Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 306: reunion

The latest website: In the past, he had gray hair and was sitting in a wheelchair. He could no longer walk. He was about to die in time like some of his old friends. Today, when we meet in the great world of the transcendent center, he has regained his youth. Black hair like ink, young face, with hot tears in his eyes, seems to be back in the past.

He is Zhong Cheng, and he can't be familiar with Wang Xuan anymore. The first time they met was in Qingmu's manor. All parties participated in Chen Yongjie's "funeral", which once led to "an city is expensive."

That year, Zhong Cheng was 16 years old. Since then, the relationship between the two has become closer and closer. He even secretly sent his sister's photo to Wang Xuan. He really wanted to recognize this \"brother-in-law"

Later, Zhou Yun died of illness, Wu Yin died, and Qin Cheng, who was just a word away, died of old age in the years, which touched Zhong Cheng too much, and at the same time of infinite sadness, he wanted to live.

Gu Jin came to the mother universe for the second time, and he followed in his footsteps. At that time, Lao Zhong personally pushed him and Zhong Qing's wheelchairs and went away together and left the mother universe.

When I first met him, he was still a teenager. When we parted, he was already old and gray-haired, and even when he said goodbye to Wang Xuan in tears, he couldn't speak well. Now that we meet again, he is still in tears, but his vitality and youth are restored.

Wang Xuan looked at Zhong Cheng, and from the tears in his eyes, he seemed to see a generation, as if he saw Zhao Qinghan still young. At that time, she was still the goddess of Zhao, and she also saw her best friend and classmate, but she died. Qin Cheng, and Wu Yin, who grew old slowly in loneliness and grace, until she was silent... Too many figures are still clearly reflected in the memory.

Back then, Wang Xuan chased after them like crazy, chasing their dissipated "thoughts", and then got together and sealed them in the coffin with their bodies, but what about that? He couldn't change anything, and they didn't see them wake up.

Zhong Cheng's face was full of tears, but he was very disappointed. The man he saw was like Wang Xuan when he was young, his eyes were bright and heroic, but he was obviously not him, and his soul was completely full of energy. Different

"Who are you?" He couldn't hide his disappointment, and he had endless regrets. He didn't care to wipe away his tears, but just stared at Qing Qing who was carrying the divine sword.


At this moment, Wang Xuan really wanted to put his arms around his shoulders, pull him away, sit on the clouds, look at the sea of ​​stars, look at the mother universe, drink wine together, and talk about the past

However, at the moment, he is very calm and his eyes are not turbulent, because Zhong Cheng has people who are suspected of being out of this world.

Just like Zhou Qinghuang, who is in Jiulingdong, although we met from a distance at the longevity fruit event, but he did not have the right opportunity to meet,

Wang Xuan said calmly: "I'm not Sun Wukong, but I met him in the starry sky, and I met him once in the sky, so I came over to take a look on his behalf."

Zhong Cheng's gloomy eyes regained some brilliance, giving birth to hope, but he seemed to remember something and said hastily, "I've been searched for my soul!"

Although he didn't know who Sun Wukong was, he knew that it should be related to the people in the mother universe, and he quickly explained his current situation for fear of any accident.

Wang Xuan didn't have any mood swings, but his killing intent soared. He glanced at the young man beside him, was Zhong Cheng being controlled by them like this?\"Brother, don't get me wrong.\" The young man couldn't feel his emotions, but, But he also explained it at the first time to avoid people thinking too much.

Because once it involves searching for souls, it will give people a very bad impression and association. This is exploring the deepest secrets of a person's soul.

In fact, before Wang Xuan came, he thought that these possible deceased people might not have any secrets.

Therefore, he was more cautious and did not directly recognize each other.

If Wang Xuan confesses his identity here, the other party will know immediately that he has the Imperial Dao Flag on him, and even guess that he may have more than one treasure, and maybe he will also bring over such as Life Pond and Xiaoyaozhou.

The young man first reported his name. His name is Chang Qing, he is from Yaotian Temple, and his specific identity is not disclosed, but he should belong to the direct descendants of this faction.

Wang Xuan doesn't know about the world outside the world, because it's too ethereal and mysterious.

But he realized that Yaotian Temple should be a true holy dojo, which can be compared with Zukongling, otherwise Chang Qing would never have dared to say that Ling Qingxuan's wanted order could not be posted on Liuhua City.

"Brother Zhong accidentally lives on this planet. His poetic talent is agile, and most importantly, he is especially good at business management, and is highly appreciated by senior officials..." Chang Qing explained.

