Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 326: Give me a fulcrum to pry up the true saint's father

Let time be like an abyss, engulfing everything, let the torrents of Xinghai beat the sky, let the universe collapse, let the seas and fields change, and the extraordinary central world changes. Wang Xuan hopes that he can persevere and move forward.

Of course, he won't stick to the old rules, he doesn't know how to be flexible, and even the great universe at the transcendent center is changing, constantly changing, how can the living beings not change along with it?


"Contrary to the general trend, but who is the general trend?"

He moved his muscles and bones, as a true immortal, and he was one of the most powerful limit-breaking true immortals. He recovered quickly, his bones were new, his flesh and blood were full of vitality, and his blood energy rushed out of the sky like a rainbow.

There is nothing to hide, he is so strong, and if he wants to purify him with the "Naturalization Sutra", then show these people his value and make them look forward to it more.

After a while, he calmed down and recovered completely. His movements were rhythmic, and it was so fast.

It's just that his white clothes are stained with blood, and the clothes on the spine and the heart have holes as thick as arms, which are shocking and red.

He wasn't in a hurry to fight back, a careless move could only lead to death.

Moreover, he has to determine where the Imperial Road Flag is, and everything else can be lost, but this prohibited item must be in his hands.

The sound of footsteps came, and the so-called young people who were very powerful in breaking the limit arrived. There were men and women, and each of them had a good temperament.

Some people were selected by the eldest lady from all over the starry sky, and brought back to the True Saint Dojo, which was obviously recognized.

There are also people who are very powerful in breaking the limit. They were originally "mountain foreigners" who grew up in the true holy dojo. They were cultivated since childhood, and they are amazing now.

With a bang, a heavy alloy hatch next to it opened, and there was a huge and empty area inside, enough for a fight.

This mothership was originally larger than a planet, and the interior of the cabin would naturally not be small. Coupled with the cave house effect, this place seemed to be a world of its own.

In fact, this is the dojo of an alien, which can move quickly, appear all over the starry sky, and execute precise strikes on the opponent's Dao system.

The group of people walked in, and they all had an extraordinary atmosphere. Obviously, they also knew that they were going to confront the demon king Kong Xuan. After scanning, they were all cold and silent, and they stopped looking at him.

Wang Xuan was the last to enter and brought his mace over.

The status of the purple-haired woman is a bit special, not only is it as simple as being covered by fairy mist, but her body is too hazy.

This piece of land is really vast, not like a cabin, but more like a continent, with a large enough area.

The alloy ground is engraved with moiré, which is firm and immortal, so there is no need to worry about being penetrated.

Wang Xuan opened his mouth: "I haven't asked for advice yet. Where exactly does the name of this female fairy come from? I still don't know."

He looked at the purple-haired woman, just so direct.

He wanted to find out who came out of the True Saint Dojo. Based on the principle of repaying kindness and revenge, he first figured out who was targeting.

In front, the purple-haired woman was graceful and luxurious, and her body was covered by white mist. There was a coffee table, there was a seat, and there was Shinto tea. There was a fragrance that made the soul empty, and she sat there silently.

A genius who broke the limit very powerfully said: "Shut up, what status are you now, a prisoner under the order, you are not qualified to ask about the background and roots of the noble girl."

The purple-haired woman waved her hand, so that he didn't need to be like this, looked at Wang Xuan, and said gently: "First of all, I'm sorry, the two super peers invited you here in a way that is not too gentle, it didn't have to be so fierce, I Passing by here, it's a little late to know. However, they are right. The Five Tribulations Mountain is rotten, and the true saint is destined to die. The sooner you make a choice, the better for you. It won't be long before they I will take you to a place beyond death, and I will wait for you there."

She was soft, but in fact, she didn't say who she was.

The woman in the red dress smiled and said, "The eldest miss values ​​you very much. You may not know it. With the talent of a noble girl, this era is destined to become an alien. After careful consideration, an alien appreciates you very much, so behave well."

Seems great? Wang Xuan's eyes were bright, and he didn't mean to evade, so he looked at the woman in the white mist with such wildness.

He didn't fight back, and he was also related to this woman, worried that she had some big killer on her.

He is not in a hurry, he has released the imprisonment, and obtained his freedom here. What he has to do now is to determine the position of the Yudao flag, wait for the right time, and then make a move.

Of course, he believed that there was absolutely no delay, and the alien, Bitu, suddenly returned.

