Deer Demon Race

Chapter 106: Know

   Liu Youyu only then understood what the monster meant. He leaned back straight and fell on the grass, closing his eyes and relaxing his breath.

   Lu Bao nodded in satisfaction: "Go faint, I'm going to drag you Brother Liao over here, I'm going to scare him a little bit!"

   Right here next to Senior Brother Cao, who was skinned and died. He was still panicking when he fell asleep. Liu Youyu got up again hurriedly and ran away to lie down.

   Lu Bao asked the King of Wind Chaser to wake up the Qi refiner named Liao Daming and drag him over.

   I don't want to be born as a Wufu Liao Daming, and he is more polished than Liu Youyu, who has a fine skin and tender flesh.

In the end, Lu Bao had no choice but to say: "Then Ziyun Guan, what a good place, is it worth your time to die for him? Your younger brother has hired him, his name is Liu Youyu, your name is Liao Daming, and your uncle is called Fang He! "

   Liu Youyu over there was taken aback, his breathing was suddenly disordered, and when Liao Daming heard that he was pretending to be dizzy, he suddenly yelled.

   He scolded casually, Liu Youyu just pretended to be dead, and never said a word.

Lu Bao said a few things about the four factions. Only then did Liao Daming understand that Liu Youyu really sold the school. Think about this little white-faced master who is still a key player in the school. He is more valued in the school than his own, and he waited to die for him. It was really not worth it, and only then began to reveal the secrets in the door. This time it was better than Liu Youyu. Except for the other three factions, he didn't know much, but the secrets in Ziyun Temple were all shaken and revealed, even Liu Youyu's Xianghao sister said it.

This time, the deer deer was smart, and I first selected the Jingping Mountain monster. There are three monster kings there. There are many stupid monsters in the world. There are really not many stupid people. Liao Daming really stopped mentioning the body tempering method to separate the three families. .

The words that Liao Daming confessed corresponded to Liu Youyu's words. There were very few mistakes. After the secret investigation, he was just like before. He was asked to write a decision. Liao Daming's fighting skills are all physically. "The deer deer estimated that he could learn.

   copied the boxing skills and sent it to the three demon kings. After Liao Daming asked him, he asked him to accompany Liu Youyu to pretend to be dead, and instead asked their uncle Fanghe.

   The world’s long-lived creatures, except for the witches who have long been hidden from the world, there are not many others who spare their lives!

The older he was, the more he cherished his life. Fang He came back sober. This foundation-building monk consciously lived more expensively than his nephews, and was much more unbearable than Liao Daming. In addition to answering questions, he also asked to leave his two nephews behind. Let's open the noodles.

Uncle Master's heart was dark, Liu Youyu and Liao Daming no longer pretended to be dizzy, they all jumped up, the three monks performed a shrew cursing in front of the monsters, and the monk Zhuji was imprisoned by the demon king. There was no realm at this time. Advantages, one opponent and two opponents are evenly matched.

   The facts are already very clear. As the monks quarreled, the three demon kings called the demon general and demon together to discuss and deal with it.

   The pig demon will first ask: "Three kings, how do these monks divide?"

The three families were all staring at the body of the foundation-building cultivator. The demon kings looked at each other, and filled the water with a voice: "How to proceed under discussion, and then decide three living ones, die this, today's things are secret, don't make fire, you guys Eat it!"

  The body of the Qi refiner, like the demon, can be worthy of the yellow-level middle and low-grade elixir. Most of the demon in the scene are spiritually difficult, not too raw, so they rushed to eat the monk surnamed Cao.

   Lu Bao has a source of spiritual tea, and he is no longer lacking in demonic energy. Seeing that he is cannibalistic, he avoided it early and had to resist the nausea that kept rising in his stomach.

   When the three monks saw this scene, they remembered that they were prisoners. They didn't know what their fate was. They all forgot to fight, shivering and hiding aside, for fear that the monsters would have a big appetite, and they even ate with them.

   In the end, there was only a piece of fleshy bones. When the monsters leave, vultures and crows will come to peck at the leftovers and broken bones. In a day or two, the monk surnamed Cao will have no traces in this world.

