Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 373: Shake the foundation of the supernatural existence

In Stronghold 1, everyone died, but they didn't know it.

Wang Xuan left and finally looked back. If you think about it carefully, this is a very terrifying thing.

They are dead, but their daily life is "business as usual", they don't know, they repeat what they should do, and they can't break out of that terrible vicious circle.

Perhaps after a long time, the news will not be transmitted back to the supercenter universe, and the new superhumans will also join them and fall into the terrible reincarnation of decay and awakening together.

Is this area special, or has "hell becomes empty" in a certain sense? As a result, there are no living people!

"Is it because of the scene of the Holy Death? Even if you don't look at the sky, you will still die, or there is a problem with the fog in the ruins." Wang Xuan walked away with doubts.

He looked at the map and followed the roads opened by the various "advance teams", but he frowned on the way. Is this safe?

All he saw were the dead, and their experiences had been proven to be problematic. Following their path, the final destination would not be like that.

The jungle is dense with a wide variety of species, the pure white and furry mutant hellcat, the beautifully-winged finches, all kinds of small animals, and monsters, in the mountains and on the plains, haunt from time to time.

During the day, **** is so normal, all things happen unexpectedly and are full of vitality.

Wang Xuan asked the strange object on the mobile phone and said, "Fortress 1, why is it like that, there are no living people in hell, how did it happen?"

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The strange thing on the mobile phone was a little silent. Even it looked like this, which shocked Wang Xuan. Is this a very serious and scary topic?

"Two kinds of answers, which one do you want to hear?" Finally, he still spoke.

"I want to hear it all." Wang Xuan said, he walked through a plateau along the opened path, shrinking into an inch, and his speed was very fast.

Near base 2.

The strange thing on the mobile phone said: "One is the answer that is acceptable to the extraordinary. There are some problems in hell."

It doesn't expand in detail.

Wang Xuan was stunned, there is another answer that extraordinary people can't accept? In an instant, he had many terrifying and absurd associations.

He had a hunch that the strange thing on the mobile phone had been silent earlier, and it should have involved some kind of very heavy topic!

Sure enough, it said, "Another answer, which the Transcendent Realm will never approve of, can be said to be a poisonous answer."

If its next words are spread to the outside world, it will definitely be a big earthquake, which will shake the solid foundation of the entire mythical world.

"Those who transcended tribulation and became immortals who did not keep their original bodies are actually dead, and only the remnants remain, fused with mythological factors.

Wang Xuan stared at it, this kind of words will indeed subvert the inherent theory of the supernatural world.

It wasn't the first time he heard that in the mother universe, the myths were decaying, the fairyland was dark, and when it was about to go out, all the immortals were lost. Some people said this.

Back then, even the demon master Yanyan had sent out a soul torture question, whether becoming an immortal was just a dream, a continuation of obsession, and entered the scene of the gathering of extraordinary factors.

And the big screen of the fairy world is more like a tomb, a tomb!

It is not the gathering place of immortals, but the tomb of immortals.

The ancestor of the blood and Lao Zhang also reflected on it. When the tribulation was over, the moment the body was shattered, did it mean that he died? Obsessed to live, to survive because of the extraordinary, to become immortal in name, in fact into the big screen, buried in the grave.

The strange thing on the mobile phone said: "Hell involves the rules of life and death, and it is the rhyme of the supreme realm, which makes all the truths related to life and death manifest. The flesh body reorganized by the mythical factors, under the rhyme of the rules of life and death, when it is impacted, the manifestation of its demise is Rotten, the shattering of the true spirit. When the supernatural conditions improve, the mythical elements reunite, and they 'live' again."

Wang Xuan was shocked, not because of these remarks, after all, it was not the first time I heard it, but because the mobile phone strange thing is also interpreted in this way, it stands too high in the field.

At the end of the extraordinary age, when Lie Xian doubted himself, everything was forgivable. However, a true saint level monster interprets it like this, it seems terrifying.

Is this the ultimate truth? !

This is indeed poisonous. If it spreads out, 90% of the people in the supernatural world will go crazy, especially those who have transcended the calamity and become immortals. They will be falsified and die, and they will appear in the real rules of hell.

The mobile phone strange object said: "People with primitive bodies are still alive, and even in hell, they will not rot. Therefore, the appearance of people like you seems to prove that some people are not true."

