Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 366: 1 Ruins Power Terminator

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The man who once said that Kong Xuan was arrogant, and now he was pointed out, was out. He was named Jing Zhongyue and came from the Paper Sacred Temple. In the depths of Wang Xuan's eyes, the texture of the Royal Dao flowed. He watched it with his spiritual eyes and determined that the front was not a paper figurine, but flesh and blood.

This is not the first time he has dealt with the people in the temple. He has been in contact with them a long time ago and killed a group of paper figurines.

The paper temple is very special, it is said to be a true saint, but their true saint has been silent for more than a century. There is a saying that it has already died. Now the disciples of this dojo have also come, and they are not low-key. There are various signs that the paper sage is likely to recover! The paper sanctuary is one of the world's dojos where Wang Yusheng is wanted. What he sees now makes Wang Xuan feel awe-inspiring. meaning

It means that there is a behemoth hanging out of the world, and gradually opened the scarlet eyes that can easily shatter the starry sky. Yue Zhongyue in the well of the Paper Temple was run on and came to the arena. He didn't end up impulsively. Since the other party mentioned it and asked them to shoot together, he really didn't feel embarrassed. This is an extraordinary person who doesn't care about personal honor, shame, and reputation, and Yuezhen Jingzhong entered the arena just to encircle and suppress Kong Xuan.

However, what made him frown was that the others were self-reliant and no one moved. In the end, there were only him, Ran Ran, and the man who had stood there earlier. The young man who walked out at the same time as Ran Ran earlier, named Mu Wuya, came from Kujiling Mountain, a true holy dojo who was no stranger to Wang Xuan. Overall, Wang Xuan has been "confronting" the dojo over the years.

He first went to Chongxiao Hall to fight with Sword Fairy's master, and fought against the young disciples of Kujii Mountain.

Then, he spent 32 years practicing all kinds of scriptures to vomit, to resolve the streaks and ripples of the old zombies in the dead mountain across the 3,000 star fields, and it took decades of fighting to resolve the death catastrophe. Submit the six-bar rule bronze spear. Among the three people in front, the disciples of the Paper Temple and Silent Hill were all entangled with him.

\"The Yuan Tian of the Guixu Dojo, whether it is his Taoism or his combat power, is not worthy of being called a 4-time limit-breaker. Is this also the core disciple of the Guixu Dojo? The level is a bit low.\'Wang Xuan opened his mouth , is a weapon of mass destruction, but this time it was only aimed at one dojo, making Ziying, who was destined to become an alien, look gloomy. However, his words were not finished yet.

The next words left everyone speechless, deeply realizing that Kong Xuan's mouth was as black as his hands.

"If the battle strength is measured by Yuantian, the core disciples of the Guixu Dojo are very empty, and they are all parallel imports, which can be defined as the power of a ruin." Sure enough, he had nothing good to say.

The people in the True Saint Dojo all showed strange expressions. Although they were outside the world, they were not obsessed with the news in the sea of ​​stars.

In the present world, a few decades ago, there was a super big net red crow, which was dubbed the unit of measurement, and it was how much \"the power of the blue crow\". Now, this Kong Xuan is going to set out the standard of 4 time limit-breakers outside the world, with Guixu Zhensheng Dojo as the background, \"xiazui\" is really a bit ruthless. \"You still haven't made a move?\" Someone outside the field speaks, and if he asks him to speak again, maybe there will be something wrong. Everyone knows that Kong Xuan is a wild monster scattered outside, and the super peerless people present can't fight against a real fairy, right?

Sure enough, the arrogant two kings of the Five Elements Mountain spoke up first, saying, "I'll check it out, you all have only one strength, and those who can't pass my level must be flawed 4 times. Limit breaker.

He put this check, and the unqualified ones are all parallel imports?

\"You two, what are you waiting for, kill him in the end!\" Well, Yue Zhongyue in the temple said, he doesn't care about anything, the living environment in which he grew up requires unscrupulous means, as long as he can achieve his goal.

Mu Wuya of Silent Hill doesn't talk much, he is an action faction, pushing forward.

The only woman among the three, Ran Ran, a white-haired woman from Time Heaven Dojo, is a 4-time limit-breaker and has time rules. \"It's really troublesome, isn't it bad to have one piece?\"Wang Xuan is going to attack the three of them at the same time.

Ran Ran said: \"Kong Xuan, you used to be called Qin Cheng in the past, and you appeared in Pingtian Academy, and then you changed your name to Kong Xuan after going to the Meteorite Sea, right?\" Wang Xuan was shocked, they really did it. Gongfu has investigated him, and this has all been found out?\"You killed Nian Mo of the Time Sect and also beheaded Jin

Mo Qing of Que Palace also targeted Yuan Hong and others of Hedao Sect. "The white-haired woman Ran Ran continued, and she kept the accounts for him. Earlier, when it came to whether or not to let Kong Xuan attend this exchange meeting, there was a dojo to make a decision, it was Time Tian. This is a detached behemoth, In the major star fields in the world, there are some top-level great teachers who are members outside them. The forces that depend on them are not concentrated in a certain star sea, but scattered all over the place. Among them, the time teaching, the time hole, etc. are more important to them. They call themselves Time Sky, which means being supreme, controlling time, and controlling the world.

