Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 405: The first flower of the gods

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Hell, the city of chaos.

In the morning glow, the entire giant city is simple and grand.

Wang Xuan stood at the head of the city, and below were densely packed extraordinary beings. He did not hesitate at all and took the initiative to invite battle.

Outside the city, there was silence for a short time, and a lot of eyes were cast on him, and he challenged various religions alone? Many people look complicated.

In any case, even if he was killed by the 5 time limit breakers of the True Holy Dojo today, this courage will be remembered.

"Cut him off."

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There is a super peerless understatement, let the 5th limit breaker end, kill Kong Xuange at the top of the city, and all the facade-level people of each family have arrived, can't kill a 4th limit breaker?

Several figures walked out, but they stopped after seeing each other. How could they, the most legendary disciples, join forces with others?

"Kong Xuan, make sure you survive!" Outside the giant city, Qingtian spoke up, wearing a black dress, she was mature and glamorous, looked at several dojos, and said, "I still say that, I don't like them. Who dares to come and fight?"

"A small black peacock dares to be arrogant in front of the true holy dojo. Back then, their entire clan was just a servant dancer who was raised by others. After being rescued by Wujie Mountain, did they forget their identity?"

A peerless person from the Paper Sacred Temple opened his mouth, but he was showing no mercy at all, even disregarding his identity, to say such words.

He was very dissatisfied, and poking the old scars of the Black Peacock Clan also showed from the other side that he had lost his sense of proportion and had resentment in his heart.

Even Wang Xuan showed killing intent when he heard it. He directly stared at the stern young man in the Paper Temple, and he was going to turn around and attack him!

The clear sky raised his head, with no mood swings, he looked at the extraordinary person from the Paper Temple, and said, "In the extraordinary world, which clan is not fighting to cross, revealing the history of blood and tears of other clans, can it show that he is aloof and extraordinary? I just feel that he is very arrogant. If we talk about the past, even some true holy dojos have risen from the humble and weak. Even his paper temple is not so brilliant. The original source may just be the paper made by others. People, sent to the fire, burned for the dead.

"Bold!" The super peerless of the Paper Temple was furious. Some things belonged to the taboo field and could not be mentioned. The dancers in his eyes actually talked about the past of the Paper Temple in public, which made his eyes extremely sharp. Browsing *browser* search*: @…the most

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Clear sky raised his eyebrows and hunted in a black dress, saying: "Then let's fight, he is from the true holy dojo, my family has struggled at the bottom, far less high than they are, is he still afraid of me?"

"Calm down, this clear sky has practiced the "Alteration Sutra", and the Taoism and bloodline are probably "mutated", and they are very strong, otherwise they would not be considered to be aliens." Someone stopped the super peerless of the Paper Temple.

The clear sky is usually glamorous, without too many emotional fluctuations, but now he raises his snow-white chin, expressing disdain for the extraordinary excellence of the Paper Temple.

Outside the city of chaos, extraordinary people from all religions were present. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the extraordinary extraordinary of the Paper Temple walked out step by step. In fact, he had long wanted to take action.

Some people are afraid of the mutated black peacock in the clear sky, but, outside the true holy dojo, there are naturally some people who don't care about the black peacock family of the Five Tribulations Mountain.

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"One thousand five hundred miles away, the distance should be far enough." The super peerless of the Paper Temple said flatly, and then crossed the sky to go away.

Clear sky didn't say a word and followed behind.

Many people were deeply surprised that when the 5-time limit-breaker was about to fight, there was a super-peer to the first.

Wang Xuan knew that Elder Qingkong came to **** for him, and he also took action for him. He really couldn't stand the fact that several True Saint Dojos hunted him alone.

"Don't delay, who will go to the city to fight? The elders of the clear sky are gone, how can I sit and watch." He looked down.

In an instant, several people volleyed into the sky, but the last man with an elegant temperament and a white shirt waved his hand and said, "Let me come."

He has short hair, looks very quiet, and is completely modern in attire. He is from Time Tian, ​​and his name is fleeting. The outside world is rumored that his Taoism is unfathomable. Some even say that he can borrow strength from unknown years.

Stepping in the void, he actually waded along the river of time, and his whole body was covered with a halo, sacred and transcendent.

"Liu Nian, Shi Tian's 5-time limit-breaker has been promoted to the heaven-level domain for many years. In order to deal with Kong Xuan, their dojo is also attentive and let him take action."

