Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 387: Kill God Wang Xuan

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The city of hell, which has been silent for a long time, is boiling today, the whole city is rioting, all kinds of giant beasts are revived, and the raptors are overwhelming and swooping down.

Wang Xuan's eyes were red, and he hadn't made such a move for a long time. He went all out, trying to pierce a city, and went all the way along the main street to kill.

Even the last time he was in Tianran City, he didn't go shopping like this. At that time, it was not very far from the city gate, and he mainly dealt with Lu Heng.

Now, the prowlers in the whole city are recovering and they are besieging him alone. He is caught in a terrible environment where he is shopping with a city of monsters, which is an experience that he has never had before.

However, his current combat power is comparable to that of a five-time limit-breaker. After his murderousness is stimulated, he is brave, like a meat grinder in the transcendent realm, killing all the way.

In this kind of place, there is no need to be soft-hearted to monsters, because if you hesitate a little, you will die tragically.

The overwhelming raptors, there is no lack of alien species, the fire crows all over the sky, spewing the sun fire essence, in groups, tens of thousands of assemblies, it is indeed very terrifying.

This kind of siege is many times more dangerous than facing a single supreme true immortal, and there are enemies on all sides. This is a typical example of using "quantity" to kill masters.

Wang Xuan's firepower was full, and after killing the red eyes, even if a large number of fierce birds swooped down together, it was useless. In the world after his life, more than a dozen domineering super-materials surged out like rivers and seas bursting, sweeping across the sky with his fists, and with the imperial lightsaber flying out of his mouth.

Puff puff

After tens of thousands of fire crows swooped down, they never flew again. They were either cut off, split into two pieces by the sword light, or shattered by lightning.

This can also be considered a peak duel, a large group of suicidal attacks, in exchange for Wang Xuan's full-scale confrontation, fierce counter-kill.

Among the tens of thousands of fire crows, some rotten golden crows were led by them, but they were still ineffective.

When Wang Xuan threw his fist, more than a dozen kinds of colorful substances, as the extraordinary factor in the fist light, smashed the sky, and the sword wheel rushed into the sky, strangling the Quartet.

In the end, the group fell apart and was defeated by him alone.

The other 4 time limit breakers could not do this step at all, and would be piled to death here, led by ten pure-blooded Golden Crows, and the result was indeed that the entire ethnic group was almost destroyed.

Wang Xuan frowned, and if he killed the prowlers and the monsters in the city, who would guard the city for him?

However, he really can't care about it right now. If he doesn't kill those creatures, he will die himself. Now he is covered in blood, all the plasma of monsters.

It hasn't been like this for many years. He bathed in the blood of different extraordinary creatures, pierced through the monster group and rushed forward.

Soon, the top of the city was covered with evil things again, which were flying dragons, lizard bodies, and demon wings, covering the sky.

"Come in a sequence, are you sure that Hell God City is still a land without owners?" Wang Xuan frowned, but it didn't matter, he had already killed it to this point, he wanted to enter the central giant palace to see what was going on.

Moreover, the more he went forward, the clearer he felt that this giant city contained a mysterious Taoism that was different from the transcendent central universe.

It surprised him, but it was exactly what he chose to come to Hell 5 times for.

Even the super peers who want to become aliens are looking for the rhythm of different universes, not to mention true immortals, if they really want to get them, the natural benefits are not small.

"There are indeed some problems, but, you should be able to kill it." The mobile phone strange thing said.

Then, it mentioned the matter of Dao Yun, saying: "You feel the benefits, in each giant city, there are Dao Yun of different civilizations."

In a sense, the older the giant city, the more "precious".

Because the large number of wanderers who perished here have deviated too far from the transcendent central universe of this era, and are very different from the current Dao rhyme.

"Kill!" Wang Xuan didn't care about this, at the moment, he was slaughtering the dragon, a halo appeared outside his body, all the sword qi was gushing out, and he directly flew into the air.

In the sky, if tens of thousands of flying dragons assembled and turned into other people, they would be crushed directly.

However, Wang Xuan bucked the trend, and the dazzling sword wheel enveloped him, as if he was massacred. Wherever he passed, the flying dragon shattered and crashed into the city.

Afterwards, he was like a big sun in the sky, a place where the rays of light were shining, a large number of flying dragons were melting like snowflakes, flesh and blood burst open, and then scales, horns, bones, and blood rustled to the ground.

There are also rotten heavenly dragons and five-colored true dragons, all of which are leaders, dragons roar in bursts, and sound waves shred the sky, each with the field of law, rushing over.

Wang Xuan was fearless, the corners of his eyes and brows, including the hair and the corners of his clothes, had sword lights, and he could not kill the enemy anywhere on his body. He walked in the air and took the initiative to kill forward.

