Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 395: The five time limit breakers are here


"The true saint is above! At this moment, my violent ups and downs are difficult to restrain. I suspect that I have seen the legendary limit breaker. Is that kind of person?" The explorer who recorded the battle said excitedly.

Outside the city, there is a large plain with various tree species such as Liuxia tree and golden maple. The colors are colorful and the scenery is extremely beautiful.

However, all the beautiful scenery is not as eye-catching as the two people who came to the city from the horizon in an instant.

Other explorers and Internet celebrities are no longer dull, realizing that it is very likely that the facade of the true holy dojo has arrived, and they are very shocked.

The most important thing is that, with such amazement and excitement, the True Saint Dojo shouldn't be disgusted anymore, right? After all, this is also affirming and praising the various religions.

Earlier, they didn't dare to speak out, each dojo was defeated again and again, and the people who were filming the siege battle outside the city were trembling, afraid of being angered and silenced.

Fu Dao Niu, covered in cyan fur, overflowing with chaotic matter, carrying a calm young man. The four are not like mythical beasts, with white fairy mist flowing, and a handsome young man sitting on it.

They were communicating with the super peerless world and looked into the city.

"Everyone, my mood is like the waves in the sea, and I am extremely excited. The legend has appeared, and you have never seen such an extraordinary person. Even in a place other than the world, this is a myth. I don't know how many years it takes to get one! "

The explorers and those who recorded the battle were very winking. They kept their mouths shut when they shouldn't have spoken out, and now they are excited when they should speak out.

They believed that at this moment, no one in the True Holy Dojo would target them and deny this kind of praise.

"While waiting for the truth to be revealed, I have reason to believe that it is the person from the realm of the end of the real fairy who has come, the legend has come into reality, and the 5th limit-breaker is born!"

A group of spectators and photographers were completely active, showing their true colors, following up in all directions, and preparing new report materials.

The two people who appeared in this way, once their identities were confirmed and spread out, would inevitably cause a huge sensation.

The two did not enter the city immediately, but came to the elders of their sect to communicate and understand the situation with their primordial spirits.

Even the True Saint Dojo, other core disciples, and other disciples were all moved, and their moods were a bit complicated, and they looked at it from a distance.

"I know someone who doesn't look like that person who rides on a divine beast. I saw him two hundred years ago. He is Li Xu of the Moon Holy Lake."

He took a deep breath and opened his mouth.

At that time, they were all about the same, and they hadn't seen who was qualified to be the real fairy at the end of the field. Now the competition has come to an end.

"No, he still hasn't stepped out the last half step. The accumulation is deep enough, and he can also become a limit breaker 5 times in this world. However, those kinds of characters all pursue the ultimate, and they come to **** to experience the rules and rhythms of the outer universe. , to improve the unseen background, and go further in the future!" Someone said.

Shaohua of Time Tian Dojo nodded when she heard the words, but when she saw that it was Park Chong, a seven-star whoring bug, she immediately stopped, her face was expressionless, and she didn't want to have any interaction with such a person, for fear of ruining her reputation.

There are also people who show doubts, 5 times breaking the limit is completely uncontrollable, and even a little "ideal", no one can be sure when they can break into that field, not like the handsome young Li Xu on the beast, why is he so sure that he can come to hell? Cleared successfully?

Park Chongdao: "The true saint of Moon Holy Lake does not hesitate to capture a corner of the future to make sure that his chance is in hell, just recently, or even today, I suspect that the city of God is his flying place, waiting to witness the legend Come on!" Does he even know such a secret thing? Some people showed strange colors.

Everyone in Yuesheng Lake looked bad, not only the male disciples, but also the heavenly and super peers outside the city, all stared at him.

Park Chong quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong, I haven't gotten too close to your female disciples. Li Xu and I have known each other 270 years ago. We cherish each other and have explored the world together. We met again yesterday."

People with true sage talent, like other disciples before their rise, also had no name and went to practice in a low-key manner. It is impossible to "lock up" and practice all day long.