The disciple of Wujie Mountain, the gentle woman opened her mouth and walked out, saying, "I'm Wu Mingxiu, both of whom are heaven-level, and the two of us will fight in another place."

Her white clothes are like snow, her appearance is beautiful, and she is just like her name. Among the 5 breakers at the scene, only she and Leng Mei were women, which was particularly eye-catching.

Outside the city, there was a sudden commotion, and many people were moved and whispered.

The fleeting years turned out to be a heavenly powerhouse!

"There's no way, as a 5-time limit-breaker, I can't always stand as a latecomer in the realm of immortals. Kong Xuan killed my junior brother Zhuo Hong, a 4-time limit-breaker in the city of God. Can you ignore it? Besides, 4 smashes 5 smashes, it's really hard to tell if he doesn't have a secret, so I'm here to see him."

Liu Nian spoke calmly, without any embarrassment, and said: "Besides, I don't dare to "go beyond" in this city, it's not unfair."

Many people's eyes have changed, looking at each true saint dojo, and some people who have broken the limit 5 times have a high probability that they are no longer true immortals.

"I also think that he has a secret, and that my demon court's advance army is completely destroyed, it should have something to do with him. So I also came and entered the real immortal area."

A white-clothed woman is very beautiful, wearing a black armor, her dress is floating, you can see straight black long legs, her appearance is extremely outstanding.

Sure enough, Yao Ting's Leng Mei is also a heavenly supernatural being.

Needless to say at the moment, among the other 5 limit-breakers, there must be some who have already entered the heaven-level realm, and are not true immortals.

Wang Xuan opened his mouth: "Senior Sister Wu Mingxiu, don't use it to help. It's good for them to be "over the top", and I feel more fulfilled when they are truly immortal!"

Then, he stared at the fleeting years of Time Tian, ​​Leng Mei of Yaoting and others.

Outside the city, the dense figures were quiet for a short time, and then there was a loud noise. The disciples of the true saints naturally disliked him. Browser *Search*: @...Update soon...

"I'm coming!" The tattoo palace Cheng Dao stepped in the void, ready to take action. He was robbed of Fu Dao Niu, and his junior brother Mu Qingyun was also killed.

Almost at the same time, Zhou Tai, the one who broke the limit five times in the Paper Temple, a stern young man also volleyed and wanted to shoot.

Like Cheng Dao, he stood in the realm at the end of the true immortal, not a heavenly supernatural being.

Under the city, where the Paper Temple is located, Jing Zhongyue shouted loudly, "Senior Brother Zhou's mana is unrivaled in the realm of immortals, and there is no immortal to stop him, so he can quickly kill Kong Xuan.

Beside him, Shang Zhou with short silver hair didn't say anything, and Bang Bang gave him two punches and a slap.

Some time ago, Jing Zhongyue often praised him, but in the battle of Shencheng, he almost didn't send him away!

Wang Xuan opened his mouth: "I want to kill the "high match true immortal", they have to go forward, if they have to choose, it is the paper temple, their extraordinary mouth is very owed, offending the elder Qingkong, I think

Can't go down! "

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What a **** reason!

Zhou Tai of the Paper Temple didn't say anything, he crossed the void and came to the city gate tower as magnificent as a mountain.

From the beginning to the end, Fu Dao Niu did his duty honestly, didn't say a word, squatted on Wang Xuan's side, and his heart was actually very scared.

It is a little suspicious of its own choice. Can it live to the end with this one?

It's useless to think about it so much now, it doesn't say a word, it steps back to make room for the two of them to start.

In the distance, violent energy surged up to the sky 1,500 miles away and was in a great battle. It was not a sparring, but a **** battle of life and death.

"Oops, that clear sky has practiced the "Sutra of Variations" to a great extent, and it is very famous!" Someone from the master from the True Saint Dojo whispered.

"Variation Sutra", which is included in some of the true holy dojos, belongs to a residual scripture, but few people dare to practice it, because after practicing it, it may evolve in a positive direction, which can be called a qualitative change.

However, it may also degenerate people. If you stubbornly go all the way to the dark, it will be enough to make the core disciples completely mortal, and not many wizards dare to gamble.

During the period when Wang Xuan practiced, his Daoism improved very violently, and his own imprint of Imperial Daoism progressed very quickly.

Wolverine has practiced, and there are three more feathers on its head representing true destiny, and five-color divine feathers are also born on the back.