When he saw that the demon king Wang Xuan had no intention of being in awe, he just glanced and looked at the purple-haired woman face to face, and the genius who broke the limit just now scolded again.

"It's really presumptuous. Put away your wild nature as a demon king of the Five Tribulation Mountains. What is your status as a noble girl? How can you be so thorny, who do you think you are? Is it the rules? Don't take rudeness as reckless, people have to be self-aware!"

Wang Xuan looked back at him and said, "Do you know where the gap between you and me is? No matter where I stand, I have a confident heart. Look at you, you are said to be a very powerful genius, but what happened? What a ghost? Obliterating the nature and living as a slave, even an extraordinary person of your level is also worthy of a powerful person? I can kill it with three or five sticks!"

"Let you learn from each other, not to be noisy here." The man in the black coat glanced over, as a peerless person, he was still very aura.

For a time, the entire venue was filled with a chilling air, as if the severe winter was coming, the freezing cold and a powerful spiritual field suppressed everyone.

After a while, he put away his mental pressure.

"Okay, I'll fight you!" The man who was so ruthlessly dismissed as a servant by Wang Xuan, with a gloomy expression, came out first.

"Let me ask, what if I accidentally beat him to death?" Wang Xuan turned his head. "Let you learn from each other, not life and death." The woman in the red dress said.

Wang Xuan said: "When an elephant walks, do you still need to look at the ants under your feet? If you step on it accidentally, do you still blame me? If you want to be safe, then don't let him go. It's good for everyone."

"What did you say?!" The young man on the opposite side looked cold, and the other side's mouth was so bad that he didn't take him seriously at all.

The demon king Kong Xuan at this time was really domineering, and he was even more arrogant than he was rumored to be. He continued: "If you want to save your life, get out immediately, otherwise I will not be light or heavy, and the fifth stick may hit you. Gone."

The young man on the opposite side, his Tsing Yi screamed and his whole body glowed, he couldn't bear it any longer, and said, "I really can't stop your five sticks from dying in your hands, I also recognize it."

"Okay, come and die!" Wang Xuan pointed at him with a dark and heavy mace.

On the opposite side, the man in Tsing Yi had an imperial pattern on his body, grabbed a spear, his body was boiling with extraordinary factors, and then he shouted, murderous aura swept the entire battlefield, and all the cloud patterns on the ground were suddenly revived, and the rays of light were overwhelming.


He hated this demon king so much that he couldn't come down to the stage. He walked with a spear, merging the two into one, like a chaotic lightning, tearing apart the starry sky, crossing the dark universe, transcending the shackles of time and space, and stabbing at Wang Xuan go.

Wang Xuan's spiritual eyes are intertwined with the texture of the Royal Dao, and his spirit is highly concentrated. At this moment, he does not hold back and goes all out. It is not only a matter of exporting bad anger, but also wants to stabilize the people here, so that they can see his infinite potential.

For a time, he himself showed a strange color. When the spiritual eye has been performed to this day, there has been a little mutation. The opponent's speed seems to be a little "slower", and more details have been captured by him.

At this moment, he held a heavy mace and swept across it, accurately capturing the opponent's imperial path texture trajectory, and hitting the front of the spear with the mace.

Immediately, the fragments exploded, the front of the spear was broken, and the part behind the spear was also broken.

With just one blow from Wang Xuan's mace, it shattered an exotic treasure in the opponent's hand, and he was castrated unabated, smashing the whole person with a bang.

Especially, at the last moment, his wrist trembled slightly, deliberately controlling the trajectory of the mace, and smashed it into the opponent's head area.

The man in Tsing Yi was very strong, but in the end he was afraid.

Although he used spells, released other secret treasures, formed a body-protecting light curtain, etc., and was going backwards, all kinds of means were used, but it was too late.

With a puff, his body exploded, along with his Primordial Spirit, and the blood rained down, and his whole body was completely gone.

The woman in the red dress changed her face as she was about to rescue her, but she didn't expect the first blow, and the character who was very powerful in breaking the limit was blown up.

What about the good five?

The other geniuses who broke the limit also sank in their hearts, this opponent is too fierce. The scene was silent, and no one thought that such a result would occur in an instant.

"This is the rumored unruly and lawless first true immortal Kong Xuan of the Hundred Domains?" Even the purple-haired woman was surprised, and the demon king was too bold.

This is really a bit unscrupulous, here is the posture of becoming Kong Xuan's home court.

He gave a dead hand, showed no mercy, and killed people directly!

