Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 345: On the Road

"Breaking the limit four times, this kind of person is finally going to be seen." Wang Xuan said to himself.

In the past, such people in this world have always been just legends and illusory.

Some star fields may indeed exist, but the universe is so vast that few people have ever seen it.

Therefore, if there is a "wild" four-time limit-breaker in the world, it must be explosive news. \"

Even the demon king Kong Xuan, who is vaguely known as the first true immortal in the Hundred Domains, has only broken the limit three times more according to rumors.

"It's really amazing, she's only in her early 400s." Zhou Qingdai sighed, even she was speechless, this kind of speed is really fast.

The four-time limit-breaker walking in the sea of ​​​​stars will cause a sensation and is destined to be watched.

And such a young limit-breaker, who is not yet five hundred years old, has such a terrifying achievement, hanging above the starry sky, making his opponents a little temperamental.

A few people talked, and when they mentioned the true holy dojo in Kujiling Mountain, they avoided Sword Fairy and talked with Yuanshen in secret.

Mainly, if Wang Xuan wants to enter the venue, she is afraid that Jiang Qingyao will stop him. She said earlier that she did not want him to make enemies and offend the supreme world dojo.

\"Zhan Feng, will be one of Silent Hill's trump cards for a long time in the future.\" Mo Sijian mentioned the name of that powerful person. -

He judged that Silent Hill probably wanted to try and train Zhanfeng into a more extraordinary limit breaker!

"This is a little scary, and breaking the four faults is the end." He whispered.

The main reason is that Zhan Feng is young, his talent is amazing, and his future is unpredictable.

Wang Xuan was very calm, and he didn't feel too much about breaking the limit four times.

In the true holy dojo, there must be such extraordinary people.

Wang Xuan was stabbed in the spine with a causal fishing rod by the people who returned to the ruins dojo, and it was made clear when he caught the battleship.

Obviously, Chongxiao Hall itself has four limit-breakers, and Mo Sijian and the others were surprised, more likely because Zhan Feng was too young.

"Brother Sun, take the liberty to ask, how many years have you practiced?" Zhou Qingdai couldn't hold back and asked.

Although they had previously learned that Sun Wukong was only a few hundred years old, they did not know his exact age.

"No showmanship. Wang Xuan responded.

For a time, everyone present was staring at him, and he didn't have time to react for a long time. Although he was mentally prepared, he was still on the spot.

\"How old are you?\" Zhou Qingdai didn't give up and asked again after a while. \"

\"Less than 300 years old.\" Wang Xuan told him that he felt there was no need to hide it from this group of unsmiling Sword Immortals who preferred to be more direct. \"

For a while, the scene was quiet, and time and space seemed to freeze, almost still.

The eight Sword Immortals accompanying him all looked at him, not knowing what to say.

They never expected that Sun Wukong was much smaller than they expected!

This is a bit out of line!

In the end, they can only comfort themselves, this is the grandson of the Holy Sun, the true grandson of the Huaguo Mountain Dojo.

However, Wang Xuan took this opportunity to tell them solemnly that he was not a descendant of the true saint, but a disciple of Huaguo Mountain.

He must be corrected, and no rumors can be spread.

The facial expressions of the Sword Immortals present were all stiff. Even people like them who focus on cultivation and pay attention to breaking through all methods with one sword are rarely disturbed by foreign objects, and now they are a little bit defensive.

Based on their intuition, they determined that the man in front of them was not lying.

Mo Si Jiandao:\"Brother, your words are like the slashing of the brilliance of the sword, which leaves my heart empty and a little bit unstoppable.\"

Zhou Qingdai said: \"Is this the sword of the heart that the aliens said? Invisibly cut people's will and penetrate the true spirit. It's terrible.\".

\"What are you talking about?\" Jiang Qingyao came over, she has a semi-mature spiritual eye, and her perception is naturally very keen to perceive that they are communicating in spirit.

\"We were asking Brother Sun how long he had been cultivating the Dao, but we didn't expect that, although he was less than a fraction of me, he is now a true immortal who has broken the limit four times.\" Mo Sijian sighed.

He was defeated earlier, and he was not so in a trance, and now it is unbelievable.

"The same achievement is more than a hundred years younger than Zhan Feng!" Zhou Qingdai sighed.

Jiang Qingyao immediately looked at Wang Xuan, guessing what, he was asking his brothers and sisters about Kujiling Mountain?

Wang Xuan didn't want to hide it, after all, if he really wanted to make a move, he would definitely not be able to hide her, saying: \"Relax, I'm a disciple of Huaguoshan Dojo, and I'm also a true saint disciple who is qualified to participate in Taoism and defeat them in the normal way. Who can say anything, what can they do if they don't agree?"

