Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 384: hell is a good place

Deep Space Beyond New Chapter 384 Hell is a good place


The City of Hell is a name for a special city. It is huge and can move. The wanderers and native monsters in **** are densely packed.


This is the Jedi second only to the Holy City, the Holy Temple and other places. "How does it compare to Heavenly Chaos City?"


"Although the monsters that broke the limit five times in Tianran City have been recorded in the annals of history, they can't be compared with the City of Hell God." The strange thing on the mobile phone responded.


Back then, even the woman it valued was injured with the strength of Gedai, who disdainfully broke the limit five times, and blood stained the city of God.


Of course, she was still killed there.


Wang Xuan was fascinated by it. He didn't meet that era, he didn't see that woman, so he couldn't really learn from each other.


Even, until now, he has not seen the 5 time limit breakers alive in the True Holy Dojo come to hell, and all creatures of this level are hidden like treasures. "Come up too." Wang Xuan called out a few demons. In an instant, the bull demon, the yin-yang dog, and the void rat were all terrified, from the head to the toe, it was time to come.


"Bring that pot up too." Wang Xuan added.


"I...want to take it easy!" Black Swan staggered.


The furs of several demons were all blown up, killing demons and killing their hearts. Is this asking them to carry the pot up to the city gate, and then jump into the pot on their own initiative?


A huge dark blue moon hangs in the air, and the whole **** night is blue and dark, very deep. In terms of appearance, it is much better than the dark night when you can't reach your fingers in the past.


Of course, some people don't see it that way. In another city in the Twin Cities, people from several dojos are healing their wounds, and the atmosphere is very dull.


The riots in **** caused them great damage, and many disciples died.


After dawn, they would have to report the loss to a place outside the world. At present, they must need reinforcements, otherwise the current troops will not be enough.


Suddenly, someone's eyes straightened, staring at the small town on the horizon.


"Kong Xuan, the dog said, provocative! He is not only drinking tea, but also setting up a black pot on the opposite side to cook meat and eat!" As a result, the quality inspectors who had been surrounded and suppressed by them were leisurely, eating and drinking, watching them flee, and watching the real holy dojo suffer.


"That's...a few demon immortals, shouldn't they belong to the demon court, and fell into Kong Xuan's hands?!" Zi Lin, the core disciple of the 4th time-breaking core disciple of the Guixu Dojo, had her hair stained. The blood of the monster, the white face is full of surprise.


Kong Xuan's movements have always been followed by them.


Is it related to him when the Demon Court was completely destroyed? It stands to reason that he doesn't have that kind of strength yet.


However, now a group of people can't help frowning when they see several demons.


"Go over and take a look tomorrow morning," said Shang Zhou, the 4th time-breaking disciple of the Paper Temple, his short silver hair burning like a fire in the dark night.


"Hell is a good place. The people of the True Holy Dojo can't be arrogant here." Wang Xuan drank tea and looked into the distance.


He tasted another mouthful of black tiger meat, but he gave up completely, the wire-like meat was really not delicious.


As for the braised goose, stewed Void Rat, and boiled a pot of black dog meat, he didn't have that thought anymore.


He estimated that the flesh of several demons was similar to that of steel wire.


At the same time, it was mainly because he saw just now that the huge tongue licked the whole body of the bull demon all over, it was wet, and he felt nauseated when he saw it.


Wang Xuan fed a pot of black tiger meat to several monsters. Although the iron pot is not big, there is a cave in it, and the whole black tiger like a hill is stewed in it.


"Let's eat, the world is so big, it's actually not easy for two strange creatures to meet, and it's a fate that we can meet in hell. I invite you to have a good meal.


Tears almost fell from the heads of the demons, and they couldn't eat any more. Black tiger meat is indeed a great supplement and a delicacy for them, but Kong Xuan's words are too sad. Is this to give them a full meal before dying? ? Getting them on their way soon! 2Wang Xuan learned a lot of important news from their mouths, excavated the mysterious properties of the withered yellow paper, and obtained the part of the scriptures mastered by the true saint of the demon race. He still has a good impression of them, and if he directly kills them Sorry.