Wang Xuan shook his head and said, "Don't you know that wearing helmets has become popular these years?

I am so weak and the protective measures are not in place, who is to blame? "

"Presumptuous!" Wearing a black coat, the super peerless, stern and strict, he asked someone to test Kong Xuan's strength, not to let him commit murder.

His right hand stretched out and instantly became bigger, trying to grab Kong Xuan with one hand.

At the same time, a karma fishing rod appeared in his left hand, and he wanted to pierce him with the hook again.

"Slow!" Wang Xuan said coldly.

Now that he has obtained his freedom, he will never be allowed to be imprisoned again. He has taken out some things behind the life soil and is always on guard.

"What else do you want to say? This time, it's a discussion, not for you to be aggressive." The man in black stared at him indifferently.

"He said it himself, if he can't stop the five sticks and die here, then no one can blame others. In fact, he didn't even block one stick." Wang Xuan said.

Then, he added: "I finally know why they are so weak, you have killed their nature. What is a genius? Not only must you be confident, but also have no shackles and fetters in your heart, and you can always have the aura of enlightenment. Look. Look at how the people around you are living. They are restrained and obedient. They used to be very powerful, but now they have been trained as servants. I can beat ten such people!"

"You are so arrogant!" The man in black said coldly.

However, the purple-haired woman waved her hand and said, "It makes some sense."

"So, I am a little worried about joining your side. You purify me with the "Naturalization Sutra". If I lose my nature, will it still be me? Without the aura of enlightenment, can I still become a stranger?"

Wang Xuan said this, so it seems more real. If it is possible, who wants to be humanized? If he doesn't talk about these things, if he doesn't fight for himself, it's not normal.

"You're thinking too far. Let's pass the current stage first and become our own." The black-clothed man said coldly.

There is no doubt that he will not give up "purification", otherwise, the rebellious demon king in front of him will be very difficult to conquer. What is the use of the demon king who is not used by them, no matter how strong his talent is? than dead.

Wang Xuan had already sentenced him to death in his heart, and he would be the first to kill him!

The purple-haired woman said: "Really? If you are amazing enough and your performance is exceptional, it is not impossible to avoid purification. In my otherworldly place, there is a true saint sitting in charge, can't there be a super-spec limit breaker? It doesn't matter if you are rebellious and lawless."

"How can it be considered amazing, or let the two super peers be suppressed to the real immortal realm and join forces to fight with me?" Wang Xuan said.

The man in black and the woman in red immediately stared at him coldly, how could they do this.

"How many times have you broken the limit?" the purple-haired woman asked.

"I don't know, maybe it's close to four times, maybe it's reached four times, but the most important thing is, I think I can continue to break the limit. If you give me the Supreme Sutra, give me a fair environment as a fulcrum, don't Saying it's an alien, I think it's the true saint's father, I can blow it up!"

"Shut up! The woman in the red dress immediately reprimanded.

"What nonsense are you talking about, do you want to die immediately?" The man in black even warned him directly.

The purple-haired woman was dumbfounded, this demon king was really wild, even more than what was rumored. However, she felt that this was because the other party was afraid of the "Naturalization Sutra" and did not want to be saved, so she said shocking words,

Big disrespect here.

"You are overconfident!" The purple-haired woman said flatly.

Wang Xuan said: "If you don't believe it, then come up with a text from the real Bible. I can comprehend the Fa on the spot, and I can definitely do it. It is no weaker than the speed of comprehension of anyone in the world!"

On the other side those unrestricted wizards all showed strange eyes, this is really a lunatic, who dares to say anything, even dare to make such unreasonable requests, crazy.

The purple-haired woman looked at him and said: Do you want to show something, or do you want to earn me a supreme skill? "

Having said that, she looked at Wang Xuan and said, "I will test it in other ways. If you really have the potential to break the limit five times, it's not that you can't treat you beyond the specifications!"

Wang Xuan asked, "Why are you treating me beyond the standard?"

"I will give you the supreme scriptures and send you to the true saint." The purple-haired woman said.

In her opinion, no matter what kind of genius you are, if you are in front of the true saint, your ambitions and misfortunes are nothing, even an ancestral dragon has to bow its head!

"#, don't go!" Wang Xuan immediately shouted in his heart, what a joke, the Supreme Sutra can be requested, but to see the true saint, do you want to die?

"Do you want to test it?" the purple-haired woman asked. Why not try it? Come! "Wang Xuan agreed first.

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