Deer Demon Race

Chapter 148: Vicissitudes of life

   After encountering humans burning the mountain and reclaiming the wasteland, I surpassed a few small peaks. On the top of the last mountain, I saw a golden rice field under the mountain. The rice waves were continuous and I couldn't see the head at all.

   On both sides of the mountain peaks, there are still some peaks on display, but to the south and west, you can only pass through this unseen paddy field.

   At the foot of the third small mountain on the left, there are large human villages. In addition, among the continuous waves of rice, there is no shortage of small villages from the east to the west.

   From that big village as the starting point, there is a road that stretches across the rice fields to the south, and the other road is at the foot of the foot of the mountain, going east-west.

   There was some confusion in the eyes of the stag.

   The little demons all looked at Master Deer.

Along the way, strictly following the rules when fleeing, the human realm that was originally feared as a tiger has passed through an unknown number of miles. Now, not to mention Xiaoshan Jing, Wubu and Goubao, even the blue eyes who are not confident enough. , Lao Wen, Lang Lang, Yuan Xiang, they all believed that with the deer lord, he could really reach the Sacred Ape Mountain.

   But now, the deer deer stepped back and muttered: "Strange!"

   Five steps and asked softly: "Where is it weird?"

   The deer deer shook his head vigorously, and turned to the subject: "This rice field is too wide. I don't know which road to run to the south. I might get it overnight?"

This rice field is so wide that there is no end in sight on the mountain peaks. I don’t know how many paths there are, and there are no shelters to the south. It is impossible to avoid the sight of human villagers during the day, whether deer, musk deer, wolf, wild boar, The bison is too weird to appear in the paddy fields, and it will be hunted if it is not reported to the monks.

   If you want to pass through silently, it takes only one night. Should you go south or west?

  Five Steps, thinking that he understands what the Deer Deer is worried about, and is about to mobilize the little demon to think together, Master Deer resolutely said: "Just build up your strength here, drive the road at night, and head south!"

Huh? He made up his mind?

   The little demons each seek a place to rest, choose to believe in the dumb deer in five steps, and bury their doubts first.

   Lang Lang asked over there, "Master, after running for a few days, my stomach is a little hungry, do you have food?"

   Running continuously for these days, the physical exertion is not small, even if the monster can bear it, he should feel hungry. The deer deer, bull demon, and musk demon are really good for hunting for food; the pig demon is omnivorous and can fill up some belly randomly; the frog demon will not be short of food as long as it is willing; only the snake demon and the wolf demon are left. A carnivorous person, there is no time to hunt, but snakes have a strong ability to endure hunger. Before the demon is transformed, a full meal can also control the first half of the year. Five steps will not call hungry.

   The deer demon looked at his pouch. There was still a small half of the previous bacon. I can't remember when the little demon meat was saved. Since the wolf demon was hungry, he spit it out on the grass.

   The marinated little demon meat still has some aura, and it can cushion his stomach. Lang Lang happily ran over and took it away in one bite, but it was a bit less.

   After the war, the Jingping Mountain Noodles had been served for three months, but unfortunately they had already fled and couldn't eat anymore. Biyan and Laowen were a little envious, watching that piece of bacon was swallowed by Lang Lang.

   Yuanxiang was even worse over there, his throat couldn't help but swallowed, but it was a pity that he only joined in, and he didn't have any comment.

   When it gets dark, the lights in the villages are all extinguished, and the team goes down the mountain again, led by the deer demon and rushes to the south road.

   The rice field can’t be seen, so the speed is important. This time there is no longer the queue. The snake monster also took a downwind mount, and the monsters marched together along the road in the rice field.

   The middle road in the rice fields is not a ridge. Although it is hard to leave footprints, it leads to various small villages. This time it ran close to the village, which alarmed many village dogs to bark.

It has been confirmed during the day that, except for the big village at Daohai Beach, these villages are very small, and there will be no monks stationed there. The same is true for the temples of the earth. forward.

   After running for a night, Dao Lang felt a boundless feeling. He hadn't seen the end yet, and it would be dawn.

