Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 354: Ultimate Aria

The goose feather snow swirls in the cold wind and spreads all over the sky. In the snowstorm, there were no pedestrians on the streets of the whole town, and the tavern was very warm.

Wang Xuan's wine glass rested on his lips, his movements froze, staring at the old TV hanging on the wall, he never thought that he would see Fang Yuzhu!

He was in a remote place, far from the prosperous Xinghai, and he could call this place a borderline star field. He unexpectedly got news of her on an unknown planet here. Moreover, it was through TV and a documentary that she learned about her whereabouts, which made Wang Xuan feel a sense of time and space dislocation. Although the TV is old, the picture is very clear, Fang Yuzhu's white clothes fluttering, standing on the golden bamboo boat, and going out to sea alone.

This is a documentary, mainly about the origin of the sea, and no one is specially arranged to appear in it. Everything is random out of the country and accidentally captured. But obviously, the organizer of the extraordinary documentary also saw Fang Yuzhu's temperament, which was particularly prominent, and gave a close-up from multiple angles. There are strong people who communicate with her through voice transmission to prevent her from being disgusted by misunderstandings.

\"Everyone, let's follow the picture and learn about this vast and legendary sacred sea. There are too many stories about it\"By the sea, the host is also a beautiful woman, but with the woman in white on the Yuhua Shenzhu boat Contrast, and it was compared all at once.

"It is so deep and endless. It attracts extraordinary people from all over the world to explore all the year round. Every year, a large number of people go out to sea, because it is the place of origin and has a long-standing legend of origin. Wang Xuan really wants to pull the host to the sea. While I went, I didn't want to listen to her \"popular science\", I just wanted to see the figure boarding the ship in the sea. Fortunately, the organizer of the documentary filmed her all the way, and for the time being, she was not completely out of sight.

\"From true immortals to super peerless, to aliens, and even higher levels of forbidden level... There are too many creatures who want to explore the deep sea. Those who go to sea must be careful, there are great opportunities in the sea, there are myths and treasures, but There are also countless dangers. I think many people have heard that even the mothership in the very beginning was lost in the sea of ​​origin for many years. It is indeed vast and endless. It moves with the transcendent center, and it will appear in every era. Existence The years are too long. There have been people who doubted whether there is any connection between the Sea of ​​Origin and the Sea of ​​Extraordinary Light, but the two are separated from each other, and they are not together. Pursuit and goals, how far you want to sail. "

The camera is aimed at some extraordinary people. Obviously, the creatures who dare to go to the sea of ​​origin are extraordinary, there are two-headed golden crows, there are mechanical elves, there are the world-renowned river gods, there are the strongest heaven-level masters in one domain, and there are extraordinary peers, etc. .

Of course, there are also many ordinary true immortals. They don't go too far. They only explore near the sea, hoping to discover the fetishes rushing by the waves. The producer of the documentary had a special person to communicate with Fang Yuzhu, but she shook her head and did not accept the exclusive interview, and quickly disappeared into the sea.

Most of the other extraordinary people are very cooperative, and some people will even accept follow-up photography, revealing part of the mystery of the Sea of ​​Origin for more people from their perspective. Wang Xuan's gaze skipped everyone, looking at the vast sacred sea, and fascinated by the distant bamboo boat, his heart was very uneasy. Fang Yuzhu is really extraordinary, she just went on the road, went to the sea of ​​origin, and was looking for her own way.

However, Wang Xuan was also a little worried, that place is really not a good place, it is very scary, all religions know about the loss of the mothership in the beginning.

In addition, the islands in the sea are dotted, and the forces are intricate. There is no need to say at the end, no one knows. In the explorable area, there is a palace of origin, which is unfathomable and requires "Jinbei" to enter.

However, as long as there is a golden shell outside, it will be approached by the top masters, friendly \"negotiation\", and bought at a high price, it is difficult for loose cultivators to start with shells.

