Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 340: whereabouts

In the past, Jiang Qingyao, the sword fairy, was unpredictable, and was placed in the health furnace and followed across the sea, and there was no news since then.

Seeing each other today, Wang Xuan was very excited. He felt the joy of reunion. He was also fortunate that he could live in the new extraordinary universe to meet again after the catastrophe.

He had too many words to say for a while. All the words turned into laughter after staring at the reduced version of Sword Fairy.

"Don't laugh!" Sword Fairy Jiang Qingyao's face was serious, but she couldn't hold back. 237 years later, she is still so young, how can she be so embarrassed?

The more she emphasized it, the more stern face she became, the more Wang Xuan couldn't help but feel happy.

He didn't immediately ask about those old friends, and he didn't want to break the warm atmosphere in front of him.

"Still laughing?!\" Jiang Qingyao wanted to show the majesty of a peerless sword fairy.

However, it fell into Wang Xuan's eyes, but it was a different look. She was so puffed up, her milk was fierce, and she couldn't control the scene at all.

In the end, she even gave up on herself, her stern face collapsed all of a sudden, and she couldn't look like she was evil. Instead, she seemed to be acting cute.

"It's abominable, I went through another childhood, which is too unfortunate. There are so many wonderful things in life, but I actually have to experience growing up three times!" dissatisfied.

However, it is difficult for Wang Xuan to have sympathy for this kind of reversal growth, it is not suffering, but he laughed and said, "It's so cute!"

"What are you talking about?!" Her fierce appearance was unstoppable, so Wang Xuan couldn't help it, and he almost "poisoned" her chubby little face.

Fortunately, I understand that she is a peerless sword fairy, and there may be an old guy watching in secret, so let's save some face for her. "You don't look good and pleasing to the eye like you used to." Fairy Jian disliked his fake face.

In fact, Wang Xuan's face is still very handsome, but to Jiang Qingyao, this is an unfamiliar face.

"Isn't this to save your life? Be cautious." Wang Xuan said, in front of her, it's okay to change over. He hasn't revealed his true face for many years.

"Don't, go ahead to the tower.\" Fairy Sword said, and then said: "Be careful, you offended someone, I will help you vent your anger!"

She is empty, but not dusty, with her chin raised, with a proud look, which means that if there is an enemy, feel free to report it and help him out.

Wang Xuan suddenly thought of the past. When he started to pursue the transcendental path, from the old land to the new star, Fairy Sword sent out the active substances on his real bones and let him keep it to save his life.

The current situation, as well as the memories of the past, made him feel warm in his heart. Neither he nor she had changed, they were still the same as before.

Wang Xuan smiled and said, "I'm afraid you won't be able to fight, and you won't be able to stand up for me. After you left, I offended many extremely powerful people."

"I don't believe it, the mother universe is exhausted, who else can jump out?" The sword fairy took him into the stone tower.

The area inside the tower is very large, especially on the top floor, which is Fangdongfu, bamboo forest, clear and clean spirit lake, thatched hut, splendid morning glow, very green and natural, full of vitality.

Wang Xuan regained his true face, revealing his original face, and his primordial spirit also changed, sitting on the wooden pier in front of the thatched hut. This time, it was Jiang Qingyao's turn to pinch him, she moved quickly, pinched his face, grinning, clearly seeking revenge.

But she said: "This face is still pleasing to the eye, let me take a closer look!"

It was said to be a closer look, but it was actually a few twists of Fado, and the pinched Wang Xuan's face was deformed. Only then did she feel satisfied and let go of her hand.

"Speaking of which, you may not believe it. After you left, the evil spirits appeared, and I had to fight with them. The most terrifying thing is that the treasures of transformation have all come out, and I haven't been able to kill it completely. It escaped back to the great universe at the Transcendent Center. So, after I came here, I could only keep a low profile. Wan- let it know that I was following, and it is estimated that it must come and strip me alive."

Sword Fairy Jiang Qingyao didn't believe it, and said, "Cut, you still transform into a treasure? That's the most powerful creature. You blow it up a bit."

"No.\" Wang Xuan shook his head, mentioned the past quickly and concisely, and talked about the reorganization of the Dark Heaven's Heart, which he wanted to swallow in the mother universe.

"It's so dangerous, it was actually smashed by you again." Fairy Jian had a serious look on her face, and she asked in detail what happened, and she couldn't help but be moved.

"It's all right, it's over, it was completely disabled, and if it wants to fully recover, I don't know how many years it will take, and it won't even emerge in this era." Wang Xuan was not worried.

