask for a lot of money and get a good word.\"Besides, Fairy Yihan raised her glass with a smile.

Wang Xuan smiled and said: \"I'm just a little true fairy, and I've been gilded like this by you guys. If it spreads out, I may not have a good end. I wish Fairy Yi's beauty and beauty, and the road to other people will be smooth.

In the sound of clinking glasses one after another, the atmosphere warmed up. Han Qing, Tian Cheng, Yi Han and others were also born in the demon clan with extraordinary origins.

They seemed to feel that they had left Xingyuehe together to invite Wei Bo, and they felt a little rude to Kong Xuan.

"Why hasn't Fairy Yao come yet?" Tian Cheng asked.

"The most beautiful one is naturally the last to appear. Who made her the most beautiful fairy in the city in the sky." Yihan said deliberately sour.

"You and I are both demons." Wang Xuan smiled.

"Haha, she's a demon fairy, you and I are the demon king." Tian Cheng clinked glasses and drank with a smile.

"It's not good to have people behind the scenes." A flat boat rowed across the river like a streamer and approached the big boat. An enchanting angel in colorful clothes, with light and rain, danced lightly and landed on the big boat.

At this time, in the city of the sky, Wei Bo's face was as gloomy as water, and even those who accompanied him could feel his extremely bad mood.

"How could this be, lost contact!" Wei Bo had a bad premonition in his heart. He entered the city of the sky. In theory, he could sense the second body, but now, there is no disturbance and they are interrupted.

In this situation, there are only a few possibilities. Either he died next time, or the other party took the initiative to cut off contact with him and did not want to see him, or he entered a special place and was isolated from the outside world.

He was already on his way and was going to the Heavenly Palace in the Garden of Fortune. During this period, he contacted Tong Zheng and asked if his second body was still there, but he got feedback. Second, he came to the Sky City, so he turned around and came back. .

"Tong Zheng, are you sure that my second body is in the city of the sky?" He contacted the other party again.

"Yeah, didn't you sense it? I think he was experiencing the mortal world, hunting for a gorgeous encounter, and now he has deliberately lost contact and is enjoying life." Tong Zheng laughed.

Then He informed that Wei Bo's second body had invited him and Hao Ren to experience life together, saying that the alien Li Lin entered the mortal world to cultivate his heart, and it was an opportunity for them.

Tong Zheng said frankly, "To tell the truth, I did come out. I can go boating on the Xingyue River to enjoy the scenery and watch the fairies dance. It's colorful here. If you want to come or not, I guess your second body may not be here to hunt for beauty. Well, haha"

Xingyuehe, Yao Xiaoqian fell lightly, her colorful clothes fluttered, her complexion was fair in the starlight, her figure was swaying, graceful and moving, after a few simple glasses of fine wine, accompanied by a silver bell-like laughter, she instantly blended in. Coming in, people didn't feel that she joined suddenly, as if she had been here all the time, which would bring her relationship with people closer.

Wang Xuan learned that she is a native of the city in the sky, and the big demon behind the Fortune Casino is also surnamed Yao. Some good people call Yao Xiaoqian the most beautiful demon in the city in the sky.

"Hmm." Suddenly, Tian Cheng received the communication, with a surprised look on his face, and then with a happy expression, he said, "Weibo is here."

On the big ship, many people got up and wanted to greet them. They valued and feared the kind of alien family that was related to the True Sacred Dao Lineage.

"You don't need to go to the Sky City to pick it up, he came by himself." Tian Cheng shook his head.

After asking Ming Ming's direction, Wei Bo came in the air. He was dressed in modern clothes, with short silver hair but ears, three-dimensional features, and piercing eyes. He was very extraordinary. He arrived quickly.

Wang Xuan secretly shouted bad luck, followed the crowd to get up, and greeted Wei Bo.

At the same time, he had a strange feeling in his heart. He had just killed a Weibo, and not long after that, he was drinking with his master again. The fate in this world is really wonderful.

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