Deer Demon Race

Chapter 123: ferocious

This deer deer didn’t know what tonic he had eaten today. It was so fierce that it was so hot that he was able to hit and stop his porcupine general on the opposite side. Jump away from the side!

   Lu Bao stopped the collision, turned around and flew out the word "spicy", then transformed into a human form, and rushed to the front of the bull demon with a heavy fist!

  The deer demon's "same sympathy" in his body, the bull demon instantly flushed, and he grinned and yelled "so spicy" twice before he had time to recite the "Clean Heart Curse".

   However, before he shouted "spicy", the two-headed knife first slanted up in front of him, forcing the deer demon to withdraw his fist.

   This bull demon deserves to be the hottest demon in the star-catcher family, with a sharp double-headed knife, and Lu Bao dare not take it hard. He stepped back and flashed, opening his mouth and spitting out: "Puff!"

  Wait for the demon king's scales to fly away, the deer demon rubs his body again!

   At the same time, big hoofs have emerged from the back of the cow demon's head, just wait for gravity to kick it!

   Staggered, the curse kept sounding, the bull demon head turned aside, and the double-headed sword slammed into the blue light!

The head tilted let the insidious hoof behind his head slashed with a knife. In the middle of the blue light, two well-refined small magical instruments collided in the air, making a loud "bang", and the Demon King's scales flew out with both heads. The knife also swung away.

   Lu Bao has already pounced and hit the bull demon's chest with a fist!


   The bull demon flew in response to his fist, raised his head and swallowed the blood flowing back to his throat, and continued to recite the ending sounds of "Heart-Clearing Mantra".

   The deer demon’s fists are so heavy! After being hit, the internal organs are shaking endlessly, which is completely different from the first day of the fight. If the chest bones have not been tempered, I am afraid that the chest will collapse after receiving this punch!

   was chanting a curse in his mouth, and the bull demon groaned.

  Lu Bao also regretted that the angle of his fist was not very good. He had kicked him in the belly when he knew it. There was no bone support there!

   Just regretting the uselessness, opened his mouth to catch the demon king's scale armor that flew back, received the pouch, and the deer demon pounced on it again.

Knowing that his fists and feet are unusually heavy at this time, the bull demon's knife has been pulled back, and he drew it in the middle, and the double-headed knife was divided into two, holding one in each hand, waving and slashing in front of him. !

After waving the double knives and chanting the curse, to get rid of the hotness, the bull demon connected the double-knife handles together again and turned back to the double-headed knives, holding the knives in his right hand and pulling it with his left hand. In front of the deer demon!

   The light of thunder dissipated, and the deer demon in front of him also dissipated bit by bit. It turned out to be just a ghost image!

   Suddenly there was a sound of wind behind him, and the bull demon swooped forward, but it was too late. He took a huge kick on his back. This time the lumbar vertebrae were not tempered in place. With a click, it was disconnected!

   How many supernatural powers does he have? The lumbar vertebrae fractured, and the lower body was nearly paralyzed. The bull demon who was kicked soared in cold sweat. He swiped his left hand to his mouth and took out the catching demon net that was only grabbed yesterday.

   This net for catching monsters doesn't need to be refined, it's best to use. Throw it out after throwing it away. The net opens its mouth to cover the deer monsters that come next!

   The deer deer caught the net, and the bull demon held the net rope with his left hand before sitting on the ground, reluctantly turning and turning his head, his right hand double-headed knife went straight into the net!

   There was a light explosion in the net, the double-headed knife pierced the void, and the criss-crossing net line floated to the ground, and there was no deer demon in it!

   The deer demon will escape? In the demon formation, the two sides are in a mixed battle, and the bull demon general over there has no longer stabs to attack, so he dares to escape?

   If it wasn't for the fracture of the tail vertebrae, would you dare to hide in front of my old cow, thinking that I would not "shock and trample"?

   The tail vertebra was broken and injured. The bull demon couldn't use the power of the heavy hoof. I don't know where the deer deer would come out of his head. Don't throw away the net rope urgently.

   The deer demon just got out from behind him, and a thunder fell on his head instantly!

   After a few decades, Lao Tzu will develop the "Wandering" magical powers. Don't deal with your magical magic that is directed at you too easily!

   Lu Bao took a breath and transformed himself into reality. "Savage Crash" pulled out a shadow line and hit the bull demon sitting on the ground!

   The first thunder fell to the ground, only splitting behind the deer fairy tail.


Can dodge the first blow but can't dodge the second one, another thunder sounded, and he was slashing on the road before the charge. It was like a deer demon sending her head over and slashing. After the thunder, the deer demon stiffened and crashed. Has been interrupted.

   This thunderbolt hurts so much, it's much hotter than the demon short-handed day!

   But my old deer is no longer the deer demon of ten years ago!

   Waiting to recover from the rigid state, the third thunder has been launched, in the light of lightning, the deer demon's legs sank, "leapfrog" left the place, and then flew at the bull demon!

   The fourth thunder falling is the same as before, slashing towards the deer demon jumping on the road ahead!

   This time the Deer Deer was prepared, and he spit out an object with a "poof" in his mouth.

  , however, was not the magical power of the "arrow in the mouth", but a piece of the little demon's canine tooth that was tempered casually in his spare time. When he spit it aside, the falling thunder chased the little demon's entire tooth.

   The deer demon will rush to his side sooner or later, but I didn't expect it to be so fast, and there is no time to release the fifth thunder. The bull demon's large spell has just taken shape, and it is busy!

