Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 300: very good, very evil

The latest website: The barren land, the deep starry sky, Shang Yi's body is full of vitality, but, out of his control, the spiritual power was born in the flesh and blood.

This amazing change made him fully understand that something really happened, far beyond his expectations.

Shang Yi was shocked and palpitated again. This change made him feel a coldness from his soul. He was a little hairy, and he hadn't experienced this feeling for many years.

In the mother universe, he reigns over the world, and is vaguely the first person after the ancient times, standing on the clouds, developing a domineering personality that is unique to me.

Now, he is a little flustered, things are out of control, he may capsize, and he is facing a catastrophe beyond his expectations, how can the dead still appear

He naturally wanted to suppress it, but his physical body didn't listen to his orders very much, and his primordial spirit turned into a sharp sword, slashing towards the vitality and light in his body.

However, the strange vitality in his body, such as a single spark that can start a prairie fire, will soon light up in various parts, and in the end, the whole body is giving birth to spiritual power that does not belong to him.

Moreover, his appearance was further changed, completely different from his appearance, becoming the face of a young man, completely clear.

At this time, in every inch of his flesh and blood, the light of the primordial spirit was born.

"The first person in ancient times", Wang Xuan was shocked in the distance, this can be done, a person who has been dead for thousands of years is revived and reappears in the world

The strange object of the mobile phone glows, and it is carefully photographed and recorded.

Wang Xuan was fascinated, and then he was relieved, all this was understandable, after all, he was the first "giant whale" in this era of the mother universe.

Just imagine the other two giant whales Qi Tian and Jiang Siyuan, whichever died completely after being killed caused a great disturbance, which lasted for many years.

Even Jiang Siyuan finally survived.

And Wang Xuan is also a kind of person, he has opened up a special interior scene in the mortal period, he has some understanding of this.

In an instant, he had a lot of associations, and made some guesses based on his own situation and some facts he saw.

In the past, when he was attacked by Shang Yi, when he was deprived of the power of primordial spirit and the essence of flesh and blood, he once evolved three light spots and hid, waiting for future recovery.

So, when the first person in ancient times was attacked and killed together, was there a similar method?

But it seems that the first person should have other means, and it seems to be more inclined to the flesh, and the light of his primordial spirit is revived and reappeared in the flesh and blood.

Then, Wang Xuan thought about the extraordinary person Yin Mobai he met when he crossed dozens of star fields to three dozen Ling Qingxuan a few days ago. through.

He has already obtained this sutra and studied it carefully. It is mentioned in it that when practicing to the highest state, the negative yang can be born, the positive yin can be born, and the flesh and the primordial spirit can be transformed into each other.

Wang Xuan guessed that the first person in ancient times may have mastered this kind of very special and powerful scriptures, and practiced it to the realm of perfection, coupled with the special interior scene, etc., and finally brewed a miracle of resurrection and reborn from the ashes. .

He was shocked and amazed, the first giant whale that appeared in this era of the mother universe lived up to its reputation!

In addition, he thought of Yuhuafan, why in the counterattack, the body that he did his best to protect, only missed a small area of ​​the head.

The woman in red once appeared vaguely, nodding to him first, then shaking her head again, is she in the dark, maintaining a kindness, helping the first person

At this time, Wang realized that the surprises and judgments of the strange objects on the mobile phone had finally been reliable once, and there was indeed something going against the sky.

Under the starry sky, the figure has completely changed. Compared with the burly and burly earlier, he is slightly thinner and leaner, but his body is strong and powerful.

The full head of black hair is no longer messy, and the hair is longer, black and shiny, and naturally scattered to the chest and back. The cold and domineering face is scattered, and it tends to be determined, full of heroic spirit, eyes with gods, and sword eyebrows into the temples.

However, that kind of perseverance only lasted for a moment, and it began to turn cold again, and then the overall facial expression became numb, because there was a collision with the strongest mental energy.

Shang Yi did his best to suppress the spiritual power in all parts of the body. He did not allow the first person to return. This is his enlightened body, how can he give up

But he couldn't care about it, like pressing the gourd and floating the scoop, the spiritual fire lighted up everywhere in this body, and the flesh and blood were like its roots, constantly giving birth to the power of the primordial spirit.

"Back then, you really practiced two kinds of scriptures. You can achieve this kind of miracle, and you will still be alive thousands of years after your death." Shang Yi's voice was cold.

At this moment, he was no longer frightened or fearful, but became extremely cold. After all, he was Shang Yi, who was once invincible in the world!

After determining what the situation is, after putting aside the thoughts that he should not have, he just wants to get rid of the first person.

He said domineeringly and sternly, "This is not your era, so what if I live, I can still kill you again"

He clenched the feathering flag tightly, and the light of the primordial spirit resonated with it, urging this prohibited item to emit extremely dangerous fluctuations, and using it to suppress the newly born but extremely powerful light of primordial spirit in the body

However, the black flag was shaking and trembling, and a vague figure of a woman in a solid red dress appeared among them.

"You..." Shang Yi's heart throbbed, his soul was cold, his heart kept sinking, and he felt that the situation was getting more serious, and the trend was uncontrollable.

Extremely yin, extreme yang, extreme good, extreme evil, are manifested here.

