Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 376: chaos

Wang Xuan climbed over the mountains and mountains, across the plains, shrinking into an inch, and rushing through the wilderness of hell.

Suddenly, the strange object on the mobile phone glowed and said, "Someone is looking for you."

"There is also a signal in the wilderness?" Wang Xuan was surprised.

"The signal of the transcendent communicator you use is sometimes absent. I directly used the secret network in their secret network, which should be built for a few true holy dojos." The mobile phone responded.

Generally, the people who contacted it should be acquaintances of Wang Xuan.

However, after seeing it, he found that the number was unfamiliar and had no impression.

"Which one?" he asked.

"Kong Xuan, it's really you, you're going to **** so soon, beyond our expectations!" The person opposite was very surprised, thinking that it would take a few years.

Soon, he revealed his identity. He was from the Five Tribulations Mountain and had been informed that Kong Xuan was going to hell.

Wu Lindao informed that Kong Xuan likes to walk alone, and if there is no news from him in hell, it must be good news, and there is no need to disturb him.

Once there is news of him, it is most likely that he is in big trouble. Either he is under siege, or he is out of a big basket. You can contact him and ask him what kind of help he needs.

"Tell me, how can we cooperate with you!" The people from Wujieshan also entered **** not long ago, but they were very straightforward and asked how to fight back.

This core disciple is also a very ruthless character, knowing that the mothership of Wuji Mountain will probably sink into the huge waves in this life, so he is very aggressive and is already ready to fight in hell.

"He's not here, didn't the people in Yaoting say that Kong Xuan was driven to this area like a dog by them?" Zhuo Tianming opened his mouth, and his pupils flowed with a golden light like the sun.

The people who returned to the Ruins Dojo were the first to arrive, because they were the biggest sufferers, and their core disciple Yuan Tian was killed.

"He has already escaped. Looking at the traces on the ground, the creatures in the city have indeed rioted, and they have chased them out for hundreds of miles."

The people from Time Day have also arrived. Shaohua, the woman in black, used the power of time rules to backtrack here and see many vague figures.

Several dojo staff arrived one after another. Then, someone contacted the people in Yaoting through the secret network and asked if they didn't leave anyone to stare at this place?

Wu Chengdao answered and responded: "Everyone, I have already said that I have encountered difficult problems and are in urgent need of manpower. Isn't it very simple to trace a person's traces with your methods? Sent to help."

Soon, he ended the call, quickly became extremely serious, and said, "Okay, right now, while no one is disturbing, we will go on the road immediately."

A great demon with a heavenly perfection opened his mouth, with a worried look on his face, and said, "Do you really want to go to 'Tianchaocheng'? There are 5 people who have broken the limit, and it is not something we can gnaw at the moment. !"

"When we get there, we won't be able to enter the city, it's useless, and everyone who goes in may die!" A peerless demon king said with a solemn expression on his face.

Heavenly Chaos City is very chaotic, with all kinds of monsters running rampant. It is one of the big cities under the jurisdiction of the Holy Emperor City, and it is huge in scale.

There are really 5 "prowlers" sitting there. In the real fairy area of ​​hell, there are such creatures, which are considered to be Jedi.

According to records, just in the last era, a famous disciple of Yaoting died there. A real 5-time limit-breaker caused the heartache of the dojo for a long time.

And this time, Wu Chengdao was daring and went to the super limit breaker who became a "prowler".

"It's a rare opportunity. We have opened up those dojos. No one is bothering us now. You can try it. We really want to use the limit-breakers who had true sages in our Yaoting for our own use. In the future, we will be able to travel unimpeded in this area. , 5 times to break the limit, the former facade-level descendant of my demon court!"

Wu Chengdao looked solemn, and there was a fiery light in his eyes.

Yao Ting has always made "arrangements" for the disciples who enter hell. For this reason, the disciples have been specially trained to practice a kind of miracle, which has left marks on their bodies.

