Deep Space Fleet

Chapter 517 All-round cooperation (a 6000-word chapter!)

With an order, all the astronomers in the civilization mobilized and tried to search for information in this area. They checked the previous observation data several times.


At least, there are no corresponding stellar structures within 50 light-years.

If such astral structures existed, so many civilizations in the trading market should have discovered them long ago, and talked about them with delight.

Not within 100 light-years!

Still nothing within 150 light-years!

At this time, the Tuos people were already a little panicked. 150 light-years is a large number for a third-level interstellar civilization. It may take more than two thousand years to travel long distances, plus maintenance and rest in the middle!

Within 200 light-years, it seems... still not...

"But it cannot be ruled out that there are some stars that have been missed and not recorded." The astronomer seemed to be comforting everyone.

300 years of conception, this search range is too large, and the Toss civilization is beyond its capabilities. The records in the database record places at most 300 light-years away, but there is still nothing.

The meeting room was silent, no one spoke.

Thomas seemed to understand the trap laid by humans, and sighed: "Contact them, where is the nearest astronomical structure?"

The embassies of both sides are on the same planet, so it is not difficult to get in touch. After about an hour, the humans simply replied: "At least a thousand light-years away."

Human beings only gave an ambiguous data, the starry sky is so big, it is impossible to find the corresponding stars according to this data. The exact location will only be communicated if both parties fully cooperate.

But this number directly made these giant salamanders lament, they didn't think the new humans would lie here.

"That is to say, there is no star structure we need nearby! If we want to observe the collision of neutron stars at close range, we must cross a very, very long distance! 1000 light-years, this distance is too long for us to accept."

"We have to buy technological services in the trading market, and it is possible to fly over through curvature technology. Therefore, when the new human civilization finds us, it should be seeking cooperation in this area... A civilization rents a battle star to fly over. Such a fee, the two civilizations, are also the same fee."

Another young Tosi immediately said: "Then, what the new human beings mean... we can share the cost equally with the new human civilization. We are willing to accept such cooperation!"

"Equal share? It's too simple for you!"

Thomas shook his head, and said to the still young diplomat: "You know, we signed the so-called confidentiality regulations, but the other party didn't. Even if the other party leaked the secret, as long as it doesn't blame us, we have nothing to do with it." of……"

"The other party can choose not to cooperate with us and choose another civilization."

"So in this way, we are a civilization alone. If we want to go to that place, we need to pay the full ticket. Even, we haven't found out where the so-called neutron star collision area is."

"So, in order to reduce losses, we have to pay extra amoeba points and ask humans to cooperate with us..."

"It's equivalent to buying the news with money."

This... so calculated!

For a while, there were no Tosi people in the conference room to speak. Such logic seemed to be impeccable.

At this point in the discussion, Thomas said to another member of the think tank: "You go to communicate with the trading market and ask how much it costs to rent a battle star."

Renting a battle star must be extremely expensive. So far, the Tuos people have not yet had their own planetary fortress.

Except for some third-level civilizations that deeply cultivate their own home planets, nomadic civilizations generally don't bother to build such cumbersome things.

After realizing that his people were all sighing, Thomas shook his head slightly. What they desire most now is to have a pair of eyes, for which they have accumulated a lot of amoeba points.

But now, a pair of eyes is nothing compared to curvature technology.

A pair of eyes requires around 8,000 to 9,000 amoeba points. After paying such a large amount of points, the interstellar trading market will tailor a pair of eyes that can perceive electromagnetic waves for them, and design a special auxiliary brain for them.

As long as you know what it feels like to have the light, and complement this part of the "software" in the brain, the follow-up things will be easier, and the speed of self-improvement will become faster.

But now, if one wants to pursue curvature technology, a large amount of amoeba points will inevitably be consumed, and the pursuit of this aspect will undoubtedly be delayed for a long time.

After some discussions, at least 70% of Toss people think that the pursuit of curvature technology should be given priority. Anyway, they have long been used to it now, and a few years later is not a big deal.

After owning the curvature technology, there are too many places to go. Maybe there are civilizations similar to what they encountered in other trading markets? It will be much easier to pursue a pair of eyes by then.