The true spirit vaguely reflected the figure of that person back then.

The feathering banner was pitch-black, like an abyss, and the strange woman who was buried in the past became part of the artifact spirit, struggling and fighting.

Now, the main body of the black banner is roaring, and the woman in red who is to suppress the resistance is confronted with each other, and it is impossible to exert its due imperial power.

"Isn't the blood grievance resolved temporarily? It will take many years for you to come out. How can it happen again? You have to help him." Shang Yi held the feathered flag and his scalp was numb.

This thing really is a murder weapon, whoever gets it will be unlucky, ominous beyond his imagination!

Could it be that he thought he had solved the blood grievance, but in fact, up to now, he has not really had the negative influence of the feathering flag

Thinking about it carefully, since he crossed the border, accidents have happened one after another here, the enlightenment has been blocked, and the road ahead is rough, is it all related to this ominous situation?

He is adjacent to the alien, and there is only one layer of window paper. It can even be said that the layer of window paper has been pierced, and everything is in front of you, within reach. But at the last moment, the first person appeared and competed with him for the final Dao Fruit. If one did not get it right, he would be replaced.

Click, click.

In the deep space, the strange object on the mobile phone used to take pictures silently, but now, in order to meet the scene, it actually made a corresponding sound, shattering nearby meteorite fragments, etc.

Wang Xuan stared at the front, feeling in his heart, the cold-blooded Shang Yi finally encountered a life-and-death juncture on the road of life, and it was very likely that something would happen.

He frowned slightly, Shang Yi and the first person are in the same body, especially now, the light of spirit spreads and they are entangled with each other.

External intervention is very difficult.

Especially now, the complete primordial spirit of the first person has not yet appeared, but it is endless, and ray after ray of spiritual light is born from the flesh and blood.

Can he make a complete comeback?


Shang Yi burst out with the light of thunder, and wanted to smash those spiritual seeds, and he would not hesitate to hurt this body, but also to prevent the resurrection of the first person.

The black fog is monstrous, the violent imperial Taoist texture is intertwined, the feathered flag is trembling, the red-clothed woman reappears, and it fights against the spirits constructed by the internal rules.

Both are artifact spirits and are part of the treasure. However, it is obvious that the rule artifact spirit power is more important, otherwise it will not be able to lock her.

Artifacts and spirits are fighting, and they have all evolved over the years. Inside the Feather Banner, which is inclined to the dark attribute, the rules of the Royal Road are intertwined, which is very terrifying and amazing.

All the extraordinary people in the world have blamed her. The woman in red once cried out in such a sad and desolate way that she once revived an extraordinary civilization, but was betrayed. Those people "killed her mother" and refined her into an ominous feathered banner.

Today, she broke out. She is not bound by the rules. She wants to smash all the chains wrapped around her body, break the shackles, and break free from the abyss-like darkness.

She fell into the feathering banner, but she still has goodwill to recover, mainly because of the same disease, she wants to help the first person in ancient times get out of trouble and regenerate.

On the other side, in that fleshly body, at the moment when the sky thunder with the slightest chaotic air rang out, a dazzling purple light rushed out from the life soil of the flesh body, with a dense mist, covering the sky thunder and dissolving it.

"You... not only a freshman, but also some primordial spirits who escaped the strangulation and lied to me, Tomb and others." Shang Yi was startled.

In the depths of the life soil, in a mass of intense purple light, there is a light spot suspended, so small that it can be ignored and invisible.

However, under Shang Yi's eyes, he could see that the true spirit of the first person rose from the bottom of the infinitely thick life soil, and his facial features were clearly visible.

Shang Yi thought that when Chongguan became an alien today, there was a purple mist permeating the life soil from his body. This was auspicious and it was also a manifestation of the extraordinary destiny that belonged to the flesh body of the giant whale.

Only now did he know that this was not just auspicious, it was simply that the person was not dead. This so-called purple qi was not his accompanying vision, but that the true spirit of the other party emerged and was about to be resurrected.

Shang Yi suddenly raised his head and looked at the purple air that filled the sky, coming from the end of the deep space, representing the verve of the Great Dao and the imminent appearance of the indescribably precious Dao Fruit. This is not his companion.

For a time, when he was shocked, he became furious again, feeling extremely absurd. This was drawn by the first person, and all the auspicious and indescribable wonders were revealed for the first person.

It is absolutely impossible for him to accept this It's just that he was suppressed by the first person back then. A lonely ghost who has been dead for thousands of years, if he wants to fight with him, just kill him.


He couldn't control his physical body, but his far-god was still unparalleled. In the hands of his humanoid primordial spirit, a giant sword appeared, and he slashed at the true spirit in the purple light under the life soil.

"You are already dead, why do you come back? You should go back to sleep. If you fight with me again, there will be no result. How can the dead fight for the living?" At this moment, he is a sword madman, and his field of fame is the domineering swordsmanship, which is rare in the world. Anti-hand.

Once he entered this state, he would be extremely mad, with a long sword in his hand, his six relatives disregarded, and the killing pressure covering the world.

One more chapter is about to be written. Although it is Saturday, it is still two chapters.

Thanks: Bai, God, I haven't been a water **** for many years, this person is lazy and didn't leave anything behind, hehe_, thank you for your support.

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