Deep Space Fleet

Chapter 457: The Pursuit of Eternal Progress

After hearing Zhang Yuan's whimsical ideas, John shouted excitedly, "Quark energy? What a beauty you think! But this kind of possible scientific fantasy is indeed very beautiful..."

All the people in the surrounding coffee shops looked over curiously, so that John quickly suppressed his excitement, and his voice gradually became smaller.

They talked enthusiastically about the cultural changes, technological changes, and difficulties encountered in the new civilization, and recalled the past.

John was a pessimistic scientist in the past, but now benefiting from new technology, he is completely addicted to the vast amount of knowledge and is full of expectations for the future.

There are indeed many technologies that can be realized as expected, including highly complex things such as nano-robots and artificial cells. They have been stuck for a long time in the past, and now they can move on. In the future trading market, human beings should also be able to gain a lot of new knowledge, and be able to peacefully come into contact with more powerful civilizations.

John changed the topic from the technical level to other directions. He recalled his experience in the virtual world, told a few short stories, and couldn't help but sigh: "The reason why we feel it is beautiful is because the whole society is still As we move forward, there are all kinds of novel things to explore, and we have expectations for the future.”

"If there is no progress, human beings will always fall into the vicious circle of internal games, and no matter what, they will become unhappy."

"Yes", Zhang Yuan deeply sympathized, "In a world that remains unchanged, there will always be so many loopholes that can be exploited... I have been thinking, is what we are after constantly changing?"

"Just like the heat death of the universe, once in the heat death state, all atoms are evenly distributed, and there is no possibility.

"What we are after is not to avoid this state of perpetual stagnation...perpetual change?"

John was silent for a while, "You're right, I also hate that kind of long-term invariance. A dead civilization is naturally gone, but the living civilization remains unchanged, which is really unbearable. Sometimes, life is better than death."

Everyone has their own different encounters in the virtual world.

But it is difficult for people who do not have the ability to think for themselves to return to the real world.

John is undoubtedly one of the best.

"So, as described in the history of new civilizations, our first goal is to pursue eternal progress, the second goal is survival, and eternal progress is always the first goal!"

"Whoever hinders this progress is our enemy."

This should be the common idea of ​​all supernatural beings.

After being silent for a while, Zhang Yuan asked again: "Have you met other old acquaintances? If so, you can chat and drink coffee together. Although it feels good to be with young people, there are many things , there is always a little generation gap with them.”

"I didn't look for it on purpose. I probably saw seven or eight of them. The work of the return of the extraordinary has not yet officially started. We are the first batch of returnees. They are experimental personnel. The number will not exceed a hundred. Don't you Expecting too much."

John shook his head: "Besides, it's been such a long time, I don't know if they have returned to this world, and I don't know if they are still the same people they knew before, hey, most likely they are looking for disappointment for themselves .Maybe they will come back when the restrictions are lifted, or maybe they won't."

"I saw you today, so I couldn't help running over to say hello. I feel very happy... There is no need to find a psychological burden for myself."

Zhang Yuan sighed lightly.

Yes, it has been so many years, after so many reincarnations, every time you die of old age, you will witness the departure of relatives and friends.

The more you experience it again and again, the more you will gradually see this.

What is the most important thing for a person to live in this world?

It's me!

No one can accompany you to the end except yourself.

Every reincarnation has new relatives and friends and a new life. If you are obsessed with missing old friends and obsessed with the past, then your personal eternal life will be a kind of pain.

The person will be lost in the virtual world, with no possibility of returning to reality.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yuan smiled: "Then, for our new life, cheers!"


With a bang, the two lightly clinked glasses, Zhang Yuan took a sip, and joked, "The air is full of philosophy."

"Haha, we are all philosophers, but if a society is full of philosophers, nothing can be done!" John said: "Society needs more doers!"


After the party, Zhang Yuan returned home with a little something to say.

Turning on the computer habitually, he found that the mailbox was full of scientific research documents, and colleagues in the group were already discussing the next improvement plan with great interest. There were also some letters, which were questions asked by scientific researchers from other research institutes. Zhang Yuan settled down and answered patiently one by one.

It wasn't until eleven o'clock in the evening that I finished replying to all the documents and read the book for a while.

Recently, he inexplicably fell in love with a novel "One Hundred Years of Solitude" written by the writer Marquez thousands of years ago.

The whole book describes the changes in Latin America in the 20th century through one family. Human beings are always lonely, and it is difficult to unify scattered forces through an effective method. A person with ideals and burdens is often assimilated by the whole society, just like the fact that Latin America did not rise in the end, the change of a society is too complicated.

There is a sentence in it: "You hate those people so much, and you fight with them for so long, but in the end you become like them. There is no ideal in the world that is worth the price of such a sinking."

Everyone who has the ability to be complex but chooses simplicity knows the weight of this sentence.

It's a normal day for him too...

In this way, time passed year after year, the time to the interstellar trading market was slowly approaching, and the speed of the entire fleet began to gradually slow down.

Due to his excellent grades, Zhang Yuan joined the ranks of interstellar diplomats as he wished, but his usual work is still the same, and there is not much change, except for the occasional personal quality training for diplomats...

Through news reports, it can be known that the entire fleet has received communication information from the outer spaceships of the Huantai Civilization.

Simple contact with each other has already begun.

It is estimated that three years later, the two main motherships will stay in the outermost void of the trading market, and then these diplomatic representatives will take some small spaceships to the exchange.

After all, it is a transaction between civilization and civilization. It is impossible to dispatch all the staff like buying vegetables in the vegetable market. The vast majority of the population will be inside the mothership. Sending some representatives of the elite would do just fine.

"There are still three years..." Zhang Yuan took a deep breath, looking forward to that day.

A great journey will finally come to an end, and we don't know what mankind will gain in the end...

Occasionally, one day, meeting an old friend from the old days, smiling at each other, talking happily over wine, can be regarded as a small surprise in life.

Just like what John said, Zhang Yuan was the one who returned to the real world relatively early. He only experienced five reincarnations in the virtual world before being kicked out by the artificial intelligence "Sita".

And 5 reincarnations are the minimum standard line. If someone has one more reincarnation than him, it may be fifty or sixty years or even a hundred years in the real world.

The entire civilized society of new mankind has not yet made preparations for the return of a large number of extraordinary people, so after so many years, Zhang Yuan did not pay much attention to the fact that Lin Xuanxuan, Li Zhendong, and Yamamoto Ichiro were not found. They may still be in the virtual world, insisting on their ideals and beliefs, and of course it may be even worse... There is no way to force them, everything can only rely on themselves.

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