Deep Space Fleet

Chapter 506: An Old Acquaintance

"It's a strange thing. It may be that everyone's life span is too high, and the subconscious doesn't want to be bound together for hundreds of years... Boys and girls these days are really strange. Could it be that the happiness of the love chip has been weakened? No Maybe..."

Zhang Yuan shook his head, thinking secretly.

This should be the human instinct at work. Human civilization wants to be strong, and many times it contradicts the biological instinct.

He is now a biologist, especially focusing on the development of additional perception of the auxiliary brain, and has also studied the "love chip". The love chip is already the ultimate happiness that human beings can enjoy normally. If the threshold is adjusted higher, it will destroy the mechanism of the brain itself.

The ideological changes brought about by the high life expectancy are too complicated. If technology that can live for 1,000 years is really developed in the future, humans really can't use it all at once. Maybe a lifespan of a thousand years has become a black technology belonging to human beings, causing the entire social structure to collapse.

Yes, human civilization is so fragile.

Only a very small number of extraordinary people can adapt to the long-term life under the current philosophical norm system.

While thinking wildly like this, Zhang Yuan heard Zhao Congcong say: "...Mr. Zhao Qing's old manga has ended, and a new manga has been released, which is still based on his real events in the virtual world. This is simply unbelievable! I just said that he has a very different temperament... If only my other half was him."

Zhao Congcong has become Zhao Qingfeng's fangirl...

By the way, Zhao Qingfeng changed his name to Zhao Qing now, no one can guess his previous identity anymore. The extraordinary people who are returning now will change their names and appearances.

"...You think too much. This comic is not just for you to enjoy, but it has a certain degree of depth."

Lu Tao, who was sitting next to him, ate a piece of braised pork, and then said solemnly: "You can learn a lot from it, such as how to stand out from the crowd in the virtual world; what kind of strange world is it in virtual world No. 14. These are confidential information, let us know in advance now."

"Hey, the virtual world on the 14th cannot be better than our current society after all, but that human world is also real, and may even exist in a parallel universe... So, cherishing the present is also the most important thing. "

Zhao Congcong dragged his face with one hand: "That's true, but when I think of the world after death, I feel a little inexplicably afraid."

"If you die, you will disappear in this life, and you may never see you again. Even if you return to this world, you will be alone."

Zhang Yuan joked: "There is nothing to be afraid of. Before the virtual world is really established, people die, but they are really dead. Unlike now, there is no chance of reincarnation. Fear of death, human beings have all kinds of cultures, including religions of all kinds.”

"For you girls, I have a suggestion... After entering the virtual world, you can go to the monastery to become a nun or nun, and then do some good deeds within your ability! As long as you repeat 5 reincarnations, the civilization contribution will definitely maintain a positive number, and you will be able to start anew. Back to the real world."

"You are too bad! How can you be a nun? Who wants to be a nun for a lifetime, oh, five lifetimes and be a good person?"

Zhang Yuan quickly smiled and begged for mercy. This idea is indeed a bad idea, but how many solutions are really better than this idea?

How many people can do better than this?

These men and women have been discussing for a long time. Regarding the content of the superhuman assessment, the only information that has been revealed so far is these cartoons, or some cultural workers' movies, novels, etc.

Generally speaking, the examiner will have a relatively good background and a golden finger that can make him live a good life, and that's all.

The government is not very good at publishing these things, and only when a person is about to die, will he inform the relevant information in detail.

Zhang Yuan does not intend to tell these friends more detailed content. They are still so young, and it doesn't make much sense to focus on things hundreds of years later. Let's live this life well first.

Everyone's experience is different, so it is impossible to copy the experiences of successful people and repeat them. In the end, the will and overall quality of the individual are selected.

It doesn't mean that if you swear now and discuss the "strategy", you will be able to do it when the time comes.

A very simple truth, out of a hundred people who want to lose weight, how many of them will succeed in losing weight in the end? To lose weight, just keep exercising and control your diet.

"Tell me, how many extraordinary people are there now?"

"Two or three thousand, maybe more and more in the future. Didn't a plan be passed 30 years ago to increase the relevant population ratio?"

"Have they become the mainstay of society?"

Zhao Congcong looked at Zhang Yuan with a smile: "Impossible, in just 30 years, some people are still students? Some may still be babies, right? It is said that these babies have autism at the beginning. People with autism are superhumans, right? I remember that Zhang Yuan also had this problem when he was a child..."

Zhang Yuan was taken aback, and said nonsense: "I'm just born stupid, and I don't want to talk too much to you people who learned calculus in elementary school. When you were learning calculus, I was still learning addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, so I'm too inferior. Only silent."

"Then what... the Grief Syndrome?"

The two girls giggled again. They knew that what Zhang Yuan said was a lie, but they were still very happy.

At this moment, seven or eight high school students suddenly walked past the glass window near the restaurant, looking youthful and beautiful. Girls nowadays develop beautifully very early, and they don't need to wear school uniforms during the Chinese New Year, they can wear their own clothes to show their individuality.

Zhang Yuan rubbed his eyes, and felt that one of the girls seemed very familiar, and really had a very familiar smell.

When I took a closer look, I found that it was not, but the look and walking posture were a bit similar.

He felt a little doubtful in his heart, recalling that the current superhumans will carry out a series of genetic fine-tuning after their return, and the various systems are not as rough as before, so he stood up quickly.

"What are you doing? You like molesting female high school students now?" Zhao Congcong joked, "You are breaking the law!"

Zhang Yuan quickly said: "Meet an old acquaintance, go out and have a look! I will pay for this meal!"


(PS: The newly added suddenly exploded, and suddenly plummeted by 30%! What's going on! Has the added coin exploded?)

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