At the same time, in his hand, intertwined with the runes of the Imperial Dao, a giant sword appeared, which broke through the sword wheel outside his body, was held by him, and with a puff, slashed the giant dragon in the void!

He walked in the air, and at this time turned into a killing god. Wherever he passed, dragon corpses kept falling. The city was completely dyed red with blood. field.

After Wang Xuan swept the group of fierce dragons, he landed on the ground and looked at the blood and bones on the ground. He had a clear understanding that **** was originally like a new world, why was it called this name in the end? What I saw in front of me was very fitting, explained everything, and it was indeed like hell.

Even the massive amount of birds of prey and the flying beasts overwhelming the sky couldn't suppress Wang Xuan, and many times he himself landed in the city on his own initiative.

The main street is very open, there are more monsters on the ground, there are gods and insects, and there are rare xenomorphs, and now the humming sound is deafening.

It was a piece of divine insects, all blue scorpions with wings, about a foot long, like irregular flying swords with barbs, densely flying over, blue light like rain, and finally handed over into a blue ocean .

If you change your head and turn your head, you have to run away. The person who breaks the limit four times can't bear it, and will die here tragically, because these scorpions are all true immortals. With so many suicidal reunions, the scene is extremely terrifying.

clang clang

For a time, the sword wheel outside Wang Xuan’s body splattered with sparks, and all kinds of scorpions stabbed at high speed with their barbs. Although a large number of their bodies were twisted, the scorpions behind were not afraid of death, and the sea of ​​scorpions was endless, still rushing to kill.


Wang Xuan's eyebrows lit up, his supernatural sense was triggered, and then he turned to "True One Classic". In an instant, the blue **** insects in front of him were blurred, and at the same time, more than a dozen domineering super substances surged in his body, like thunder and fire flooding the front, and he also After releasing the law of thunder, crackling, blurry scorpions continued to explode in front.

At this moment, Wang Xuan went crazy, slaughtered through the scorpion area, and there were all kinds of giant beasts rushing along the way, some like mountains, descending from the void.

For example, now there is a hellfire cow, stepping through the void, it is extremely huge, and it roars with a moo, shaking the void into turmoil. It was pitch-black, with blazing flames, and its huge hooves were many times larger than Wang Xuan's, stepping towards him.

Wang Xuan went all out to shake this huge black bull of **** like a mountain, and in mid-air, he blew it up, and the blood rained all over the sky.

Next, he killed all the way to the central giant palace. Along the way, it was called the fairy rain, the monster wind, the wanderers and monsters. There were too many corpses. Blood kill.

The giant city doesn't look abandoned at all.

The clanging metal collision sound was deafening, and a golden ladybug appeared. That was the sound of its wings. The round table was as big as the twelve silver light spots on its back, lasing a dazzling imperial beam of light.

With a bang, it didn't explode after being slapped by Wang Xuan, but just flew out.

Although Wang Xuan didn't use all his strength, it was not something that ordinary worms could withstand. He was surprised. After watching it carefully, it was a worm that had broken the limit 4 times.

Approaching the central area, monsters of this series have begun to appear, making him pay attention.

"If you kill them all, will it become a weak giant city, or leave some powerful monsters behind?" Wang Xuan said to himself, slowing his pace, behind him was a sea of ​​corpses and blood, and the ground beneath his feet A bright red.

He was covered in Prowler blood dripping from his clothes, leaving a clear line of **** footprints on the ground as he walked forward.

In the sound of dangdang, Wang Xuan covered the golden ladybug's imperial beam with his bare hands, shaking the twelve silver light spots on its back to dim, it shuddered and was about to be cracked by his palm.

Its golden body is said to be immortal and belongs to the top mutant species, but now it can't stop Wang Xuan's hand, and the golden ladybug was caught by him.

He grabbed the large worm body on the table with both hands, shattered it, beat it to death, and finally let it lose its combat power before throwing it on the ground and saving it for later use.

As Wang Xuan's footsteps approached the giant palace in front, the monsters in the entire city were terrified. They were not completely unconscious. They had fighting instincts and knew fear. In their opinion, a new overlord has come in and wants to become the lord of the city of God!

Wang Xuan felt a clearer Dao rhyme, as if facing an outer universe, approaching an ancient civilization that he had never seen before.

He realized that perhaps the greatest significance of the existence of these giant cities is to retain a small part of the rules and rhythms of the outer universe civilization of the old era, which are treasures!

In the four directions, many monsters were actually killed by him, and they shuddered. What rotting dragons, powerful demons, angels with wings, there were too many corpses on the ground, and the rest were all going backwards, all in fear.

Wang Xuan stepped forward, and suddenly, a dazzling light bloomed, like a **** and Buddha coming into the world, extremely sacred, and the brilliant light hung across the sky.