After eating the dead monks, there are still two monster corpses on the ground. Looking at the huge jackal corpse, the eyes of the monsters are shining. It is a pity that the king of the wind chasing the trophy, the dead monster is also his home. Yes, the King of Wind Chaser didn't say anything, and the other two had no share. Dajiao, Abiao and others couldn't help but look at the foundation-building monk.

  Fang shuddered together, the monsters looked at him with burning eyes, and the few throats moved lightly, they were definitely swallowing saliva.

   Fortunately, the three demon kings have not ordered.

   After eating the dead monk surnamed Cao, and discussing the rules for dealing with it, Abiao said, "Every family must get rid of the spies first!"

   This is a nonsense. Since I asked the monk sect to intervene, for the demon king's peace of mind, the demon generals and the little demon who often cross the border must check it again. If there is a thought curse, it is a spy.

After Abiao said, Da Jiao said: "We have three demon generals in total, one less than the other one, and now there are more people who eat inside and out. It will be even more unbalanced when we kill him. It is better to think of a plan and also lead the other side. One came out and killed!"

In each season, he went out to gamble and fight with the Demon King. Lu Bao knew that there were also three demon generals in the Tiger Eater’s family. Only one less from the Wind Chaser family. There were eight demon generals in his side. It was the first time that there were nine demon generals in the opposite Star Picker King family. It is said that.

If the newly promoted and hidden Jackal General is no accident this time, there will be ten demons on the opposite side, plus the bought-out weasel on Jingping Mountain, and when the war starts, 11 demons will face seven demons. Great advantage!

   A human monk has intervened in the battle of the Six Demon Kings, but the choice is on the opposite side of his own, I will go!

   Big Horn means to bring out a monster from the opposite side, and even kill the weasel monster. When the war starts, the monster is seven to eight, and the gap is not so obvious.

   Of course, only Dajiao knows whether it is because of the gluttonous demon to kill the body, or if it is true.

   After the big horn, the King of Filling Water said to him: "If there is a good plan to get rid of one of his demon generals, the three kings and brothers can also take action!"

  Other demon kings make an effort, can the demon corpse be divided? Da Jiao touched his chin and said, "My lord, how can I have a plan? There are monks, so it's not easy to care!"

  The King of Wind Chaser hurriedly waved his hand, and the three human monks had lost their souls, and their five senses were sealed by spells. Foundation building monk Fang Heben is not so easy to be captured, but his mind is very active. Hearing monsters talk about secret matters, the more he knows, the harder he will be to live. He noticed that the magic of the demon king came over, but he took the initiative to let go of resistance. .

I have checked it before, and there is no monster on the top of the mountain that has been cursed with thoughts. Dajiao said: "My family is taking turns on the Lingtao Peak. Now that we have hooked up with the star picker family, it is better to stay a few days and let him communicate. , Let’s get out of the air, the demon on Lingtao Peak has many eyes, and the demon king of the star picker will talk to him privately, so we have to choose another place. We just stare at Shifu!"

   Hearing this, Lu Bao couldn't help but be curious, and interjected: "The three great kings attacked the three demon generals stationed at Lingtao Peak. Wouldn't it be easy to catch them? Why bother?"

"Luer doesn't know it," but the King of Filling Water personally solved his confusion: "We tried it 400 years ago, but when we saw the Demon King, the other demon generals surrounded the peach tree and wanted to burn the jade and stone. Where can the peach tree be broken? It was stalemate until the opposite Demon King came to relieve the siege. After that, when the peach was immature, he would not dare to fight on the peak again!"

   Having fought so many times for hundreds of years, both sides have rich experience in dealing with them, and they might have tried both while taking the turn of the half-way sneak attack.

   The deer demon stopped speaking, seeing that they agreed to Dajiao's suggestion and began to discuss which secret matter to use the spy to reveal to the opponent, only then would the opposing demon general meet with the weasel demon Xia Lingtao Peak.

   Secrets are more and more, and less is less. At least, when the King of Water Filling is unwilling to take out the tea garden to harvest and the genuine body tempering method, the monsters really can't think of anything that will attract the attention of the star king.