   An unusually large thunder fell from the cloud and mist above his head, and when it reached the top of the bull demon's head, it branched into dozens of thin ray silks, and smashed all over the area around him, except that the bull demon itself had not been split!

  The many thin ray silks separated are the densest in front of the bull demon, and at the same time, the bull demon sits on the ground and slams the knife forward!

  The falling thin leis, all will twist to avoid the sword swung by the bull demon!

   Lu Bao’s jumping landing point was in front of the bull demon. Suddenly, there was such a dense thunder and lightning falling. Seeing that each one was small, but not as playful, he hurriedly launched a "tiger jump" before landing, and then took a step to the ground.

   At this distance, just to avoid the cutting edge of the blade, the deer demon was only struck by the two outermost thin thunders!

   But this big thunder method of the Bull Demon is weird enough, as long as a Leis strikes the enemy, the other Rexton that should have fallen to the ground and disappeared will turn around, and they will all flow towards the Deer Demon!

   Even Laise behind the bull demon bypassed the bull demon's body and hit Lu Bao!

   Deer demon just landed, the first two thin thunders hit him stiffened slightly, any dodge was too late, for a while, he could only choose to fight hard, stomping his right foot on the ground, "shock and trample"!

   Previously, the bull demon regretted that he could not release this magical power due to injury. Now the deer deer released it. After one kick, the surrounding soil and rocks cracked, and the surface mud poured out like waves!

   In the state of "vitality", it is also blessed with "juli". This time, the deer demon's "shock trampling" is powerful, and the height of the mud wave bulges up to three feet high, and the bull demon is directly thrown vigorously for more than ten years!

  Before all the lightning strikes his upper body, the deer deer's neck stretched again, and the "head mallet" that had been dealt with the porcupine general was thrown out, and slammed into the belly of the unbalanced bull demon in mid-air!

   "Crack, crackle!"

   Amid the intensive lightning strikes, the deer demon was scorched by electricity, and black smoke burst out from the top.


   The head mallet was hitting his belly, and the bull demon spewed out blood, raised his head and fell, and the double-headed knife had already let go!

  The meat on the deer demon fell in large areas, and it still exudes the smell of barbecue, but it has not been sprinkled with salt, otherwise you can just spit it out!

   looked badly injured, but the essence and blood in the kidneys were constantly pouring out, all merged into the limbs, helping the deer demon recover from the injury.

   After standing still for dozens of breaths, the deer demon opened his mouth and burped lightly, exhaling black smoke, and then flicked his legs, turning into the real appearance in mid-air, landing on the bull demon who was struggling desperately but couldn't get up again!

   "Step on"!

   stepped on the belly of the bull demon again with his right hind leg, and also held "juli", the bull demon opened his mouth to scream, but could not make a sound.

   The deer demon jumped up, then "stomped on" and fell, then followed by the third and the fourth.

   Until the bull demon's internal organs were all broken when he stepped on it, his belly broke open, and it slowly changed back to its original state, without any more sound!

After confirming that the bull demon was dead, the deer deer turned around, picked up the double-headed knife and the demon-catching net that belonged to his family, and put them all in his pocket. What kind of stay? So I really love my brother, and I will do a'rejuvenation technique' first, so that I won't be greedy by this cooked meat!"

   Draw the snake before closing his mouth and rolling his eyes to pay him back: "Isn't my eyes bad? I haven't seen my brother had his hand cut off. Waiting for you to pick it up first. It's so cooked?"

   After listening to the painting snake, Lu Bao sighed and was badly hurt.

   Look around, there is no enemy demon coming again.

  The hottest cow demon in my family was killed by this deer demon, so who I saw around, dare to come over and try to be seriously injured?

   Lu Bao staggered forward and picked up the toad demon's severed limbs.

When the bull demon fell, it was an arm, but what Lu Bao picked up turned into a webbed toad's forefoot. When he took a closer look, his activity was completely lost, and he was completely stiff and necrotic. Lu Bao gasped and smiled bitterly~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Move closer step by step: "It's not that I love the three-legged toad. You thought you had too many legs? Today, I will do what the king wants. From now on, I will take care of the warehouse!"

Painted Snake rolled his eyes again and didn't believe: "Don't just play and scare me. I just fell for a while. Where would I be necrotic? If you delay me for a while, it is possible that I will be charged for it! "

If the muscle tissue of the broken limb is not completely necrotic, put it back in time to perform the "rejuvenation", and the flesh and blood vessels can be connected back. The injured person can slowly raise the broken bone in the inner layer by himself, which is time-consuming. Although it has been a long time, some have been skewed, but as long as it is in time, it can be more complete.

Painted Snake felt that it took a short time for the broken limbs to fall, but he did not know that the double-headed sword refined by the bull demon had become a magic weapon. Back.

   finally moved to the painting snake, the deer demon handed it to him: "I didn't tell you, it won't be possible!"

   The only remaining hand touched the stiff broken arm, squeezed twice, and the toad demon sighed: "Yes! I have my own hand, so I am reluctant to give it to someone else. I must tell the little demon to cook separately at night!"

   "Don't be frustrated, because you don't have a hand, it's still hot after the calculations!"

   "I'm frustrated? The bull demon was so hot that I couldn't hack me to death. You have to watch the bull demon be stamped to death by you, and you have to take revenge. It is him who is frustrated. Where can I be my brother?".

   It was not sad to hear his tone, but Lu Baocai stopped comforting, and read "Rejuvenation" to stop the bleeding at his severed arm.

   There was a lot of blood flowing away. When the painted snake got up, his footsteps were a little weak, but somehow he healed the deer demon.

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