Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 328: Huaguo Mountain Saint Sun Big Hunt

The man in black was pierced by a big sharp hook, and he couldn't break free at all, his whole body was covered in blood, and the thick arm hook locked him. At this moment, he finally felt the pain of Demon King Kong Xuan. This experience was unbearable. His face was twisted and he trembled uncontrollably. The most important thing is that his soul was also pierced, imprisoned in a broken body, and now he can't escape.

He saw the second sacred beam flying, his face was full of despair, and the void along the way was shattered, this is the arrow feathers that can plow the sky. With a puff, unparalleled blood splattered everywhere, making the huge metal secret room a bright red, extraordinarily beautiful, and the walls were covered with blood.

The man in black's coat is made of black spider skin, and its defensive power is amazing, but it still doesn't work. The four sharp fishing hooks on his body did not loosen, but pierced into the remaining flesh and soul, firmly nailing him to the void. "Ah" he screamed mournfully, but he couldn't make a sound, he was imprisoned, and he could only roar in his own heart.

Wang Xuan waited for a long time to fight back. He originally had no contact with these people, but he was attacked at night and was silently caught by Yiren's fishing tackle. Although the time is not very long, he has experienced the pain of broken crest and broken heart, which is very tragic.

At that moment, he couldn't move, was carried, and smashed hard against the walls and the ground of the metal secret room, and now there are still traces of his blood on the walls and ground here. Wang Xuan held the resplendent Yixian Bow, which was as fast as a light, and shot the third dazzling divine arrow mercilessly, like a chaotic sky thunder blasting out. After all, the other party is a peerless person. He feels that it is better to concoct it after directly crippling it.

Such thick arrow feathers, with dazzling rays of light, shattered on the head of the black-clothed man, and suddenly the head was tattered like a watermelon. I have to say that Super Peerless is very strong, this arrow did not let him completely dissipate, thus killing him.

However, at the moment, he is out of shape. Eighty percent of his body and head have disappeared, and his primordial spirit has been shot and exploded, leaving only a small mass, close to ten percent.

Wang Xuan didn't use the Yixian Bow anymore, and didn't want to waste his Yuanshen power. He was faster than Lei Ting, teleported to his side, and first deprived the man in black of his fishing rod. At this moment, the black-clothed man was still unable to speak, and was extremely desperate, because a sharp hook pierced his primordial spirit. This is not only pain, but also endless humiliation. He howled in his heart. He is a peerless person, and he actually let a real immortal go hunting.

In particular, this demon king Kong Xuan was brought back by his own hands. He was still tossing him not long ago. When he threw it, he smashed it on the ground, breaking his bones and hurting his soul. The result is now the other way around. Wang Xuan rushed forward, snapped, and smashed the remaining cracked skull with his bare hands. It was such a violent act. The black-clothed man turned black in front of his eyes, shame, severe pain, despair, desolation, regret, all kinds of negative emotions came to his mind, he really wanted to roar the starry sky, Wang Xuan came here, of course, to search for his soul, otherwise what would he do with his life? ?

Another broken skull of the black-clothed man also shattered. In front of the "cranectomy hand" with a "criminal record", he would definitely not be able to keep the brilliant white super-peerless skull, even if it was broken. Wang Xuan searched his soul in order to retrieve the Yudao flag, worried that there were all kinds of dangerous arrangements in the so-called confinement room. "Are you also Monkey King" At this moment, the man in black finally realized, and then shocked him, unable to make a sound, his heart moved, and he shouted in his heart.

Because the alien's shield hanging in front of the other party, and the big bow with long bright beads, all revealed that the background is very big and very special. Twenty years ago, Sun Wukong fought against Liuxia Star Territory, causing a huge storm, and in the end, even the true saint of Huaguoshan was born. During that period, Yixian Bow showed its power many times and became a "famous bow".

Such a big event, the new True Saint Dojo came out, and the man in black was naturally concerned about the event. From the report, he saw the picture of Yixiangong. "How is that possible?!" He felt unbelievable, the wild demon king Kong Xuan was actually the same person as the Sun Wukong who made a big hole in the bucket? Pay attention, they all claim to be their respective locations, the number one true immortal in the Hundred Domains! As a result, they are the same person?

The black-clothed man was in a state of turmoil. He kicked the iron plate this time, and actually provoked Huaguo Mountain?

Although he was shot, controlled, and was being searched for his soul, he was still beyond the world, his consciousness had not completely collapsed, and he had thought of too many things. He actually discovered such a huge secret, is there a relationship between Huaguo Mountain and Wujie Mountain?