It was a snow-white bird, not very big, more than one meter long, standing in the air like a human, spreading its wings, and fanning forward vigorously.

All the light is blooming from its snow-white wings, shining like a scorching sun, another creature that has broken the limit four times, and is very tyrannical.

All its wings are glowing, like countless holy swords smashed over, and accompanied by the texture of the Imperial Way, the four layers are superimposed, and the formidable force is terrifying.

"A sparrow?!" Wang Xuan was surprised, and his spiritual eyes saw its essence. It was originally a mortal bird with a weak race, but it has grown and evolved to this stage.

Its combat power is extremely strong, surpassing that of the top mutant creature just now, the twelve-star golden ladybug.

The void shattered and was torn apart by its snow-white and dazzling wings, with countless sword lights, this sparrow was definitely an extremely terrifying creature to the outside world.

Wang Xuan's body emits black and white light, he runs the scriptures of extreme yin and extreme yang, deduces the changes of yin and yang matter, and rotates in black and white, erasing all the countless sword qi that came from it.

He left a string of blood-colored footprints and grabbed the snow-white sparrow with his bare hands.

This creature that has broken the limit 4 times has a very fast speed, moving horizontally like lightning, and traversing the sky like a blazing sun.

Wang Xuan was even faster, teleporting multiple times to capture the white sparrow.

With a bang, he finally grabbed the mutant sparrow and slammed his hands one after another, causing it to wither its snow-white feathers and dance in the sky dyed with blood.

Until the end, the holy light of the snow-white sparrow was dimmed and extinguished, covered with wounds, unable to move, and was thrown on the side of the road to guard the city.

Wang Xuan approached the central giant palace, not many monsters dared to step forward, but retreated like a tide, in awe and fear of him.

Obviously, some monsters regard him as a "quasi-city lord".

"It turns out that piercing through the giant city and sweeping away many groups of ferocious creatures has such an effect." He said to himself.

The last 4 time limit breaker appeared and walked out from the side of the giant palace. It was a star demon. It seemed to be composed of starlight. It was hazy and beautiful. It was actually a woman. She was wearing a star gauze, and she came curling Nana. She was very beautiful, but she was extremely fierce when she did it.

In an instant, the galaxy intertwined, fell straight from the sky, and covered Wang Xuan. That was because of the rules. She wanted to kill Wang Xuan.

At this moment, Wang Xuan just wanted to enter the central giant palace to see the truth and get close to the rules of the outer universe, so he didn't want to waste time.

"No!" He snorted lowly, his eyebrows lit up, his supernatural trigger was triggered, and the "True One Classic" ran, causing the woman to blur in an instant, her body dim, as if she was about to disperse with the wind.

With a bang, the falling galaxy rule exploded in the sky, and was smashed by Wang Xuan's fist. At the same time, he rushed out like a ghost, grabbed the woman's snow-white neck, and shocked her spiritual realm to dim. Feeling exhausted, he was thrown to the ground.

He strode forward and directly entered the central giant palace.

Hell is very unsettled. After serious consideration, the various dojos decided to report truthfully to a place outside the world and ask for help again. The current **** is extremely dangerous, and it is too difficult to conquer a city.

In the current star sea, there is also a huge wave.

The news of the great defeat of the various dojos finally came out, and it was impossible to hide it completely. It was gossip at first, and then empirical evidence appeared.

"Hell is so terrifying. In the legendary world outside the dojo, they went to hell, but they all lost, and none of the dojos conquered a city?"

"How terrifying the city of **** is, the disciples who have broken the limit four times are helpless and escaped injured.

"Hell, there is no solution, is the real murderous place!"

At this time, Wang Xuan entered the central giant palace, which was so quiet. He did not encounter monsters attacking and killing him. It was lonely and desolate, and the once glorious center had become a cold palace.

He didn't relax, his body was still tense, and the whole body was flowing with imperial texture, ready to fight at any time. The City of Hell should not be so peaceful. The huge number of monsters outside explained everything.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank, and a faint chaotic fog floated out of the central giant palace, where the void cracked a gap, and then began to expand.

Then, the incomparably divine brilliance spilled was awe-inspiring, unable to open his eyes, the massive monsters outside the giant palace were shivering, and many were kneeling on the ground, actually worshipping.

At this moment, the strange object of the mobile phone flew out automatically, silently watching the open chaotic crack space.

Wang Xuan stood with his head held high, his spiritual eyes intertwined with divine patterns, staring at the space in front of him.

Although a woman is hazy, she can feel her charm, her elegance is peerless, and she has a special aura.

In front of him, there is a row of figures crawling, and they have a very strong Dao rhyme flowing through them, which is even better than the white sparrow, golden ladybug, and star demon!

The strange thing on the mobile phone was silent, and a black and white photo of a woman appeared on its screen.

Thanks: a small leaf, thank you for your support!

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