Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 418: who is robbing

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Leng Mei's spiritual realm is extraordinary, and I feel it in the dark. At the end of the horizon, someone is watching the ruins of the old imperial city.

Wang Xuan's intensive research, coupled with the fact that he is now in excellent shape and spirit, is about to cross the border, his instinct is more acute, and he has already realized it.

But there is no fear, the body and mind are calm, and the 5th time is about to break through. It can be expected that it will never be calm, and there will be evil enemies.

to resist, but very calm.

The corners of the mouth are slightly upturned, between heaven and earth, as if feeling,

A brighter lightning flashed across the sky. 2

Leng Mei is astonished, in this case, also this

So calm, really calm in the face of major events, fundamentally

Can't see any worries.

"Our noses are really smart, we've been chasing them all the way." Wang Xuan opened his mouth, and the moment he raised his eyebrows, the sky

There is thunder flashing in the middle. "Master Confucius, are you going to break the limit?" Fu Dao Niu was moved, it found that every time Wang Xuan opened his mouth, frowned, and any action, there would be a strange scene in the sky, corresponding to thunder and lightning.

However, the ultimate catastrophe did not land,

Fu Dao Niu doubts whether even the time period for crossing the robbery

Can you choose? Leng Mei also noticed that when Wang Xuan's expression changed, and when he raised his hands and feet, it would be the same as the time in the sky.

Intermittent electric light echoes. is it possible?

5 times of breaking the limit is very "ideal" for the extraordinary, bloodline talents, fortune-telling wonders, etc. can't be "stacked"

It is as difficult as going to the sky if you want to set foot in a person of a series.

And once such an opportunity arises, no matter where

In, no matter what kind of environment you are facing, you must clear the barrier, otherwise, once you miss it, you will lose it forever.

No more chance.

Leng Mei's eyebrows are slightly frowned, and now she has passed the tribulation, and there are foreign enemies.

If you come and harass, it's deadly! "It's true that God wants to kill Kong Xuan. If he doesn't come early, he won't come late. The opportunity to break the limit 5 times has now appeared, and God will not help!" On a big mountain, there was a

The man laughed coldly.

Hell, not a star, no arc on the horizon

degree, you can naturally see infinity.

Important figures from the True Holy Dojo came over in person

Now, experienced, I saw Wang Xuan's state

In this case, I have a premonition that it is imminent!

"According to my judgment, there are still half an hour

It's time for him to adjust his physical and mental state and prepare for the calamity. "The man on the mountain looked at the time on the transcendent communicator, and then immediately sent a message to the outside world.

More than one person followed here, Kong Xuan killed the truth

The strongest disciple of the Holy Dojo, naturally many people are "remembering".

It has long been agreed that people have already guessed that

Day is coming!

5 times the limit is broken, it's too much, everyone

"Careful", how could the hostile Transcendent miss this opportunity?

"Received the news,

We'll be there soon! "

"This time, 5 violations were stopped, and the

If I lose this only chance forever, I see how arrogant I will be in the future! "

"Oh, this time period ushered in an opportunity to break the limit,

It's a tragedy going on. "

Several groups of extraordinary people came quickly to hunt holes together


The efficiency of the True Holy Dojo is naturally extremely high, and in a blink of an eye

The personnel were mobilized and appeared far away from the ruins of the old imperial city.

on the square horizon.

They can attack at any time, waiting for the order from the top.

"I admit that the combat power of 4 times of breaking the limit is extremely powerful.

Harm, seriously out of line', but that's the end of it. If this is artificially interfered and blocked, will it make vomiting?

Blood, Dao Heart is unstable, just abolish it? "

On a huge mountain, someone smiled and waited for the moment of hunting.

Returning Market, Tattoo Palace, Time Sky, Paper Temple,

Silent Hill, etc. will naturally not be absent.

"I found it, Kong Xuan is at the ruins of the old imperial city.

inside. "In the distance, a "city owner" received a report from the time crow.

The report confirmed the position of Kong Xuan.

Then, a tall figure, dressed in bronze

Armor, armed with a halberd, sitting on a rotting white

On the back of the unicorn, he heard the news.

There are not many people, but they are all city masters

Item, once wandered for 5 break limits in some gigantic cities

, and is the strongest in a city.

Essentially, this is an ultra-luxury lineup! The ruins of the old imperial city are a bit desolate, with big trees taking root,

There were thorns and bushes and rubble everywhere.

Fu Dao Niu said, "Master Confucius, I also have some

Feeling, you say, will we pass the customs at the same time? However, I was a little flustered, there was hostility in the distance. "Browser *Browser*Search*: @…the whole network@First issue

More than just hostility, Shiye, some people don't hide it

decorated, slowly approaching from the end of the horizon,

Going to do it.

