Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 312: Encounter with Sun 4 sticks

"Go and invite the ancestors of foreigners..." The old man's roar shook the Liuhua River to the shore, and also shook the clouds in the night sky.

Lingxiu Xing, all parties were very surprised, and they all realized that this matter was a big deal, and if it involved Yiren, it would be extremely serious.

In the big universe, the highest combat power of the top sect is the alien, the existence at the top of the pyramid. Once it is dispatched, it will be a blood-stained situation in the sea of ​​stars.

Usually, the aliens are not obvious, but once they come out and make a move, they will most likely be mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and it will often involve a war of annihilation.

Someone looked up at the starry sky and said, "Only the supreme and ethereal places outside the world have such a heritage. If you suffer a loss, you can immediately invite someone else to be born."

Many people are in a complicated mood. Some star fields have no aliens at all. Only the prosperous star fields of extraordinary civilizations can have aliens born. The true holy dojo is so strong, and now it is necessary to deploy this kind of power.

"There is a foreign ancestor who sits in Tianwaitian, which corresponds to this star field." A demon general said.

Many people showed strange expressions, it should be too late, right? The aliens are far away from the world, and it is impossible for them to come in the first time.

"Come and invite, and block several important passages in the Xinghai at the same time, but all large teleportation arrays must be guarded. For the time being, only extraordinary people are allowed to enter the Liuxia Star Region, and are not allowed to go out!" Someone instructed to use the extraordinary communicator to contact those important places.

All kinds of news seemed to have grown wings and flew towards the outer domain.

In any case, in today's battle, Sun Wukong and Huaguoshan are destined to be famous in the Xinghai, and the real immortals are beyond peerless. Many people dare not even think about it.

"Master, I practiced in the Liuxia Star Region, and what I saw was amazing. Soon you can hear the wind. The world outside the dojo confronted. Immortal killed."

"Yuanhong, don't you want to find someone to suppress Kong Xuan and hurt his Dao heart? You don't need to find someone. If you can invite Sun Wukong, then it won't be a problem at all."

All kinds of news are spreading.

Even an acquaintance contacted Ling Qingxuan.

"Ling Xiaosan, I just heard that Sun Wukong's whereabouts appeared in Liuxia Star Region. How can I thank me? This latest news alone is very valuable."

It was Jingjing Qi who spoke, and she heard the wind from far away in other star fields.

Obviously, this matter is rapidly fermenting, and some people with great powers and well-informed information have heard it at the first time.

"Auntie An, shut up!" Ling Qingxuan was on her way, how could she not know the first-hand news.

And she knew very well that the other party was teasing her, and in the spirit of watching the fun and not taking it too seriously, she was probably "urging" her to hurry over.

Outside the Lingxiu star, Wang Xuan rushed out. He didn't care much about the other party's invitation to the ancestor of the alien. Since he couldn't come immediately, he wanted to suppress him for five hundred years? What are you thinking!

When the other party came, the day lily was cold.

Although he won a big victory and let out a bad breath, Wang Xuan still felt that he had only been passively counterattacking, and it could not be regarded as "forge ahead".

"Resurrection flower, lost two petals, this rare medicinal use is a little less, it's a pity." He rubbed the big bow with his hand, which was the biggest gain of this trip.

Then, he said to himself: "Isn't Yaotiangong mainly collecting strange objects in this extraordinary civilization and highly developed Liuxia star field? Every year, each base has an assessment, if you want good things, you should

It is impossible for Lingxiu Xing to go. He just came out from there, and it is impossible to directly hit the muzzle. The aliens will come soon, and it will be troublesome if they are blocked.

On the way, he encountered several groups of demon soldiers and demon generals who rode the black clouds. They were really murderous. They came from the moon to support Liuhua City.

He took the initiative to attack, disperse a dark cloud, kidnapped several demon generals, and went directly to search for souls to understand the layout and stronghold of this star field of Yaotian Palace.

"Well, Shenwuxing, yes, it is also very prosperous. It can be compared to Lingxiu Xing. The most important thing is that Chang Ming is stationed there. That is the life planet he runs, and it is not very far from here."

Wang Xuan decided to sneak in secretly and raid the house!

He was invisible, and flew towards the moon. There was a teleportation array there, which could reach the moon of Shenwuxing. If he could save effort, he would naturally take shortcuts. So far, he hasn't asked the cell phone to help, lest it rush him on the road again and send him to hell.

From a distance, the bright moon is in the sky, which is quite soft and beautiful. From a close view, there are various fortresses, large-scale formations, etc., where demon soldiers and generals were originally stationed.

But now, the moon is almost empty, and all the demon soldiers and generals have descended on Lingxiu Star.

He observed from a distance, found the teleportation formation, and prepared to use it to go to Shenwuxing, where the dead ghost Changming was in charge.

