Deer Demon Race

Chapter 120: Siege

The deer demon was a little puzzled, but it did not prevent the "Tiger Jump" from launching. He suddenly changed direction in mid-air, avoided the falling rolling logs, flew close to the porcupine demon, transformed into a human form, suddenly stretched his neck, and flew out his head. The "head mallet" slammed on the front of the porcupine demon.


   After a heavy collision, the porcupine demon's head tilted back, and the deer demon's head flew back gently inhaling the air-conditioning.

As a demon general, his humanoid bones have been tempered early, and all of them have extraordinary hardness. The deer demon’s "head mallet" supernatural powers have blessed "vitality" and "great power", and also hit his cheek bones, but received a heavy blow. It is inevitable that the porcupine demon head will be dizzy temporarily.

The deer demon’s “head mallet” magical powers are activated. Although he will not be dizzy due to the collision, his unhardened skull can’t stand the huge force. After the gravity collision, cracks suddenly appear. This is still the practice of body tempering for a long time , Because of the hotness of the body, it was possible to avoid death due to the splitting of the head of his own magical powers.

   The deer deer took a cold breath and retracted his head, not dizzy, but it hurts.

The energy of essence and blood is multiplied, and the blessing is not able to use the supernatural powers such as "same sympathy", "low hissing", "stink", "arrow in the mouth" and so on. Upon landing, the "pain" phantom immediately flew at the porcupine demon general, the "porch" sounded at close range, and the "stink" was also emitted.

I took the opportunity to wrap this willow branch on the porcupine monster. It was not an ordinary item before, but the wood ghost refining for many years, and became the oldest one of the demon queen. After winding twice on the porcupine monster, it was like a chicken blood. The same, it swells and thickens crazily, tightening inward, and at the same time a lot of catkins shake off from the wicker, and they all stick to the porcupine monster, but unfortunately they can't get into his monster body, nor can it be on the porcupine skin that is very enchanting. germination.

   At the same time the odor of the deer demon was permeating, three sharp stalagmites on the ground pierced out obliquely, thrusting into the belly of the porcupine demon!

   was hit by the deer demon with a powerful head hammer, the porcupine demon was dizzy, and the second rolling log hanging in the sky could not be smashed down for a while.

   At this time, the porcupine demon General confirmed that the other party had made an idea on his own head, and he opened his mouth and yelled: "Yeah!"

   Immediately hold his breath after drinking. He can't stand the smoky smell either. He only inhales a little, and he feels nauseous and nauseous.

   As he shouted, with a hundred fully refined old porcupine thorns on his back, he shot Lu Bao and Big Horn separately, and at the same time his legs sank, and the slab that was holding his feet shattered.

   Pulling out his feet, the porcupine demon's body suddenly becomes smaller. In an instant, it is as small as a small mountain spirit, only three or four inches tall!

   suddenly became a mini figure, entangled by the green and soft slender willow branches, and had avoided the sharp stalagmites released by the big horns!

   Can avoid the sharp stalagmites with big horns, but can't get rid of the willow branches! The oldest willow branch on Mu Gui's body has become smaller as the porcupine demon, and it has become slender as a hair. It is still tied to him, but it looks soft, but it is actually extremely tough.

   The porcupine spines are mostly black and white. The back spines shot by the porcupine monster this time are all with a black and white halo.

   Lu Bao was so close, he only had time to bury his head and turn sideways, and let the porcupine fly into his body with thorns!

   In the family of the king of star picking, Six Insects kept secretly paying attention behind him. Seeing that the three generals had successfully locked the porcupine demon, he shouted: "Retreat!"

   The Demon King has ordered that this time Lang Jun doesn’t need to break off anymore, he will ignore the demon’s life or death when he hears the sound, throw away the Golden Pheasant Demon General, and jump back first!

   The weasel was slippery and tight, and the golden pheasant estimated that he would not be able to catch up. Turning back, the phantom of the cock's tail swept the two monsters, and then showed the truth, "coop, coo," whispered.

The old demon Ding Pig demon was afraid that he would be leaning against the Six Insects, and was shot by a "sting soul" that gathered the sound into a line. His body immediately stiffened. The demon of the Star Picker King who was chasing behind caught up with him and pierced his skull with a shot. .

   Everything happens only in a few breaths.

   Next to the Porcupine Demon General, Deer Demon Hundred Treasures was pierced into the body by more than a dozen porcupine thorns. Although it is not a serious injury, these thorns are all hollow inside, and the essence of blood leaks out with the puncture!

   The porcupine demon tempers the old porcupine thorns for a long time, and it has the effect of leaking essence and blood! Lu Bao hurriedly pulled out a few hard thorns and threw them to the ground.

   In the process of pulling out the porcupine sting, he opened his mouth and spit at the mini-man in the wicker: "Puff!"

  The blue light swept out suddenly, it was the scale armor of the Demon King!

   In addition to the "imprisonment" promoted to "decrees", the porcupine demon has another ability, that is, to use spiritual consciousness to mute the spells that need to be heard, which is so fast that it is difficult for others to detect. When he became a little man, he had finished reciting the "But Poison Technique" silently, the pioneer got rid of the disgusting poison, and then he recited the "Clean Heart Curse" silently, and he noticed the blue light coming, waving his hands, and there was nothing in front of him. Make a shield with a section of rough logs!

   At the same time, the three generals condensed a sharp wicker behind the porcupine demon, stabs his little humanoid lower back!

   The scale armor of the Demon King that glowed with blue light hit the thick log, with a "bang", the log burst open, the scale armor also changed its course, and flew over the little man's head.