Of course, these are only a few successful people, and more extraordinary people have degenerated and abandoned this scripture for the first time.

Fifteen hundred miles away, the black peacock chirped, first tearing apart the sky with the black light, then the white light flooding the sky, and the yin and yang qi boiled.

"It has transformed into a white peacock, no, it has mastered the power of yin and yang." "No, why are there five colors of divine light?"

"Well, there is still a wisp of Chaos Sword Qi!"

Even the people of the True Saint Dojo were moved, realizing that the clear sky practice Mutation Sutra was more than just a famous practice, it was definitely a violent "quality change", and it was completely reborn.

Too far apart, it is difficult to see the figures of the two people, blocked by mountains, etc., but people can see the terrifying spectacle that breaks through the sky.

"It's over, it's a pity that the paper temple is super peerless, and it also has the resources of an alien, and was killed!"

In the distance, the five-colored divine light pierced the sky, immobilizing the primordial spirit fleeing to the sky, and then a chaotic sword swept across, and the super peerless of the Paper Temple was killed.

Everyone in the Paper Temple was heartbroken, some roared in a low voice, some rushed up into the sky, and some pulled out aliens

Class long knife. Not far away, Wu Lindao led the people to follow the volley, confronted them, and said, "Can't afford to lose?"

Upstairs at the city gate, Wang Xuan has been looking in that direction, his heartstrings are tense, after all, the clear sky elder is dealing with the high-end powerhouse of the true holy dojo.

Now that he saw Clear Sky cut off his opponent so cleanly, he breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, he also thought of the "Sutra of Variations", which he would have to study in the future.

Upstairs at the city gate, neither of the two said a word, and they fought directly. Wang Xuan wanted the paper temple to "double good things", first send away a super peer, and then kill a 5-time limit-breaker, then "consummation" ".

Zhou Tai naturally wanted to behead him even more. The master of the dojo was killed, and he needed to show off his power and show the invincible style of the legendary figure.

However, when the fists and palms of the two collided, Zhou Tai's complexion changed, his palms were in severe pain, and the person who broke the limit 4 times and attacked the limit 5 times was not talking about it.

Of course, it was impossible for Wang Xuan to come up and grab him to death, it was far less evil, after all, he was one level worse off.

He can fight against limit breakers 5 times, and in the eyes of everyone, it is already an incredible record.

The divine chain of order is intertwined. Zhou Tai is like the center of the light source, and the pores all over his body fly out of the divine chain.

Around Wang Xuan, his expression was rippling, and the texture of the Imperial Dao was in the air, and then he turned into a divine sword and slashed out, breaking into pieces of the divine chain of order.

Then, he ran the galaxy to wash his body, and the galaxy spread one after another, like weaving a net over the giant city, sealing the sky and locking the ground.

Everyone was moved. The Xinghe Body Washing Sutra was recognized as difficult to practice. Even those who broke the limit 5 times were only for reference. Few people actually practiced. After all, this scripture is too difficult and incomplete.

Everyone can see that Wang Xuan has mastered the fire and realized the true meaning. The pores of his body are flowing out of the light of the galaxy.

At this time, he was like a god, weaving a web in the void, as if the spider saint's lair was summoned by him, a bright scene, the disciples of the Paper Temple fell into the spider webs of the galaxy and were about to become prey.

Suddenly, a large fire burned, burning the cobwebs of the galaxy, and the spiritual meaning of the paper temple was reflected, and the transcendent origin was deduced. It was like the original source of myth, the fire of civilization, and the fragments of imperial Taoism formed a flame, which was very terrifying. Browsing *browser *search*: @…fastest update…

The starlight around Wang Xuan went out, he deduced his own way, and the black snowflakes flew in the dark universe, quite restraining the teachings.

In one breath, the sky and the earth were dark, and the top of the giant city seemed to fall into an abyss.

Zhou Tai seemed to be chanting scriptures, with runes all over his body, and the fire in front of him became more vigorous, and paper figures appeared among them.

Ups and downs, jumping, like performing some kind of ritual.

In the end, the paper man jumped up, flew out with firelight, and killed Wang Xuan.

"Do you like fire? Give it to him!" Wang Xuan's eyes were terrifying, the dark universe was changing, and the sea of ​​​​supernatural light was manifested. The rhyme there claims to be able to remove prohibited items and true sanctification.