Jiang Qingyao said: "Over two hundred years have passed. I really miss the time in the mother universe. Many memories, many scenes, and many people seem like yesterday."

She is an optimist, and after a little sigh, the atmosphere relaxed again, and said: "How did you come here, do you have any special products with the mother universe, I miss it a little.

"When the special space node crossed the border, my body turned into meat sauce, and it was tattered. Even the Royal Road Flag and the first-killing formation map of the body protection were damaged. Where are the specialties of my hometown?" Wang Xuan said.

But soon he laughed again, patted his forehead, and said, "Forget it, there really is, you can bring a tea set."

After a while, the fragrance of tea was lingering here, and Wang Xuan picked tea fruits from the world after life. The once first immortal tea tree originally belonged to Hengjun.

"It's really good. In the new universe, you can still drink the best tea in the mother universe. It's a memory, it's also the years, it's the past, and there are nostalgia for the homeland." She is very young now, so she made a With a somber look, her little face was almost hit by Wang Xuan's "poisonous hands".

After drinking tea, the relaxed atmosphere gradually subsided.

Jiang Qingyao asked Wang Xuan something in detail, and the degree of danger when crossing the border from a special node.

Wang Xuan elaborated slowly, and then released the mechanical bear from the bracelet.

"Ah, Fairy, the miniature Sword Fairy? I really found it!" The mechanical bear was shocked, and then greeted him happily with a look of joy on his face.

It is no stranger to Jiang Qingyao. There was a time when the grown-up Sword Fairy and Wang Xuan traveled in the stars, and it was the mechanical bear who was in charge of driving the spaceship.

"I didn't expect you, this little guy, to come to the Transcendent Central Universe. Survival is the most important thing. Everything is possible in the future." Fairy Jian sighed.

"Yes, fairy, but you don't look much older than me."

"I know, you don't need to remind me!" Others can't wait to grow up, but Jiang Qingyao, the sword fairy, has experienced three shy childhoods and can't stand it.

"Where are those people?\" Finally, Wang Xuan spoke up.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little dignified. Earlier, he was reluctant to break the joy of reunion and the warmth, but in the end he couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know what happened to them. I was scattered and separated from them." Sword Fairy Jiang Qingyao sighed.

She originally wanted to say these things, and just now she didn't seem to want to spoil the excitement and joy after the reunion.

The Transcendent Guanghai is terrifying, far more terrifying than they imagined, even if they take a lot of treasures on the road, they will all die.

In particular, they were unfortunate enough to meet the Gwanghae rage period, and on the way, big waves hit them one after another, submerging everything.

That is not such a violent wave, but it contains Dao rhythm, which can erode mythology, let the supernatural transform into Dao, dissipate itself, and integrate into the rules.

The Shenming Palace was their first defense, and they were kept in it. As a result, in the sea of ​​​​transcendent light, this treasure was constantly eroded, and it was about to lose its spirituality.

In the end, Jinming Palace flew away on its own and left them!

Then came the second layer of defense Immortal Umbrella. The damage was not light, and it was out of their control. It turned into a streamer, rushed into the big waves, and disappeared like this.

Next is Fang Yuzhu's curtain sky bracelet, which was also somewhat damaged, but because Fairy Fang borrowed the curtain of an extraordinary civilization and the old testament, etc., and made it with her own hands, it did not leave and did not escape.

Later, the big waves on the sea surface finally disappeared and entered the gentle area.

But at this time, Jiang Qingyao's injury deteriorated, even if it was placed in the fourth layer of defense body health care furnace, it was shaken to a certain extent earlier.

Wang Xuan said: "My fault. Back then, for me, Qing Yao and I fought Qi Tian and Shang Yi who were possessed by the evil spirit together, and it was only because the grown-up Sword Fairy was seriously injured and dying."

"Where do you need to blame yourself." The miniature Sword Fairy said.

In order to save the arrogant Sword Fairy, the mini version of Jiang Qingyao enters the health furnace and chooses to fuse with her to return to her and give her a life.

Fortunately, it was really effective, she saved the adult version of herself. In the process, their group traveled through the two universes and officially set foot on the transcendent center of the big world.

Although they are still in the sea of ​​transcendent light, the laws of heaven and earth, the turbulent transcendent factors, etc., are pouring and turbulent together, allowing them to mobilize stronger forces.

The sword fairy in the health care furnace improved, and the injury continued to speed up the recovery. In the end, it was separated from the mini version of the sword fairy again, and it was not completely integrated.

However, the miniature Sword Fairy has become even smaller and looks like she is less than one-year-old, which makes her speechless.