What he said about the way of business, to be precise, is the means of doing business. After all, Zhong Cheng also came from a super chaebol. Although he longed for Sword Immortal earlier, his dream was shattered after the supernatural came to an end. His job was not to practice cultivation, but to run a family, and business was his most professional leader.

Zhong Cheng also added: "Those of us who have not yet become immortals were sent away by the old ban, and we separated from each other and rushed to different places.

Earth, even my sister and my great-grandfather are also separated from me


He replaced the ancient and the modern with the old-fashioned because this matter is too much. Obviously, Chang Qing is a smart person with keen intuition. Although Wang Xuan has no mood swings and denied his identity, he still has some doubts that this person may be Sun Wukong.

Therefore, he still attached great importance to it, invited Wang Xuan to take a seat, and told some of the situation in person.

Gao Yuanwai came from Yaotian Palace. In his early years, he was a great wizard. He broke the limit three times in the real immortal realm, so after he was released, he had a very high status.

This villa is a dojo of Yaotiangong on Lingxiu Star.

Chang Qing said: "Old Gao has become more and more common sense after seeing that Brother Zhong is very good at doing business. The last time he was pulling Brother Zhong to drink. When he was happy and excited, he decided to give him his youngest daughter." "

Mainly in those few years, after Zhong Cheng was excavated, he did a lot of big business for Gao Yuanwai, which made this dojo far exceed the bases on other planets. rise.

And these years, the requirements of the demon temple in the world outside the world for the following dojos are to obtain more resources for cultivating Taoism, and have assessments every year.

Wang Xuan had previously known that the Liuxia Star Territory is supported by a place other than the world. There are disciples of the Supreme Dao Lineage who need to join the WTO first, and then they are born. There are also the Supreme Dao Lineage who need to operate and obtain massive resources in this hot Saturn field.

The Yaotian Palace is obviously the Taoist lineage in the back.

For Gao Yuanwai, there are assessments from other places every year, and Zhong Cheng is such a capable person, how can he not value it? He likes it more and more, so he wants to marry a daughter

But after sobering up, he was also very cautious and had to investigate in detail. Knowing Zhong Cheng, the result is that the more I investigate, the more foggy it becomes, and there is no such thing at all.


Afterwards, he found a suitable opportunity to hypnotize Qin Cheng, then watched his primordial spirit, and was shocked to find that he was someone from outside the world, and he was brought over by ancient and modern.

At that time, he was hairy, even if he was born in Yaotian Palace, he was one of the strongest prohibited items that could transform into shape. That's terrifying

Because ancient and modern are very ethereal to many great sects, they belong to legends, and he reported it to Yaotian Palace immediately.

Even in a place other than the world, after hearing about the return of ancient and modern, it pays great attention. The higher-ups came directly and saw Zhong Cheng's Primordial Spirit in person.

The Taoist companion of the true sage of Yaotiangong, the eccentric woman came in person and told the senior members in person how they were in the past and how they will treat Zhong Cheng in the future. This is a personal "investment" for the senior members of Yaotiangong. Not suitable for participation.

In the end, Gao Yuanwai still married a daughter, and promised the youngest daughter to Zhong Cheng as his wife.

Zhong Cheng said, "Oh, this time, it wasn't Zhu Bajie who robbed a man and a girl, but a senior member who snatched me back and married his daughter. \"\"What are you talking about?" A graceful woman, belonging to the classical Liren, entering the hall, gave Zhong Cheng a blank look.

"It's nothing, it's too late for me to be happy.\" Zhong Cheng wiped away his tears and smiled sincerely, showing that the relationship between the two was very good.

After the woman saw the ceremony, she withdrew and let someone prepare a banquet.

There is no doubt that after Zhong Cheng calmed down, like Chang Qing, he thought that the person in front of him might be the famous Sun Wukong who moved the Xinghai.

Of course, because of the incompatibility of the primordial spirit, Zhong Cheng immediately rejected this as Wang Xuan, and he couldn't hide his disappointment.

Chang Qing said: "This time it wasn't Zhong Cheng's idea, it was Lao Gao who knew about my bad situation and "provoked" Sun Wukong behind his back, trying to attract a powerful foreign aid.

For this reason, after Zhong Cheng learned about it, he once had a fierce quarrel with Gao Yuanwai, who regarded him as a parent and child, and he was afraid that he would be in danger after attracting his old friend.

Therefore, after seeing the person in front of him, he immediately informed that he had been searched for his soul.

"It's all my fault!" Chang Qing said.

Zhong Cheng said: "Although Brother Chang and I hit it off, we have known each other for so many years and have become good friends, but we really don't want to let people from the mother universe enter the game." Now, he is still a little bit hard to let go of his dissatisfaction with Gao Yuanwai.