In the past, when Wang Xuan was the second king of the Five Elements Mountain in the Meteorite Sea, he defeated Yu Jin, the core successor of the Jinque Palace, and got one.

He doesn't know how Fang Yuzhu has lived these years. When she entered the new universe from the sea of ​​​​supernatural light, was she intercepted by the true saint, or did she escape early? If she became a disciple of the true saint, she would enter the sea of ​​origin. On the contrary, it will be less dangerous.

"Original Sea, I've heard the name for a long time. Sooner or later, I will also go there." Wang Xuan said to himself, he had heard of it as early as the mother universe. Dark Sky Heart, once the third-ranked super prohibited item, once said that if a piece of its body is missing, it is lost in the Sea of ​​Origin. In fact, this metamorphosis treasure was defeated and escaped from the sea of ​​origin, and escaped from life, and it has been away from the most splendid transcendent center stage for many years. \"I hope Sister Fang's trip goes well.\" He knew that Fang Yuzhu most likely wanted to enter the alien realm. In the past, she was comparable to Shang Yi!

After Shang Yi entered the new universe, if not blocked by Wang Xuan and the recovery of Yun Shuhe, the first person in ancient times, he would have transformed into an alien. \"There will be a meeting date eventually!\" Right now, the most important thing he faces is to solve the blood of the rules and dissolve the six bronze spears.

Wang Xuan asked the owner of the tavern what the full name of the documentary was. He was going to search on his mobile phone and read the full episode and comments. "Original sea mythology popular science." The owner of the tavern is a wine lover. While doing business with the outside world, he was also slightly drunk and raised his glass. Wang Xuan is speechless, mythology?

He smiled and had a drink with the tavern owner, and then searched on his mobile phone. It took a long time to find it. The video on the Internet is more comprehensive, because there are barrages, analysis and discussion, etc. There is no doubt that the scene of the fairy in white crossing the sea alone has too many barrages, and many people are hotly discussing it, because Fang Yuzhu is too otherworldly. "I'm going, the beauty is peerless, this is the ideal image of the fairy in my mind. When I dream, I often see such a hazy peerless figure!" Shut up, that's my future companion! Note: Message from the Supreme Mechanical Heavenly Venerate .

\"Go away, kill that idiot who deliberately named Mechanic Tianzun\", and then dare to talk nonsense and blaspheme the fairy in white, I will investigate you in reality, and seeing that you chase and kill Fang Yuzhu's popularity is beyond imagination, this She didn't say anything about the documentary, but it sparked heated discussions, and the focus shifted a bit, not the documentary itself. Soon, someone left a message saying that she had seen the fairy in white, and she had fought against nine super peers alone!

In an instant, many people lost their voices, and then all kinds of people didn't believe it. There is no simple person who can become a peerless person. Although the fairy in white is outstanding, but in terms of combat power, can she be so powerful? Then, someone posted a blurred photo in the comment area. , is indeed a fairy in white who fights many strong men alone in the sea of ​​​​stars. \"I couldn't capture all the figures, but, I counted it at the time, and there were indeed 9 super peers surrounding her in that area.\'

Everyone was shocked, no matter whether she could fight alone, but she was able to go far in the siege of so many people, and now exploring the sea of ​​origin is enough to explain the problem. Wang Xuan was also fascinated. Sister Fang's combat power has always made people very reassuring, and there is no need to worry about her accident.

At least, now that he has seen with his own eyes, she went to the Sea of ​​Origin, which means that when she was hunted, she had no accident. Then, Wang Xuan became restless and discovered the time issue. Some people's messages spanned decades. He quickly checked, and what was even more outrageous was that there were still messages spanning a hundred years, which made him stunned!\"When was this documentary filmed, is this a rebroadcast?\"Wang Xuan asked the owner of the tavern.