  The industrious farmer got up early, and the deer demon had also noticed that the day was about to dawn, and randomly found a very narrow muddy ridge, and motioned to keep up.

The deer demon went first, but did not step on the muddy field ridge, but jumped into the water with a "puff", and turned back and said: "Walk along the sides of the water, there will be no footprints, go to the depths to find a piece of land to cover your body, and only show your head. Come out, if someone approaches, hide your head in the water!"

   After finishing speaking, he stepped on the mud in the field and walked far away along the ridge before separating the rice to the middle of the field, squatting down and showing only his head.

   is surrounded by rice that can be harvested in more than a month, and he is definitely not visible on the Outer Avenue.

   all learned about the deer demon, except for the fact that the dog treasure is a bit big and overwhelming the rice, the other little demon are inconspicuous. Listening to the croaking of frogs from all over, the blue eyes are the most pleasant.

   There is a faint demon-like shock, and the underwater leech does not come to bother. The ridge is too narrow, in fact it only serves to block water and it is difficult to get a foothold, so it is difficult for those who catch fish and shrimp to go in their leisure time. No one comes in, and they do not notice the overwhelmed rice field.

   Hidden in the rice field for a day. After the black people slept quietly, they all came out again, shaking off the silt and rushing southward along the road.

   This night, I also encountered a torch and rushed to another village. He wanted to find a doctor to treat his family. The deer demon felt that it was early and took the little demon to hide in the rice field.

   I ran in the middle of the night with the barking dog, and finally ran to the end of the rice sea. There was a big village over there. I was afraid that I would meet the ghost clan again at night. The deer demon led down the rice field and walked far away.

   finally had to cross this sea of ​​rice, but when he climbed up the stone hills behind, all the monsters were dumbfounded.

   As far as I can see, there are no more trees, mountains, or rice fields ahead. There are only sparse weeds, and the rest is full of sand, which is clearly a Gobi Desert.

   There was a violent wind whizzing past, and the weeds swayed together, and some dust was brought up by the wind. There is no end in sight of this Gobi Desert.

   Continue to go south or change to go west?

  The King of Filling Water is uneasy and kind, bragging and killing the demon. Going south for so many days, where are Dashuizi and King Heron?

   The deer deer put away his confusion, looked back at the woods under the stone hill behind him, and whispered: "Let’s find a place to hide first, and we’ll talk about it at dawn."

   Is Filling Water B lying or ran the wrong way?

   Hiding in the forest, the deer demon stared at the big village two or three miles away, always seeing the dawn.

   Like other human villages, when the light gets stronger and stronger, some cooking smoke rises in the village, and it starts to boil noisily again.

   After a while, farmers will walk out of the firewood gate one after another, or carry an axe to the surrounding area to cut wood, or take a sickle to go out to mow the grass, or scream for cattle, donkeys, sheep and other animals.

   did not let Lu Bao wait too long, a gray-bearded old farmer led two big and one small three buffaloes, slowly came over here.

   This place is not far from the big village, and you can take a little risk. Lu Bao's muscles and bones twisted and transformed into a human form.

  He transformed into a human form, and there was no small mountain spirit hidden in his earholes, and the mountain monster jumped out of his own.

   At any rate, the demon Ding is more demon-like than the little demon, and he feels good about himself, so he turns his head and asks: "Does the master look like a human?"

   Knowing that he was going to pretend to be a human being, and looking up and down after five steps, I felt weird. Lang Lang first said: "My visionary human race, the hair on the head is very long, the master's hair is shorter!"

   The deer demon stretched out his hand and stroked his hair. Compared with human beings, it was really not as short as that, so he shocked the demon and caused the few hairs to fall.

   It's just that he has the magical power of "regeneration". Growing hair is just a simple matter. As soon as the shock falls off, the hair roots under the scalp begin to grow again.

   Fortunately, the supernatural powers can be controlled, and Lu Bao shook off his new hair again, abruptly stopping the "regeneration" and maintaining his bald image.

   Without long hair, it is better to simply bald.

   Blue eyes chuckled and said, "Master, even though I have never seen a monk, I should be like it!"