Soon, Wang Xuan knew what was going on.

Chang Qing is indeed the descendant of the true sage of Yaotiangong. From the root, he is very extraordinary, but Yaotiangong pays attention to the law of survival of the fittest, and the competition is fierce.

He wants to go further, obtain more resources, and be more valued, and he needs to work hard to perform.

He has formidable opponents, and he was not in harmony when he was young, and he is almost at a disadvantage. Now he is at a disadvantage.

Chang Qing said: "In the future, we will each form a team to go to **** to sharpen our own bodies. My opponent has already drawn many outstanding geniuses who are famous in the stars, but my side is not going well. Lao Gao and I have a good relationship. , has always been on my side, so this time he will help me even if he offends his female marriage, trying every means to find a young master who is famous and qualified to go to hell\"

Wang Xuan was really surprised in his heart, **** is really not easy, even the disciples in the world outside the world have to go there, and attach great importance to there. Jingjing Qi and Ling Qingxuan, behind each of them are the True Sage Dojos, they have to go there, and now the descendants of Yaotian Palace also say they are going there. What is the situation, in a place outside the world, do all disciples have to have such an experience? Wang Xuan realized that when he went to hell, he would most likely gain a lot of knowledge.

He was wondering if there would be a **** collision among the disciples of the True Saint Dojo?

"My opponent will even secretly unite with outsiders to encircle and suppress me." Chang Qing sighed, although he hasn't gone yet, the **** smell of **** is already in the air.

According to what he said, if the disciples meet in **** among the true saints with grudges and grudges, they may end the battle until one party is completely dead.

Wang Xuan made no statement, denying that he was Sun Wukong, but Chang Qing had regarded him as Sun Wukong for the time being.

The senior member came back, very friendly, and he can indeed become a peerless at any time. He has been cultivating for more than 3,000 years, and he was famous when he was in the real immortal realm. Wang Xuan did not retreat immediately because of his return, and his heart was calm.

Gao Hongdao, whose nickname is Gao Hongdao: "I naturally want to support Chang Qing. He and Zhong Cheng have known each other for many years and have a good relationship. That Chang Ming is different. He even found Zhong Cheng in private and wanted to search for his soul, but he didn't. respect.\"

"You searched for me too." Zhong Cheng said.

"That's because I was very clueless before marrying a daughter, and I didn't mean to harm you." Gao Hong said.

The core high-level of Yaotian Temple, the Taoist companion of the true saint, that female foreigner has given an order long ago, and there is a seal order, and others are not allowed to explore the secrets of ancient and modern.

In fact, not many people knew about it, and Chang Ming didn't know that he learned from Xiaoli that Zhong Cheng had a secret and wanted to explore it several times.

In the end, it was the senior staff who pulled out the tiger skin of the female alien, which made him retreat unhappy.

"Oh, Sun Wukong seems to have appeared and went to Gao Hong's Zhuangzi?" In a palace in Liuhua City, a young man got the report, it was Chang Ming.

The reason why he and Chang Qing fought fiercely was not only the grievances they had when they were teenagers, but also because they were assigned to an adjacent planet, and they were very close to each other, which made the competition between them even more intense.

Recently, he came to Lingxiu Star because of some things, in Liuhua City.

"Do you want our people to get rid of him?" Someone asked, also sitting in the palace, it was the powerful and powerful man Chang Ming had won over.

"No, fight for it, it's best to pull it over to our side, let the Evergreen Bamboo basket empty and just make a wedding dress." Chang Ming said with a and explained that on the extraordinary road , until the critical moment, there is no need to show your fangs, and you should try your best to win you over. Of course, he didn't say some things. He trusted inside the Yaotian Palace and learned some secrets. Zhong Cheng should be a person from outside the sky. Since he can come here, there should be some secrets.

He believes that the same should be true of Sun Wukong,

"Unfortunately, according to the accurate information I have obtained, there is no treasure of earth in this group of people."

It is impossible for him to say these words, and being able to inquire about this kind of secret information from Yaotian Palace is enough to show that he is not simple.

Chang Ming said:\"Well, let's take precautions. If there is an accident, be ready to contact Ling Qingxuan at any time, give her clues about Sun Wukong, and let her come and deal with this person. Why do we need to draw our swords? Even murder is not necessary. Blood on my hands."

Then he added: "Tonight, on the Liuhua River, I am going to invite the person who is suspected to be Sun Wukong to have a small gathering to watch Fairy God Moon dance. How he chooses will determine his fate. The natives of the land can mix, they are beyond their own power, and if they are on the wrong team, they will die!"

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