The overlord who cannot cultivate the end of the true fairy. Li Xuchong nodded here. He had met Park Chong last night. He didn't care about other people's eyes.

He came late today because he was wandering back outside the nearby giant city, watching, looking for an opportunity to become a 5-time limit-breaker, and finally arrived at Hell God City.

"It's best to avoid contact with that kind of person!" A woman from Moon Holy Lake, Chao Peer, secretly warned Li Xu.

Li Xu's background and identity were revealed in public, looking at Qingxiu, but the true saint was confirmed, he was about to arrive in the legendary realm, and it was very likely that he would soar into the sky here.

Suddenly, a group of people outside the city were really excited, not to take care of the mood of the sullen old guys in the True Saint Dojo earlier.


It can't be broadcast live in hell, but they are recorded synchronously, and once played in this world, the effect is the same.

"Everyone, wait to witness the miracle, the 5th time limit is not only about to appear, but also, all of you will witness the process of his birth with your own eyes!"

Outside the city, like a mortal New Year's Eve, it suddenly became lively, and the explorers and photographers were noisy. Who can witness such an event? never had!

As long as it is recorded truthfully, it will cause a tsunami of heated discussions. There is no doubt that such reports have rarely been reported in the transcendent world since the past dynasties. Once it appears, it will definitely be a sensation. The process of breaking the limit 5 times even surpassed the fact that various religions attacked the city of God.

Then, the other, more mysterious young man's

The identity is also confirmed from the tattoo palace, and the Taoism is unfathomable.

The Tattoo Palace has been in decline for a long time outside the world. Like the Paper Temple, it was once believed that their true saint had an accident and may have died.

Now it looks like the dojo is back!

Fu Dao Niu is one of the rarest auspicious beasts in the world. There are even legends that possessing such a strange beast can finally subdue various Dao rules.

The person who came sitting on it was named Mu Qingyun. Some people at the scene said that he was the real 5-time limit-breaker, and some people said that he was still a line behind.

In the city, Wang Xuan stared at the two people outside the city gate. He was sure that Fu Dao Niu was carrying Dao Yun, and Mu Qingyun on his back should have set foot in that field.

"Take a good look, learn a little bit, and see how the 5-time limit-breaker shoots, how to subdue a group of wanderers alone

By. The super peerless person who was angry earlier spoke again, glanced at the true saint disciples in the city, and said, "You guys are really bad this time."

He was also a true immortal who broke the limit 4 times in the past, and now he stands in the super peerless realm, and he is expected to become an alien in this era.

Naturally, it doesn't care about a group of latecomers.

A group of people has been scolded many times, and they are becoming more and more dissatisfied.

"Senior, don't say anything. You show us on the spot. We petition and strongly demand that you teach on the spot and set an example for us." : "What do you think?"

Although many female disciples avoided him, many male disciples enthusiastically echoed him. Seeing that super peerless person was unhappy, he always taught them a lesson. In terms of potential, who is worse than who?

"Okay, Senior Huang, please enter the city to fight!"

"Senior, please enter the city of God, subdue the fierce creatures in the city, and show the true style of breaking the limit four times.

guide! "


The true saint disciples of the various dojos all agreed, and they were all asking him to fight, making the super peerless face in the Yellow Immortal Cave look bad, and some couldn't come down to the stage.

"Okay, all of you are optimistic!" Huang Youcheng really ended up in the end, and it wasn't a run on it. The main thing is that he thinks that the four-time limit-breaker this year is really not good.

He came from the Yellow Immortal Cave, which is also known as the Yellow Immortal Mansion, a gathering place of aliens, where there are extraordinary people of all races.

Immediately, there was a commotion on the scene. Are the former senior celebrities really going to take action?

"Please, before entering the city, senior, take out the alien-level weapon and give it to the people around you." Someone said.

The implication is obvious, Super Peerless also has to abide by the rules, don't bring dangerous weapons into the city, in case it is activated in a hurry, triggering the **** balance rules will kill everyone.