After listening to everyone's speech, Thomas continued: "However, to go to the neutron star collision area, you must rent a battle star to realize the relocation of the entire civilization. This little money and points cannot be saved. Otherwise, in the absence of any protection Under normal circumstances, once the neutron stars collide, what we lose is our entire wealth and life.”

"I just asked. The lease fee of the planetary fortress is calculated according to time, 40 points a year, and the speed is 10-12 times the speed of light. The minimum time for each lease is 50 years, so at least 2000 amoeba points are required."

"If you lease it for 100 years and travel to a region a thousand light-years away, you will get 4,000 amoeba points."

This fee simply surprised everyone. No wonder the new human civilization is looking for a partner. If it's farther away, I can't bear it at all.

Another staff member came up with a solution: "...According to the current analysis, the non-disclosure agreement we signed earlier, the new human civilization is serious, so the possibility of fraud is very low.

"Yes, they probably don't want this news to spread. There are too many third-level civilizations going there, and there will always be chaos."

"So, can we test each other's bottom line because of this? The first cooperation priority of the new human civilization must be us, because we have already learned the news. The second priority is other civilizations."

"There should be a price to measure this priority."

Thomas thought for a while, and the tentacles on the two heads swayed: "You are right, but it is the same for us. As long as the new human civilization does not cooperate with us, we will have to rent another warship." Star, pay the full price of the ticket, if the new humans cooperate with us, at least, we may pay less amoeba points."

The young man said loudly: "Even if you pay less than one or two hundred points, it's not bad, isn't it?"

All the giant salamanders in the conference room were sullen, silent, silent...

Even though they have fully known the news, they still have to pay!

This made them lament the cunning of the new human civilization loudly.

Yes, compared to paying the full price of the ticket, even paying one or two hundred points less is an acceptable result for the Toss civilization.

It doesn't make any sense to kill the fish and break the net. If the new human beings do not choose to cooperate with the Toss civilization, but choose another civilization, after the Toss people spend a lot of money, they will face the challenge of an alliance!

The fact that the Tuos people are not good at making friends does not mean that the new human civilization is not good. Even an alliance with ghosts is more reliable than a complete stranger.

After analyzing all the pros and cons in this way, one of the senior officials sighed, "I agree with Sir Thomas. At present, it seems that cooperation with the other party is our best choice."

"Unless we don't want to get curvature technology... But now, this news about curvature technology is indeed reliable, and there is a certain chance of success."

The chief scientist nodded. They can guarantee that the scientific deduction will not lie. These days, they have simulated it many times with scientific computers. However, without a large amount of truly reliable data, these theories are always missing a large part of the content, and it is impossible to make them up by brain alone.

This is a major event concerning the survival and development of the entire civilization. No matter how cautious they are, they argued in circles again for a week, and after still not coming up with a better solution, Thomas finally announced: "Let's negotiate, talk to them Said, we are willing to bear part of the cost."

"If some amoeba points can be offset by technology, we are willing to trade more core technology."

"There is no need for everyone to regret anything. The news itself is valuable, and we just can't let it go. From a logical point of view, we should even thank each other."

"If you really get the curvature technology, what is this price... what is it?!"


The second round of negotiations has resumed.

After reaching a consensus and reaching an agreement, the two sides began a very complicated negotiation process. All kinds of wrangling over and over again are exhausting. The people of Tuos are willing to pay more amoeba points, but they are unwilling to help human beings pay in full.

According to their reasoning, if human beings change another partner, it is also risky. This part of the risk should also be converted into amoeba points.

The final agreement was that humans would pay 1,000 amoeba points, and the Toss civilization would pay 3,000 points, and jointly rent a planetary-level fortress to go to that star field.

In addition, the Toss civilization has to pay for magnetic field defense technology equivalent to 800 amoeba points. These are core technologies and have never been sold in the trading market. It is equivalent to the Toss civilization paying 1800 points for this news, which is already a pretty good result.

In addition, after the conclusion of the contract, the two parties are no longer allowed to find a third-party partner.

After all, it is okay to say that the two civilizations, the three civilizations, the situation will undoubtedly become more complicated, and there may be no way to cooperate by then.