Jijilingyi has recently posted a post, and he is about to discuss the Tao again, and there are not many days.

"In the early years, they deliberately dragged us and came here to talk about it to attract our attention. It's really hateful to think about it now.\"

Now, the dojo of the Silent Hill has been completely built, and even the grand formation has been arranged, so that it is submerged in the chaotic fog and isolated from the outside world.

If it wasn't that Chaos Golden Lotus was difficult to transplant, they wouldn't be so troublesome.

Only the living chaotic golden lotus has the most value. Immersion in the pool where the aliens take root, and taking a little golden lotus to practice, will have extremely extraordinary effects.

It can be said that this is an invaluable wonder of good fortune!

Even the true saint dojos are extremely eager, and they can be passed on as their true heritage.

After the Chongxiao Palace learned about it now, how could he feel comfortable from top to bottom? It was originally within the radiation range of their dojo.

The opponent just crosses a bar like this, which is equivalent to a clear grab.

\"Jian Xiu, he won't hide it, he must ask them for an explanation, and they naturally won't spit out the chaotic golden lotus.

Still want to! Bully us. \"

"Unfortunately, the true sage is supreme. At that level, it is difficult to end the game in person, because the impact is too great. Otherwise, after the old true sage comes back and sweeps out with a sword, I dare them to scold."

Wang Xuan has a general understanding of the hidden feelings, and also feels that the Silent Hill is too much. The base camp is not here. As a result, he ran to the backyard of another True Saint Dojo to grab an opportunity. The food looks ugly.

\"After being noticed by us, they didn't feel any sense of guilt. Instead, they wanted to suppress our young and middle-aged generation and let us suffer from this dumb loss, which is really unreasonable!\"

Referring to this matter, the sword cultivators in the dojo wanted to draw their swords and waited, and discussed the Dao again after half a month.

Wang Xuan stayed here. As a disciple of Huaguo Mountain and a friend of Jiang Qingyao, he had ample reasons to stay.

Every morning, he and Jiang Qingyao practice swords together.

He finally understood what path Sword Fairy would take after rebuilding.

At the request of the old true sage, she did not take the road of breaking the limit, nor did she practice the scriptures of imperializing the Tao in advance.

Returning to the Source and Returning to the Origin of Scripture is a true holy book. It seems to be taking a path of neutrality and peace. In fact, all peace is dormant and gaining momentum.

In the early stage, the power accumulated by oneself transformed, fully returned to the innate, original state, captured the original power of the rules of the transcendent center of the universe, and blended with the body and spirit.

She won't try to cut out the strongest sword until the heavenly level is complete.

This sword is very particular, it contains the power of the beginning, the lethality is unparalleled, and the artistic conception that has been poised for many years is related to future achievements.

This sword cut out by someone is more terrifying than the sword light of an extraordinary person who has taken the road of imperialization ahead of time.

Then, she will also take this sword to break the shackles and enter the super peerless realm.

In fact, to become an alien, to become a true saint, there is such a type of person, the early stage is ordinary, the performance is ordinary, and the breaking of limits and the transformation of the imperial way all start from the super peerless.

This kind of person is not amazing in the early stage, but once he successfully taps his potential in the later stage, it will be extremely violent when it starts to explode.

Lao Zhensheng chose an ordinary path for Jiang Qingyao, but let her practice extraordinary scriptures to gain momentum, and there will naturally be extraordinary manifestations later.

Originally, there were two kinds of cognition in the transcendent world. One was to dig out one's own origin early, and the second was to open up potential in the future without rushing.

Chongxiao Hall is a world outside dojo, with profound background, two

There are all the methods of Lu's dharma door and exercises, and let the disciples make their own decisions.

True Sage personally instructed Fairy Sword, she naturally did not hesitate and chose the path of gaining momentum.

Possessing strength with the true holy books, she is naturally different, and she is also looking forward to the strongest sword she has cut!!

In a few days, Wang Xuan turned around this magnificent dojo. After practicing swords with Jiang Qingyao every day, he would be invited by Mo Sijian, Zhou Qingdai and other backbones from various sword fields to compete with swords.

Soon, Sun Gunxian moved this True Saint Dojo and conquered a large area.