Outside the arena, Wu Lindao immediately informed Wang Xuan about the divisions of the forces in the dojo of Time Tian. Wang Xuan's face was calm, but there were waves in his heart.

He remembered an old incident. When the extraordinary winter of the parent universe arrived, he explored the world after life and earth, where

One after another in the supernatural source-like area, I once heard the whispering voice of Mo Hu, who was banned. At that time, I had been looking for him for a long time, suspecting that the creatures from the adjacent outer universe were secretly talking. Someone mentioned in the voice of the year that the deputy cave owner of the Time Cave died.

At this moment, waves surged in Wang Xuan's heart, who was talking back then, shouldn't it be the true saint of Shi Shitian? However, the person who whispered back then had a heavy tone. If it is the supreme creature of Time Sky, then he seems to be in trouble.

For a time, when Wang Xuan faced the three true saint disciples, he was a little distracted, making the white-haired woman Ran Ran feel slighted and ignored. "Qin Cheng, Kong Xuan, what can you say?" The silver armor's stomach glowed, and the ripples spread in time, mysterious and powerful.

Wang Xuan raised his head and said: \"Shut up, I'm just Kong Xuan. Besides, what qualifications do you have to question me? People of Xu Zhili, hurry up and call Master, otherwise there's no emotion to speak of, and admission is the end. 'There's nothing more to say, the battle went straight to the scene.

Ran Ran is indeed a bit "high" and wants to fight against Kong Xuan alone, so that the other two will not interfere for the time being.

Standing in the fragments of time, she is surrounded by the breath of time, as if detached from time and space. She waved gently, and there was a dazzling light between heaven and earth. It was the power of time, shocking people's hearts. If it touches a living being, it will directly rot in the passage of time. Wang Xuan deliberately checked, and with a flick of his fingers, a galaxy flower flew over from the edge of the dojo. The result was not slowly withering, but instantly turned into dust, as if he had been deprived of thousands of years of time. He became cautious, not because of this woman. , but attaches great importance to the true holy practice of the Taoist lineage, and needs to be treated swiftly in the future. The moment he avoided the beam of time, with

With Ran Ran as the center, nine ripples swayed one after another, which looked soft, but when they overlapped and became heavy, the time rune became terrifying many times at once, charging towards Wang Xuan, everywhere, making opponents unable to avoid it.

Nine years of slashing

Everyone is looking forward to it. The power of the time domain is the most terrifying, and now there is some kind of killer, which naturally arouses people's attention. Wang Xuan did not evade, and his body instantly rushed out of black and white light, and yin and yang flowed.

His left hand is the light of the extreme sun, which is white and dazzling. His right hand is extremely dark and dark, and it is extremely deep. Although it is light, it gives people the feeling of an abyss, which seems to devour everything.

The light of the extreme sun in his left hand, facing the nine cuts of the years, and even the pure power of Yang Zhiqiang, smashing the rules of time, breaking the law with force, assisting the light in the left hand, melting the fragments of time, and eroding the nine waves.

In an instant, his big killing technique that ripped apart the rules of time was so violently broken!

At this time, he seemed to be waving the sword of extreme yang and the sword of extreme yin, and continued to move forward. The extreme yang and the extreme yin rise together, cutting through time and space!

The place where she stood, was full of fragments of time. Even though her avenue of time seemed to transcend all methods, it was now violently turbulent, and the runes of time splashed and were scattered.

Wang Xuan broke the law with force, rude, but very effective.

\"From time immemorial to the present, all things and all methods are rotten, only my way will last forever!\"The slender body with white hair surging out the boundless texture of time, like a sea of ​​time has appeared, corroding all methods and destroying Wang Xuan's Extremely positive and extremely negative light.

Wang Xuan was moved, stared with spiritual eyes, and was very envious of Shi Shitian's true holy practice. If he wanted to observe the essence, this piece of supreme scripture was absolutely powerful and outrageous. As for the person in front of him, he didn't take it to heart yet. The fierce collision of black and white light on him,

Melt, and then sent out wisps of chaotic matter, and instantly shot out a chaotic light.

With a bang, it was said that all laws are rotten, only time is eternal, and the vast sea of ​​time was penetrated by Wang Xuan's beam, and was torn apart by the chaotic air.