   Lang Lang had never even heard of a "monk", so he turned to ask Five Steps.

   Yuanxiang pointed to Lu Bao barefoot and said: "Old...Master, all human beings wear shoes and socks!"

   The little demon's feet are not transformed, but most of the demon are barefoot!

   "For a while, tell me where to find shoes and socks!" Lu Bao shook his head and said to the little demons: "You wait and hide away, I ask him to go!"

Rubbing his bare feet on the muddy ground again, to force some sweat on his body, Lu Bao pulled up the hem of his gray robe, revealing his two bare legs, and ran to the nearest distance in the forest before he appeared: "Seeing pity, I I finally saw a living person again! Lao Zhang! Lao Zhang!"

   Seeing a "person" with a bald head and barefoot and weird appearance carrying his robes, the old man was slightly startled, but the three cows shook their heads frantically, rushing back.

   This bald-headed and bare-footed monster has light feet. After a few breaths, he ran to the mad cow and brought back three cows that had become obedient in the blink of an eye.

   The old man is getting old, and it is rare to chase the cow. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw him bring the cow back. He folded his palms together and said, "Master, where do you come from?

Shaving his head was considered a monk, so good, Lu Bao smiled bitterly and replied: "The day before yesterday, I saw people burning mountains and reclaiming wasteland. It’s hard to get to a village, get a robe to hide your ugliness, and then go south! Going to a few villages for alms, they are all chased by dogs, and finally escaped here. I didn’t dare to come closer when I saw the village. It's so pitiful!"

   The old man raised his eyebrows, and said angrily: "Our land and waters, the Buddha is still respecting the Tao, which ignorant villagers dare to treat the master like this?"

   No wonder I saw many temples in the villages here. I thought it was a land occupied by the Buddhist sect. Lu Bao hurriedly said, "They are all fools, no need to mention it!"

"The master is good tempered," the old man stretched his eyebrows, took a closer look at Lu Bao's appearance, and said, "I think it's strange to see that the master was's a little strange, those ignorant fools come to offend, our village will not judge people by appearance , So I asked the master to come to my house, and there will be good wine and food to entertain!"

   Lu Bao laughed: "Don't worry, the old man came out to herd the cows. It's hard to make the cows go back on an empty stomach. When they are full, why is this village called Duanlu Village?"

"The master does not know that when we arrive in our village, further south is the Gobi Desert, and a hundred miles behind the Gobi is the vast yellow sand desert. The humanity is extinct, and there is no way to go. That's why. Call this name!"

Lu Bao turned his head to think about it, and then asked, "Before going out, the little monk heard from the master that there is a big water hole in this area, the north is our human land, and there is a heron demon king in the south. What about that water hole? Never seen?"

The old man slid his white beard and smiled in memory: "Hehe, the master doesn’t know it, it’s been many years old! When I was six or seven years old, I often heard my grandfather say that our village is called Broken Lu Village, because The monk of Dedao got his name by cutting off the head of the Demon King Heron, and later it was gradually changed to its present name!"

   "Dashuiwazi," the old man pointed to the sea of ​​rice in front of him: "No, it has been changed to a few hundred miles of fertile fields! Thanks to the great merits of that eminent monk, there are countless people!"

  PS: As of late December, the performance of this book has been poor, and it has a lot to do with the number of tiger updates, but it is really busy with public and private affairs, not a full-time writer, and I think I am not lazy. The second volume just kicked off. Tiger wants to do his best to tell everyone the story of a group of monsters. He also hopes that interested book friends will strongly support. Regardless of the past, present or future, Tiger never asks for rewards, nor does he Dare to ask, only to support the genuine subscription, even if you really don't want to pay to view the book, downloading a QQ reading APP on the mobile version, clicking on favorites, recommending tickets, and interacting with book reviews are also a kind of support for Tiger.

  The future is full of thorns, and the tiger should cut the thorns and stab, and move forward bravely. .

   Cangshan tiger thanks.

   Another: Deer Demon QQ Group 521065059, there is already a group of monsters and ghosts, new little monsters will be asked to take care of themselves when they enter the group.

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