Wang Xuan is also helpless. It is much better to practice with Sword Fairy than to learn from them. However, in the face of a group of warlike swordsmen, he simply cannot refuse. \"

\"The latest news, the people of Silent Hill said that there are people from other dojos who have traveled here.\"

\"Don't worry, Senior Brother Zheng Sijian is back, and the four-breaker of our dojo has returned from his travels, everything is stable!\"

Zheng Sijian, a very strange name, had broken the limit four times in the real immortal realm, and now he is an extraordinary person of heaven-level great perfection, and belongs to one of the core disciples of the real holy dojo.

When he fights with people, he usually uses four swords to solve his opponent.

\"Heavenly has Senior Brother Zheng, so there should be no problem.\"True

There is a hairy boy Sun Wukong in the fairy field, and he wants to be a teacher

Sister out, should be able to block Zhan Feng?\"

At the same time, there was also definite news that it was the people who returned to the ruins dojo, and four people had traveled here and wanted to participate in the discussion.

After Wang Xuan learned about it, his eyes flashed fiercely. After coming to this universe, the biggest pain he suffered was brought to him by the Guixu Dojo.

The people of this True Saint Dojo actually fished him in the starry sky, almost abolished him, and wanted to save him.

Even if he takes revenge, he is extremely disgusted with this Taoism.

This time, there were people from the Guixu Dojo, so he had to take a look.

Half a month is coming soon.

The mini version of Jiang Qingyao has an outstanding temperament. Incomparably ethereal and incorruptible, but what she said now is not at all dusty.

"Oh, it's a pity, it's not suitable for me to do it yet, otherwise I really want to try it. How strong is the power of the Absolute Beginning Rules, which has been raised for more than 200 years, I really want to kill the four-time limit-breaker of Silent Hill."

She followed suit, complaining with Wang Xuan.

No one else opened their mouths, knowing that the little junior sister escaped and would not take it seriously.

However, Wang Xuan was discussing with her very seriously, and asked: \"Is there some way? Under the normal momentum, it will not affect the usual day."

Sword Fairy said: \"Yes, go to the pond where the chaotic golden lotus took root to make up for it, will I still lack the power of the beginning? On weekdays, I can chop as many swords as I want. Unfortunately, there is a group of dead mountains. Hateful people have occupied it. Originally, the path that the true sage chose for me has this way of making up for it, but I can dance a different dazzling swordsmanship on an ordinary path, but the conditions are too harsh." ?

Wang Xuan nodded and said: \"That's right, don't worry, go back and ask the monster who may have serious mental problems if you can help me.\"

\"Who do you think has serious mental problems?\"The voice of the strange thing on the mobile phone sounded, and he was teasing the mechanical bear in the bracelet made by the battleship.

\"You are really insane!\"Wang Xuan didn't find out when it came back.

This time, more than 50 people in the Chongxiao Hall were on the road together, rushing to an open area thousands of miles away, a plateau surrounded by chaotic air.

This is a wild place, suitable for Taoism and hands-on.

\"Jiang Qingyao, won't you take action this time?\" Opposite

In the chaotic fog, a woman came, smiled, and took the initiative to greet her.

Apparently, some important disciples of the Chongxiao Temple in the dead mountain

I already understood that Jiang Qingyao came every time to gain insight, just to watch the battle but not to take action, let them know that this may be the core disciple who is expected to be someone in the future.

Therefore, they are very concerned and valued, and want her to cut out the strongest sword in advance,

Of course, they also know that this kind of aggressive tactics should be useless, but routine provocations are unavoidable.

"My brother Zhanfeng is 412 years old. The true immortal has broken the limit four times, and may even break the limit five times in the future. He has always been thinking about you, you..."

The woman stood opposite, with a bright smile, and she looked extremely enthusiastic about Fairy Sword, but before she could finish speaking, she suddenly felt that the world was suppressed.

Then, she saw a pitch-black iron rod, extremely thick, like a pillar supporting the sky, fell from a distance, and moved it directly, 2

\"Who are you, why are you so rude?!\" She hurriedly scolded her face down.

However, she shut up in the next moment, and felt an incomparably terrifying aura, she quickly retreated, and sacrificed various secret treasures and techniques.

But it was of no use, those treasures exploded

Now, the spell collapses, she, a heaven-level expert, can't stop it

The iron rod is crushed.

With a bang, her body was cracked by the thick iron bar that came down on her head, and then burst. !

\"Bold, who are you, dare to be so presumptuous!\" Someone shouted from the Silent Hill.

Although the so-called argumentation is actually a fight, some people still feel that they can't afford to lose face.

"Great Sage Monkey King, Sun Wukong!" Wang Xuan held an iron rod and walked forward.

Thanks: Feng Qing Zang Ai 1986, Good Fortune Immortal King [He Hua Zi Zai Di Fa], Shuidong, Bang Geng, thank you for your support.

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