Deer Demon Race

Chapter 179: Lingen

   Early the next morning, the deer deer flew to Drunken Flower House again by the steel frame, firstly, he asked the demon king how to purchase the things he had taken away, and secondly, he wanted to borrow some Huangxia-grade elixir for emergency.

Drunk Hua was outside the door, and the wolf demon Bu Xiang was on duty again: "Chome, it's really not that I didn't go in and report. Last night, the grandmother of the queen of flowers brought back a demon king, and he hasn't gotten up at this time. How can I dare to go in? Asking Brother Musk to strip my skin is the same."

   The other little demon said so. Looking at Bu Xiang's expression of panic and flattery, it didn't seem to be fake. The deer demon had no choice but to say: "Then move a chair, I sit and wait for the flowers to get up!"


   Since the noon sun was hot, a demon king stretched out slowly, glanced at the white robe demon who was dozing on the chair, and Yukong flew away.

   Bu Xiang went in and asked, and ran out and shouted: "It's up! It's up! Chome, Grandma Huahou called you in."

   Hearing his call, the deer deer came back sober and walked into the center of the drunk flower.

   This time the meeting is not in the hall, but in Huanghuaniang's room.

At this time, the Banshee King was radiant, and a Banshee Ding combed her head, and the Deer Deer came in to salute. The bird's beak was originally made into a pair of male and female swords. It was also tempered for many years. It was very sharp. A hundred years ago, when fighting with people and ruining a female sword, it was incomplete. Xiongjian, the price of two hundred yellow top grades, the latter bargained to one hundred and seven, and allowed him to get close once more, and he paid fifteen copies and paid one hundred and fifty-five to get it."

   just touched his mouth, took a piece of woodpecker and threw it over the beak, Huang Huaniang: "Look at it, can it still work?"

   The deer deer hurriedly caught the big bird's beak and observed it carefully.

This woodpecker's beak was originally made into a sword by the chiseling king, but after discarding it, all the spiritual thoughts attached to it were removed, and it couldn't maintain it and returned to the shape of a bird's beak. At this time, it was about three feet long and full body. With a dark yellow luster.

Although the appearance of    has returned to its original shape, the Chisel Mountain King has been tempered for many years, but it is not fake. Holding it in his hand, he only feels the coldness on the tip of his beak, which is naturally a sharp weapon.

  What kind of look and size you want to make from now on is your own decision. After looking at it for a long time, I was filled with joy, and then I put it in my pocket and said: "After thanking the flower, I will bother for the little demon!"

"Come on, since the operation of the mountain farm has improved, the hand is broad. I don’t like to allow someone to get close to me for the elixir. I always have to close my eyes. It’s only because of my temperament that I am happy enough, otherwise even if I am a demon king, how much What's your taste? This is an exception for you. Don’t think that you will not enjoy yourself in the future. Apart from enjoying the tea garden, in the future...

   The deer demon nodded hurriedly: "The little demon is worshipping at the back door of the flower. If there is a dispatch, I will never slacken the slightest!"

   Replied, the deer demon asked strangely: "Huahou is the demon king, so she is usually a little tighter, and it's just a matter of keeping a little bit less under the sect. How can it be unhappy?"

   Huang Huaniang laughed and said: "When you go out to set up a household, you will know the difficulties of being a family, let's talk about..."

   I don’t know what he thought of, and his smile gradually disappeared: "Twenty-one ancestors in the realm, the number of demon generals is estimated to be two thousand, but the demon king has never exceeded one hundred. What do you know?"

The deer demon shook his head, thinking that there are eleven demon generals in Ten Thousand Flower Valley. If this number is close to the average, more than sixty demon kings will be considered to have 700 demon generals. Pingdingshan is close to the five human monks, but 21 is old. The boundary of the ancestors is more than two thousand miles to the west, and tens of thousands of miles to the north. The further you go north, the farther you are from Pingding Mountain. The demon king is not dense. Two or three times the calculation of the demon king's family demon generals, Huang Huaniang said that the two thousand demon generals are really not an exaggeration, but the single demon generals are not noticed, and many single demon generals did not send gifts yesterday.

With a base number of more than 2,000 demon generals, hundreds of demon kings cannot be promoted, the promotion rate is indeed low. There is the case of the general Jingpingshan Black Bull. In the past, it was hard to find opportunities for promotion. Listen to Huang Huaniang. , In which there is another hidden story?

Seeing that the deer demon couldn't think of it, Huang Huaniang sighed and said: "The demon commander, the mountain lord, can survive with some constraints, but the demon king, ha ha! You know that the twenty-one demon ancestor, only Pingdingshan, can grow seven kinds of things. Mysterious middle-grade elixir?"

Huang Huaniang once said that within a certain range, there is limited aura, too many elixirs are planted, and too many auras are picked. I am afraid that the mountain field will be abolished. Among the demon kings she knows, the mountain field can operate a mysterious level. The middle-grade elixir is already amazing. The six demon kings near Lingtao Peak can fight for medicine. The middle-grade Xuan-level will have a lot of aura to pick up. Only one Pingdingshan will plant seven. A kind of mysterious middle-grade elixir?

From the bronze mirror, the deer deer’s face was full of dazedness. Thinking about the result of the secret inquiry about the deer demon, Huang Huaniang decided to confide some secrets to the deer demon, and shouted: "Xiao Cui first quit, the people outside are called Go further!"

   The banshee who was waiting for her to comb her hair put down the wooden comb, looked at the ugly deer demon in surprise, and then at the banshee king, suddenly covered her mouth with a smile, and trot out.