Ling Qingxuan brought people over from the Xinghai, officially set foot in the Liuxia Star Region, changed the teleportation formation at the transfer station, and could soon approach the Lingxiu Star.

"Daughter, Sun Wukong shot a super peerless person. I didn't dare to follow. This person's intuition is very sharp. I suspect that he has developed some kind of divine eye. I started to follow him, and he glanced over to take a look."

The person in charge of Lingxiu Star once again sent a message to Ling Qingxuan, telling him that he did not dare to act rashly.

Ling Qingxuan said: "Kill a super peerless person, although he borrowed the Yixian bow, but he also took it from the opponent. This kind of record is extremely eye-catching when looking at the big universe Xinghai, but unfortunately he is a **** and is our enemy! "

She ended the call: "Wait a minute, I'm about to enter the teleportation array, I'll be there soon!"

The next moment, she took people to the stage, and in the transpiration of a large area of ​​light and rain, the space channel opened, and they disappeared from here.

Wang Xuan frowned, he was about to use the teleportation array, but it started to glow, obviously someone from the outside world came over and activated the array before him.

"Unfortunate, shouldn't it be the alien?" He quickly backed up, if it hit, it would be blood mold for eight lifetimes. He hid behind a meteorite next to him at extreme speed.

The streamer was scattered, Xiao Yue came out first, glanced around and found nothing unusual.

Then, Ling Qingxuan came out from the inside and looked ahead. Moreover, she had dialed the extraordinary communicator and said as she walked.

"Look at Yaotiangong's actions first. This is their territory. I hope they can block Sun Wukong. I have already contacted several famous masters, and they will participate in the siege and interception together. We will follow up later." Ling Qingxuan said.

This time, she brought a group of masters with a very clear purpose, just to catch Sun Wukong.

Wang Xuan had a strange look on his face, and he actually met her here by chance. The most hateful thing was that Ling San also came to arrest him.

He couldn't help but want to make a bad move, but thought that Ling Qingxuan was kind to Kong Xuan, and invited him to form a team to go to **** to grind.

"The death penalty is exempt, but you have to suffer!" Wang Xuan was ready to act.

In fact, since he found out his five-star fugitive wanted list, he had this kind of consciousness, and thought that it would be appropriate to give her two more sticks.

All of this happened in the blink of an eye. Ling Qingxuan and Xiao Yue just came over, and the group of people behind them were still in the transpiring teleportation formation.

"Eat my old grandson with a stick!" When Wang Xuan shouted, he naturally took action one step ahead. This time the "bow stick" was rotated. This thing is heavier, and it was made by a foreigner. It fell on Ling Qingxuan's head.

At this moment, Ling Qingxuan couldn't believe it, this nightmarish voice appeared again!

Moreover, the familiar words rang in her ears, and exploded in the sea of ​​her spiritual consciousness. The other party was lying in ambush, waiting for her to come?

There is no doubt that this time it was too sudden, and she couldn't avoid it at all!

All of this happened in the blink of an eye. Ling Qingxuan and Xiao Yue just came over, and the group of people behind them were still in the transpiring teleportation formation.

"Eat my old grandson with a stick!" When Wang Xuan shouted, he naturally took action one step ahead. This time the "bow stick" was rotated. This thing is heavier, and it was made by a foreigner. It fell on Ling Qingxuan's head.

At this moment, Ling Qingxuan couldn't believe it, this nightmarish voice appeared again!

Moreover, the familiar words rang in her ears, and exploded in the sea of ​​her spiritual consciousness. The other party was lying in ambush, waiting for her to come?

There is no doubt that this time it was too sudden, and she couldn't avoid it at all!

Yaotiangong went to invite the ancestor of the alien, didn't this villain Sun escape? Ling Qingxuan seriously doubted, was she sold by someone here?

Everything was an instant thought, she screamed in anger,

This is a terrible secret method, the Yuanshen storm is raging, but after all, she has no time to avoid it, so she can only bear it all alone.

Her whole body is full of royal textures, and all kinds of bead flowers and gems are activated on her head, and her head is full of arms!

But this time, the weapon Wang Xuan wielded was even more terrifying. The alien's weapon slammed into her head with a bang, and various body protection accessories exploded one after another.

Wang Xuan thought it was outrageous, how many treasures were stuck in her hair? There was a dazzling light again and again.

However, the extraordinary "bow stick" still managed to hit her on the head, the blue silk was broken, the parietal bone was broken, and there were nine gaps, which made her a great number.

The severe pain and the sense of shame drove Ling Qingxuan completely crazy. She would never forgive this person in her life, and if she didn't catch him, she would be unable to swallow that bad breath in her life.

In fact, if she killed this person directly, she thought it would be too cheap for the other party.

