Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 270: so popular

Wang Xuan, who is in the body of Hunyuan, looks ahead, a huge city hanging in the air, magnificent and majestic, flowing with the charm of the avenue.

"From now on, there is no such thing as Hunyuan Shenmu, I am Lu Renjia." He reminded himself that he could not be negligent and lead to a misplaced identity.

At this time, he still had a mobile phone on his body, which was a replica, but it looked exactly the same as the original one.

Wang Xuan seriously doubts, is there someone like him who also has a replica of a mobile phone?

"Haha, brother, you are finally here!" Xuan Tian, ​​Hei He, Jin Yu and the others walked out of the city and saw the familiar figure from a distance.

In their eyes, Lu Renjia didn't change much, he was still out of the dust, his white clothes were like snow, empty and detached.

"Your Daoism has improved again?" Jin Yu was taken aback, feeling that Lu Renjia's temperament became more and more ethereal, with a sense of peaceful birth.

Wang Xuan quickly entered the state that Lu Renjia should be in, and said with a smile: "Brother Xuan, Brother Hei, Brother Jin, I haven't seen each other for several months. Your style is better than before."

Xuantian said in shock: "I can't compare to you, I have a feeling that you are a true immortal, and you can kill a heaven-level expert with one hand, which is a bit out of line. Is this my illusion?" Yes." Wang Xuan shook his head.

Yuan Sheng also came. He was tall, changed his hairstyle and kept short golden hair. He had a good temperament and was very eye-catching. He was looking at the fierce people rising in the different seas.

However, this Lu Renjia didn't look fierce. His black hair was crystal clear. Although he was handsome, he also had a sense of tranquility and delicacy. His eyes were clear, like the water of a spirit lake. Now Lu Renjia looks like a real immortal who was born and has a special charm.

Yuan Sheng secretly praised, isn't this more pleasing to the eye than the demon king Kong Xuan? Two completely different styles.

Now, whoever mentions the second king of the Five Elements Mountains, the first thing that comes to mind is that he is billowing with monstrous aura, and the appearance of black mist is almost becoming his unique way of appearing.

Kong Xuan, as a demon king, although handsome in appearance, he is full of wildness. At first glance, he looks like the kind of thorn that wants to pierce the sky. He is rebellious and very domineering, a typical peerless demon king style.

Lu Renjia is a human race, quiet, peaceful, and indifferent to the world. Before he doesn't make a move, people will doubt whether he has terrifying offensive power. "This is the style that a peerless true immortal should have." Yuan Sheng sighed, his eyes were like lightning, and he was keenly aware that this person was very strong.

Seeing each other at a distance, they looked at each other in an instant, they met, and they were as enthusiastic as ever.

Xuantian asked: "Our Taoism has improved because we have had a great opportunity recently. Entering and leaving the Garden of Fortune is really memorable and unforgettable. You didn't take advantage of these, and you haven't seen it for half a year, but it gives me a deeper feeling. Unfathomable, how did you cultivate?"

Half a year? Lu Renjia wanted to say that he was born less than a day ago.

He smiled and said: "As you know, I took the road of imperial Taoism in the realm of real immortals, and the real fish in different seas have benefited me a lot. After several months of retreat and hard work, I finally got something." "Go, enter the city, What are you doing standing here, today I will cleanse you from the wind, delicious wine, and delicacies are all ready." Jin Yu said, pulling him on the road. And me? Yuan Sheng was stunned. When they first met, they didn't introduce him.

Hei He patted his forehead, as if he just remembered, and said, "Forgot to introduce, this is Yuan Sheng from the Gibbon God Clan. I heard that you are here, so I came here to see you." Both Hei He and Xuan Tian guessed. When he arrived, Yuan Sheng came with a purpose, so he wanted to let him dry for a while, and only said when he left.

Wang Xuan nodded, knowing this monkey naturally. He beat a large group of monkeys on the Black Peacock Sacred Mountain. He also used a karma fishing rod to pick up a pinch of monkey hair on the head of the old holy ape. Meat.

Yuan Sheng said with a smile: "Brother Lu, although you and I have met for the first time, I have heard your name for a long time, and you have been flying up the sky in a different sea. It's been a long time since I met you." Go and find someone else! Wang Xuan actually didn't like seeing him. This monkey was looking for him today, maybe he wanted to invite him to punch Kong Xuan. Wang Xuan responded with a smile, but he couldn't be rude here, and said a few polite words.

They entered the city and directly boarded the "Yiren Building" in the city of the sky, which is a very famous restaurant in the city.

Although the name of Yiren Building is weird, many people like it and think it is a good vision. Who doesn't want to be a high-ranking foreigner?

The box is very large and has the attributes of a cave. It is located on the twelfth floor. After opening the window, it is facing a purple sea of ​​bamboo. I can still see someone repairing the hole leading to the Fortune Garden in the bamboo forest.