"Do people who don't accept toxic views think I'm a public enemy?" Wang Xuan laughed at himself.

"Almost." The mobile phone strange thing was very calm.

"Don't you really interpret it this way, all the immortals are dead?" Wang Xuan asked in a low voice.

"It's just a point of view, not a conclusion." said the strange object of the mobile phone.

Wang Xuan breathed a sigh of relief. Although he was fine himself and became immortals in the flesh, those acquaintances and old friends were on the road to becoming immortals, and it was difficult to accept that they were essentially dead.

"There are various angles, paths, and viewpoints for transcendental analysis. The one I'm talking about is just an extreme path, but if you study it carefully, you can indeed support a system."

Having said that, it added: "Everything is yin and yang. It is not static. It can transform rotten people. You have also seen that they can also recover and still think they are alive. In fact, there are indeed people who can really break free. Method."

"How?" Wang Xuan asked. The strange thing on the mobile phone said: "After becoming a foreigner, that is the real resurrection. No matter what your past is, the foreigner will come to the real **** and enter a special area. Under the supreme background of the rules of life and death, you will not Rotten, but still full of vitality."

Wang Xuan nodded. He also felt that the earlier explanation was a bit extreme, but it did make some sense.

"Hell, real and special, life and death, yang and yin, the richness and decay of mythological factors, can all find references."

Wang Xuan said: "The rise and fall of the extraordinary, the splendid prosperity and the darkness of winter, repeating itself again and again, the day and night of **** also have certain essential shadows."

Then, he asked again, "Are those people in stronghold 1 still alive?"

"Essentially, they entered the problematic area and indeed died, and now they are in a vicious circle, it depends on how to deal with the fragments of the holy relic."

"Sacred artifact fragments? This area is weird, so terrifying, and it's all related to it?" Wang Xuan was taken aback.

"Yeah!" The strange thing on the phone only uttered one word. "Can I find it?" Wang Xuan said to himself.

"Maybe someone got in first," said the strange thing on the phone.

Wang Xuan came to the No. 2 stronghold. It was still a ruin, and the scale was not small. He stayed here for one night and found the same problem.

The terrifying spectacle of the saint's death was repeated, and the two aliens quickly dissolved under the true blood that fell from the giant eyes, which was extremely terrifying. Those who are in **** in this area cannot avoid this kind of wonder, and they have to experience it every night.

And in this ruin, everyone in the middle of the night will rot, die, and come back to life in the morning.

Wang Xuan was in a heavy heart. After the sun rose, he wanted to know whether the people in the real holy dojo outside the world were also recruited, but found that there was no one.

He was told that the advance team from outside the world was exploring the way ahead, and no one was left.

Then came the No. 3 and No. 4 bases. Wang Xuan experienced it himself. The four bases were the same and faced the same problems. Not a single person was alive.

What surprised and alerted him was that without the disciples of the True Holy Dojo, none of them remained!

People from different dojos in the outer world did not walk together, but they all entered the wild one after another to explore the way ahead.

"There is a situation!"

Wang Xuan's eyes widened, and he followed the path opened on the map. For the time being, he did not walk into the unknown area by himself, because it was really dangerous.

"Wonderful thing!" During the process of exploring the road, the texture of the imperial Taoism flowed in his eyes, and he keenly found a big medicine in a mountain area not far away.

The moment he walked over and dug up the mountain, black and white light shot up to the sky, and there were two pieces of Polygonum multiflorum in the ground. , can nourish the source.

Not to mention true immortals, it can be used by the super peers, and if it evolves further, it will be a great medicine of the alien level.

In the distance, a stone castle was flowing with white mist. Someone stood on the high platform and said, "Outside base 4, a great medicine of yin and yang is produced. Hurry up and dig it up so that the rotten slaves don't steal it."

Obviously, this stone fort is a solid cave, and there are traces of chaotic substances overflowing. It is by no means something that ordinary forces can bring around and use at will. It is extremely precious.

Wang Xuan dug out the great medicine of yin and yang, and was in a good mood. Hell is indeed rich and the products are amazing. Even on the road, you can find this strange thing.

He frowned, a heaven-level expert flew over very quickly, and when he put away the strange medicine, the other party's self-light never left the Yin Yang He Shou Wu.

"Fortunately, it came in time and hasn't been eaten yet."

