Deer Demon Race

Chapter 173: Not honest

   The white deer demon with strange characters is not like a gregarious person, and the demon are not willing to come close, discussing for a while, and gradually disperse.

These drunken dreams are in the Drunken Flower House, the deer demon is even more reluctant to deal with the little demon under the door: "From now on, we will live in the He Twelve Peaks, and we will need to make some new demon. We will start our own team, you will wait. Go to the kitchen and ask for more cooking utensils."

Then he whispered a few words to the little spirits. When the little demon left, the deer deer said to the half-xuan Tao who was lying on the spot: "Brother also heard it. The tea garden hasn't been set up yet, and there is really no oil on my body! My brother just asked for it. If you can't find it, it's better to play in Zuihuaju for two years with An Xin!"

   Banxuan nodded first, then shook his head and said: "You are such a hot demon who can still manage Huang Shangpin. I should call your brother your brother. If you bark again, you will force me to call my grandfather!"

   Hundred Treasures said: "Brother, what do you say..."

   Yao Yao immediately replied: "Grandpa!"

   Deer Deer hurriedly said, "Brother, don’t do this!"

   Banxuan: "Grandpa!"

   The deer deer's brain hurts a little, so he has to say, "Haan Xuan, you are not like this!"

The National Treasure Black and White grinned and patted his chest with a smile: "If you have something in the future, my brother just send the little demon to Drunk Huaju to give instructions. Bao Bao is on call. My childhood rules are not for my brother. Don’t be with me. See you!"

   The deer demon smiled and responded: "Yes, I must not be polite to you!"

When the little demon asked for some cooking utensils, the deer deer looked through it. There were also two small clay pots, including fish baskets, bamboo tubes, and some sundries. They were satisfied and asked the little demon to put them in their pockets. , Together on the back of the steel-boned Peng, chasing after flying, all back to the Twelve Peaks of Hehe.

   Back to the Twelfth Crane Peak, now even if he settles down, the deer deer rests for a long time in the deer cave covered with new wolf skins, stroking his thoughts first.

The most important thing at the moment, of course, is to move towards the demon general, but the tempering of the bones is really anxious. As the demon energy tempered by the moon essence is diluted, at the current speed, the first tempered skull will also have to be. It takes more than ten years to complete the work, plus the majority of those who have not yet begun to temper, I am afraid that it will take another seventy years to quench all 200 or so humanoid bones. The hard-won information, Mochizuki Rhinoceros horns above the Demon King level have the effect of accelerating the tempering of the Moon Essence, but unfortunately, based on his current situation, the possibility of obtaining is almost zero. I can only think about one or two. In reality, I have to do it step by step. .

The two experimental peach trees have been planted, and then we will start to transplant wild tea trees and open up tea gardens, not only to please the new owner Huanghuaniang, but also to maintain their own needs, or Goubao and Laowen will work hard first, even if they are new Hua Xiao Yao helps, it's not very useful if you don't have hands.

Xinhua Little Demon is also necessary. There is a threat of heaven. Except for Mrs. Xiwang in Lingtao Peak, the world rarely hears lonely high-level creatures. If you want to clean up the evil lady, you have to at least be an enemy of the entire Luoxia Temple. In consideration of the future demon road, it is necessary to cultivate forces loyal to oneself.

In terms of supernatural powers, the order of origin in the future should be "steel bone", "mistake", and "strong". Nowadays, you can try to originate the "Yang Yi" from the tiger demon and the dead ghost first, and the two giants used in the "replacement of the robe" The antlers were all damaged, and I had to start sensing the antlers again. It took eighteen years last time. I wonder if the speed of sensing the new antlers will be faster with my spiritual thoughts.

   The "Splitting Mountain Boxing Technique" obtained from the monk, because he didn't understand the directions of the gossip and the more mysterious boxing theory, the progress had almost stalled, and I couldn't understand it at all. I felt that there was a lack of a guide who could be a systematic guide.

   It doesn't take extra effort to quench the bones, but you still have a lot of work to do with the Xinhua little demon, opening up a tea garden, repairing the body tempering method, and generating magical powers.

   The deer demon sighed, these can be ignored for now, but I feel that I escaped from Jingping Mountain and lost the income. It has been a long time since I got the elixir, and I am a little uncomfortable.

   Let's make up a bite first, and come back!

   He got up and walked out of the cave, only to see a red-meat sparrow squatting at the entrance of the cave. The red meat skin was still blue and purple, like a chicken hung in the oven after being shed.

   The deer deer asked curiously: "A little bit, are you covered with feathers?"

   Sparrow demon hummed and replied: "Master, don't worry, I will find my face sooner or later! Then..."

I think I was bullied by the steel frame, but the little demon fights, the demon king never cares, as long as it is not too much, and his own affairs are not troublesome, he just sighed, gave him a "rejuvenation technique", and then Throwing the waist card with the effect of reducing swelling to him, he turned his head and shouted: "Gubao!"

   Goubao and Yuanxiang were pushing their big push rods hard, and when they heard the deer shouting, he hurriedly dropped his work, skipped over and asked: "What did the lord command?"

Baibaodao: "I went to play outside, I might not return in a day or two. You will lead him to find wild tea trees tomorrow morning, dig back to the tea hills after planting, and take water to drench them. When I come back, I will release my magical powers! You have to wait a little harder, so you can feel the nature again in the evening!"

   The head of the dog Baojae ordered, and the deer demon asked again: "Small hills?"

   "I don't know where I went crazy!"

   Deer demon said: "When he comes back, you tell him what I have said, and you will say that it's just a matter of peeing anyway, and I will no longer take him with him.

   The bull demon was confused, but just remember to tell the original words, the deer demon shouted again: "Blue eyes!"