"It's actually the holy grandson of Huaguo Mountain!"In his heart, the so-called holy grandson is the name given to Sun Wukong by all parties after the battle 20 years ago, because he actually attracted the true saint to come, and he is considered to be the direct descendant of the true saint. Descendants, and his surname Sun, was called that. "Saint Sun, your fourth master" Wang Xuan slapped him down.

The black-clothed man was in chaos, regret, pain, and despair. He knew that today would definitely not end well, but he was really unwilling. Even if he was allowed to roar, he would spread this kind of secret.

"There are actually five sets of fishing hooks on him!" This also made his heart tremble. The master of the man in black searched for the clues for many years, but only found one causal fishing rod in the ruins, and all of this happened in a flash of lightning. .

Mutual harm between the two fishing veterans, in the end, "the one with more hooks" has an absolute advantage, and directly avenged it with 5 times the pain.

Wang Xuan did it all in one go, without a single pause. During the process of rushing over to search his soul, he had already deprived the other party of the storage hand gong and took out a new set of coats, which were exactly the same as the man in black.

At the same time, Wang Xuan's appearance was changing, becoming the appearance of a man in black, and then even his primordial spirit aura was imitating and changing accordingly. "Guiyi Ruins!" Wang Xuan whispered, and through soul searching, he found out the true holy dojo behind these people, and the name of that behemoth was Guixu. This is an ancient and terrifying dojo. The True Sage in the Returning Ruins and the True Sage of the Five Tribulations Mountain are opposites and are extremely powerful.

Wang Xuan's heart was heavy, and then he picked up the black-clothed man's body, smashed it against the metal wall, and then smashed it with a large shield, smashing it into blood. Then, he refined the scriptures of the Extreme Yang Chapter, the flames rose, the flesh and blood turned to ashes, and the remaining primordial spirit after the soul search also dissipated, and the body and spirit were destroyed.

All of these, from throwing hooks, to archery, to searching and transforming, and obliterating the last trace of the man in black, Wang Xuan was dazzlingly fast, and all his actions were completed in an instant.

He put away the hook, opened the metal hatch, and walked out peacefully.

No matter whether those people in the mothership heard it or were alert, he was calm anyway, his steps were firm and strong, and he was ready to start a full-scale hunt! The woman in the red dress has opened the hatch of the magic sealing room. This place is very special, with a total of nine floors. Space means that there are nine layers of sealed doors. However, she only opened the four paths, and she felt that something was wrong.

She was still separated by a few layers of space and did not really enter the confinement room, when she heard movement, like the sound of Kacha. How could it be that she was startled on the spot, and her scalp was numb!

This place is the Demon Sealing Room, which is isolated from the outside world, and the door of the five seals has not been opened. How did the voice of the inner small world come out? She knew very well the importance of this place. It was the place where his master sealed special treasures. Among them, there is no lack of a sacred ancient sword of Inhuman level. But now, he suspected to hear the sound of the sword and the sound of Kacha.

At zero time, she was completely shocked, her hair stood on end, her body was covered with cold goose bumps, and her heart seemed to sink into an abyss. The woman in the red dress turned around and left, not wanting to stay for a moment. She didn't even look for the man in black. She could take care of others, so she should flee first. Could it be because of that small flag? The woman in the red dress is a peerless person, so she is naturally extremely sensitive, and her instinctive intuition and telepathy are very terrifying. What level of murder weapon is that? It seems to be eating all kinds of rare materials from her teacher. You know, there are some rare treasures in it! At the same time, she just closed the door of the double seal, and her heart surged. There seems to be movement in the secret room next door, how could this be?!! That Kong Xuan is just a real fairy, could there be any big problem that made her classmate miss? The woman in the red dress left an afterimage, and the rest The next two doors were no longer sealed, and went away in an instant.

She didn't dare to speak out, for fear of disturbing the "big murderer" in the dark. She didn't know what was going on, and she wanted to find the noble girl of the True Saint Dojo immediately. Wang Xuan walked out at a terrifyingly fast speed, and immediately felt the turbulent turbulence of the air, as well as the residual breath of the woman in the red skirt when she flew away at an extreme speed. "With the Imperial Road Flag, I got away" He gave birth to such a worry. Whoosh!

In an instant, he waved the karma fishing rod and visualized the woman's appearance in his mind. Until now, he didn't know the precise use of these fishing tackles. disappear.

Wang Xuan looked into the confinement room, two doors were open, and he also heard a special sound. "You recovered" he asked uncertainly.

Sure enough, there was a wave of the Imperial Dao flag, saying: "Guri's mobile phone, silently and silently, came to me in secret and took pictures of me secretly!" When it comes to people and things at the prohibited level, it naturally has precautions.

The strange thing on the mobile phone was very strong, and it appeared and approached silently. Taking a photo of it secretly, Yu Dao Qi was immediately awakened and recovered immediately.