Wang Xuan said: "The old city gate tower has been transformed into

Four cities, located in four directions, dare not break the rules of Hell's balance here, it's no big deal. "

Then, looking at Fu Dao Niu, he said: "I will

Let's comb your muscles and bones for you, I hope your '5' bottom is broken

A little deeper, you can pass the test smoothly. "

On the way here, I have already helped it "correct"

Some of the Taoist textures, etc. now help it "finish" it.

Fu Dao Niu was immediately grateful and said: "But, Confucius, you are about to pass the calamity yourself, how can you help me with the final texture of the Royal Dao, I can do it now,

You don't need to be distracted. "

At this juncture, any wizard, faced with

5 times when the calamity is broken, they will all be prepared for it.

Negligence, not to miss, is to be invincible!

"It's okay, I can take it easy." Wang Xuan said calmly, and then, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, he looked towards the end of the earth and said, "I don't know who attacked whom!"

Not only was Fu Dao Niu stunned and restrained, but Leng Mei was also absent-minded, and he was about to break the limit 5 times.

Can you stop, can you slow down?

I have never heard of such a thing, 5 breaking "idealism", it is impossible to control it at all!

"Master Kong, you don't have to take risks for the calf, I'll take your mind!" Fu Daoniu still doesn't quite believe that there is

People can delay the calamity.

Wang Xuan ignored it and started to help it finally

He combed his muscles and bones.

Under the black cloak, the slender Leng Mei also frowned, at a critical moment, can she really be distracted?

"It's alright, the last time was close to this point.

I dared to give up, and now the problem is naturally not that big. "The strange thing on the mobile phone "recovered" from the silence, and seemed very tired.

Have you ever given up a breakout opportunity? Leng Mei's red lips were slightly open, and Fu Dao Niu was petrified, she didn't know what to say, which broke their inherent cognition.

"What did you find?" Wang Xuan asked it.

"The time is so short that I can only pass some lines

So, determine the piece of rot corresponding to the ruins of the old imperial city

Which era does the rotten universe belong to? "

In hell, it worked hard, just barely

Chaos matter and black mist emerge from the black screen, and quickly end,

The power of "superclass" cannot be used in hell.

"There, it's probably the transcendent central universe before the 23rd century."

"So long?" Wang Xuan was moved, originally guessing

It's the old universe before the 17th century. I didn't expect it to be more conservative than

Estimated to be 6 centuries earlier.

"I really don't understand how the old universe, which should have been decayed long ago, could have all things competing with each other, full of vitality, and flowing rhythm, which is comparable to the current transcendent center."

The mobile phone wonders no longer care about Wang Xuan's 5 violations. In its view, compared with the unexpected discovery of the "New Transcendent Center", it is nothing at all.

Then it fell silent again, completely silent, except that there were now and then some old photos on the screen, it was searching.

Wang Xuan interprets the change of nothing and existence, and completes the opposite

Dao Niu combed his bones and muscles, patted his head, and said, "You will see yourself later."

Fu Dao Niu is full of runes flowing, it is very excited,

But hurry up to meditate and adjust your breath. Today, the incomparably vast and mysterious new transcendent central world that used to be in the past is a great opportunity for it to blend the Taoism there.

After the rhyme, it suddenly became full of spirit.

Therefore, it now has a vague opportunity, and it may be here to transcend tribulation.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for its cyan

The fur stood up, and the primordial spirit shone, emitting a dazzling light, and the opportunity to break the limit 5 times became clearer, and it was really about to appear!

"Confucius, I'm sorry, I can't control it, you help me sort it out

When it's done, it's here! "Fudao ox cry

Dao, afraid of disrupting the rhythm.

"It's alright, you can concentrate on transcending the calamity. I'm fine,

It can also help you protect the law. "Wang Xuan nodded and said.

It's at ease, no need to think about it.

In the distance, on the mountain, someone was keenly aware of the abnormality here.

"Look, the sky has turned purple, and there is purple mist flowing, and there is an opportunity for Kong Xuan to break the limit 5 times. Everyone, at this time, take action and forcibly interrupt,

Ruin this one and only chance! "

"It's really here, I can't go wrong, purple auspiciousness is surging, this is a rare 5-breaking wonder. Hey, it's a pity Kong Xuan, the road is blocked today, I don't know if you will

The mentality will be unbalanced, and the foundation will be completely collapsed. "

Between heaven and earth, countless talisman papers appear, all of them are

Aiming at the purple peace and nobility, it is densely packed and looks like it is about to seal the sky.