   With the help of the log explosion, the porcupine demon has changed back to its original form, allowing the wicker to stab the vertebrae after the attack, unable to enter the slightest, and supporting the wicker tie to quickly expand his body, he wants to break the willow branches!

   The second spell of Big Horn has been activated, and the huge stone prison rises from the ground, trapping the porcupine demon bound by the wicker.

   The stone was firmly formed, and the big horn stretched out his hand to grip it, and shouted: "Collapse!"

After    shouted, the stone prison did not move at all and couldn't collapse!


   The stone prison was directly broken by the porcupine demon, and the pieces of broken stones were flying away!

Breaking through the stone prison, the porcupine demon's body continued to expand until it was more than three feet long. He crawled on the ground and roared and struggled. "ring.

When the porcupine monster protrudes from the stone prison, a big hoof is quietly formed under the hip, and under the "vitality", the "juli" is blessed and kicked away. The big porcupine is struggling, as if he saw it, a hind leg kicked forward and directly The demon-qi condensed hoof kicked to pieces, turning into a few black demon-qi to dissipate.

   The porcupine demon is working hard, the wood ghost who keeps approaching is sweating on his forehead, and his wicker is almost out of bounds!

   After the refined demon king's scales shot into the air, he circled in midair and flew back again with a blue light. The deer demon who had just removed his porcupine thorn opened his mouth to borrow, and then retracted it into his pocket.

   Then, the deer demon launched "Lian Kao" at close range, and "Juli" blessed his left shoulder and slammed into it!

  At the same time, the black cow with a huge monster body before the formation turned around in spite of the goat monster generals, and the magical power that can increase the power of the spell was launched, and the sands flew to the porcupine monster!

   The deer demon bumped over his left shoulder. The big porcupine had not yet broken free from the willow branches that were strangling him. In his rage, his bones instantly became as hard as iron, and he slammed forward with his energy.

   After the collision with a "bang", the deer demon's left shoulder was broken, but the body did not stop, he turned back, "Juli" blessed his right shoulder and leaned back!

   Normal spells are almost ineffective against the demon generals. Big Horn is on the side and begins to prepare his big spells, a huge mound bulges.

   After the first hit with a huge force, the internal organs vibrated, and the porcupine demon couldn't believe that this was the strength of a demon, and it was obviously not much different from the demon general!

   He didn't know that the deer demon's "vitality" was turned on, not to mention the current power doubled, and he also blessed the "juli"!

   With a "bang", the deer demon's right shoulder has been hit again, and he can't avoid it. The porcupine demon urges to hit hard again, and the bones are also intact, and the internal organs are shaken again.

After    two blows, the porcupine demon's imposing manner stopped, and the wood ghost relaxed again, and the thick wicker was tightened and entangled again.

   The deer demon could "link" six consecutive blows, but now it only sends out two collisions. The shoulder blades on both sides have been completely shattered, and the subsequent collisions can no longer continue.

   But two times, the porcupine demon can no longer make the thick wicker, the golden sand of the general black cow has flown, and it instantly turned into a small mountain of sand, burying the big porcupine under the sand!

   "Sand burst!"

   With the black cow screamed in mid-air, the mud and sand completely exploded, mixed with countless flesh and blood!

In the same mid-air, when the black bull threw out of the sands, the goat demon general had already seen that it was not good, but he could not leave the demon array, desperately assembled four huge stone spears, one stabs the black bull, and three stabs the porcupine demon. The surrounding area wanted to help him, then raised his head and shouted, "The King!"

   In his family's monster formation, the golden pheasant whip is beyond reach and can't be rescued!

   The weasel is running back and has passed through the feet of the black cow!

   The demon who came in from the King’s House of Picking Stars, noticed that the porcupine demon was in distress The leader shouted loudly, regardless of chasing the little demon, all turned around and broke through to the porcupine demon!

   is one less demon general, the golden pheasant demon are all borrowed, if you lose the porcupine demon, where can you borrow it later?

In the past battles of Lingtao Peak, the battle has only been three days. Such a sinister situation has never been encountered by the Star Picker King. For a while, he was mad. In spite of the golden melon sledgehammer thrown by the King of Water Filling, the silver bell rang in midair, and he ignored it. There are too many slaughter of little monsters, and the killing of evil is entangled in the sky, which stirs the demon energy of the whole body, and finally condenses into a cloud of black mist, and the divine sense controls the demon array to fill the water king's family!

   "Boom boom boom!"

   After the sand burst, the mud fell, exposing the big porcupine inside, most of which has become a skeleton, but somehow keep the internal organs!

   The porcupine demon looked up to the sky and howled: "Ah!"


   The golden melon hammer hit the star picker hard, and with the demon king's honor, he couldn't stop the spouting of blood!

   "Ling Ling! Ling!"

A small silver bell came from the sky again. This time it happened between the two monster formations. The enemy and I were injured at the same time. When they heard the bell, the monsters in the Star Picker King's formation also howled miserably, one by one, together with the goat monster. Inside, the body swells out!

   In the water-filling king's house, the deer demon jumped high, and was about to give the porcupine skeleton a "stomping". Hearing the bell, he suddenly paused.

Behind    Black Bull, Little Demon Goubao gave a "moo" cry and activated the "Wu Cry" supernatural powers to clean up the general and surrounding little demon first!

  Langjun happened to pass by, and he benefited from it. He had to get rid of the abnormality.

   madly pounced on the porcupine demon's trapped demon, all of them swelled up, making it difficult to move forward!

   Big Horn was chanting "Heart-Cleaning Curse", the deer deer had already responded, and roared: "You drag him first, I will help the three generals!"

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