If this kind of person falls into **** and becomes a wanderer, many years later, when the latecomers of the demon court meet them again, activate the mark and maybe control them.

If it is successful this time, Yaoting will regain an ace fighter who has broken the limit five times and will sweep this area.

Wu Chengdao is not impulsive. They have been operating in **** for many years. They accidentally dug up fragments of sacred objects and controlled four strongholds.

In every big city, under the huge city under the imperial city, there are also holy relic fragments. If they are obtained and refined, they can interfere with the actions of various monsters in the city.

Wu Chengdao went on an adventure precisely because he was holding a piece of holy relic.

A middle-aged man said: "Sacred artifact fragments can interfere with ordinary monsters in the city, but they are probably ineffective against those who have broken the limit 5 times. Don't forget, the facade of my demon court is a person who died in battle at the same level. In his hand, there should be other prowlers or terrifying monsters that have breached the limit 5 times."

"No, I got the latest feedback. My uncle helped me to check various materials in the demon court and found that a monster in Tianran City was destroyed in the late last era of the last era, and there was a prowler who broke the limit 5 times. The last year of the first era was completely smashed, and now there are only the peerless true immortals of my demon court."

Wu Chengdao was a little excited, and the light in his eyes was as bright as the blazing sun, and he was going to collect a terrifying powerhouse of true saints for their use. "I'm sure that there are only the super limit breakers of my demon court left? God helps my demon court!"

Others are also tempted. Who can resist this? If he controls that person, he will be able to run rampant in this area in the future. Who can stop it?

Of course, there are also some people who are worried that something will happen. The safest way is to wait for the main force of the demon court to enter **** before starting.

After all, their main task is to collect all kinds of information and develop routes. However, now that more than 80% of the big demons have nodded in agreement, who wants to miss such a big credit? If they really want to succeed, the 5-time limit-breakers, plus the various means carefully prepared by the Demon Court in this life, may be able to capture some big cities and grow like a snowball.

A group of big demons in the demon court rides the dragon, rides the black demon cloud, shatters the sky, and disappears in a blink of an eye. The goal is the chaotic city!

Wang Xuan did not let the core disciples of Wujie Mountain and others participate, but only asked them to help find the whereabouts of the people in Yaoting, because he was empty.

The group of people from Wujie Mountain was really interesting. When they came up, they asked him how to fight back. The fighting spirit was high. They made it clear that they didn't care about life and death.

Wang Xuan was really touched and accepted their good intentions, but he didn't want to let these people fall into the huge whirlpool of being besieged.

After all, it was a joint effort of multiple dojos to surround and suppress him. At present, he is alone. He is very mobile and has some trump cards of his own. It is not a problem to escape, and he can always be ready to fight back.

"Does it belong to a dog? The nose is so sensitive, I really caught up!" Wang Xuan frowned. When he was in the wilderness, looking for the traces of Yaoting, the people from the dojo followed all the way.

He realized that the strange objects on the mobile phone did not revive the rhyme, and there was no forbidden power shrouded in it, and he had to erase all traces by himself.

A group of people is naturally scattered, along the large mountains, and the plains are advancing in this direction, and some people go to the front.

"Looking back at you to settle the account, **** is empty, and your advance team is also the target of being emptied." Wang Xuan shrank to an inch and walked away through the jungle.

"Huh?!" Suddenly, his complexion changed slightly and he met a middle-aged man. The other party's stealth skills were strong enough that he was only aware of it after a distance of more than ten miles.

For true immortals, a dozen miles is equivalent to face-to-face.

·Wang Xuan didn't say a word, he slaughtered straight forward, and the space along the way was distorted.

This is a heaven-level expert, holding a rare treasure. It is too late to call someone from the Paper Temple. He activates the blood-colored long knife in his hand. Click!

Wang Xuan broke the knife with his left hand, and cut open the light curtain of his body with his right hand. With a puff, when he rushed over, the person's body and soul were cut open, and then it turned into a large rain of light.

"Unfortunately, I encountered a super peerless world again!"