"It hasn't been broadcast on our planet for a long time. This is a film imported from the depths of the more prosperous Xinghai. You also know that we are very remote here. If it is spread locally, it is estimated that it will be decades to hundreds of years later." The tavern owner responded calmly with a drink. Wang Xuan was dumbfounded, it was just messy in the wind.

In other words, what he saw just now happened more than a hundred years ago? Fortunately, he thought it had just happened, and he was still empathizing there, and almost followed the barrage. At the same time, it is no wonder that there are so many hot discussions. When he searched for this documentary, he searched for it for a long time, and it turned out to be an old film more than 100 years ago. However, after so many years, there are still many people talking about it, and there are many new messages, which is enough.

Wang Xuan can only sigh, in the transcendent world, many people who watch the film are true immortals. After a thousand years, some people may turn back and leave a message.

If in the parent universe, there are still the same people leaving messages for more than 100 years, that would be hell. In fact, after 10 years, going to "respect the relics", to see those "net buildings" that have been built, will have a "nostalgic" mood.

\"Have you seen her in Transcendent Guanghai\" Wang Xuan asked the strange object on the mobile phone.

\"17 years ago, when I just returned to the world from Chongxiao Palace, a place outside the world, I told you that I have never seen those people. You have to believe me, if you encounter them, I will definitely take them away. The mobile phone strange object expressed regret that when it went to find people and treasures, it did not see the group of people like Fang Yuzhu and Lao Zhang.

Then, it said that if Wang Xuan survived this time, it could arrange for him to go to the various avenues to challenge one by one, and maybe he would meet acquaintances. \"I want to live a few more years!\" Wang Xuan said, so high-profile, it is estimated that even if you have the invincibility, and the time is a little longer, you will be disliked by others, and you will find opportunities to secretly shoot to death. Mobile phone strange things: \"The world is changing, the splendid era is rising, and the world of great competition is coming. It is estimated that you can't do it even if you want to keep a low profile. Sooner or later, you will end up passively. If Wang Xuan doesn't believe it, he always wants to give it to him. He found something to do, and when he got into trouble, let him go shopping and have the most difficult experience, which was already beyond the scope of normal tempering. He stayed in the tavern, from noon to afternoon, and then to night, ordinary liquor made It's hard for him to get drunk. He came here just to blend in with the world. He left at night. The beauty of the world is worth a stop, but now he can't stop and needs to work hard to survive this disaster. A warm tavern , the quiet town, does not belong to him, this is no longer his world

In the cold wind, amid the heavy snow hitting his face, he hit the road, walking towards the mountain forest alone, away from the lights behind him. The king of the mouth shrank to an inch, and quickly entered the no-man's land, and came to the deepest part of this primitive mountain range.

He sat on the cliff again, letting the wind and snow dance, calm and motionless, comprehending the scriptures, and began to do penance to solve his own troubles. For 17 years, he has noticed that when certain scriptures are accomplished, the pain caused by \"rule blood\" and six bronze spears will lessen. He felt that his symptoms would be reduced when he learned some of the highest scriptures

For example, "Xinghe Body Washing Sutra" can be divided into fourteen layers after his analysis and splitting. There are clues that if you want to penetrate, you need to break the limit 5 times to achieve it. However, after breaking the limit four times, he has reached the late thirteenth floor, and is not very far from reaching the last floor.

He believes that this true holy practice method, he may be able to completely practice it before 5 times of breaking the limit, and penetrate a supreme scripture of body refining, which should have a great effect on dissolving the \"blood of rules\" The blood of the rules of help, not real blood, but a trace of rhythm ripples from the true saint in the past, spread beyond the 3,000 star fields, triggering karma, affecting him, and changing the true immortal immediately killed this man. Simply unimaginable.

It was not aimed specifically at him, causing such dire consequences. It is conceivable that if the supreme creature locks on the target, even if it is aimed at the super peerless world, it can be killed instantly, even if it is an alien, it will not end well.