The paper figurine immediately burned, and in the process of Wang Xuan's fight, he released endless sword energy, which was terrifying. However, he was overwhelmed by the soaring dazzling runes of the transcendent light sea and burned.

All nature cannot come out of thin air. Wang Xuan mobilized a variety of extraordinary substances behind the life soil to inject his own rhythm, such as thunder and fire bombardment, and resonated with the extraordinary sea of ​​light.

The burning paper figurines retreated and fell into the fire, and they burned themselves into ashes, and then the fire went out. The endless overcast wind blew up, and the ashes filled the sky. At the same time, Zhou Tai and Ashes blended together. He disappeared and began to hunt Wang Xuan in the overcast wind of the avenue.

In the dark, in the strong wind, Wang Xuan fought with this person.

Then, endless ashes covered him, drowning him.

The light of the Milky Way lit up again, and Wang Xuan ran the Milky Way to wash his body, accompanied by the dazzling light, interweaving together, trapping this piece of time and space, making it solidified.

There seemed to be a large number of ghostly shadows in the endless ashes, attacking Wang Xuan's spiritual realm, trying to devour his primordial spirit.

The four-page sword scripture from the Scarecrow in the backyard of the true saint was evolved to a very high level by him. The sword's meaning is invisible, and the sword of the heart cuts the shadow of the ghost. chopped off.

Zhou Tai condensed the ashes in the fire, covered his body, and slashed out a sword energy that was transformed into a royal way, killing Kong Xuan.

Between the two, the sword energy was surging, the stars and rivers were intertwined, and the ashes were flying.

With a puff, Wang Xuan's heart sword pierced through his forehead. At this moment, ashes rose up in the sky, and a paper figure looked back in the darkness, glanced at Wang Xuan, walked away, and disappeared.

Zhou Tai shouted and tried his best to get rid of that sword and keep the spiritual realm. But at this moment, Wang Xuan detonated his heart sword, and with a puff, Zhou Tai's head exploded. But the headless body is still fighting, and there are mental fragments that want to be reunited. Wang Xuan bathed in starlight, opened and closed, and blew him up before the ashes fell.

Then, a slash from Wang Xuan's spiritual realm, with a hint of chaotic energy, slammed Zhou Tai's last essence with a puff.

The divine seal is broken, this is the first half of the sword intent of the last page of the four-page sword scripture.

Zhou Tai, who broke the limit 5 times in the Paper Temple, was beheaded!

"No!" The eyes of a group of people in the Paper Temple were blackened, and 4 real immortals killed 5 limit-breakers. This kind of absurd thing really happened.

In fact, before they saw that the situation was not right, they had already taken action, and many people rushed over the giant city. Browsing *browser *search*: @…fastest update…

However, the people of Wujie Mountain blocked their way.

Wang Xuan stood high in the sky, and there was no blood on his body. Those so-called ashes, which did not stick to the front of his clothes, all melted in the sword light and disappeared.

"Everyone, are they watching like this?!" The people from the Paper Temple looked around.

In fact, there were also people in other dojos just now, but Wujie Mountain brought a large army, and it was only here that there were no less than them, and they stopped those people.

There were 5 times the limit breaker was close, and the first time he rushed over the giant city was Cheng Dao of the Tattoo Palace.

"Something comes from nothing." Wang Xuan said to himself, out of the dust, elegant, empty, his body was golden in the morning glow, and he seemed to have a smile in his calm.

At the tip of his finger, a flower appeared, brilliant, white, and sacred. It illuminated the world as soon as it was born. It was extremely mysterious, but in the eyes of some people, it was extremely dangerous.

This is the first time that Wang Xuan has used "True Classic to show the magic flower in the meteorite passage in the world behind his life and soil. He has also been called the eternal flower of eternal life, and later said that It is the flower of a beautiful vision in people's hearts.

The flower disappeared from Wang Xuan's fingertips, and then landed next to Cheng Dao, causing him to be lost for a short while, and his mental consciousness was somewhat disordered.

In the past, Wang Xuan was tossed about by this flower and couldn't tell the difference between reality and illusion, but now it has been embodied, and the initial confrontation with the enemy has shown extraordinary potential.

A master trick, a moment of trance, is enough to be ridden by others. puff!

Wang Xuan slashed with the knife in his right palm, slicing Cheng Daoli, blood spattered everywhere, and even the primordial spirit split into two pieces along with the flesh!

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