In the middle of the night, he pondered the "True One Classic" and studied the changes between nothingness and existence. Suddenly, his heart moved, and he immediately "influenced" several people.


In fact, all kinds of top meta-mystery methods have some degree of attributes.


For example, the "Naturalization Classic" of Guixu Dojo, and the "Only Me Only Truth" deduced by Yaoting Zhensheng on the basis of Dafa of Psychiatry.


Wang Xuan ran the "Book of Truth", and the rhythm of truth and nothingness flowed from his body. He shot at their spiritual realm, "no" their hostility, "have" good feelings, turned away the evil against Kong Xuan, and gave birth to goodwill and goodwill. Closeness.


It has to be said that the methods in the spiritual realm are extremely terrifying. They can open up the world and distort and reshape a person's mind.


However, Wang Xuan sighed, this is not what he wanted, the marks of the axe are obvious, this kind of artificial change is forcibly "degree change", which is meaningless.


Then, he accepted the Fa and let them return to themselves. "It's better to kill a hundred." Wang Xuan said. "Don't, the little demon is willing to convert to the future true sage Kong Xuan and sit down and become a disciple. It is said that it is better to die than to live, and the calf wants to live another 500 years!" I can still live, and now I have recovered, but I am going to die, and the gap in my heart is a little big.


"Let's get a good baby in the next life, go to heaven, there will be no suffering." Wang Xuan raised his hand, it would not work if he didn't keep his mouth shut, that withered and yellow paper was too much to do, and if the true sage knew that he had to kill him and **** it from him if he turned a page in a year.


"But here is... hell, after entering, how can you go to heaven if you die in such a place? If you come to **** and get harvested, you won't be able to leave!" the bull demon shouted.


"It seems to be the truth." Wang Xuan nodded.


"You better treat us a little bit." Even the dog who was the least talkative bowed his head, and the other demons were naturally even more anxious.


Wang Xuan raised his hand, ready to give them a treat.


"Actually, there is a place to send them there." The strange thing on the phone said.


"Where?" Wang Xuan asked.


"Heavenly Court." The strange thing on the phone replied.


"Heavenly Court? I've only heard of Demon Court. Can we enter that kind of place?" The eyes of several demon immortals showed hope and a strong desire to survive.


"There's no such place, I'm wrong, the full name is Heavenly Court Dining Hall." The strange thing on the mobile phone informed him.


"I'm...a bit square, what are you doing in that place?!" Several demons were hairy on the spot, and they felt ominous when they heard their names. "Give you to the cook." The strange thing on the phone responded. A few fairies:


On the spot, their fur stood up, looking at this


The dark and icy monster has a sense of horror, and I want to curse it, but I dare not.


"You're too cruel, I might as well be stewed here. There is nothing more cruel than giving it to a professional to use a knife." Yin Yang Dog said.


They were in the Demon Court, and they had never seen anything. The fish demon who had violated the rules of the heavens was sent to the kitchen. The flesh body and the primordial spirit were stabbed by the dead cook without dying, and they were sent to the dining table alive.


Several demon immortals expected that the chefs in the Tianting Dining Hall were similar.


The strange thing on the phone said: "If you go, if you are lucky, you can help the cook, and you don't have to use it as an ingredient."


Originally, it wouldn't care about such trivial matters. Its original intention was to let Wang Xuan perform a few more changes in the meaning of the scriptures on several demons.


Just like before, when he realized the Dao, there were traces of mist overflowing, which made several people almost disappear, and then after he returned to the world from an unknown mysterious place, several people also recovered and appeared clearly.