"This is really just a thought. You can kill people invisibly across the starry sky." He is very afraid of this field and feels mysterious, but he is too far away now. Besides, Wang Xuan is studying the sixth picture in the slate scriptures. The true shape map, in a few years, should be able to practice.

The two classics of extreme yin and extreme yang, he understood more thoroughly, and the two confirmed that yin and yang coexist, and it is not too far from going to the next level.

He obtained more than one golden bamboo slips. After many years of comprehension, he was able to completely link the different bamboo slips and scriptures, and they were no longer independent, which verified the conjectures of various parties in the mother universe. They have a source and are divided into four parts.

Wang Xuan also has several other classics, all of which are of great origin, and they are all being studied. Every time he completes one, the six bronze spears will loosen the suppression on him. Wang Xuan was sure that this was the right way.

The most important thing is that he feels that in a few years, if he successfully breaks the limit five times, plus practicing those scriptures, he can almost solve the problem. Breaking the limit 5 times is very mysterious in this universe. It is a realm where true saints can reach the limit. , should be the realm of the end of the true saint, belonging to \"the ultimate aria chapter\". Wang Xuan didn't think about the further road for the time being. Currently, he is only looking forward to breaking the limit 5 times. He wants to rush over to see if he can dispel the spear of the six-bar rule. Moreover, he realized that after breaking the limit four times, he took the road of imperialization ahead of time, and the part that overlapped with the limit-breaking field was completely over. This time, if he breaks the limit again, it should be very intense, and there is a high probability that it will lead to a terrible catastrophe.

After all, the legends gathered in the world agree that breaking the limit 5 times is the young age of the true sage. The end that can be reached in the field of true immortals will be different. Therefore, Wang Xuan has a certain degree of confidence. Going down the road, I feel that this death catastrophe can be resolved.

After hearing his words on the mobile phone, he said, "You know, how long does it take for the so-called ultimate aria chapter corresponding to the real saint in the realm at the end of the real saint? I don't think you have time.

"After breaking the limit 4 times, the real immortal has to experience a period of precipitation. According to the information available in history, it will take 50 years at the fastest. Even, some people have spent 500 years in order to break this limit~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Wang Xuan is in a daze, is it worth waiting so long?

Mobile phone strange things: \"There are ordinary paths, and there are also breaking paths. Those who follow this path think it is very worthwhile. Not everyone is qualified to touch the ceiling, but anyone who can touch them is in itself a treasure. This kind of proof has some kind of background. Not to mention, it really runs through, breaking the limit 5 times. After passing that level, it is of great significance.

Then it added: "Of course, what I'm talking about is really breaking the limit by yourself, which may be called breaking the eyes of the wild. Relying on the accumulation of strange things, relying on the guidance of the true saint, it needs the help of the family to analyze and assist. Calculate!

"Actually, even with that kind of person, after a true immortal has broken the limit four times, there is no one who can continue to break the limit five times within 50 years." The strange thing on the mobile phone solemnly reminded him, saying that he has that kind of qualification, and also I can't wait that long, the old zombies from outside the world have been active more and more frequently in recent years, and time is running out. The movement of the true sage of the Dead Mountain will seriously affect the current Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan sat on the cliff of Fengxue Mountain and said calmly: "It has been 17 years since the true immortal broke the limit four times. I think, I won't take that long, 50 years is too far away, I should rush over as soon as possible. The thing didn't speak, and there was a faint black light. Obviously, it felt that Wang Xuan didn't have enough time, and it was easier said than done to cross the threshold of 50 years.

After a while, it said to itself: "It's a little weird, why is the true sage of Silent Hill getting more and more restless these years, I should secretly take a photo of him to see what happened. Send a photo of Fang Yuzhu to everyone. Look. In addition, the out-of-the-circle index can be worn, out-of-the-circle badges, and read the theme background. Interested book friends can check it out. It’s very beautiful. There is no update late at night, everyone, don’t wait, the next chapter is in the morning time period. .

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