It was naturally furious, and wanted to stab the broken phone to death. Are you taking a posthumous photo of it? Tired of living! The strange thing on the phone opened a golden vortex and ran away. And Yudaoqi saw the rare materials in the room, and based on the principle of not being missed when passing by, he wanted to absorb the most original spiritual light to make up for the flag. As for the innate thing of the flagpole imperial spear, it was born in the place where the two universes blend, and it does not need to absorb the origin of the strange thing. Yu Daoqi's voice transmission: "You go first, I can be there at any time, there are a lot of strange materials hidden in this alien dojo, I will take a look." Wang Xuan nodded and chased all the way." Mobile phone strange object" Wang Xuan couldn't help but scolded.

The Imperial Dao Banner once appeared holy, and now it is in deep sleep, there is really no way. But I don't know when the strange thing on the mobile phone came over, but it never showed up, and even ran to take pictures of Yudaoqi?!

He sighed, the urine nature of this pit has never changed.

Of course, looking at it from another angle, its dedication to filming, perseverance and perseverance, etc., are also enough. It has been a day for many years, and this perverted hobby has never changed. Wang Xuan stretched out his long legs and chased after him.

In fact, he drank Yu Dao Qi's brief communication, not even a moment, and the cause and effect fishing hook has already moved. "Ah" In the distance, there was a miserable scream. This mothership is huge enough, bigger than a planet. The woman in the red dress is a peerless person, so she moves very fast, and she is gone in an instant. However, she was not able to escape the "liquidation" of the karma fishing rod.

In fact, the name of this kind of fishing rod is not in vain. There is indeed a big cause and effect between her and Wang Xuan, and it is appropriate to use the fishing rod. chatter!

Five bright, sharp hooks flew, appearing out of nothing, and there was no way to avoid them. They pierced the woman in the red skirt. Some hooks pierced her sternum, and some hooks pierced her vertebrae, vertebrae and locks. live her.

In fact, she just made such a scream, and she couldn't make a sound. At zero time, Wang Xuan lifted the pole, and the woman in the red dress was covered in blood and appeared out of thin air.

As a peerless person, she has a keen sense, strong instinct and intuition, and immediately realized that she was in danger, especially when she knew that she was caught in the karma hook, she was extremely shocked. She knew very well that the greater the cause and effect between the two, the more miraculous this thing could work.

"Demon King Kong Xuan, you actually have five sets of fishing hooks!" She shouted in her heart. Although the other party was pretending to be a man in black, she was able to recognize through some details that this was not her junior brother. So, needless to say, her colleague had an accident and was killed by a true immortal? The fact was in front of her eyes, and even she was recruited.

wucuoxs/96593/ "Fairy Wood"

However, after seeing the five sets of karma fishing rods, she was also shocked, the other party actually had more fishing rods than her teacher, and then she was shocked, "Break me" she shouted in her heart.

There is a prohibition in her body. Once something happens to her fleshly body and her primordial spirit, this rule prohibition will automatically activate and explode.

However, what she saw was that Kong Pao raised a big bow, very gorgeous, and shot directly at her. Although her light of restraint rushed out, it was shot by an arrow! Then, another arrow When she came, her body exploded.

"Who is harming my disciples under the Guixu Dojo?!" In the distance, a purple-haired woman's voice came, and she brought people over quickly. The woman in the red dress was a peerless person, and the scream she made naturally spread far and wide, alarming the purple-haired woman. In an instant, she brought those geniuses who broke the limit and appeared in front of her.

Wang Xuan indifferently ignored them, pounced like a wolf, picked up the dark shield, and slammed it on the woman in the red dress with a broken body. Suddenly, she was even more miserable.

In front of the purple-haired woman and the others, Wang Xuan picked up the red robe and slapped it on the face with a slap in the face. When he was in the metal room, he was humiliatingly slapped on the face by this woman, and now he finally let out a bad breath. "Kong Xuan? Is this your choice? Originally, I wanted to lead you from a rotten and sinking ship to our bright and splendid True Holy Dojo, but you want to be my enemy? !\'\'The purple-haired woman asked.

"Supposed to be right, is the true holy dojo amazing, do you really think I'm afraid of you?!" Wang Xuan said coldly, and gave the woman in the red dress two big mouths. The purple-haired woman came from a place other than the world. As a direct descendant of the true saint, she keenly noticed several sets of fishing hooks, the Yixian bow and the large shield. She was instantly moved, and she was naturally more sensitive than the man in black. Immediately, she had an association, and she was moved and said: "The holy grandson of Huaguo Mountain?!" ? Dropped two generations in vain.

At the same time, he saw the strange object of the mobile phone. This product finally appeared. It was not far away, and he was taking pictures very seriously! On weekends, let's take a chapter off as usual.

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