"The cook suffered a disaster in the melee of a certain era. "No" tore the old universe, and a light wave penetrated the cook. "Yes" seems to have appeared before, fighting with unknown supreme creatures, and there is also the expansion of the light of ripples. The cook Very unlucky, he was hit one after another, and then blocked by other true saints, and the saint died, and now there is still a wisp of remnant spirit attached to the kitchen knife.

The mobile phone wonders wanted the cook to take a look at this kind of change that was similar to nothing, and use the rhyme that seems to be simple now, recalling himself, to see if there is a possibility of recovery. Then, a few people were temporarily taken over by the mobile phone, and when the time was right, they would be sent to the Heavenly Court Dining Hall.


The sun of **** rises, everything is full of vitality, a large number of wanderers in the wilderness have disappeared, and an extremely terrifying night has passed.


Several dojos counted their disciples and reduced their number by a quarter, which was cruel, but far better than expected.


After a lot of light from the sky, some people came to the outside of the small town where Wang Xuan was, and they all looked at the city indifferently to find out the situation.


"Yao Ting, is it because you were destroyed?" Someone asked. "Don't snap your hats, how could I have done such a tragic thing." Wang Xuanyi sternly refuted.


"Everyone, please don't talk nonsense. Kong Xuan is a good person. He risked his life to help me in Yaoting, but, after all, he is powerless."




Several demon immortals spoke up one after another, speaking for Kong Xuan. At present, they belonged to the non-staff members of the Tianting Canteen, saying that they were "abandoning the darkness and turning to the light".


"Kong Xuan said that he wants to help us to the end. If we are still alive, even if the Demon Court advance team is not completely destroyed, the branch is now officially established!"


A group of people in the city were dumbfounded, and the advance team of the pseudo-monster court was established.


They feel tired, and they shouldn't worry about this matter. When the elites of the demon court come, they will definitely find a few demon immortals for **** liquidation.


These dojos came and went quickly, and they did not intend to encircle and suppress Kong Xuan, because they were too tired in a short period of time, and each suffered heavy losses.


Moreover, they were a little unclear about the situation. How did those people in Yaoting die, and was it related to Kong Xuan? They decided to take a rest and wait for reinforcements to arrive.


On that day, new teams from each dojo came to **** to replenish their headquarters, and they were ready to take action to win a few cities.


The main thing is that the wilderness is too dangerous, and even those safe areas and strongholds are not secure. Every religion needs a strong and powerful city.


Obviously, the current Twin Cities can't satisfy them, because the scale is too small and it is prone to accidents.


In case there is an adversary, regardless of the cost, it is very easy for one person to launch a suicide attack with an Inhuman-level weapon and wipe out a small town.


Although this would break the rules of balance, the attackers could not escape death, but if one person and one weapon could be exchanged for heavy losses for the opposing faction, maybe someone would actually send a dead man to do this.


Wang Xuan also thought about this issue, and he was really worried. Someone threw an inhuman-level weapon at Lunzi, and he would be ruthless.


However, he was somewhat at ease with the six-bar regular bronze spear in his hand. If he really wanted to use this level of weapon defense, the last "nemesis" would also be counted on the head of the old zombie outside the world.


"Don't be careless, the must-kill list is extremely important. Some dojos will definitely look for them at all costs. Some true saints will also study the loopholes in the rules and refine special items themselves." The mobile phone reminded.


"It seems that it is necessary to take down a giant city. What about the **** city? It has a higher specification?" Wang Xuan asked.


The giant cities of hell, such as Tianran City, are highly defensive. Although Inhuman-level weapons can break it, they cannot be completely destroyed.


With such a place as a stronghold, it would naturally be extremely safe.


"It was killed." The mobile phone strange object said, suggesting that Wang Xuan himself go to see the famous Hell God City in the past, and he should pay tribute to the ruins.


It reminded: "Of course, it is still dangerous, and most people will not choose it as a foothold."