Super peerless Huang Youcheng, his face is very ugly, he has not yet started, and he thinks that he is going to be defeated? But he still gave a spear to the person beside him.

With a cold face, he said, "Do you think I'll be like you? I think, in the end, if you want to conquer this city, I can't count on you at all."

"Senior, please use the Demon Sealing Talisman to ensure that after entering the city, you will not unleash extraordinary divine might by accident." A young man said.

Whether the strength of this 4th time limit breaker will work or not is still uncertain, but there is no doubt that they all have personalities and dare to contradict the super peers.

Huang Youcheng ignored them, stuck a talisman on himself with a snap, and then entered the city. A famous super peer entered the venue!

He has moved with the Transcendent Center once, and he has very deep qualifications. In the last century, he was a wizard who moved the transcendent world, and he could be called a celebrity.

He walked into the city of God step by step without looking at those monsters at all, and set his eyes on the golden ladybug, the white sparrow, and the star demon.

It is reported that there are all kinds of aliens in Huangxian Cave, and he is the direct descendant of the true saint there.

The originator of the Huangxian Cave Dojo, according to legend, its body is a weasel, but it has become a true saint!

Although his background is not very good, but Lao Huang hangs high above the world, he is supreme, and no one dares to disrespect.

In the end, Huang Youcheng chose the star demon, took one step, and when the moment came, he raised his fist and banged. In an instant, the rhythm of the heaven and earth surged, and the sky was pierced by the light of his fist. If the buildings in the city were not guarded by array patterns, the whole The city and this plain will sink.

Huang Youcheng is indeed amazing, and he is worthy of his reputation in the past. He moved with the Transcendent Center once, and since he polished it, he is more and more terrifying.


Even with the magic seal, he suppressed Dao Xing to the realm of real immortals, and it still showed its essence and was extremely extraordinary.

At this time, the white sparrow was the best fight, and wanted to rush over to fight him directly. The golden ladybug also fluttered its wings and wanted to pounce, and they all wanted to hunt this person.

The star demon's hands appeared starlight and had already fought back.

However, at the critical moment, Wang Xuan took action. He felt that this old guy was indeed extraordinary. He was an old monster who had accumulated a long time and was ready to attack the aliens. The foundation was too thick, and he was worried about accidents.

"Boom!" The sky and the earth exploded, and the void shattered.

Wang Xuan came first, and it was also a punch light. It cut off the time and space and hit it directly. He had a pair of punches with Huang, and he would not keep his hand.

With this punch, he naturally won't stop, and the second punch is thrown again. If the opponent dares to hit him, then this person will be fulfilled.

Then, people saw that Huang Youcheng was extremely decisive, swooping close to the ground and flying away, shrinking into an inch, and taking one step, the galaxy was turning, with the fragments of time under his feet, and he left the city in an instant, running away all the way.

what's going on? Don't tell anyone else, even Wang Xuan looked a little confused, and then got angry.

He had just started, and just as he was about to catch up, he immediately retreated because the yellow smoke was billowing and the fog was thick.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly, teleported, disappeared from the battlefield, stood on a high-rise building, and stared into the distance with a bad look.

The star demon, the white sparrow, and the golden ladybug were also taken away by him, avoiding this "catastrophe".

In the city, there was a roar of abuse. Although they could defend themselves with a body-protecting light curtain, they couldn't stand being ravaged or even drowned by this sudden billowing yellow smoke.

This old senior is too careless, it's just a fart, and the land is shaking, rumbling, and the sound is like thunder.

This is too shameful, just run away, it's so indecent!

The thick yellow smoke dissipated, and people saw that Huang Youcheng fled all the way, leaving a long trail of blood that spread outside the city. He was injured and escaped decisively.

"Nice girl, taught us a lesson earlier, the **** is shocking

Tianxiang, said how he was in those days, it's not his turn to end.

It is the same? has run away! "

"During the war, he really shook the sky, and the yellow smoke billowed, no less than a thunder!"