We are engaged in research and development, not to engage in politics and form cliques with each other.

But the problem came again. After the 5,000 amoeba points were frozen because of confidentiality, the Tuos people couldn't afford the 3,000 points, so they had to be unfrozen first. This also brings more complicated problems, whether it will leak the secret, how to guarantee it after thawing, etc...

This problem is also very realistic. Since he wants to leave the trading market in advance, Toss Civilization also wants to spend 80% to 90% of his amoeba points in advance. This time, the scientific research experiment will be rewarded if it is not successful. It must be done in advance. get ready. Especially, under the premise that there are a lot of resources available for purchase in the market. It would be a sin not to use it.

So, after listening to the demands of the Toss civilization, after friendly consultations, humans agreed to the other party's request to unfreeze the points, but a series of more complicated contracts were signed in the middle to ensure confidentiality.


This series of contracts is as thick as an encyclopedia, with more than 600 pages. The middleman "Coco Filiform Wart" whose eyes swelled like eggs said, "Ah, you two civilizations are really good at negotiating." Well... the service fee is still... 5 points, thank you for your patronage."

The two sides also chose to carry out deeper cooperation to strengthen mutual trust. There is no so-called trading market when you arrive at that unfamiliar place, and no one knows what will happen at that time... Maybe it is possible to meet another civilization.

It is better to cooperate with each other than to choose to fight against each other. Win-win is the best mode in "Prisoner's Dilemma".

After the whole negotiation was over, everyone came out with a tired face. Even Zhang Yuan's eyes were red, and it was obvious that he was exhausted.

The entire negotiation process took a full five months!

Too long, as if a whole century has passed!

But everyone's nerves are extremely excited. The fruits of victory this time are a bit too big. The unique technology of the Toss civilization, which is equivalent to 800 amoeba points, is very valuable. More than what humans currently have, it can be used in all aspects of industry.

What's more, after people complete this big goal, they still have more than 1,000 target points on hand. With this hard currency of 1,000 points, they can control more things.

A celebration banquet was held in the embassy, ​​and there were staggered cups of wine. It is also a special taste to hold a celebration banquet in the alien's territory, especially many of the dishes are from the Thoth civilization. Very strange things, it is almost unpalatable to death !

"What is this, a sheep's eyeball? My God!" Zhang Yuan, as the proposer of the whole plan, is of course the biggest contributor. Many diplomats toasted one after another, and even helped him with food.

"What is this, it looks like...intestines? It stinks!"

Zhang Yuan was in shock!

"Don't worry, it's just protein when it's cooked!" Zhao Qingfeng seemed to see Zhang Yuan's expression that he was about to vomit, and kept helping him pick up vegetables: "And this, some kind of insect eggs, one bite will explode Syrup! With this kind of is delicious in the world, and these Tosi people like to enjoy it very much."


Before Zhang Yuan had time to react, it actually exploded. This strange smell like lime water made him sweat instantly, and he forcibly suppressed the overwhelming feeling in his stomach... Spit it out on this occasion , is simply too inelegant.

These are sterile foods grown in the laboratory, and will be brought back to the mothership in the future. But he seriously doubts that some people really like to eat these ghost things?

After the celebration meeting, Zhang Yuan closed his eyes sleepily. The task was successfully completed, and all the bones in his body seemed to be falling apart.

He believes that what is needed most now is sleep, yes, sleep!

Think about it all after you wake up.

What he desires most now is to see the girl in the mothership. In the blink of an eye, he hasn't seen her for five months. Time flies so fast, I suddenly relax, I really miss it...

After going back, it will be six months. The other party should have passed the college entrance examination and entered university, so they can get married with peace of mind...

Get a certificate?

At that time, it would be nice to brag about your performance on this diplomatic mission. He, Zhang, is still a young man, so he can't be like the old man. If he has something to brag about, why can't he brag about it? Especially bragging in front of girls, what a happy thing!

Zhang Yuan thought happily, and then fell asleep.


Of course, Zhang Yuan is not the only one who is dreaming sweet dreams. Almost everyone in the embassy is dreaming the same sweet dreams of their own.

Could it be... in one's lifetime, can one really witness the birth of curvature technology?