Several True Saint Dojos have long been prepared. Knowing that Kong Xuan has broken the limit recently, they have prepared a large number of "Dao Sealing Talismans", trying to destroy the purple Dao Rhyme.

"Moo, you bastards!" Fu Dao Niu sensed the crisis and was furious, even the purple mist turned black, and his anger drew a

Layer of evil spirits.

It grew bigger, like a hill, standing on the ruins of the imperial city, glaring at people in the distance, and cast spells to block those talismans.

"Meditation, guard against impatience, and end your calamity with peace of mind, I am here," Wang Xuan said.

In the distance, someone said coldly: "The cow in the tattoo palace, after being subdued, is actually so loyal to Kong Xuan, helping to fight and protect the law."

"Don't worry about it, I really want to get in the way, kill it together!" Cheng Dao, the True Immortal Senior Brother of the Tattoo Palace, spoke, the "old master" of Fu Dao Niu, his face was extremely ugly.

Wang Xuan naturally shot at the first time, and the dense sword light shot up into the sky, and the flying swords created by one hundred thousand people slashed the sky and cut the talisman paper, showing the unparalleled Taoism in the realm of the real immortal.

Controlling the sword technique with one hand, it cut off the sky, and a large number of talisman papers burst into pieces, falling down one after another, and none of them could get close to the purple auspicious cloud. Browsing *browser* search*: @…the whole network@starting

"Okay, isn't it very strong, continue to sacrifice to the sea

The amount of talisman paper, the consumption of Taoism. I'll see how I can endure the most terrifying '5 times the limit-breaking true immortal calamity', and when we're exhausted, we'll tear Ziyun apart, blast away Dao Yun, and use our heads to block it? ! "Cheng Dao, the strongest 5th time-breaking disciple of the Tattoo Palace, spoke indifferently.

"That's right, the piles are also piled to death!"

The young man opened his mouth, his eyes were cold, and he had a strong hostility towards Kong Xuan. Liu Nian, the strongest disciple of the dojo, died so tragically that not even the prowlers were made, and they were completely beaten.

In an instant, each dojo once again offered up the talisman paper, regardless of the cost, to the purple sky.

Wang Xuan stretched his five fingers together, covering the past against the sky. In an instant, it was densely packed, like the talisman paper falling from the pouring rain, all blurred and disappeared inexplicably.

Then, with the other hand, aiming at the extraordinary people of various dojos, as a result, countless talismans appeared out of thin air, emitting a dazzling light, and they all hit them.


"Quick retreat!" Chao Peerless shouted, and the massive amount of talisman paper was as dense as raindrops, and it fell down with a crackle, exuding terrifying energy fluctuations.

"Hurry back!" All the sects have strong voices shouting.

This was too sudden, and the second wave of rune papers disappeared inexplicably. Wouldn't this one-time consumable be shattered when touched?

No mana, etc. can go to urge them a second time, and as a result, they are being used in reverse. Chi Chi!

The speed of the rune paper is like a flying sword in the sky coming at an extremely fast speed, faster than when it went, and it is extremely terrifying.

Gorgeous and dazzling. Puff puff

Many people fled, but there were still some people who took a step slower. The so-called talisman, like a hundred thousand fairy swords, resonated and fell, hurriedly and quickly, with **** sword energy.

Some of the disciples flew away, some escaped into the ground, but many unlucky ones were pierced, and then the talisman paper itself burst open, causing a violent roar here, and blood splashing.

The talisman paper is like a light rain, like a fairy sword, vertically and horizontally across this land

With that, all the grass and trees exploded, and many hilltops exploded, disintegrating instantly.

Wang Xuan is very calm, this is a combination of nothing and something

Leng Mei was surprised to see that even the activated disposable talisman paper could be turned back into nothingness, reborn and used again, which was a bit terrifying. This time alone, the dojos were severely damaged, and many disciples were beheaded.

It can be seen that the earth seems to have been ploughed again, and the broken peaks are densely packed and devastated.


The huge sound of thunder shook the four fields, the entire ruins of the old imperial city were shaking, and the four fields were even more rumbling.

"Hurry up and stop Kong Xuan from breaking the strangle him with a sword formation,

Split the rhythm on the sky! "There is a super peerless order in person.

"Everyone, wait a second, why do I feel that something is wrong, who is transcending the calamity?" Someone noticed something abnormal and broke their preconceived thoughts.

Many people were startled and stared at the desolate ruins carefully.

"Spicy chicken!" Finally, another group of people posted

Now it's not right, lightning can't deceive people, at this time thunder falls

I went, why didn't I split at Kong Xuan?

Baidu search for the other side of deep space@…seconds, masters remember for a second:!

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