A group of people ran, and at the same time, they were extremely indignant, especially the women. They hated the old senior to death. It was so disgusting to run away!

Huang Youcheng rushed out for 800 miles, and finally unblocked himself. His body exploded, revealing a peerless aura. Just now, his arms exploded and his body cracked. It was really shocking.

When he finally escaped from the city, his five internal organs were penetrated, and he coughed up blood and vomited blood foam. He was shocked. If he was a normal 4th time limiter, he would have exploded just now, and he might have died!

With the heritage accumulated by his extraordinary body, he can't beat Kong Xuan after entering the city? He couldn't believe it, his face was gloomy.

If he hadn't heard the wind and knew the chill, his instincts were super sharp, and he would have run away decisively at the critical moment, he would have been planted in the city, and now he is a corpse.

He was embarrassed to go back, what a shame.

"A thunderstorm, yellow smoke billows, shaking the sky and earth. Senior, where are you, are you okay?" Huang Youcheng heard the sound transmission of the seven-star prostitute in the city.

The handsome young man rode into the city, and he had already left the stage. He jumped off the mount and looked at Wang Xuan and sighed softly.

"It's a pity, my aunt still values ​​you very much. I came here because I was entrusted to help you free yourself. It's too painful to be a wanderer. However, will you be suppressed and sealed, or will you be ignorant? Dissipating the ground is a troublesome choice."

The handsome young man said, he is from Moon Holy Lake, his eyes are clear, he is dressed in green clothes, and his body is a little thin, but his body contains power far beyond the understanding of ordinary people.

When he was on the road, he felt it. He experienced the rules and rhythms in hell, and raised himself to the limit. He came to a critical point and was in a special state.

If it is said that 5 times of breaking the limit cannot be controlled, it is difficult to come, and even some "idealistic", then it can be said that he has seized the opportunity and opened the door of the palace to enter, just need to take another step forward .

"Quiet Qi, Li Lin." Wang Xuan said hoarsely. He is very familiar with Jingqi from Yuesheng Lake, and also has an intersection with Li Lin. In fact, Jingqi is the incarnation of Li Lin.

"Hey, **** has really changed, you still have some hazy consciousness, still remember my aunt, then I'll try to take you away." Li Xu showed a look of surprise. Could this person be purified again? He knew that all the True Saint Dojos were studying this field, trying to solve the problems in hell. "Nephew..." Wang Xuan looked at him, it turned out to be Jing Qi's nephew.

The handsome young Li Xu heard the words, his face suddenly darkened, is this troubled wanderer taking advantage of him unconsciously, is it really his aunt?


Wang Xuan scrutinized him, and saw his state with his spiritual eyes. It was indeed extraordinary. He pushed open the door. He even saw a flower in Li Xu's primordial spirit.

Not every 5-time limit-breaker can accompany a holy relic. People who give birth to such a strange thing are rare and naturally extraordinary.

"I'll take you out of here." Li Xu Wang Xuan didn't say anything. Although the other party was conceited, he was not hostile. take him away.

He decided to help the other party "comb" the flower, or make it more obedient, or look more beautiful.

The war broke out!

"It's an exciting moment, 5 time limit breakers will come out, let's look forward to it together!" The group of people outside the city were really excited, and the atmosphere was extremely warm.

In this battle, in order to help Li Xu "comb" the flower, Wang Xuan was careful not to close the door, worried that he would not be able to break the limit five times in the end.

In the end, people still saw that, like a father rubbing his son, he threw Li Xu, who was about to break the limit five times, out of the city.

Li Xu, like a sleepwalker, left the city of God and stood in the field, watching the golden maple leaves fall, the golden clouds flowing, and watching the snow orchid float in front of him, extremely white, he was completely lost, the wanderer seemed to perform for him. The rhythm of the outer universe?

"Li Xu, have a good rest, I'll cut him for you!" On Fu Dao Niu, Mu Qingyun, a young man from the Tattoo Palace, spoke up and rode a bull into the city!

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