Wang Xuan stayed on the top of the city gate and never left, mainly because of the city opposite, the people from several dojos had not all retreated, leaving a few people behind.


If he goes out of the city, it is estimated that someone will be ready to make a move.


Wang Xuan didn't want to pay any attention to them for the time being, and began to think about breaking the limit 5 times.


"Are you going to set foot in that taboo field in the near future?" Even after hearing about the strange object on the mobile phone, there was some expectation.


Obviously, Wang Xuan's performance again and again made it not very calm. He wanted to see how extraordinary he was after breaking the limit five times.


"I still need to prepare. I have to realize the third method to be safe." Wang Xuan replied.


"What are you worried about?" asked the strange thing on the phone.


It can hear the charm, Wang Xuan can go in, but he is very cautious.


Last night, he comprehended the scriptures on the withered yellow paper. The first two methods were all trump card-level things. In the near future, he wants to make the third method into shape?


"It's a bit strange to break the limit 5 times. Last time I was near Yuanshen, I saw a grass and an hourglass. This is beyond understanding."


The mobile phone strange thing was surprised, he was actually worried about this kind of "sacred object" that represented the true sage.


After thinking about it, it said: "Looking back at the extraordinary history, nothing bad happened to these sacred objects in the past. They are all mysterious and extremely powerful. They can be used as killers and as trump cards."


"I didn't say that they are abnormal, they are unpredictable and dangerous things. I want to rely on myself to check and balance them, so I want to prepare some means." Wang Xuan said.


He added: "The balance rules of **** have given me some inspiration. I should pay attention to the sacred objects that were born inexplicably in the primordial spirit, and improve myself to balance it."


On the same day, news came out.


The people from the Paper Temple went to attack a city and kicked the iron plate. There were actually three wanderers who had broken the limit four times and chased them out, causing them a big loss.


Xuankongling, a true holy dojo that only wanted Sun Wukong and did not target Kong Xuan, kept a low profile for a long time, and took action to attack a target city.


Time Tian's reinforcements arrived, and after replenishing their troops, their hearts were a little bigger, and they went to attack a relatively "decimated giant city".


As a result, they suffered a crushing defeat. The giant city was a giant city after all, and it was not completely abandoned. There was still a monster that had broken the limit 5 times.


Kujiling was also blocked from attacking the city. After 4 breakthroughs, the core disciple Mu Wuya was torn off half of his body after entering the city, and he almost didn’t escape.


Returning to the ruins dojo, the two core disciples, Zhuo Tianming and Zilin, were both seriously injured, and half of the people who were brought in died.


All the avenues suffered a major They tried to capture a safe shelter, but they all failed on the first day.


"Hell has changed. Every city is a bit more dangerous than recorded. It's completely different from the past. This has invisibly raised a rank." Someone said with a heavy heart.


"What a bunch of rubbish, haven't their main force come yet?" After Wang Xuan knew the situation, he was also a little surprised that all the dojos actually failed.


In fact, the turmoil caused by this incident is far more serious than they imagined. When the news returns to the world later, it is destined to cause huge waves!


"Hell is indeed like a semi-independent outer universe. It has a different Dao rhyme from the transcendent central world. It is a good place to retreat and realize Dao." Wang Xuan said to himself.


The strange thing on the mobile phone told him that it takes two generations for the aliens to achieve, mainly because they need to change the universe and feel the different rules and rhymes.


And if he comes to **** and breaks the limit 5 times, it can be regarded as more understanding of some "quasi-universe" rules and rhymes.


"I'm going to build a giant city by myself, as a third way to clean the land, comprehend the law, and study the true scriptures." There seems to be some problems in the city of hell, and he can choose a target in the giant city.


"A single person can conquer a city?" The bull demon, the yin and yang dog, and the black swan were all shocked when they heard his voice.


I recommended Toad's new book "Biography of Different Immortals". I strayed into the Peach Blossom Garden in my dream, and a fairy patted me on the shoulder.


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