"However, it is precisely because of this that I seem to have gained a lot of benefits. When traversing the two universes, I have gained some kind of new life, and my origin has become more substantial." The reduced version of Sword Fairy in front of me said.

It is extremely dangerous to take the path of the transcendent light sea. When going from the mother universe to the transcendent universe, it is like being blended and nourished by the yin and yang universe. Everyone has a lot of benefits.

The reduced version of Sword Fairy, returning to the "baby body", feels the deepest.

"Later, we determined that we should enter the Transcendent Central Great World, and successfully run through the Great Universe. As long as we leave the sea, we should be considered a complete entry into the new world."

The sea is too vast, and for a while, they were a little lost. While resisting the power of the "transformation", they determined their orientation and wanted to escape from the vast sea of ​​light.

The only fortunate thing is that the sea level is calm, and even if there are waves, it is no longer violent, and the treasure will be overturned and smashed out at every turn.

During this period, they also found other sea-crossing creatures on the sea and were attacked. It should be an extraordinary civilization from another universe.

They resisted and effectively inflicted heavy damage on each other, but soon several groups of people appeared one after another, all of which were extraordinary civilizations crossing the sea.

Some sea-crossers are very peaceful, but some extraordinary civilizations are really too belligerent, and they took the initiative to attack them, and conflicts broke out in the sea.

At that moment, everyone participated in the battle, even the newly recovered Sword Fairy, holding the Zixiao Hedao Sword and killing him.

Only the miniature version of Sword Fairy was too young, less than a year old, and was finally put into the health care furnace, and the lid was tightly fastened.

During the period, the health stove was used as a big seal, sometimes hanging above the heads of everyone to guard it, and sometimes it would be directly smashed out to suppress opponents.

"What's wrong with those people, will nothing happen?" Wang Xuan asked nervously.

Sword Fairy shook her head and said: "We have the Mutian Bracelet, the Zixiao Hedao Sword, the Time and Space Mace, and the Health Furnace, which have the advantage and defeated the opponent.

It's just that the sea is too unstable, people from adjacent universes are crossing, and other extraordinary civilizations may be encountered at any time.

In the end, they finally broke out. It was at this moment that the health furnace suddenly lost control, and took the young Sword Fairy tore open the sea and fled away very quickly.

"I suddenly separated from them like this.\" Fairy Sword was frustrated and parted with a group of old friends inexplicably, and never saw her again.

"Health Stove, why do you want to run away, but suddenly escape?" Wang Xuan's heart was heavy, but this kind of accident happened. He originally entered the extraordinary central world, and even if he left the sea, even if he was completely successful, something changed in the end.

Jiang Qingyao said: "I asked three hundred times, and in the end it only replied to me, saying that the prohibited items suspected of having a metamorphosis were approaching."

"This stove...Wang Xuan has a complicated feeling about the health stove. Back then, he took him with him for so long, but he never communicated with it.

Later, the health furnace was found by the true saint of Chongxiao Temple, which was escaping against the sea surface, intercepted the way, and caught it. In the end, it still didn't run away.

"A true saint was indeed born here?\" Wang Xuan was surprised.

"Of course!" Fairy Jian nodded, but she told that the true saint had gone out and was not in the dojo at the moment.

"The true sage is very happy and got a prohibited item. I was in an accident. I was caught in the furnace, and I was caught together. I became a head." The sword fairy Jiang Qingyao muttered, she became a true sage. to the smallest "captive". But she was not dissatisfied, and said: "Old True Sage is very good to me, saying that since I have returned to my roots, he will let me repair, and instruct me to start from scratch, and walk the extraordinary road Wang Xuan is right. She was quite surprised by this kind of situation. She didn't need to worry about her situation in Chongxiao Palace.

"Then, he sighed: "Those so...".

Wang Xuan looked into the distance and was a little lost. Fang Yuzhu, Lao Zhang, the demon master, Yan Mingcheng... unexpectedly encountered a prohibited item of disguise.

When he thought of some bad pictures, he felt like he wanted to breathe, his chest felt tight, and his heart was blocked.

He decided to go to \"torture" the health furnace with the Imperial Dao flag, and ask what happened.

"Old True Sage said that those people will not have an accident." Jian Xianzi added.

"Ah?\" Wang Xuan was awakened by a startle, came back to his senses, and said, "Did he really say that, why are you gasping for words?"

He felt that the mini version of Sword Fairy was a bit skinny, was it intentional? Then, he decisively started, tried the good feeling again, and said, "Come on, what's the situation?"

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