"Such a view is pleasing to the eye." Xuantian stood in front of the window with a smile on his face, beckoning Lu Renjia over to enjoy the view, and told him what happened. Next to him, Yuan Sheng resented and slandered: Insider news dog!

He received the news late, and he also ran into the garden with his clan, but only harvested a small amount of good fortune. When he ran away, he did not know which dog had blocked it in it. Bo, he can't come out.

Wang Xuan nodded, recalling the past, it seemed that it didn't take long, only half a day, he came out from there. Just where did Wu Tian run away? I miss it very much.

After careful calculation, Wei Bo carried the first cauldron. If he checked carefully, Wu Tian would be the second cauldron, and the disciples of the various sects would be the third cauldron. It was firmly held above Wang Xuan's head, which made him feel too safe.

"Brother, although you are late, it's good to be here. At this event, there may be people from outside the world, from the true holy family!" Xuantian secretly transmitted his voice, and directly informed that there were still great people behind him. good fortune.

He avoided Yuan Sheng, and didn't want the whole world to know about it, especially since the word "true saint" could not be easily mentioned, and it was easy to get into trouble.

Seeing Lu Renjia's calm and immortal appearance, Jin Yu also secretly transmitted his voice, saying, "You don't think this is a trivial matter, it's a super event!" "How do you say it?" Wang Xuan asked.

"Know the black peacock clan, they were very miserable back then, they became dancers and singers, and they were sent away at every turn. But one day, a black peacock was spotted by a teenager who stepped into the world of the Five Tribulations Mountain and brought it back to the mountain. After that, the fate of the clan began to deviate from the original trajectory..."

In the end, a black peacock rose, rose and fell over the years, became a powerful alien, and followed Wujie Mountain to fight another supreme faction.

Heihe also said: "That era was very chaotic, the Holy Death incident occurred, the status of the Five Tribulations Mountain was consolidated, and the Black Peacock Clan was freed from slavery. A touch of the past."

When several people mentioned the true *sage, the five * robbery mountains, and the holy* death, they all separated the key words, as if they were afraid of being heard by the existence in the dark. "Once you are fancy and taken away, you are guaranteed to become an alien!" Xuan Tian said the essence.

However, Wang Xuan is not very interested, he has a strong confidence to become an alien, and he doesn't want to run under the eyes of the true saint now.

"Gossip, this time it may be an alien coming into the world, or it may be a noble girl coming out." Heihe secretly transmitted a voice, and their news was so well-informed. Obviously, the high-level officials in their camp had passed some information to them, otherwise they wouldn't have access to this kind of secret at all.

Wang Xuan nodded, indicating that he was listening carefully, but he didn't agree with it, he was evaluating.

If he appeared as the second king of the Five Elements Mountain, in terms of strength alone, would he be able to use a mace to smash the so-called noble girl's head successfully?

If the body of Primordial Yuan goes to learn from each other, can he successfully suppress the young people of the same level who came out of the world? Can he fight one, two, or more? It is impossible for them to mention the matter of the True Holy Dao Lineage again and again, and they are very afraid.

All kinds of precious dishes were brought up, and a special person introduced them, such as the exotic birds that nest in the clouds, the seven-color divine fish raised in the extraordinary rainbow, the pickled dragon legs of the last century.... Some delicacies are really good, but Does some cross-epoch meat belong to super zombie meat? Wang Xuan didn't really want to move his chopsticks.

At the wine table, Yuan Sheng praised Lu Renjia for being out of the dust many times and possessing a real immortal spirit, and then, as expected, he mentioned Kong Xuan. Of course, he didn't change the topic bluntly, but naturally, he was drawn from the battle at the Bronze Giant Palace.

"To be honest, this Kong Xuan doesn't have any immortal charm, like a ferocious bandit, a mountain king, a tyrant, or a villain!" This was Yuan Sheng's comment. Your second uncle! Wang Xuan glanced at him, and wanted to stick his finger on his nose. Would you scold me like that in front of me?

"In my eyes, Brother Lu is stronger than Kong Xuan!" Yuan Sheng said.

Wang Xuan humbly said, "I have no record, so don't say such things in the future."

In fact, after Lu Renjia entered the city, many people paid attention to him. Many people were talking about it, and some people were indeed questioning his strength.

"Is Lu Renjia that powerful? Someone compares him with Kong Xuan, thinks too much? I'm not saying, no matter Kong Xuan or Nie Qing, as long as they stand up, they can kill him."

Someone retorted: "Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand, do you know who Lu Renjia fought against in Yihai to rise? Zhuo Yanran, a well-known master in the sky, and what kind of golden book and jade book to keep her name, she experienced many years ago. It's an old story, but she was beaten by Lu Renjia and cried."

"It is said that Lu Renjia has the power of 20 blue crows. By the way, this latest unit of measurement started when he fought in the Battle of the Different Seas."

In the distance, a pair of black girlfriends were walking. When Jing Qi heard someone talking in the city, the corners of her mouth curled up with a strong smile, while Zhuo Yanran wanted to rush over and hit someone.