Then, Ran Ran was pierced by a terrifying force through her chest and flew out, her body torn apart, but she recovered in an instant. At this moment, Mu Wuya in the Dead Mountain and Jing Zhongyue in the Paper Temple quickly stood by her side, blocking Wang Xuan, and the three of them fought the enemy together. \"The power of a market, you are also a parallel importer!\" Wang Xuan looked at Ran.

The core disciple from Shi Shitian, whose beautiful face was covered with a bright red blood color, was so angry. \"We should have gone together long ago.\"Wang Xuan faced the three of them alone, not understanding at all, he pushed forward and looked down at the three of them. "He should have broken the limit 4 times, right? Everything is disguised?" Someone whispered outside the court.

"No, in the subtle realm, the power he used really only superimposed and blended the texture of the triple imperial Taoism." You Chao Peiji said. Wang Xuan's heart moved when he heard it, he really used only nearly 4 times of breaking the limit at the moment, and did not fully erupt. However, he really didn't know that in the past, he used the power of breaking the limit a few times, and in the subtle field, there were several layers of royal road texture. He pondered that in the future, he would do in-depth research in this field.

\"The three of you together, you are no more than the power of the Three Ruins, probably not enough to see!\" Wang Xuan said.

All the true saint disciples have reached a consensus at this moment, fighting against Kong Xuan, if you can make him shut up, you will definitely not give him a chance to speak. Eun Ran is the most resentful, the primordial spirit shines, and this time she uses a kind of killer, the primordial spirit interprets the true sacred practice of the supreme meaning, mobilizes the power of the years, and she builds a

A strange circle of time, unleashing the power of chaotic years, among which is the incomparably violent rune of time boiling. Then, with a swipe of her hands, the time monster escaped the constraints of time and space and covered Wang Xuan. At the same time, two people from the two countries also shot, attacking Wang Xuan together.

Wang Xuan was not afraid, the aura of one person overwhelmed the three, and his gestures and gestures led to the mighty force between heaven and earth. \"Only I am the only real one, everything in the world is a bubble, time is just the sand that slips from my fingertips, and everything I see is false.

He was whispering, but in the ears of Eun Ran and some of her people, it was like a chaotic sky thunder blasting, shaking her blood to churn.

Wang Xuan whispered, not what he said after imagining, but was really using some kind of terrifying power that he realized to run the Dafa of mental illness one by one. The effect is very significant, he directly tore open the circle of time, turning it into nothingness. Even with the exclamation of Eranduah, the primordial spirit was stunned and suffered a heavy blow.

At the same time, Mu Wuya, who was in the Qijiling lineage who was on the road of body refinement, made his move. His body was intertwined with the light of Daoist transformation, and his blood was bubbling. He was like a prehistoric monster born and slammed towards Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan is not afraid, and runs the galaxy to wash the body scriptures. This used to be the most difficult scripture method on the road of body refinement. At this moment, the galaxy has millions of threads and descends, and he seems to be standing in the sea of ​​​​ After washing his body, he really dared to practice, and he practiced it well. \"

"It should be based on the exterior scene of the galaxy. The pure Xinghe washes the body, and it is difficult to get through in the real immortal realm." Another commented. In the field, with a loud bang, Wang Xuan's fist shook the core disciples of Silent Hill, spitting blood. During the hard shaking, Mu Wuya, who had been repressed by a strong force, staggered backwards. Under the white starlight, he made **** footprints one step at a time.

On the other side, it also happened at the same moment. Jing Zhongyue, the 4th time limiter of the Paper Temple, swiped his hands and performed a bunch of extraordinary firelight, which was like the source of all mythical civilizations, bright and slow, suppressing Wang Xuan. past.

At this moment, various scriptures appeared in Wang Xuan's mind, as if he was automatically turning the pages and reading all kinds of scriptures at his fingertips, he had the urge to vent, to interpret them all and unify them. With a bang, his primordial spirit and spirit resonated, and his hands traced a path with rhythm, as if he was splashing ink on a world-shattering picture.

At this time, he can be said to be wonderful in shape and spirit. In the void, outlined by his hands and interpreted spiritually, a vast and boundless sea of ​​transcendental light appeared. The mythical waves swept through, and the shocking waves slammed into pieces of the old universe, and then flocked to the center. In the big universe, extraordinary meteorites pass through the sky and go away...

In the rumbling sound, the rhyme of Dao is boundless! As soon as this magnificent picture comes out, everyone's faces

The color has changed, he is interpreting his own Dao and Dharma, and he has initially walked out of his own path, and it actually happened in this situation. In an instant, Jing Zhongyue of the Paper Temple bleeds from seven orifices, and was shocked and flew out.

In an instant, the three masters in front were severely injured and felt that they could not resist. They tried their best to move forward, but were suppressed by a terrifying rhyme, trembling all over, and their bodies shook to the ground.

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