Deer Demon Race

Chapter 118: Thorn soul

   In the third round, Group C was trapped. The Wood Ghost had told him first. After entering the enemy's formation, Lu Bao also prevented the opposing strong demon from dressing up as a little demon to encircle and kill.

   I didn't want to dash from left to right for a while, the little demon was escaping, and no one came back against the common sense. The deer was puzzled, and suddenly there was a brilliant golden pheasant tail swept away in front of him.

   Then, the golden pheasant over there, regardless of the wood ghost, turned out to be a big colorful golden pheasant, and opened its mouth in the direction of the deer: "Ghuh! Guchu! Guchu!"

   Three consecutive tweets, converging the sound into a line, not to hurt the enemy in a range, but to "stab the soul" for the individual!

   The magical powers that were born when the Golden Pheasant Demon was promoted to the Demon General, can be used three times a day to stab the enemy's spirits and souls!

   When hit by this magical power, the weak soul will immediately disappear.

Today’s three magical power opportunities are all left to deal with a demon. The star picker and the porcupine demon have told that they must die, and only the deer demon’s spirit will be wiped out. It’s not enough to be an idiot. The golden pheasant has feathers on her body. In an instant, it was completely as hard as steel, and it was shot out when it was taken away, turning into pieces of blades, covering the deer demon!

   The dazzling golden pheasant tail swept in front of his eyes. The deer deer originally possessed the supernatural powers of "black crow" and was not afraid to be confused, but the screaming sound line that came immediately pierced into the depths of the divine consciousness, as if to tear all his divine souls apart!

   This feeling, three times in a row!

  The soul hidden in the deepest part of the divine consciousness is difficult to detect. Today, it was exposed after three blows by the golden pheasant. Although Lu Bao came through, the soul is not a human form, but a faint white deer phantom.

   From head to toe, from soul to body, there are deer, only the memory of human beings.

The souls of monsters and beasts are far weaker than human souls. It is because people are blessed with natural dantians, sound meridians, and strong souls. Therefore, since ancient times, human souls have become ghosts, and monsters and beasts have become ghosts. Rise.

   Lu Bao's deep consciousness is a beast soul, but he has the memory of human consciousness, which is better than similar monsters.

   Divine Consciousness and Soul, originally one body, solid soul, and scattered divine Consciousness, can be collectively referred to as Divine Soul. After receiving the magical powers of the golden pheasant demon three times, the deer demon consciousness is like a piece of cake, which is cut three times horizontally, vertically and diagonally, directly displayed on the soul, and the deer soul will collapse with a cry of sorrow.

   Lu Bao's demon body was crumbling, and steel feathers shot across the sky, instantly submerging him!

  Everything happened so fast that the wood ghost couldn't save it!

   I didn’t expect that the Starcatcher King’s family was trying to fold the little demon today, and would also want to kill his own leader in the team, and I would fold two of them when I saw it!

After    black cow feet, leave a trace of attention on the five steps, dog treasures, and songpans here with a "Ah" cry!


   With a soft sound, the covered steel feathers lost their target and all flew away. There was only a big antler in the original position, which "slapped" to the ground.

  The golden pheasant cleaned up the willow branches on his body and flew over, stamped on it bitterly, and the antlers were all broken.

Looking back, while he was dealing with the deer monster, the wood ghost catkins were flying all over the sky, and the thick willow branches were beating around. He had already taken the opportunity to kill many little monsters. There was no delay. The golden pheasant shook off the newly attached catkins on his body and hurriedly turned back to Zhanmu. ghost.

   When Lu Bao's soul is about to shatter, in the fragments of consciousness, a faintly clear and long tone resounds again. It is the "Dragon Soul Homecoming Song" played last time by the Dragon Girl 17 Niangs!

The arrival of the Great Beihai monsters more than 20 years ago left a deep memory for the Jingping Mountain monsters, but for the deer monster who was drawn to a broken soul, although he was teased by the little monsters for a long time because of the "charm" blurted out, he was his own I can't remember the face of the seventeenth girl in the white shirt at all, but the tone that faintly sounded when the consciousness was broken will not be forgotten, because it has been directly inscribed in the depth of the re-mixed soul.

  Occasionally when he is bored, the tone will echo in his mind again.

   This tune has only the effect of soothing and fusing the remnants of the soul. In order to find the remnants of the ancestors who were taken away by the Dragon Palace rebellion, the seventeenth mother specially learned it!

   Even if I only remember the tune, and didn't really hear it again, this song, which has been passed down by the Dragon Palace for thousands of years, will reattach the soul that Lu Bao has torn apart at a critical time!

   My spiritual consciousness has recovered a little bit, and the pain in my body is constant. The deer demon immediately knows that he is not good, so he immediately initiates the "replacement of the robe" to get out!

   Ten years ago, the effective range of the magical powers of the new source of "removing the robe and changing positions" was fifty feet. Ten years later, the effective range of this magical power was 65 feet.

   more than sixty feet, it is already about two hundred meters!

   Every time the deer gets into battle, the deer deer will leave a big antler in the hands of Wubu, just in case, and Wuzi has been following the two legs of the black bull!

   The two demon formations were close to each other, and the deer demon, whose life-saving is the first priority, has always moved only within a safe distance!

  Waiting five steps behind the black bull's feet of the general, seeing the demon general shot in the distance, Lord Deer was in danger, and just felt anxious, the big antlers on the five steps "boom" and pushed his five fingers away from the fall.

   looked back anxiously, his deer master had already appeared back, but the flesh was cut into a blur, and blood dripped.

   Qupan and so on, exhaled, and dropped my heart back into my belly.


   appeared back to the main formation, the deer deer, regardless of a trauma, hugged his head and howled first!