Someone said, "What you are talking about is old Huang Li. The latest news is that Zhou Xuan in white has successfully defeated the three realm immortals, and if he crosses the two realms, he will be an undefeated real immortal on an equal footing with Nie Qing!"

"Zhou Xuan is so powerful? But, what does this have to do with Lu Renjia?"

"Lu Wuwen and Zhou Xuan once killed a loser in Yihai and ended in a tie, but Lu Wuwen gave Lu Renjia the gift of a half teacher."

"I'm going, there's such a thing?! That is to say, if Zhou Xuan can defeat the real immortal of the Five Regions, he can be side by side with Nie Qing and see Lu Renjia, but..."

In the city of the sky, many people are talking about Lu Renjia. Although they have heard of it in the past, it is not very detailed. Now that it has spread, people have found that this is really a terrifying real immortal, and it is outrageously powerful.

Not long after, someone came uninvited outside the box and brought a jar of thousand-year-old wine. The moment the jar was opened, the fragrance was fragrant, and the whole floor could smell it. The transcendent light flowed into clouds, and the scene was pleasant.

This is the fine wine sent by the people from the Bronze Giant Palace, and it is the old acquaintance of the man in gray. He was the one who took Wang Xuan to the bronze arena to fight with the candle dragon clan. Now he comes to approach Lu Renjia warmly, but it did not meet his expectations. , was declined.

Wang Xuan said: "I have no interest in fighting. If I have a choice in this life, I don't want to fight with anyone, and I don't want to see extraordinary blood splashing around." Gu Ming didn't give up and asked tentatively, "Brother Lu, what do you think? interest?"

"I'm most interested in studying the texture of imperial Taoism." Wang Xuan said.

Gu Ming looked at him again and again. He was not interested in combat, but was very interested in how to improve his combat effectiveness?

He doubted that this might be asking for an appearance fee, but it was always a royal-level texture, which was too high-end, which made him a little bit unable to withstand the stimulation of such a lion's big mouth.

Gu Ming felt that he couldn't figure it out, so he had to go to the supervisor of the Bronze Giant Palace and ask him to come forward.

"Brother Kong, there is a very famous extraordinary person in the city now. Many people compare him to you, do you want to go and see?" Yao Xiaoqian, the most beautiful fairy in the Sky City, asked Kong Xuan next to him.

Wang Rong shook his head, not interested, I see myself go? At present, it is better to maintain the balance, temporarily the king does not see the king. "I don't believe there is a more vicious monster than Brother Kong, I'll take a look back!" Xiong Shan said.

Fortune Casino has always wanted to find a suitable extraordinary person to have a peak matchup and come up with a super big game. This requires enough influence and enough popularity to attract everyone to participate and bet.

Someone from the Fortune Casino went to see Lu Renjia. It was not so direct. He gave a bottle of good wine and left after a few chats. He was a special reviewer. A battle!

"It's just a meal, but it doesn't stop, why do people always come?" Jin Yu was dissatisfied.

Someone from the Candle Dragon Clan actually contacted them and wanted to come over, but was rejected by Jin Yu, so they didn't let people have a good drink?

Wang Xuan wanted to get in touch with the Candle Dragon to see if they all said anything, take out some strange creations, and let him beat himself. Soon after, Jing Qi insisted on pulling the reluctant Zhuo Yanran to this box.

Xuan Tian, ​​Hei He, and Jin Yu immediately greeted him warmly, rearranging the seats, and even changing to new dishes without chopsticks.

Wang Xuan also greeted with a smile, and said, "Fairy Zhuo, I didn't expect to meet here. When we parted at night, the stars were shining brightly, and the scene of our drinking together seemed to be still in front of us." Jing Qi suddenly smiled and said, "If you know how to talk, you can talk more. Say something, for example, the wine was beautiful that night, the people were even more beautiful, do you miss it?"

"Jing Jingqi, shut up." Zhuo Yanran directly poured her a glass of wine.

The two came and went quickly, mainly because Jing Jing insisted on coming to have a look.

In the next two days, regardless of whether it was the Bronze Giant Palace, the Fortune Casino, or people from other camps, such as Yuan Sheng, Zhu Hong of the Zhulong clan, Yuanhong of the Hedao Sect, the ancient city of the Jinque Palace, etc. I want to get in touch with Lu Renjia.

Wang Xuan showed a strange look. He really did not expect that after changing his identity, he would be so popular. Even his former rivals, Yuan Hong, Zhulong Clan, and others, responded with kindness and wanted to invite him for a small gathering.

Currently, he is quite popular in Sky City and has no rivals.

Time passed quickly, the day when the grand event officially started, the grand bell rang from the sky, the whole world seemed to be purified and peaceful, there were countless light and rain, and endless crystal petals fell from the sky.

On the last day of June, ask for the support of the next monthly pass, thank you.

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