  The frog demon jumped out from the cave next to it for body refining: "Master, I'm here!"

   "Take the clay pots, bamboo tubes, and fish crates brought back from the partner room, and go out with me!"

   called Steel Bone again and told him to carry and fly north.

Flying all the way to the Chisha River, looking for the secluded section of the wild river everywhere, the deer demon said to the two little demon: "Say to you two, I have come to get the elixir, but this elixir has something for the master. If it is useful, it will not be divided between you two, and you will not be rewarded if you go back!"

   Steel bone is just a new entry. I saw it at Zuihuaju today. This new master is not a soft character. Naturally, he dare not disagree, but just nodded.

   The frog demon replied: "I listen to the master, I don't know what kind of elixir should the master take me out of the house?"

   The deer demon pointed his hand to the river, "Xiao Chi! But be careful not to see something wrong, wait until night to act!"

   Steel bone is new, and the deer demon still can't believe it. When it is night, he will be asked to fly out to guard, and see the demon to report.

When Peng Yao flew far away, Bai Bao said to the blue eyes: "That Xiao Chi has some intelligence, and he has to be led by weak creatures before he is willing to go into the jar. I called you here, just to borrow your true appearance and listen to my instructions. ."

   Give Biyan a branch of velvet antler, and tell him to put it in a fish basket, run down ten miles to lead the worm in the river, and the deer will lead him upstream.

   The fish basket was immersed in the river, and the antler medicine fragrance wafted out. The two brought back each along the river bank. The ripples in the river were big, fish and shrimp gathered in a lot, and there were a lot of big fish backs exposed.

   The deer antler was separated from the water, put into a clay pot and buried underground. Most of the creatures in the river could no longer smell the smell and slowly dispersed.

   The deer deer first hide away, leaving only the mountain frog beside the clay pot.

   After a while, a newt with a spirit-wise head climbed ashore first. The mountain frog saw that it was not a thin newt that the master wanted, so he enlarged his body slightly, opened his mouth, and swallowed the newt.

   Under the night, another big frog came ashore. Regardless of whether it was of the same kind or not, the blue eyes turned into a big body, opened his mouth and swallowed it, burped lightly, and regained the appearance of a small frog.

It was a little demon who went ashore for the third time. The rear tail was still like a snake. Since the five steps to save himself and died in front of him, the frog demon was afraid that the snake’s disease was basically gone. The poisonous short arrow was shooting at the shoulder of the snake monster, and his blue eyes turned into a human form. He has been tempered for many years, and his physical strength is also not small. Two punches overturned the snake monster. go.

  The deer deer dragged the little water snake demon that came by mistake to a long distance, and he could no longer see the clay pot to help detoxify the poison, and asked: "Are you a single demon, or which mountain farm?"

Knowing that there is a demon next to him, I don’t know how secret it is to break, the little demon shivered with fright, and shuddered and said: "I am a little demon who doesn’t greedy the general’s house twenty miles away. Grandpa is forgiving. I don’t know anything, just a medicine. Xiang has no intention to stop here!"

   Seeing his horrified expression, the deer deer frightened again: "Master is doing secret things here. When you break through, he kills and eats him. I don't even know your general!"

The water snake demon was busy and kowtow begging for mercy. The deer deer only performed a "rejuvenation technique" to heal the wounds shot by the blue-eyed short arrow. He said in his mouth: "My Ten Thousand Flowers Valley, anyhow, I have some friendship with your general, and I often come here. If you are a guest on the mountain field, you are unintentional, so I will spare your life, go into the water and go back to the mountain field. If you dare to spy on the masters and chase you at your house, you will also be killed by General Wugui. !"

   The little demon thanked him so much for his gratitude, and then knocked his head several times before turning into the water and slipping away.

   The water over there has completely calmed down. The chicks have already come ashore, but the number is not too large. They were led by the little small frogs, and as expected, they all rushed to jump into the clay pot to fight for the antler.

   This time there is no drunk drunk chick, the deer deer waited a long time, and couldn't hear the sound of before "earth escape" stepped forward, covered the clay pot, and carefully released the blue eyes.

   The fake antlers were scrambled for antlers. The frog demon was shot countless times by the slugs. Fortunately, it did not cause actual damage. He only excitedly said: "Master, both velvet antlers have been gnawed away.

This time, the catfish in the catfish effect completely obeyed the command. The action was far more successful than the previous one with the small spirits, but there may be other monsters that will catch them. The Chisha River in the Sacred Ape Mountain, the number of small chicks is much less, the deer monster After weighing it, it is estimated that there are only more than one catty in the clay pot.

   The overall number is less than the one caught last time, but the seduce is successful, and there are four or five horns, almost half of them.

   If the number of sacred chicks in the Sacred Ape Mountain is small, they would be reluctant to cook them all. The deer said: "We have thick humanoids and hands, so I can't sort them out. Bring them back and ask the small mountain spirits for help!"

There is no shortage of deer antler, if you can have wine, you can get drunk these little creatures, and the frightened hornless chinchillas have a chance to have their horns again. I didn't ask for anything, but now I regret it.

The total amount is not much, but if all the small chicks in the pot are horned, there can be four or five yellow middle grades. Like the last time they were cooked and eaten to taste the deliciousness, they can only say that the cow chews the peony, and the pot is fine. Chin should be able to raise it for a day or two, but the deer deer wants to take it home first and get it fine. .

   Take a bamboo tube and fill it with some river water, pour it into a clay pot, and the deer deer shouts back to the steel frame, and flies back to the Twelfth Crane Peak overnight.

But in that deer cave, there was already a demon asleep. He heard the blue eyes calling for the little mountain spirit. He came out of the cave and said: "I am not at ease around Drunken Flower House. , Went away carrying my benefits!"

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