No, it should be impossible in one's lifetime, and it will take thousands of years, unless one can pass the extraordinary examination and return to this world, there is such a slight possibility.

Human beings at that time were really happy.

No matter how wide the Milky Way is, with curvature technology, is there any place that cannot be visited?

See a wider world and learn more about civilizations.

Even some soldiers standing guard felt even better. They didn't know why the celebration banquet was held, but seeing those high-level people in a good mood, they could naturally guess that something extraordinary must have happened, so their mood also improved, and they even hummed a little song softly.

The power armor has a very wide field of vision, and can easily see the spaceships flying around the planet.

This planet is the planet where the embassies of various civilizations are located, and various trading activities are frequent. Especially in recent years, there seem to be more spaceships coming and going...

Every civilization has its own efforts and ideas. According to statistics, recently, the frequency of weapons transactions has increased significantly.

I don't know what will happen in this starry sky in the distant future, in the years after Huantai Civilization Trading Market left.

At noon the next day, after saying goodbye to the staff here, Zhang Yuan and others boarded the return spacecraft again.

"Bon Voyage!"

"Bon Voyage!"

Witnessing the spaceship full of negotiators, the tail ejected bright ion beams, and started an emergency return journey, Mr. Chen Mu shook his head, then returned to his office, sat on the chair and closed his eyes to rest.

Only some diplomats returned, and he, the foreign minister, had to sit in the embassy...

ten years.

The two parties have agreed to stay here for ten years. All the muddy waters in the trading market, including the commercial alliance after the relocation of the interstellar market, the military alliance, and various scientific research cooperation, etc., people are not going to do it.

This made him relax a lot.

In ten years, all the things that need to be bought are bought, and the points that need to be consumed are also consumed.

The geographical influence of this trading market is nearly two hundred light years. Once the huge influence of the interstellar trading market is lost, this place will be even more chaotic, and it will not be as peaceful as before.

As for why the trading market needs to be relocated, I have also received a lot of ambiguous information over the years. On the one hand, for the people of Huantai, the civilization here really doesn’t have much effect; The game of interests among civilizations.

For example, it is possible that the fifth-level civilization Aleph civilization negotiated with the sixth-level amoeba civilization, and thus gave up this seemingly neutral territory.

"But, we are gone, what should the other human branches do?"

Chen Mu suddenly remembered the private conversation Zhang Yuan had with him just this morning.

"No way... There is no special good way."

This is the conclusion they both came to.

Chen Mu has no special feelings for other human branches, but as a human being of the same origin, from the moral and moral level, he also knows that he should help those human bases in the rear a little bit.

Even this kind of help may not be of any special use.

It is absolutely impossible for the new human civilization to take them all a thousand light-years away.

Every civilization has its own general trend, and the Milky Way has an even greater general trend of the times. The general trend of the Milky Way is based on civilizations. The third-level civilization really can't make any big waves. The most important thing is to strengthen yourself.

"...We haven't contacted the rear for a long time, right? I don't know how they live? Have they gotten rid of mediocrity?"

Just thinking about it like this, Chen Mu fell asleep in a daze... dreamed that human beings really mastered the curvature technology, soared in the vast galaxy, and even walked out of this starry sky to another river system to witness A wider world.


A month passed in a hurry, and the transport spaceship finally arrived at the location of the mothership.

Since the matter is of great importance, it is not easy to use electromagnetic waves to transmit messages in advance, so the people in the fleet do not know how the negotiations are going.

"How is it, has the cooperation with the Toss civilization been negotiated?" Your Excellency the captain asked the first sentence when he saw this group of people.

It's not that he is unkind, but that he really cares! They actually waited for six months, anxiously waiting every day and night, what is this, who can understand their pain!

Including all ministerial cadres have the same expression of hunger and thirst.

"Of course it was...successful!" Zhang Yuan was the first to get out of the gate of the biological disinfection area and said with a big smile.


(PS: Today's update is over, I have tried my best, I really can't write more... Tomorrow I can only update normally... For the sake of my hard work, pirated readers subscribe!)

(Finally, thanks again to the leader of the Silver Alliance! (*^▽^*))

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