While listening for a while, deer deer could not help but interject: "Spare the lives of the three cultivators and let him wait to send more of the addictive strange things that attract the star king. The jackal is dead. The Star Retriever King cut off the source and learned that Ding couldn't help but to inquire about it. Maybe that strange thing will have a miraculous effect during the war!"

   Hearing that the deer demon wants to release the monk, it is the flesh of tender creatures! A Biao rolled his eyes: "These monks will survive, but will they come back honestly?"

   "If they don't give up Ziyunguan and escape, they will definitely come back. If they don't rest assured, which great king still has a soul tie, he will reward one for each!"

   Lu Bao proposed to release the monk, but he was not trying to save people again, but it is good to be able to keep a few eyes in the human world. Whenever outside, he will decide to catch the beast Bailu. Only if there is a channel of news, he can prepare early.

Most monsters have never heard of the name "soul tie". The three monster kings and the two monster generals are inconsistent. They think that there are some. They only fill in the water and ask the deer monster: "The strange thing in the monk's mouth is nothing but ordinary The thing, can really attract the attention of the star picker? It’s not that the king is reluctant to bear these pieces of human flesh. The monks outside heard that the three mountain fields were arresting the spies who were cursed by the thoughts, but didn’t they know that the news leaked? The three Ziyunguan monks went back. , Hasn't been caught and examined carefully?"

Lu Bao replied: "My lord, look for things like this. These three monks are more accustomed to them, so wake up and ask him to wait! Since Ziyun Guan can use that strange thing to win the star king, I think it will have a miraculous effect. , And everything is easy to get, Ziyun Guan is not very prepared, the king can ask for more, maybe it is really useful in wartime!"

   The two Taoist temples want to catch the beast, where can they dare to be free? Must help the pangolin to win this battle!

   Can everything cure the Demon King? The monsters are a little unbelievable, and the pig demon will hum and say: "I participated in the battle of the seven Jiazi, I still heard that the mortal creatures have this miraculous effect!"

A Biao, Giant Palm, Black Bull, Big Horn, etc. also nod their Lu Baoxiao said to General Pig: "General Pig, you are only a strange thing. If there is no miraculous effect, we will not lose much! "

   "One builds a foundation and two refines the qi. The children are so greedy, why is it not a loss?"

   The pig demon will fight with the deer demon, fill in the water and ask the king of tiger eating and the king of chasing wind: "What do the two virtuous brothers think?"

  The King of Wind Chaser said with a smile: "Brother is good fortune, there is no shortage of demon in the house! I just follow the two plans of big horns and hundred treasures, but what else do I have to say?"

   The gap between the demon generals will completely control the battle, but his own disadvantage is too great to make it impossible. The King of Eater Tiger also nodded in agreement.

Anyway, there has been a lot of limelight today. You don’t have to hide your clumsiness anymore. Lu Bao thinks about it, and then suggests: "The monks want to separate the three great kings. We might as well secrete the Star Picker King and even the mad cow king and the cloud king. , Also leave his home, it would be better to tell my ancestors about this matter, the monk will eventually plot her old man!"

  A demon from the King of Wind Husband's interface: "Only your family is blessed to have seen the ancestors, how do you know where the ancestors are?"

   The three demon kings looked at each other. The demon ancestor lived in seclusion in this realm. Where is the most likely?

  , of course, is the most central Lingtao Peak!

The three demon kings have speculated that the spiritual peach tree that led to the struggle between the six families was planted by the ancestors, and the mysterious medium-grade elixir was not in the eyes of her old people, so it was left alone. I just don’t know what blindness was used in the place of residence. , So that the monsters can't find it.

Can guess the probabilities, Fill Shui Yi nodded and said: "When we go back, we will pass the Lingtao Peak, not to kill the demon generals, I only go to the mountain to read out today’s things aloud and learn from the winding monks. , I should be able to tell the ancestors!"

   As soon as his voice fell, a faint sound suddenly sounded in the air: "I know, don't come to Lingtao Peak again!"

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