Wang Xuan's brows jumped wildly, and on the road ahead, an old man with a very high level of Taoism appeared, carrying a 24-section copper whip, made of Daluo's copper mother, a quasi-human-level weapon.

"If you stay away from the city and activate various weapons, the impact will not be very big." Wang Xuan did not evade, his eyes showed coldness, and he rushed over at high speed.

On the opposite side, the old man was also super fast, his body crossed, crushing the void, holding a copper whip, slicing the world, with great power.

"Kong Xuan? Even if you change your appearance, you can't hide it from us!" The old man opened his mouth, but it was actually a kind of spiritual tide that killed the primordial spirit, and a peerless light swept over.

This time, Wang Xuan was merciless, and he moved the real thing. He used the Western Heaven Shield to block him. This is the weapon of Sun Wukong.

At the same time, the outer universe near his body, the void space, opened silently, and the six-bar regular copper spear was stained with rust, revealing its true form.

All this happened in an instant. When the two met, they both wanted to kill each other as soon as possible.

Wang Xuan used the real trump card, if he could not kill the opponent, he would be killed instantly, and he would definitely die. With a puff, blood splashed out.

The extraordinary shock from Silent Hill, I couldn't believe his eyes, what did he see, six copper spears with green rust stabbing, isn't this the legendary sacred relic of their dojo?

The Daluo copper whip in his hand was broken, and several bronze spears rushed past, smashing the tide of his primordial spirit, and then pierced through his flesh and true primordial spirit, he was not able to defend!

His Primordial Spirit fragment screamed in despair. He was really unwilling. He was a peerless person who died in the hands of a true immortal. It was impossible for him to come true.

What puzzled him the most was how the six bronze spears with Dao rhyme appeared in Kong Xuan's hands. Could it be that he was a disciple arranged by the True Sage outside?

This strong man from Silent Hill was indignant, desperate, unwilling, and puzzled, but he couldn't change anything. He disintegrated, and his body and spirit were broken together and burned to ashes.

Wang Xuan was delighted, the six-bar rule copper spear is really strong, it is indeed something that is related to the true saint, and it can become a big killer.

The most important thing is that he doesn't need to "raise" himself, just arrange the space.

However, he also keenly noticed that the six-bar rule copper spear was a little dim. This shows that the rhythm of the old zombies outside the world can't come here, it is purely consumed here, and if necessary, it needs to be brought back to the world to "raise".

"This thing may still have some magical uses in hell." The mobile phone strange thing said.

Wang Xuan killed Chao Peering and put away the broken Daluo copper whip. First, because it was really good material, and second, he didn't want to leave a strong Qi.

At the same time, the center of his eyebrows glowed, and once he was running, he regarded this area as nothingness, burned his breath, and dissolved all traces.

He hardly stopped, and after completing all of this skillfully, he quickly left.

"Kong Xuan?!"

After getting away from this area, Wang Xuan encountered the interceptor again, this time it was an acquaintance.

There was also a glamorous woman in a black dress beside her. Even the black hair was glowing, and the fragments of time flowed around her.

What's worse is that there is still time and day's super peerless in the distance, and it is not very far away.

There was nothing to say, Wang Xuan rushed in, and there were people in the surrounding area.

He found that, as Kong Xuan, he didn't have a weapon that he could handle? On the opposite side, the glamorous black-clothed woman is Shaohua, with a spear in her hand, the power of the years is flowing, it is terrifying, it is definitely an alien-level weapon.

Wang Xuan's hands were dazzling, and a lamp appeared. It was the night he was caught by the Karma fishing rod, the nine-color magic lamp that he snatched from the hands of Ziying's avatar, who killed the people in Guixu Dojo, and was named by him. To return to the market lamp.

In an instant, the nine-color divine light shines!

This kind of light is very powerful, blocking the power of the years and resisting the alien-level divine spear.

"Good thief, back then, it really was you who murdered the master of my Guixu Dojo and took away the treasure of my True Saint Dojo."