   It’s just a conversation, why repatriate the left and right? Deer Deer felt a little uneasy in her heart, so she tried her best to be steady on her face.

   Banshee King "chuckled", until she could no longer hear the outside movement, she turned her head and shouted: "Turn around, let me take a look at your font!"

   Although she was caught off guard, in front of the Banshee King, there was no possibility of resisting. The Deer Demon suppressed the panic and turned around to let her read the words.

   Huang Huaniang saw it, of course, the most weird character "Rui".

Reaching out and touching the white robe of the deer demon, and inputting the sense of consciousness for a while, the banshee king said: "Come and comb your hair for the queen, but unfortunately you have been under the'current curse'. Talking on the bed!"

The deer deer tremblingly walked over, picked up the wooden comb, and suddenly thought: "The monster's hair is mostly sparse, and she is not hairy in nature. She can have this long black hair and delicate skin. How much energy is in this appearance, whether it is a demon or a human, a woman spends the same amount of time on appearance!"

   I was distracted and wanted to open it, so my hands stopped shaking, and the wooden comb fell gently to comb the long hair for the Banshee King.

Waiting on him, Huang Huaniang whispered: "Under the heaven, no matter what, the more you go up, the more difficult it is. The demon ancestors want to increase their demon qi, so they have to take the earth-level low-grade elixir, but Where can the Holy Ape Mountain be found for thousands of years? Twenty-one ancestors are herbal medicines and become demons. They have the ability to grow local-level low-grade elixir. Unfortunately, after the Ape Mountain is broken, there is no other mountain peak that has enough aura to grow. For the prefecture-level elixir, when I move to Pingdingshan, I want to change this mountain into the second monkey mountain!"

The demon Bailu combed her hair carefully, not daring to touch her skin, Huang Huaniang continued: "There are elixir in the world that inhales spiritual energy and self-support, and there are also Zhong Xiu spiritual seeds that are self-cultivating and self-contained. As the fundamentals of the world, the ancestors called these things spiritual roots, spiritual roots are ineffective to eat, and there is only the ability to cultivate spiritual energy slowly, but this ability can increase the spiritual energy of the world, so that endless creatures can benefit. Twenty-one ancestors these years, the spirits and elixir have not been eye-catching, each demon king gave gifts, only the spiritual root! He is not the only one, the six ancestors of the holy monkey mountain, they claim to be the most impartial The unjust ancestors are no exception! The demon ancestors will not say anything if they can't give gifts for a few years, but if something happens, don't blame the demon ancestors for not saying anything."

"In this world, the weakest spiritual roots are actually everywhere in the mountains, an old wood, a weed, and once you have a spiritual axis, you will occasionally spit out some spiritual energy to feed back the world, but the amount is too small. I am afraid that the aura released in the year is not enough to raise an influential plant! It is useful if it is stronger than ordinary plants, but it is very rare, and it is no different from ordinary plants. It is a long time to nurture auras, not overnight. , It also reincarns with the four seasons of nature, it is born, old and dead. It is common to see it. It is only a common product. It is extremely difficult to sense. It is the demon kings. There are not many people who can recognize it. Ruiyu, which is capable of sensing spiritual roots, can be discarded after one use, and the price will cost more than a dozen top grades!"

"Even if I recognize it, a few plants have grown hard in my mountain farm, and it's too late to maintain it. Why don't you take it out as a gift? There are so many digs in the mountain farm, the luck is corrupted, and the road to the demon ancestor will be cut off! I had no choice but to steal from the outer field and the single demon general from the mountain field ~ It’s just that the spiritual roots are also involved in the fortune, and the mountain field’s aura is difficult to increase. The road to the Demon King is also much narrower. With so many demon generals, only one or two lucky advancements have been made in the past 100 years. This kind of indecent thing, the demon kings don’t even publicize it. , So you go out and stand on your own, but also be careful, the name of this queen can be used on the bright side, but you can't prevent the demon king who secretly collects the roots of the thief! The demon general’s family ransacked the family to ruin the wealth. It was originally the demon king’s instigation to support him. He wanted to use these demons to secretly inquire about the mountain situation. The elixir was prolific for several years, and most of the spiritual roots were born in the mountain farm. ."

"Those who are bad at abilities can't recognize spiritual roots, and those with bad luck can't find spiritual roots. Buying Narui jade every year is already spending a lot of money. When it's time to give gifts, those who haven't found the spiritual roots have to go out. Buying at a high price, it was really powerless, so I had to dig in my own mountain farm. When I first became the Demon King, I really spent a lot of money to give gifts and was in short supply. Later, through brewing honey, more exotic flowers and exotic species were transplanted. Gradually, I can recognize the spiritual roots. I don’t have to buy that Ruiyu every year, and my hand is becoming more broad. If it is not, there will be stock in the warehouse. I will not dare to buy this for you to prevent it from running out next year. A bird's beak.".

"Since the sacred ape didn’t come out, the ancestors of several ancestors have acted too much. The demon kings have lost their respect, and they don’t call their titles behind their backs. They just call him his real name. , Provoke the monsters below to behave!"

"This spirit root, if the demon king like this empress is transplanted and loses nature, it will be reduced to a common grade. Non-demon ancestors can't move all their tails, so the demon king goes out to gather the spirit roots and step on it first. , Mostly on the first day of Chengzu Festival, September 18th, if you have not stepped on the spot, you must make early plans and ask for purchases from others."

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