The person who came was a big demon, with silver wings on his back, very strong, with a dark single horn on his head, vaguely shrouded in the power of thunder.

"It's hard work, give me the yin and yang medicine." He opened his mouth naturally and asked Wang Xuan for it.

"For you?" Wang Xuan frowned, guessing that his identity was probably from a certain true holy dojo in a place beyond the world. Because this kind of person was exploring ahead, and surprisingly and uniformly avoided the four strongholds, there was obviously a problem!

The strong man with silver wings on his back and a black horn on his head said, "Yin-yang medicine is rare. You need to bring it back to Black and White to eat. Don't fight with it, and you will be credited for your credit."

"Who is Black and White, do I know you?" Wang Xuan was unhappy, feeling that the other party was too self-righteous.

"The yin and yang **** mastiff, born with a different species, bears a yin and yang map, and it is worth cultivating at any cost. Well, you don't know me, but you are new here. I haven't given you 'Kaizhi' yet, so I will help you." With a weird smile, he took out a small clock. The outside was dark and the inside was snow-white, but it was hazy, not like a physical phone, interwoven by rules.

After Wang Xuan heard his words, he immediately became angry. He was just a celestial demon, even if he came from a true holy dojo. He dared to ridicule him like this, comparing him to a different breed of **** dog. , is purely courting death!

He killed all the core disciples of the true saint, not to mention others.

"The old is destroyed and the new is born, wake up again, obey the call of the demon court, and the demon slaves will return to their positions." The primordial spirit of the big demon with black horns fluctuated violently. Of course, the most terrifying thing was the bell in his hand. Fog shrouded the mountains.

Naturally, Wang Xuan would not be careless. Although he was not in a hurry to find out the truth, he was very cautious and prepared all six bronze spears.

As a result, this is it?

However, he also frowned after all, this is indeed a lore for others!

The bell body, the inner wall is snow-white, the outer is dark, and the fog it emits is exactly the same as the fog that pervades the four strongholds in the middle of the night, and has the same characteristics.

This is to make him rot and then revive, so that it can be used by them? For a time, let him murderous.

The four strongholds are man-made?

Moreover, he heard that this big demon came from the demon court, and he was indeed a disciple of the True Saint Dojo in a place other than the world, and his roots were astonishing.

"Why haven't they experienced decay and recovery, isn't the power left by the fragments of the sacred relic insufficient?" The strong man was surprised.

"You really dare to do it, so many extraordinary people have rotted and turned into dead people because of this!" Wang Xuanhan said.

"Not dead!" The one-horned demon retreated, feeling that the situation was not good, and did not turn into a demon slave. Is it because the rules of the sacred artifact fragments have failed, or because they encountered a stubborn stubborn?

"Come here!" Wang Xuan reached out and grabbed at him.

The big monster with dark horns on its head is very There is no sign of fear, the single horn on its head bursts with dazzling thunder, and it moves forward. At the same time, his silver wings spread out, tearing apart the void, not reluctant to fight, leaving first. He wants to report that there is a very special Transcendent here.

After a short contact, the one-horned demon was caught. During the fierce resistance, Wang Xuan grabbed his body and smashed his primordial spirit with one punch, because he had to explode himself first.

"Unicorn died, unexpectedly so fast, and a very difficult role has appeared. Who would be in **** alone? Wei Yun, Sun Wukong, Li Jiujie, quality inspector Kong Xuan"

In the distance, on the high platform of the stone castle, a young man muttered to himself. He immediately felt that the one-horned monster died instantly after passing by, and ordered people to rush over immediately.

"Bring an alien weapon!"

At the same time, he got in touch with "acquaintances" through the extraordinary secret network.

"I, Yao Ting, Wu Chengdao. I seem to have a big fish here, but there is no evidence yet. It is entirely from my instinctive intuition. It may be the person you want to meet in Guixu."

After finishing the call, his primordial spirit glowed, and he said to himself, "I am the only one!"

He let the primordial spirit channel, and the mark of the Royal Dao appeared between the eyebrows, condensed into a sacred and dazzling demon inscription, and a beam of light shot out, illuminating the void, and throwing it into the wilderness.

At the same time, in the distance, Wang Xuan triggered the supernatural induction, and he was also scanning the surrounding fields, his primordial spirit was brilliant, and he said, "I am the only one."

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