Deep Space Fleet

Chapter 196 Noah - Information

Seeing how many people were thinking, Zhang Yuan said again: "Many problems are completely mediocre. For example, sleeping, human beings sleep every day. During those few hours, can it be considered that the old self is dead and the new self is dead? I was born?"

"For example, in hibernation, consciousness has been interrupted for hundreds of years! When humans wake up, how does this consciousness reappear? Is the me before and after hibernation different?"

"...even if I use that instrument, the original me died suddenly at that moment, and a new me was born, but the new me has no feeling or relevant memory... In the cognition of the new me, consciousness It's still continuous, and that's enough."

"If the 'new me' is exactly the same as the 'old me', and nothing has changed in the world, and no one knows about it, then according to the razor principle, there is no need to think about such insignificant things."

Some scientists thought it made sense and nodded thoughtfully.

There were also many people who heard that the "old self" might disappear, their faces were livid with fright, and they sat aside without saying a word.

This kind of question seems very strange and weird. If you can accept it, you can easily accept it. If you can't accept it, you can't accept it no matter what.

Of course, there are still many people who are eager to try and continue to serve as volunteers.

Anyway, no matter what the outcome of the debate is, it is impossible for human beings to give up eating because of choking, and research must continue.

As for...whether you can accept this technology is a matter of personal choice...

After the meeting, Yuan Zhang caught up with Dr. Ichiro Yamamoto, an expert in bionics.

This Dr. Yamamoto is the same age of Zhang Yuan. As the proposer of the bionics project, he is a very weird and serious guy.

"Yamamoto, what do you think about this problem?"

"Me?" Yamamoto looked around, and said softly, "Of course it is to abandon the weak body and embrace a stronger body! Originally, in my transformation plan, I wanted to keep the human brain, but now the brain doesn't seem to need to be kept... …Just upload the consciousness directly and complete the silicon-based transformation! It’s really a bit perfect!”

Zhang Yuan smiled: "You hate the human body so much? No wonder you haven't found a girlfriend until now."

"No, I don't hate it. I still want girls, but girls don't want me." Yamamoto scratched his head, and then grabbed a few hairs from his bald head, "Invent a real girlfriend from the second dimension." , is my dream."

Zhang Yuan laughed twice: "Do you really think that humans can crack this technology?"

"It not only involves science, but also philosophy and religion. This is beyond the reach of science... I even think that there is no possibility of deciphering Bozman's self-awareness before it is confirmed."

"Even if... this technology is cracked, if it is really used at that time, the opposition will not be so loud."

Yamamoto sighed, "Zhang Yuan, you underestimate the ability of human beings to be greedy for life and fear death. When death is imminent, they will make a choice. Even if it is really possible to change their consciousness, they will still choose."

"This is... eternal life!"

Zhang Yuan also shook his head.

In fact, what he worries about is not people's choice, but, do human beings have such a level to embrace real eternal life? Is this really a science and technology that is good for civilization as a whole?

What would a world without death be like?

Zhang Yuan couldn't imagine, but shivered abruptly.

Eternal life, a historical sample that has never appeared before, even the history of new civilizations, can't give a good direction... But Zhang Yuan faintly said that this is not a good thing as imagined.

A basin of water, if there is no fluidity, will soon deteriorate, and immortality will undoubtedly prevent this fluidity.

Three months passed quickly, and the vigorous first-stage cracking work came to an end for the time being.

As predicted by many scientists, except for the deciphering of the alien language, the progress of the rest of the work is not very good. The generation gap is a bit big, and this kind of gap cannot be quickly bridged through hard work.

Under the circumstances that there is no hope for this kind of cracking, some scientists have already entered a state of hibernation, and the next batch will be the turn of Zhang Yuan and others.


On this day, in a small office, there was a burst of crazy screams.

"Haha, look what I found! Look what I found?"

"Ha ha!"

"What a surprise, what a surprise!"

This is the room of informatics expert Li Zhendong. All kinds of messy instruments and equipment are piled up all over the floor. This guy is yelling frantically, with a rosy complexion like a balloon, as if he has made some great discovery.

Language and writing, as the only part that has made progress at present, is of course the top priority.

If the language is not deciphered, everything behind it will be impossible to talk about.

However, the language of the Gaia civilization is really difficult to understand. There are too many words in it, and there are many meanings that are not possessed by human language. So in three months, so many scientists can only produce a preliminary translation machine, which can translate some simple languages.

But just today, Li Zhendong made an amazing discovery!

"Old Zhang! Old Zhang! Look what I found!"

Li Zhendong was on the phone, let go of his feet and started running wildly.

Thousands of years ago, the Earth Era encountered a planetary-level alien spacecraft and received a signal from this spacecraft.

Being extremely bored, Li Zhendong tried various information encoding methods. When he tried a relatively rough error correction code, a miracle happened...

This string of error correction codes can be deciphered in the language of Gaia civilization!

It's just... incredible!

When he told Zhang Yuan the news, Zhang Yuan was stunned, "What, the language sent by the passing alien civilization is the same as the Gaia civilization?!"

This news is a bit bizarre, and everyone will be a little bit from ear to ear for a while. Captain Zhao's neck even collapsed.

Li Zhendong was very satisfied with everyone's expressions, and his desire for performance was fully satisfied.

"How about it, am I awesome?"

"Hurry up and watch it, hurry up and watch it!" Zhang Yuan punched him directly.

Although this piece of information is very little, it still aroused everyone's strong curiosity.

Li Zhendong didn't hold back, and soon played the deciphered content on the big screen.

"...Attention all interstellar civilizations, this is the Noah Civilization-MA37UY negative-energy cyberspace construction spacecraft, and it is forbidden to approach within 102 AU... Violators will bear the consequences..."

"The current construction progress of the pan-galactic network system: 45.67%... Target star field, MJKH66754..."

Behind is a piece of gibberish.

"Wait a minute!" Zhang Yuan swallowed, "Why is it the Noah civilization, not the Gaia civilization? Did you make a mistake?"

"No, it's not the same word..." Li Zhendong said uncertainly: "As for the Noah's a name I randomly chose, just a code name. It shouldn't be Gaia, I'm not sure."

People can get two key points from this piece of information.

First, negative energy cyberspace is another very strange term.

Anyway, it must be an extremely huge project, because such a large planetary-level spacecraft is actually just a construction spacecraft... I don’t know for the time being whether it will affect human beings.

Second, this so-called "Noah civilization" must be extremely powerful.

Zhang Yuan didn't know what to say anymore, a sub-light-speed flying planet was just a construction spacecraft, well, he didn't know what to say anymore.

He is comparing the so-called "Gaia" and "Noah", which one is stronger, or the two are probably the same, it is just a matter of human translation.


This interesting episode will pass quickly, and it will not interfere with the normal schedule of human beings, but it has only evolved into an unsolvable secret.

Two months later, Zhang Yuan will enter normal hibernation again.

He wrote in his diary: "The long journey of more than 3,000 years will soon pass, and the next awakening, we will reach a new home planet."

Recalling the experience of the whole journey, ups and downs, all of a sudden, Qiqi rushed to my heart!

During the whole process, he learned a lot and grew a lot. He is no longer a student who just graduated from university... but a person who wants to carry the entire civilization forward.

"There have been enough stories along the way, but all of them are in the past tense, and the future is more important. We will eventually be here and take a new step!"

"If the earth's civilization is dead, let us be reborn on our future home planet... from the ashes!"

Gliese 518, here we come!

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