"Ah... Monkey King!" She cried out in anger, the rune light all over her body swept all over the place, but it was too late.

After Wang Xuan took a stick, he didn't have any regrets, and he flew away into the distant universe.

"My old grandson is going too!" He ran and fled after the fight. It was impossible to stay and fight with her. They both knew that the other party was not easy to mess with.

"Follow me, as long as he doesn't die, you can do anything. Catch him for me!" When Ling Qingxuan completely stabilized her figure and her eyes were not darkened, the other party disappeared.

Xiao Yue didn't have time to react at all, because she was standing on the other side of Ling Qingxuan with her back to Wang Xuan.

She was shocked, and the young lady was beaten again. The nature was too bad. Putting it all together, this was the fourth time she was beaten, right?

She felt outrageous, the other party knew that they were coming, so they were waiting here?

"Where to go!" Others came out of the teleportation formation, just seeing this dreamy scene, they couldn't believe their eyes, there were such daring people.

They are also people who know the inside story, this is clearly the fourth time!

A group of people shouted and chased after them.

Ling Qingxuan was so angry that her chest heaved violently, and she felt like she was about to explode on the spot. As a noble girl in a place outside the world, she was running over to be beaten?

Wang Xuan walks with a bow, which is much faster than usual. It is not archery, and it does not need to consume the power of the primordial spirit. He mobilizes more than a dozen super substances behind the life soil, and the colorful meal is splendid, and there is no shadow in the blink of an eye .

The chasing soldiers had the air-breaking talisman, but this time it didn't work very well. Wang Xuan completely submerged into the dark depths of the universe at the limit speed, changed positions many times, and completely got rid of them.

The chasing soldiers have a void breaker, but it didn't work very well this time.

Wang Xuan completely submerged into the dark depths of the universe at the limit speed, changed positions many times, and completely got rid of them.

At this time, the strange object on the mobile phone glowed and automatically floated out, saying, "Are you going to hell?"

"Don't go, don't go to the end of the real fairy, after breaking the limit many times, am I in a hurry to die?" Now Wang Xuan is very clear, it is extremely dangerous there.

Demon Heaven Palace, Moon Holy Lake, Xuankong Ridge, Wujie Mountain, what are these places? Supreme, there are true saints and super prohibited items in the town, and even their disciples will be sent to **** to grind, which is extremely bloody.

"Where are you going?" asked the mobile phone. "Are you going to take me?"

"Okay." The mobile phone strange thing said, it didn't interfere with Wang Xuan's actions earlier, but now it's out of the siege, and its contribution is nothing.

"Shenwuxing!" Wang Xuan said, never forgetting, to harvest a wave of good fortune.

The golden vortex appeared, and it was not a long journey. Naturally, he arrived in a blink of an eye. He came to a life planet with a slightly heavier spiritual mist. This is relatively speaking, and the sunlight was unobstructed.

"Welcome to the ancestor of Yiren!" On the Lingxiu star, a group of people worshipped and met the Yiren who came back from the sky.

He was drowning in the fairy light, very hazy, and he could only roughly see that this was a middle-aged man who glanced at everyone with cold eyes.

Then, he rose into the sky and tried his best to capture the remaining spiritual aura of Sun Wukong.

However, the starry sky is so big, the universe is boundless, and the other party has escaped for a long time, how could he find it all at once?

"Sun Wukong, I won't let you go!" In the outer space, Ling Qingxuan took off the treasures full of broken pieces, and no longer chose such exquisite accessories, this time directly put on the head ash!

Shenwuxing, Wang Xuan successfully found Changming's stronghold, and all those great masters were killed by him in Lingxiuxing, so there was not much resistance.

He broke into the dojo and quickly found the treasure trove. There were not as many wonders as he imagined, but it was also very impressive. There were several great medicines that were extremely precious and could replenish the soul and the body, enough to make up for his losses.

He didn't make any stops, ran away immediately after looting the stronghold.

"What, he went to Shenwuxing to commit a crime?!" The people in Yaotiangong were shocked.

"Block all external teleportation formations in this starry sky, as well as natural wormholes, etc., and all kinds of important passages do not allow anyone to go out!" Even Yiren was angry.

Wang Xuan was dormant, and he didn't plan to leave immediately. He sat in the interior of a Death Star, studied the two scriptures of extreme yin and extreme yang, and digged deeply, and the harvest was huge.

Half a month later, silently, he broke through the barrier for the second time in the real immortal realm.

He is destined to go to hell, so he prepares to practice penance, transform himself all the way, and do his best to improve the way.

I didn’t rest last Saturday. I’ve been staying up late this week. I can’t bear it anymore. I’m taking a chapter off today. Thank you everyone. The update is finished tonight.

Thanks: Lin Xiaojin, The Myth of One Person, Musususu, Starry Sky View Canghai, thank you for your support.

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