   The taste of the broken soul, he had tasted it in the hands of the Seahorse Demon King of the Beihai Dragon Palace last time, and he also blended into the "sympathetic" magical power!

   This time I suffered from the tearing pain of the soul again, but it had to stick back. The pain dissipated quickly, just a few breaths.

As long as it is not true, it will dissipate, and the divine consciousness will be broken and reorganized, and it will grow again. After a few screams, feeling the pain in the head gradually disappeared, the deer deer let go and scolded: "The calculation of the dog day is old... ."


   Before he finished cursing, he screamed again, frightened Five Steps, Songpan, and Gou Bao's heart and soul, and asked in unison: "What's wrong?"

  Master Lu put down his hand, his eyes twitched because of the pain: "I broke my antlers on the other side!"

   Lao Wen comforted: "You have to save your life, and you can refining the external objects in the future!"

   "I got such a pair in eighteen years, eighteen years!"

  Looking at the appearance of Master Deer gritted his teeth, he rolled his eyes in five steps and asked: "Then go seek revenge and get back to the original?"

   The deer deer had to smile wryly and shook his head: "The opposite is the demon general!"

   After five steps, he "hum": "What else do you want to do? Is it hard to wait for eighteen years?"

   For Lu Bao, eighteen years is really long, but the monsters don't think so.

Hearing that the master had fled back from the demon general, the little demon who had not seen the battle there before were also speechless. The jackal loved the horse and said: "Master, if the demon general, let him spare his life first, and wait for him to be free. discuss!"

   was in the battlefield, and there were dead at any time by his side. Lu Bao was also successfully amused by him. After a long break, he squinted his eyes and looked at the opposite side: "Demon general..."

When the wood ghost led Qingyuan, Painted Snake, etc., Lu Bao had just healed his skin wounds and greeted him, saying: "Three generals, regardless of the life and death of the little demon, the demon will only have the ability to kill the leader of the team. I and Dajiao really can't today. Rush into the battle again, or let Qingyuan and Fushan lead the team?"

   Wood ghost nodded: "I have seen it too, but I can't save it. I have to escape because of your supernatural powers!"

  Langjun threw away his hand to heal the little demon, and interjected from a distance: "I said that it is common for me to be unable to save time during a fight, and I really didn't use it!"

   The wood ghost and the monsters turned aside their faces, and no one paid any attention to him.

  After a good rest, the wood ghost said again: "Today, stop and be in the battle, wait for the king to come back to care!"

   The three generals made a decision, and the King of Filling Water was no longer in battle. Without a demon general, the porcupine demon would not dare to play a hero against two or three.

   After most of the little demons were exhausted, the six demon formations gradually stopped fighting and slowly retreated.

   The little demon has nothing to do with the six demon kings who are fighting fiercely in the sky. The demon generals and the demon are busy treating the wounded. Every time one more is rescued, the demon formation may be able to delay a little longer.

   In the second day of the battle, the other four were left alone. The King of Filling Water killed more than 40 little monsters, and the King of Star Pickers killed hundreds of them.

   Take off the youth of the first battle, and without the big killer of the Porcupine Demon General's arrows, the number of little demon killed in battle is much less than the first day.

   It was the King of Water Filling who killed the little demon, but the demon’s casualties were at a disadvantage. The number of casualties on both sides was about the same, only five or six. It was just that there were fewer of them.

   The little monsters are processing the corpse again, preparing for the evening meal.

   Waiting for the demon kings to come back from the fight, despite the fact that the King of Filling Water was still out of breath, Big Horn stepped forward and first reported that Jairui died because the second general was not saved.

  The Demon King squinted over, and Lang Jun anxiously knelt down and called for injustice: "My lord, I was wronged! It's not that I can't save my death. The golden pheasant's tail is supernatural, and I was bewitched for a while. Where can I be saved?"

   At this time, he must fall into the pit, and the deer demon rushed in: "My lord, the golden pheasant demon's supernatural powers have not confuses me!"

   Although the weasel demon is a demon now it has no status in Jingping Mountain, the wood ghost also said: "I also played with the golden pheasant, and failed to confuse me!"

   Lang Jun suddenly began to cry: "One of them has supernatural powers, and the other is a wood-hearted eye. They only want to hurt me because of old grievances, the king will see you!"

  Filling Water B then asked the most trusted general: "Black Bull, you stand high, can you see how Jai Xu died?"

   Hei Niu answered truthfully: "Jia Xian called for help, I glanced over, Lang Junshang glanced at him!"

   Six insects added: "I also saw it, the second general took a look at it!"

  Filling Water B was immediately angry and laughed out: "Hehe, let your words be like a fool, you can't escape these many eyes, where is the demon?"


"I will use him tomorrow to save his life! He loves sophistry, so he cuts his tongue to cook; he doesn't forget his grievances, and the whip is also cut to serve wine! Order the cook little demon, I will enjoy it tonight! "

For a moment, he fainted and chose not to save his revenge. He didn't want many demons and demons to be embarrassed with his own family. They would be castrated and cut their tongues. Lang Jun went so far as to bluff his soul and shouted: "Lord forgive! The inconsistency is wrong. Tomorrow, I will use the force of death to forgive, and the force of death will be determined!"

   "If you don't give up your deadly strength, so that the king can still tolerate you alive?"

   thought he was screaming annoyingly, and when the sacred thought of filling water bounced, Lang Jun's soul tied tight suddenly, and his soul was shaken for a while, turned back to his original form, and fell to the ground rolling and howling miserably.

   "The wood ghost helped to settle the case!"

  The demon is not as powerful as the demon general. After the demon king ordered, the wood ghost grew a thick willow branch, and Yu Langjun screamed into his mouth: "Just bear with it!"

   Weasel demon refused to give up, bite hard and snapped the willow branches off!


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