In the distance, Zhuo Tianming, who was in the Dojo of the Returned Ruins, had brilliant blond hair, as if standing in a golden sun, coming from the sky.

There is also Zilin, who has killing intent on her face. This is her aunt Ziying's magic lamp, but she was taken away by the other party. Now it is confirmed that he is Kong Xuan.

In the field, Ran Gu ran away, and did not want to be involved in the weapon confrontation of the alien level. At the same time, she was also extremely dissatisfied with Shaohua, and wanted to see how much power she had in her performance.

Wang Xuan held the return lamp with one hand, blocking the spear with the power of time, and reached out with the other hand, and grabbed it towards the neck of the black-clothed woman.

Shaohua was furious. This Kong Xuan was really unscrupulous. He didn't take her seriously. In the face of the real 4th time limit breaker, he grabbed her neck when he came up. This was contempt and even more contempt.

The two collided, Shaohua evolved the rules of time, and hundreds of millions of rays of brilliance were released. This woman was very ferocious, and ordinary fairy goddesses rarely chose spears to face the enemy.

In the light, in the bright runes, under the impact of the power of the years, she and Wang Xuan rushed to the great rift valley below, and then sank into the ground.

In fact, she was suppressed by Wang Xuan, pressing all the way to the ground, and even at the last moment, her time shield light curtain was torn apart after being violently impacted by the opponent, and then the big hand grabbed her neck. .

Underground, Shaohua was shocked. She was the true 4th time limiter. Could it be that she couldn't pass the level of a quality inspector and was verified as having only the strength of a ruin? !

Fortunately, there is still a treasure of defense in her body, and a layer of veil appears, with strong time rules, preventing the big hand from catching her.


Even so, her neck was splattered with blood and was about to be crushed.

Wang Xuan frowned, the nearby Super Peerless, and people from other dojos arrived. The woman in front of her had a tulle in her body to protect her primordial spirit, and there was a life talisman that could be resurrected. The alien-level spear in her hand was also lingering around the talisman. Text, full blast.

The place was wrong, the time was too late, and he couldn't kill him instantly.

With a bang, he pressed the opponent to the ground, pinched his neck, and escaped from the ground.

Shaohua trembled, as she said, she was held down, defeated, and was almost killed. In an instant, she recovered, and all the blood flowed back, leaving no trace, and wiped away the breath here.

"Shaohua, are you alright?" A group of people swooped down, some of which were super peerless from Shitian, and some of the core disciples of other dojos.

"What can I do, but unfortunately, let him escape, hurry up!" Shaohua said flatly, wearing a black dress, still glamorous.

Ran glanced at her a few times, trying to find something, but she looked back with cold eyes.

A group of people chased and killed again. This time, Shaohua and Chao Peering attacked together, and they were no longer too far apart.

Wang Xuan came to an area with many cities, which made all parties jealous. He successfully got rid of the pursuit and disappeared at the end of the horizon.

"I found it. The people from Yaoting went to Tianran City, a place related to them. In the previous era of the dojo, there were 5 limit breakers who died there. Now that the people from Tulu dare to go here, there is probably something strange. ."

News from the core disciples of Wujie is extremely efficient.

"Okay, then don't get involved with me!" Wang Xuan went on his own, following the map provided by the disciples of Wujie Mountain, and rushed towards Tianchao City.

"A person who has broken the limit 5 times died. What do you want to do? Reunite with you!" Wang Xuan whispered.

Outside Tianran City, on a mountain peak, Wu Chengdao was looking out and said to himself, "I am the only one!"

The center of his eyebrows glowed, and a beam of light that pierced the illusory and revealed the truth was shot out. When it landed in the city, he saw a special creature, like the king of the city, standing in the center.

"The five-time limit-breaker, the face-level character of my Demon Court back then, is about to be used by me. Who can stop us in this area? Just swept across, what Li Jiujie, Wilderness Wanderer, and Quality Inspector Kong Xuan, All in one punch!

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